Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Stone-Campbell Books Stone-Campbell Resources 1958 The Harvest Field: 1958 Edition Howard L. Schug J.W. Treat Robert L. Johnston Jr. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books Part of the African Languages and Societies Commons, Biblical Studies Commons, Chinese Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, Dutch Studies Commons, English Language and Literature Commons, European Languages and Societies Commons, Hawaiian Studies Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Japanese Studies Commons, Korean Studies Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Scandinavian Studies Commons, and the Slavic Languages and Societies Commons Recommended Citation Schug, Howard L.; Treat, J.W.; and Johnston, Robert L. Jr., "The Harvest Field: 1958 Edition" (1958). Stone- Campbell Books. 180. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/180 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Stone-Campbell Resources at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stone-Campbell Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Study to show thyself CONTACT ADDRESS Jane Davenport approved unto God, LaVergne Church of Christ a workman that needeth not be ashamed , 244 Old Nashville Highway rightl y divided LaVergne, 1N 37086 the word of truth . 2 Timothy 2: 15 K]V The Harvest Field 1958 Edition Copyright 1958 By TH E C. E. I. PUBLISHI NG Co. ~~©~~©~~C';)~~~~~<::)~~ec:,""­ .&:n~C;:)~~ -~~~~~~C;;)~~~~~~ The HAR VEST FIELD 1958 Edition Howard L. Schug, J. W. Treat , Robert L. Johnston, Jr. Editors Publi~hed br TH:E C. E. I. PUBLISHING CO. Athens, Ala. ~~<::) -~~©~~©~~e;:i~~©~~ e -~~ ~C;?~ ~~~ ~C;?~ ~C;?...&:n ~C;?~ ~ CONTENTS The Value of a Human Soul - E.W. McMillan 7 The Southeastern States - Benni e Lee Fud ge ............ 10 The North eastern States - Ralph V. Graham .............. 14 The ew England Work - J. Harold Thoma s ............................ 24 The North Central States - Monro e E. Hawley ..... ......... .. 28 The Chur ch in the Mountain States - W. Clinton Brazl e 42 The Pacifi c State s - Ja ck W. Bates .... 51 The Southwest Is a Mission Field Too - Reuel Lemmon s ....... 57 Work Among the Negroes of the United States - J. W. Brents ... 61 Work Amon g the Spanish -Speaking People of the United States - Mack Kercheville ..... .. ... ............. ...... ... ... 66 Hawaii - Crossroads of the Pa cific - Lynn Cook . ...... .... 76 Prea chin g in Mexico - Pedro R. Rivas .. ........... .. ... 80 The Gospel in Cuba - J. R. Jim enez ..... ................. 94 Panama and the Canal Zone - J . W. Tr eat ................. 101 The Church in Puerto Rico - J. W. Tr eat . .............. .. ....... 103 Latin America - J. W. Tr eat . ........... 106 Canada - J . C. Baile y ....... 113 The Chur ch in Britain - Len Channing . ...... 122 The Church in Scandinavi a - Heber Taylor .... ......... 131 Opportuniti es in Scan dinavi a - Carrel Anderson .......... ........... 133 The Work in Germanr - Weldon B. Bennett .135 Looki1}g al: Holland - Frank Wor gan . 145 Bringing Christ l:o Belgium - S. F. Timm erman . ........ ..154 The Lord's Work in Fran ce - Maurice C. Hall . .... 160 They of Italy - Cline R. Pad en .. .. ........ .. ... 170 Opportuniti es in Austria - Bob Skelton ... .. 179 Switzerland for Christ - John T. McKinney ......... ..184 The Church in Poland - Carl Spain . ...................... .192 The Church in Russia - Carl Spain .................. ....... ... ...201 The Church in Jap an - Logan J. Fox ...... .211 Korea - High and Clear - L. Ha skell Chesshir .... 219 China - George S. Benson .... 225 India - Glenn L. Wallace .227 The Church in the Philippin es - Ralph F. Brashears ..... .....2 31 Thailand - A New Field in Asia - Park er L. Henderson ......24 4 Australia and ew Zealand - T. H. Tarb et, Jr. .. 248 The Union of South Afri ca -- John T. Hardin . 253 The Federa tion of Rhod esia and Nyasaland - W. N. Short .264, Bible Trainin g in Tan ganyika - Al J . Horne . ······ ...272 The Chur ch in Nigeria - Lucien Palm er . ......... 275 It Pays To Do Mission Work - M. Norvel Young . .... 288 Being All Things to All Men - J. P. Gibson ..... 294 Addresses in Foreign Lands - The Editor s 311 IN APPRECIATION This book is a monument to the devotion and zeal of the senior editor, Howard L. Schu g, who spent his seventy-seventh birthday worki ng on the manu script. Bro. Schug ha s possibly done more than any other one person m modern times to encourage the spread of the gospel around the world. A large percenta ge of the consecrated men and women whose stories fill these pa ges received their inspiration to enter the harv est fields from Bro. Schug. We also acknowledge with sincere appreciation the work done on this volume by the two associate editors and the many contrib u­ tors. May we all lift up our eyes and look on the fields that are whit e unto the harvest. Th e Publisher s The Value of a Human Soul E. W. McMillan It was a heart-searching qu estion that the little boy put to his father when he asked, "Daddy, do you have your soul insur ed?" His father inquired what made him ask such a qu estion and what he meant by it. The child repli ed: " I heard the preacher at church last night say that the soul is worth mor e than all the world, and I heard you tell Uncle Tom this morning that his house is worth too much for him not to carry insurance on it. I was just wondering if you had insured your soul." He had not. The son was not old enough to understand all about when and how souls are really insured, but he knew his father was not going to church services, and there were other things that made him wonder, too. The oldest consecutive story in print or on earth is the story of the Old Testament preparation for the comin g of our Lord as Savior of the world. From the fall of Adam and Eve that story runs up and down the human graph of four thousand years and finally leads up a long hill , ending on a cross between two thiev es. Ther e amid the grief of his friend s and the jeers of his enemies Christ, the Lord, died. Why? He did it to write an insuran ce policy on every soul in the world. He sealed it in his blood and guarant eed it with the Bank of Grace in heaven. The pr emium payments on the part of men are named in terms of character alone; the fac e of the policy reads, "Life Eterna l Herea fter." 0 man , whoever you are, is your soul insured? Why has God gone to such large efforts to save this soul? It is because it is an offspring of his own soul. It is an eterna l spark of him self; consequently, it can never die. It must live on this eart h in filth and disgrace, or it mu st live in honor and beauty. Then when it is done with Tim e it must go on to either hell or heaven. God does not wish that anything of hi s nature should be degrad ed on ear th or lost hereaft er. God has provided, therefore, all the grace that is 7 8 TH E HARVEST FIELD necessary for that invaluabl e soul to be cleansed on earth and saved in the life to come. But there is another reason, also, why God has done so much to save people. He loves them with a love that does not die. He is conscious of all the peoples of earth all the tim e; he knows how near and how far they are from hi s mercy ; he sees how many opp or­ tuniti es they pass by for their salvation ; he knows all the neglects of chur ch members in not tr ying to save them. He sees the stru ggles of all flesh for thin gs which peri sh with the using, an d how littl e they are concern ed about the most valuabl e thin g- the soul. But their neglects and disobedien ce do not change him , for he loves with a love that never fail s. At the pr esent, the majority of souls in the world ar e not saved. They ar e lost and doomed, because the Lord's agents have not carri ed the message of salvation to them. Tho se who ar e trying to teach th em are regard ed often as begga rs because they ask others to furn ish the money for them to live whil e pr eaching and teachin g the gospel. If today were the jud gment day an d all of us were standin g be­ fore Christ, the Ju dge ; and if the heathen, speaki ng throu gh some repr esentative, should ask one of us, "Wh y was your God so par tial as to give you knowledge of his will and not give us that knowledge ?" what answer would you give him ? And what answer would we give Chri st if he should look over our record and say, " Some of it is rather good, but I find no account of where you ever saved a single perso n, or sent a missionar y anywh ere. That was lar gely what you were saved for-t o save others. Wh y did you not seem to tr y at all?" What good explanation can we make even to our selves that we who claim to be " the chur ch of Christ" have the lowest statistical record of all peoples in the one great gospel assignment - "Go, pr each the gospel to every creature"? A great inventor was asked once, "What do you consider your greatest discovery?" The wise man an swered, "My greatest discovery was the discovery of Jesus Christ as my Savior.
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