Cents BROAD ,aD .. r"rp tt''>'' 21 cr° THE BUSINESSWEEa6LY 1C Zpi1 Yp lity T18 OCTOBER 15, 1962 Clears want radio's 24- year -old power limit A special report: how the foreign tv markst raised; will ask 500 -750 kw 27 is booming 75 How to cope with the candidates: FCC gives Current trends in government regulation answers to 87 problems 107 draw dissent from Hyde 52 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 We sell popcorn and paint and applesauce and drugs and shoe polish and soap. The people who make these and many other products are sold on the selling ability of the YANKEE NETWORK. (The only network that covers 96% of New England). They rely on our power to move a mountain of their goods. We (deliver! We can for you! THE YANKEE NETWORK -THE ONE BUY THAT COVERS ALL NEW ENGLAND THE YANKEE NETWORK 21 BROOKLINE AVE. BOSTON 15, MASS. CO 6 -0800 NATL. SALES DIV. TIME & LIFE BLDG., ROCKEFELLER CTR., N. Y., LO 4- 8000 /A DIVISION OF RKO GENERAL INC. YANKEE MARKETS: Key Station: WNAC, Boston, Massachusetts. CONNECTICUT: Bridgeport, Hartford, New London, Torrington, Waterbury. MAINE: Augusta, Bangor, Biddeford, Lewiston, Port- land, Presque Isle. MASSACHUSETTS: Boston, Fall River, Fitch- burg, Greenfield, Hyannis, Lowell, Northampton, Pittsfield, Springfield, Ware, Worcester. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Claremont, Con- cord, Hanover, Keene, Manchester. RHODE ISLAND: Provi- dence, Westerly. VERMONT: Brattleboro, Rutland, Waterbury. MEN AT WORK IN THE JOHNSTOWN -ALTOONA MARKET Here's an area where industry is making multi- million dollar investments in plants and equip- ment ... where major utilities are expanding .. where highway construction, and school building public works programs are at an all -time high. All these factors are pumping new vitality into payrolls and purchasing power. IT'S TIME TO PUT WJAC -TV TO WORK FOR YOU! In this Johnstown -Altoona Market, your best salesman is WJAC -TV- -the station that reaches more of the people, more of the time. And, as you well know, the more calls you make, the more sales you garner. Get all the marketing facts from Harrington, Righter and Parsons, Inc. SERVING MILLIONS FROM ATOP THE ALLEGHENIES ANilieMd vi,h WJAC- AM . rM The Johnstown Tribune -Democrat Stations the N7W of ' Lou is Working with the League of Women Voters in August, KTVI brought together candidates seeking the office of County Supervisor. For one prime -time hour, viewers telephoned questions to the League at our studios. The candidates replied on camera. After the pro- gram, St. Louisans were better equipped to make an informed decision. Follow-up: This month, before Novemuer elections, six more prime -time programs in the "Call the Candidate" series. Another reason why the Spirit of St. Louis is reflect- ed on KTVI -and why that spirit is New. television 2 Facts & Figures The NSI Average Week & Four Week -Cumulative Re- port for August, 1962, shows KRLD -TV to be 22.3% ahead of Station B in Homes Reached, 52.8% ahead of Station C, and 119.6% ahead of Station D. Take advantage of Chan- nel 4's domination - proven season after season, rating period after rating period. See your Advertising Time Sales representative. represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc. Clyde W, Rembert, President MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, October 15, 1962 Best bet: Collins will stay Now they're speculating about NAB CLOSED CIRCUIT President LeRoy Collins running for his old office of governor of Florida suspense until year's grace sought in Educational politics in 1964 but, at this stage, indications House resolution has expired in July are he won't. In Oct. 9 Tampa 1963. FCC is bothered by language Staff proposed FCC directive that Tribune, political writer Vernon Brad- of proposed order denying reconsid- educational tv stations should make their facilities ford said Mr. Collins "might make eration and seeks to find way "out of available for political an unprecedented bid again for the the congressional dilemma." Thus broadcasts (CLOSED CIRCUIT, Oct. 9) job if there was enough pressure from far approval in principle only has been has run into stiff opposition among friends." Gov. Collins repeatedly has given. commissioners. New directive for commercial stations was released last said he isn't candidate and intends Battle for 14, 15? staying with NAB. week (see page 107) and etv state- Mobile communications group lead- ment was on meeting agenda but Gov. Collins now is winding up ing forces seeking uhf chs. 14 and 15 passed over. Staff is still working on second year of his three -year contract from tv may not realize it but broad- final draft of policy statement but as NAB president at $75,000 per year, cast engineers familiar with their op- officials said its chances of being re- plus allowances. Prior to NAB's erations are all set to rebut their con- leased soon are no better than even. winter board meeting Jan. 13 -18 at tentions, i.e., 450 -470 me band, now Camelback in Phoenix, top -level board allocated for mobile users, is not Equal exposure committee will negotiate with him on being fully used; number of circuits extension of his contract beyond Jan- New and fresh approach to "equal can be doubled if channel splitting uary 1964 in keeping with provision time" precept evolved by WBML were authorized, and some areas as- for year's advance notice. Even though Macon is arousing interest of Georgia signed to railroads, fire safety serv- all hasn't been serene, there's no legislators and may be emulated else- ices, etc. are sparcely occupied and doubt that Gov. Collins can get con- where. When Macon Telegraph at- be transferred to heavy users tract extension for asking. Board com- could tacked Georgia's senior senator, Rich- mittee comprises Clair McCollough, like taxicabs or industry systems. ard B. Russell (D.), last Tuesday, Steinman Stations, joint board chair- Busy Telstar Oct. 9 because of his stand on U. of man; and chairmen and vice chair- Mississippi integration crisis, George men of radio and television boards: Though eventual tv use of space W. Patton, general manager, offered Willard Schroeder, WOOD Grand satellites is expected to be primarily senator equal exposure on WBML. Rapids, Ben Strouse, WWDC-FM for big events, a la last week's open- Eight- minute taped reply was carried Washington for radio; William B. ing of Ecumenical Council, AT &T's four times on same -day. Telstar has been averaging tv usage Quarton, WMT -TV Cedar Rapids, Senator Russell, leader of southern James D. Russell, Colorado about once every two days. AT &T KKTV block, said he was pleased to be given Springs for television. records show it was used for trans- atlantic black- and -white tv 37 times opportunity to answer newspaper and Spinning their wheels? between July 10 launching and Sept. was most favorably disposed to use 28; for color tv five times and for of time to answer printed attack. Mr. Clear channel stations which plan radio six. Usage ranged from four Patton reports other stations in area to file applications for higher power or five minutes to well over half - have indicated they will adopt same (see page 27) will be wasting their hour per pass. AT&T authorities method and Mr. Patton said he in- time and money, says one highly haven't developed rates and decline tends to pursue policy in his single placed FCC official. Official said ap- to estimate what this usage -provided newspaper ownership market. plications would be unacceptable for free -would be worth in money. two reasons: (1) freeze currently in Meanwhile Telstar's usable periods Children and tv research force against applications for major have been gradually shortening; it is Government officials are expressing changes in facilities of existing am due to be out of reach for any use stations (which FCC last week refused concern over delay in getting proposed from Sept. 23 until early January, long -range research project on tele- to reconsider, see page 46); (2) they when it will begin edging back into would entail lifting of limit on powers vision's effect on children underway. range time. Plans for project, to be sponsored by in excess of 50 kw -House resolution Dept. of Health, Education & Wel- urging higher powers notwithstanding. Filmways proposal fare, were announced in July by form- Some clear channel outlets have dis- Negotiations said to be underway er HEW Secretary Abraham A. Ribi- cussed application proposal with FCC whereby Filmways' production facili- coff (BROADCASTING, July 9). First and were advised not to file, official ties in New York will be leased for step is to be series of conferences in said. tv commercials. Under terms, subject which educators and specialists in tele- FCC held special meeting last to approval of board and by stock- vision and child welfare will outline Thursday on clear channels and in- holders, principal employes would research projects. But steering com- structed staff to draft document pro- lease and run facilities. Bulk of Film - mittee appointed to make arrange- posing denial of petitions for recon- ways' operation now is in Hollywood, ments for these conferences, has been sideration of breakdown of 13 clears. accounting for 1 of its gross. West unable to agree on methods. Group Also discussed were conflicting Sen- coast offices direct four areas of ac- has held two meetings, both largely ate and House resolutions on maxi- tivity: Motion picture production; tv fruitless. Another is scheduled for mum permissible powers. While ap- film programs (Mr. Ed and Beverly next month. Government official hint- plications for new stations to dupli- Hillbillies on CBS -TV); co- production ed if that is unsuccessful in settling cate clears would be allowed during of tv commercials with MGM; over- "many issues" remaining, HEW may freeze, FCC intends to hold them in seas sales (tv film and commercials).
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