2/2008 2/20082/2008 Call for Papers 2/2008 Call forChina Papers aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- nationally refereed academic journal published by the GIGA Institute ChinaCall aktuellof for Asian – Papers JournalStudies, ofHamburg. Current TheChinese quarterly Affairs journal is focusesan inter- on current 2/2008 nationally developmentsrefereed academic in Greater journal China. published It has by a thecirculation GIGA Institute of 1,200 copies, China aktuell – Journal of Current Chinese Affairs is an inter- 2/2008 2/2008 of Asiannationally Studies,making refereed Hamburg.it one academicof the The world’s quarterly journal most publishedjournal widely focuses bydistributed the on GIGA current periodicals Institute on developmentsof AsianAsian Studies,in affairs,Greater Hamburg. andChina. reaches ItThe has quarterly a acirculation broad journal readershipof focuses1,200 copies, onin currentacademia, 2/2008 makingdevelopments it administrationone of the in world’sGreater and business mostChina. widely It circles.has distributed a circulation Articles periodicals shouldof 1,200 be oncopies, written in Asianmaking affairs,German it oneand or of Englishreaches the world’s and a submitted broadmost widelyreadership exclusively distributed into thisacademia, periodicals publication. on administrationAsian affairs, and businessand reaches circles. a Articlesbroad shouldreadership be writtenin academia, in German orChina English aktuell and issubmitted devoted exclusivelyto the transfer to this of scholarlypublication. insights to a wide administrationaudience. Theand topicsbusiness covered circles. should Articles therefore should not beonly written be orientated in ChinaGerman aktuelltowards isor devotedEnglish specialists andto the submitted transferin Chinese exclusivelyof scholarly affairs, to insights thisbut publication.should to a wide also be of The Beijing Olympics: Political, Social, and audience.Chinarelevance The aktuell topics is to devotedcovered readers to shouldwith the a transfer practicaltherefore of interest scholarlynot only in be theinsights orientated region. to a wide towardsaudience. specialists The topicsin Chinese covered affairs,should thereforebut should not onlyalso be be orientated of Economic Implications of a Sports Mega-Event relevanceThe to readers editors withwelcome a practical contributions interest inon the contemporary region. China, including The Beijing Olympics: Political, Social, and towardsHong specialists Kong, Macau in andChinese Taiwan, affairs, that arebut concerned should alsowith thebe fieldsof of EconomicTheJ Beijing Implications Olympics: of a Political, Sports Mega-Event Social, and The editorsrelevanceinternational welcome to readers contributions relations, with a practical onpolitics, contemporary interest economics, in theChina, region. society, including education, The Beijing Olympics and the Art of Nation-State Hong Kong,environment Macau and or Taiwan, law. thatArticles are concernedshould be with theoretically the fields ofgrounded, EconomicMaintenance Implications of a Sports Mega-Event The editors welcome contributions on contemporary China, including J The Beijing Olympics and the Art of Nation-State internationalHongempirically Kong, relations, Macau sound andpolitics, and Taiwan, reflecteconomics, that the are state concerned society, of the witharteducation, inthe contemporary fields of MaintenanceJ environmentinternationalChinese or law. studies.relations, Articles politics, should economics,be theoretically society, grounded, education, TheJ “ActuallyBeijing Olympics Existing” and Olympism the Art of – Nation-StateThe Beijing 2008 empiricallyenvironment sound andor law.reflect Articles the state should of the be arttheoretically in contemporary grounded, MaintenanceGames and China’s Neoliberal Project Chinese studies.All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed for acceptance, and the editors J “Actually Existing” Olympism – The Beijing 2008 empiricallywill respond sound withinand reflect three the months. state ofResearch the art inarticles contemporary should not All manuscriptsChineseexceed studies. will 10,000 be peer-reviewed words (incl. forfootnotes acceptance, and references).and the editors Manuscripts GamesJ “ActuallyJ andFootball, China’s Existing” Nationalism, Neoliberal Olympism Project and –Fan The Violence Beijing 2008in China will respondAll manuscriptsshould within be willthreesubmitted be peer-reviewedmonths. to theResearch editors for acceptance, articlesin electronic should and the form:not editors <china- Games and China’s Neoliberal Project J exceedwill 10,000 [email protected]>.respond words within (incl. three footnotes months. Forand detailed Researchreferences). submission articles Manuscripts should guidelines not see: Football,J ChinaNationalism, Is Big News! and Fan î InternationalViolence in China Media Relations by shouldexceed be<www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>. submitted 10,000 words to the(incl. editors footnotes in electronicand references). form: <china-Manuscripts J Football,Multinational Nationalism, Enterprises and Fan in Violence China in China [email protected]>.should be submitted Forto the detailed editors submission in electronic guidelines form: see: <china- J China Is Big News! î International Media Relations by <www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>. [email protected]>.Recent topics: For detailed submission guidelines see: MultinationalJ China Is BigEnterprises News! î in International China Media Relations by <www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/stylesheet>. Recent topics:x Flexibility and Security in the People’s Republic of China MultinationalJ The 2008 EnterprisesBeijing Olympic in China Torch Relay: Chinese and x Democratization of the PR China and Military Conflict in the Western Narratives x Recent topics: J Flexibility andTaiwan Security Strait in the People’s Republic of China The 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch Relay: Chinese and x x WesternJ Narratives DemocratizationFlexibilityx The Politics and of theSecurity of PR China’s China in the ‘Green and People’s Military GDP’ Republic Conflict of in Chinathe TheJ Wirtschaftliche2008 Beijing Olympic Dimensionen Torch Relay:der Olympischen Chinese and Spiele in Taiwanx Strait Western Narratives Democratizationx New Media, ofSexual the PR Politics, China Ethicsand Military and State Conflict Control in the Beijing: Wer werden die Gewinner sein? x The PoliticsTaiwan of Strait China’s ‘Green GDP’ J Wirtschaftliche Dimensionen der Olympischen Spiele in x Newx Media,The Politics Sexual of China’sPolitics, ‘GreenEthics andGDP’ State Control Beijing:J WirtschaftlicheJ WerEine werden neue Runde Dimensionendie Gewinner der Strukturreform dersein? Olympischen des Staatsrats Spiele in x NewEditors: Media, Karsten Sexual Giese Politics, • Heike EthicsHolbig and State Control Beijing: Wer werden die Gewinner sein? J GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies Eine JneueChina’s Runde Water der Strukturreform Market – Opportunities des Staatsrats for Foreign Editors: KarstenInstitute Giese of Asian • Heike Studies Holbig J EineInvestors neue Runde der Strukturreform des Staatsrats GIGA Editors:GermanRothenbaumchaussee Karsten Institute Giese of Global • Heike and 32 Holbig •Area 20148 Studies Hamburg • Germany J China’s Water Market – Opportunities for Foreign Institute of Phone:Asian Studies +49 40 4288740 • Fax: +49 40 4107945 GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies InvestorsJ China’sJ Water Market – Opportunities for Foreign RothenbaumchausseeWebsite: www.giga-hamburg.de 32 • 20148 Hamburg • Germany Taiwan vollendet den Machtwechsel Institute of Asian Studies Phone: +49 40 4288740 • Fax: +49 40 4107945 Investors Rothenbaumchaussee 32 • 20148 Hamburg • Germany Website: www.giga-hamburg.de J Taiwan vollendet den Machtwechsel Phone: +49 40 4288740 • Fax: +49 40 4107945 J China aktuell Data Supplement Website: www.giga-hamburg.de J Taiwan vollendet den Machtwechsel www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/cds J China aktuell Data Supplement wJww.Chinagiga-hambur aktuell Datag.de/ias/cds Supplement ISSN 0341-6631 www.giga-hamburg.de/ias/cds ISSN 0341-6631 ISSN 0341-6631 5 5 China aktuell 2/2008 5 Studie The Beijing Olympics and the Art of Nation-State Maintenance Jeroen de Kloet, Gladys Pak Lei Chong, and Wei Liu Abstract This article maps out how different actors are involved in the promotion and mediation of the Olympics. It looks at the roles of, first, the nation-state, through an analysis of the promotional materials; second, the art world and global companies, through an analysis of the touring exhibition “Sport in Art” and the Beijing art district 798; and third, the Western press and activists, through a brief analysis of the critique of the Games in the Netherlands and the Chinese response to that critique. Our analysis shows that the imageries promoting the Games are never fully under control of their producers. The Beijing Olympics, we argue, should be perceived as a field of contestation, in which conflicting discourses, constituted by different regimes of truth produced by distinct interest groups, vie for global attention.(Manuscript received February 25, 2008; accepted for publication April 1, 2008) Keywords: China, Beijing Olympics, media, art The Authors Jeroen de Kloet is assistant professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amster- dam and works on the cultural implications of globalisation in China. E-Mail: [email protected] Gladys Pak Lei Chong is pursuing a PhD program in the Department of Media Studies, University
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