page 1 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: Call Number: 1999-036/001 (1) National Film Archives (Canada) 1979-1984 (2) Cineplex Opening Invitee 1979 (3) Canadian Film Digest 1971, 1973 (4) Canadian Production -- Government 1961 (5) Cort -- Bud 1977 (6) Cowan Studio 1959 (7) Canadian Film Archives 1961 (8) Drabinsky 1976-1982 (9) Drabinsky 1976-1982 (10) EC 1977-1979 (11) Explosion -- C.F.D.C. 1970-1971 (12) Explosion 1969-1971 (13) Explosion -- Sol Kaplan 1969 (14) Explosion June 1970 (15) Re: P.P.C.C. 1941-1945 (16) Frost 1951-1952 (17) St. Gomberg 1973 (18) Help Wanted -- Male (19) Helman -- Australia 1977 (20) Invitations 1965-1977 (21) International Council of Shopping Centres 1980-1981 (22) IMAX 1971 (23) Kitchener opening July 1980 (24) Seeleg Lester 1971-1972 (25) "The History of Film Exhibition in Toronto" 1984 (26) Moron -- Mask Publicity 1961 (27) Mask -- Receipts 1962 (28) Canadian Picture Pioneers Gold Book 1960-1961 (29) Ottawa -- Rideau 1981-1982 (30) Personnel Contract Odeon 1941 (31) Odeon 1977 (32) Miscellaneous Stories (33) B'nai Brith October 1980 (34) Twentieth Century Theatres LTD. Report 1935 (35) Pending 1982 (36) Personal Clippings 1949-1976 (37) Personal Reports 1956-1963 (38) Pay T.V., Pond 1976-1977 page 2 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (39) Nat Taylor Property Account 1946-1947 (40) Production Pending, Reincarnate 1970-1971 (41) Production 1968-1972 (42) Pelletier 1968-1970 (43) Pat Pending 1979-1980 (44) Pratley 1958-1965 (45) M.P.I.C. 1964 (46) Meridian Films Limited -- Explosion 1969-1975 (47) Meridian Films Limited -- Explosion 1969-1975 (48) Meridian Films Limited -- Reincarnation 1971-1972 (49) Merritt -- White Limited, Tower Productions (Harold 1970-1972, 1975 Sobel) (50) Meridian Films Limited 1963, 1971-1972 (51) National Film Board -- Correspondence 1963-1971 (52) "N" General Correspondence (53) National Telefilm Associates, Inc. 1972-1974 (54) National Film Services, Inc. 1970-1972 (55) Our Business 1953-1958 (56) IFIDA 1968 (57) Mozart's Divertimento Ad Sheet, Ad Slugs (58) La Ronde (59) Memorabilia 1958-1973 (60) Pending 1974-1977 Call Number: 1999-036/002 (1) 50th Anniversary Osgoode Hall 1980 (2) Premier Operating Corp. Ltd 1965-1972 (3) Ruffman Pondino 1970-1971 (4) "R" General Correspondence 1964-1972 (5) Roffman, Julian 1971-1972 (6) Speech Alberto Tratres Assn. 1975 (7) Deals Pending, 7 Virgins 1967-1968 (8) I. Shapiro (Films Around The World) October 1978-April 1979 (9) Michael Spencer 1969-1970 (10) Roffman -- Devidas 1969-1970 (11) Schorr, Max 1978 (12) Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin, Krim and Ballon (Paul Sawyer) 1962-1971 (13) "S" general Correspondence 1965-1978 (14) Secretary of State 1974-1976 (15) Sussman 1977 page 3 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (16) Speech -- Shaw A. Ramas 1965 (17) Marshall Shacker 1971-1978 (18) Speech -- Trade Show October 8, 1969 (19) Theatre Agencies Limited (Hector H. Ross) 1963-1969 (20) 25th Anniversary Dinner 1960 (21) Gordon Thompson Contract 1968 (22) United Amusements Corporation LTD. 1963-1966 (23) Variety Club Correspondence 1958 (24) Wrong Mountain Production 1968-1969 (25) London Screen Distributers, Eyes of Hell 1971 (26) Memorabilia 1941, 1965-1971 (27) Mask -- Masks 1961 (28) Meridian -- Michael 1959 (29) Motion Picture Institute of Canada, Application for 1969-1970 Charter (30) Multiple 1946-1961 (31) National Film Service, Eyes of Hell, Explosion 1971-1972 (32) Mask -- Reissue 1969-1971 (33) M.P.I.C. -- Can. Prod. 1965 (34) Motion Picture Prod. Council of Canada 1963 (35) Mementos 1941-1973 (36) Montreal -- P.V.M. 1962 (37) Managers Meetings 1968 (38) Motion Picture Institute 1958 (39) Managers Convention 1959 (40) Managers Meeting September 23, 1970 (41) Personal Letters to Managers 1949-1953 (42) Rana -- Poole -- Explosion 1971 (43) Roffman -- Current 1967 (44) Simmonn Deal Pending 1972-1973 (45) Canadian Film Quota 1972 (46) Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letters 1963-1964 (47) Clippings, Mementos 1937-1969 (48) Articles, Nat Taylor 1971 (49) Articles, N. A. Taylor 1965-1966 (50) Bing Crosby Productions 1968-1974 (51) Canadian Film Weekly, Articles by N. A. Taylor 1970, 1979 (52) H. R. W. Morrison Article 1961 (53) Clearances 1935 (54) E. Harris, Toronto House 1935 (55) Canadian Picture Pioneers Jubilee Awards Dinner 1978 page 4 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (56) Peter Fenn, Democ Consult 1998 (57) The Electronic Cinema (58) Articles, Clippings 1955-1964 (59) Articles, Clippings 1955-1965 (60) Meridian Films Ltd. Amalgamation Publicity 1960 Recommendation (61) Photographs Lougheed Mall Opening December 5, 1969 (62) Photographs 1965 Call Number: 1999-036/003 (1) Cineplex Opening 1979-1980 (2) John Fisher, Canadian Cavalcade 1965 (3) Fitzgibbons 1954-1964 (4) Interfilm -- Quasrant 1971 (5) Howard KDCM 1961-1962 (6) Meridian 1962-1963 (7) M.P. Inst. of Can. (8) N.F.B. 1959 (9) Odeon Notes 1941 (10) Woolnop -- Ponding, Young Evil 1959-1968 (11) Montreal November 5, 1965 (12) Speeches -- Managers Convention 1963-1965 (13) "The Well" Julian Roffman and Ben Barzman 1959-1960 (14) Bricken 1968-1971 (15) Tony Bonnor 1971-1972 (16) Bernstoin 1971 (17) Speech -- B'nai Brith October 15, 1980 (18) Cineplex -- Pending 1972-1973 (19) Co-Productions, N.F.B. 1963 (20) C.F.D.C. -- Explosion 1970 (21) Canadian Film Digest Column 1971 (22) Cdn. Film Association 1966 (23) Canadian Film Development Corp. 1959-1972 (24) Canadian Production Subsidy 1961-1967 (25) Column -- Film Weekly 1963 (26) Divertimento 1974-1975 (27) Divertimento 1974 (28) Divertimento 1974 (29) George Destounis 1971-1977 (30) Dins Pending 1975-1978 page 5 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (31) De Vidas 1973 (32) De Vidas, Pending August 1971 (33) Dip Bag 1966 (34) Explosion -- Sales 1969-1970 (35) Neg. -- Explosion to Spain 1970-1971 (36) Explosion Foreign Sales 1970-1971 (37) Eyes of Hell 1972 (38) Explosion TV deal, Pending 1972-1974 (39) F.P. 1980 (40) Front Page Challenge 1967 (41) Famous Lake Worth 1974-1976 (42) Film Weekly Ads 1949-1961 (43) Lou Greenspan 1967 (44) Michael L. Green LTD. 1963-1975 (45) Government -- Correspondence Re: Film Industry 1963-1972 (46) T. R. Harris 1964 (47) Invitation List Party September 6, 1969 (48) International Film Distributions LTD. 1971-1974 (49) Goldberg Lester et al 1969-1970 (50) Lion International Films LTD. 1965-1972 (51) Cineplex Opening, 1982, Photographs 1982 (52) Production Pending 1959-1962 (53) Golf 1972 (54) Invitees Cineplex Gala April 7, 1979 (55) Publications 1935-1959 (56) Toronto Planning 1949 (57) York University 1983 (58) Cineplex 1980 (59) Articles, Film World 1980 (60) The Savoy and Its Story (61) Articles 1965-1966 (62) A.B.C. Cinemas 1967-1982 (63) Australia 1975-1981 (64) Leslie Allen 1979-1982 (65) Board of Broadcast Governors, Submission to 1959 (66) Paul Bloch 1966-1967 (67) Building Development (68) B.B.G. 1959 (69) Publicity -- Beaver Champion 1960 (70) Bloody Brood -- Publicity and Reviews 1959-1960 page 6 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: Call Number: 1999-036/004 (1) Beaver -- Champion Attractions 1960 (2) Bossin Estate Pending 1963-1970 (3) B.C.P. -- Schwimmer 1968-1969 (4) Henry Comir 1971-1972 (5) Column 1953-1954 (6) Column 1970 (7) CJOH Bernstein Pending 1971 (8) Canadian Film Academy 1969 (9) Cry Terror 1967-1968 (10) Cry Terror 1967-1968 (11) Class reunion 1970 (12) Combines Inv. Act 1963 (13) Michael Bramhead Divertments 1974 (14) Explosion -- Cannon Pending 1970-1971 (15) Europe, Correspondence 1951 (16) Execution 1959-1962 (17) Explosion 1970 (18) F.P. Deal 1959 (19) Rabbi Feinberg 1952-1986 (20) Film Magazine 1964-1972 (21) Fingerprints 1977 (22) Harry Greenberg 1969 (23) Green Meadows 1956 (24) House -- 21 Mason 1967-1968 (25) Heirlooms 1959 (26) Holy Blossom Temple 1967-1983 (27) Legal 1969 (28) Hollywood trip 1944 (29) Hunger for Loving 1962-1971 (30) Jack Labow 1958-1961 (31) Lamuntagne 1964 (32) Levine -- Hunger for Loving 1964-1965 (33) Joe Levine 1961-1964 (34) Managers Meetings 1956 (35) Miscellaneous 1963-1968 (36) N.A.T.R. Personal Associated 1928-1935 (37) New York 1961-1962 (38) Our Business page 7 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (39) Pensions 1966-1972 (40) John Pratt 1961-1962 (41) Roffman 1960-1967 (42) Hector Ross Pending 1967 (43) Roffman Pending 1964 (44) Roffman Prud Duals Pending 1968 (45) Rossy Kettner 1968-1969 (46) Hector Ross 1967 (47) Roffman Pending 1964 (48) Hector Ross -- Pending 1964-1965 (49) Roffman -- Production Deals Pending 1962-1953 (50) Hector Ross 1968 (51) Roffman Pending 1959-1964 (52) Scrap Book 1958-1959 (53) Small Town Exhibitions 1965 (54) Silver Anniversary Turn-Downs 1960 (55) Tantarr -- Explosion 1970-1971 (56) Taylor-Roffman Productions 1961-1964 (57) Toll TV and Telemeter 1959-1964 (58) Ulysses (censor) 1967 (59) Variety Hear Award April 22, 1969 (60) The Well 1962-1963 (61) Cineplex 1960-1973 (62) Burke-Graham 1974-1975 (63) Bushnell Sale 1974-1976 (64) Bushnell 1965-1971 (65) Bushnell 1959-1972 Call Number: 1999-036/005 (1) Canadian Features 1967-1968 (2) Clippings 1944-1956 (3) Column 1965 (4) Cannes 1979 (5) Cassettes -- E.V.R. 1969-1970 (6) Cineplex -- Equipment 1978 (7) Cinema showcase 1966-1967 (8) Gordon Cooper Tax case 1979 (9) Canadian Film Archives 1972 (10) Censorship 1974-1980 (11) Censorship 1968-1980 page 8 Nat Taylor fonds Inventory #183 File: Title: Date(s): Note: (12) Canada Pud -- Subs 1969-1980 (13) Dubbing 1960 (14) Felix de Vidas -- Explosion 1970-1971 (15) Eyes of Hell USA and GB 1970-1971 (16) A.I.P. Eyes of Hell 1968-1970 (17) Pelz Eyes of Hell reissue 1971 (18) Eyes of Hell and Explosion Misc.
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