I CHAPTERS 13 TO 17 I VOCABULARY FOR REVIEW Name Date ____ Period ______ Note: this list includes ott numerical adjectives, att adverbs, att neuer nouns, and att irregulm" verbs seen so far. NOUNS caupo, cauponis, m., innkeeper 3rd Declension civis, civis, gen. pl., civium, incolumis, unhurt, safe and m.lf., citizen sound 1st Declension homines, hominum, m. pl., people auriga, -ae, m., charioteer hospes, hospitis, m.lf., friend caupona, -ae, f., inn NUMERICAL iter, itineris, n.,journey ADJECTIVES culpa, -ae, f., fault, blame murmur, murmuris, n., domina, -ae, f., mistress, lady mU1"1nU1; rumble unus, -a,-um,one a/the house Neapolis, Neapolis, f., Naples pila, -ac, f., batt duo, duae, duo, two nomen, nominis, n., name tres, tres, tria, tbree rota, -ae, f., wheel onus, oneris, n., load, burden virga, -ae, f., stick, rod, switch quattuor (inded.), four nubes, niibis, gen. pl., quinque (indecl.),five 2nd Declension niibiulD, f., cloud sex (inded.), six pars, partis, gen. pl., septem (inded.), seven aedificium, -I, n., building partium, f., part, direction octo (inded.), eight animus, -I, m., mind pes, pedis, m., foot novem (inded.), nine auxilium, -I, n., help 'ti pulvis, pulveris, m., dust decem (inded.), ten "> baculum, -I, n., stick, staff tempus, temporis, n., time OJ qUinquaginta (inded.), II> caelum, -1, n., sky ~ fifty cisium, -I, n., light two-wheeled E'" centum (indecl.), a hundl'ed .~ cm'ri{lge ADJECTIVES quingentl, -ae, -a, five <i: cubiculum, -I, n., rOO'flt, .. hundred bedroom 1st and 2nd Declension mille (inded.), a thousand ~ iocus, -I, m.,joke, prank secundus, -a, -urn, second '" olIvetum, -I, n., olive grove .~... alter... alter, the one...the other septimus, -a, -urn, seventh 0 periculum, -I, n., dangel' ~ dirissimus, -a, -urn, dem'est nonus, -a, -urn, ninth .£ plaustrum, -I, n., wagon, ca1·t c commotus, -a, -urn, moved decimus, -a, -urn, tenth .2 rusticus, -I, m., peasant cuncti, -ae, -a, att iindecimus, -a, -urn, 'iii silentium, -I, n., silence -0'" fatuus, -a, -um, stupid eleventh w'" c tabellarius, -1, m., courier Graecus, -a, -urn, Greek 0 ~ vehiculum, -1, n., vehicle longus, -a, -urn, long '" Q." vestigium, -1, n., track, @ mortuus, -a, -urn, dead PERSONAL footp1'int, trace noster, nostta, nostrum, our PRONOUNS novus, -a,-um,new 3rd Declension periculosus, -a, -urn, dangerous (is, ea, id) eius, eum, earn. ars, artis, gen. pl., arrium, f., praeclarus, -a, -urn, eos, eas, !:Jim, hel; it, them, skill distinguished, famous etc. bos, bovis, m.lf., ox, cow tardus,-a,-um,dow ilia, she CHAPTERS 13 TO 17 VOCABl}LARY FOR REviEW 133 Name Date Period ADVERBS PREPOSITIONS 3rd Conjugation -io excipio, excipere, to welcome, adhuc, still ab or a, + abl., from receive, catch celeriter, quickly apud, + ace., with celerrime, very fost, very de, + abL, down from, 4th Conjugation quickly concerning, about cras, tomorrow aperio, aperire, to open deinde, then, next custodio, custodire, to guard diu, fol' a long time VERBS ferio, feriee, to hit, strike etiam, also, even scio, scire, to know ferociter, fiercely 1at Conjugation fortasse,perhaps Irregular frostra, in vain cesso, cessare, to be idle, do rurtim, stealthily nothing eo, ire, on go abeo, abire, to go away hie, hel'e exspecto, exspectare, to look hodie, today out for, wait for exeo, exire, to go out iam, now, already interpello, interpellare, to praetereo, praeterire, to go ibi, there interrupt past identidem, again and again, pernocto, pernoctare, to redeo, redire, to return repeatedly spend the night fero, ferre, to bring, carry, bear interea, meanwhile vito, vitare, to avoid nolo, nolle, not to wish, not to want, to be unwilling Ita vero! l~s! Indeed! voco, vocare, to call itaque, and so, therefore possum, posse, to be able, I can sum, esse, to be iterum, again, a second time 2nd Conjugation lente, slowlJl absum, abesse, to be away, appareo, appareare, to Minime! No! Not at all.' be absent appem' mox, soon, presently yolo, vel1e, to wish, want, be gaudeo, gaudere, to be glad, non, not willing rejOIce non iam, no langel' @ haereo, haerere, to stick -0 nondum, not yet WORDS AND ., moveo, movere, to move !!; 0 nunc, now PHRASES '"::> m placide, gently, peacefully Q. 3rd Conjugation c praeterea, besides, too, moreover Cave!lCavete! Be careful! " !!l.o· procul, in the distance, for off, accidit, accidere, (it) happens Watch out (for)! ? :;­ for advesperascit, in animo habere, to intend r Quam... ! How....' advesperascere, it gets dark illud, that Q rl quoque, also ago, agere, to do, dl'ive iter facere, to travel '" saepe, often concido, concidere, to foil magno risu, with a loud laugh ~ i semper, always down nobiscum, with us !"'" tandem, at last, at length deverto, devertere, to turn per iocum, as a prank ?!; .c'~ tantum, only aside per viam, along the road :;r tum, at that moment, then extraho, extrahere, to drag pila hidere, to play ball '"OJ ut, lIS out, take out Sextum taedebat, it bom'd :;:"(l) CD simul, together, at the same time Iudo, ludere, to play Sextus !"­ statim, immediately quiesco, quiescere, to rest, quod, which, that strenue, strenuously, hmi keep quiet Quot...? How many? subito, suddenly relinquo, relinquere, to leave tuii culpa, because ofyour foult, tacite, silently behind it's your foult tamen, however, nevel,theless verto, vertere, to turn Visne ... ? Do you want .. .? 134 CHAPTIRS 13 TO 17 VOCABl}LARY FOR REVIEW CHAPTERS 18 TO .21 VOCABULARY FOR REVIEW Name ___________________________________________ Date Period ______ NOUNS ADJECTIVES olim, once (upon a time) paulisper, for a short time 1st Declension 1st and 2nd Declension Quando...? When ... ? sero, late invitus, -a, -um, unwilling Asia, -ae, f., Asia (Roman supra, above, on top malus, -a, -um,bad province in western Asia valde, very, very much, medius, -a, -um, mid-, middle of Minor) exceedingly mortuus, -a, -um, dead cauda, -ae, f., tail vehementer, very much, narratus, -a, -um, told ci~na, -ae, f., dinner violently, hard culina, -ae, f., kitchen obesus, -a, -um,jat fabula, -ae, f., story optimus, -a, -um, best, Graecia, -ae, f., Greece very good CONJUNCTIONS innocentia, -ae, f., innocence primus, -a, -um, first pecunia, -ae, f., money sordidus, -a, -um, dirty enim,for plrata, -ae, m., pirate timidus, -a, -um, afraid nisi, unless, if... not, except totus, -a, -um, all, the whole postquam, after 2nd Declension 3rd Declension PREPOSITIONS aurum, -I, n., gold fortis, -is, -e, brave, strong crotalum, -I, n., castanet omnis, -is, -e, all, the whole, post + ace., after lectus, -I, m., bed, couch every, each praeter + ace., except @ legatus, -i, m., envoy -0 '"Q) somnium, -I, n., dream ~ somnus, -I, m., sleep PERSONAL INTERJECTION m'" .::Co PRONOUNS ..n 3rd Declension Mehercule! By Hercules! g. ? ei, tolfor him/her/it Goodness me! corpus, corporis, n., body [''" tibi, tolfor you (sing.) ~ feles, felis, gen. pl., felium, ;:;. f., cat vobis, tolforyou (pI.) VERBS .. ~ homo, hominis, m., man !" 1st Conjugation CD libertas, libertatis, f., freedom ADVERBS !" lux, lucis, f., light acciiso, -are, -avi, -atus, to accuse ~ ~ cO' miles, militis, m., soldier antea, previously, before adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, ~ en mors, mortis, gen. pl., attente, attentively, closely adiutus, to help (il en mortium, f., death certe, certainly appello, -are, -avi, -atus, to CD:;: co mus, muris, m., mouse heri, yesterday call, name ;>. os, ossis, n., bone ita, thus, so, in this way canto, -are, -avi, -atus, to sing saltatrix, saltatricis, f., dancer mane, early in the day, in the ceno, -are, -avi, -atus, to dine, stercus, stercoris, n., dung, morning eat dinner manure modo, only cogito, -are, -avi, -atuS', to viator, viator is, m. traveler numquam, never think 180 CHAPTERS 18 TO 21 VOCABULARY FOR REVIEW Name Date Period devon), -are, -:ivY, -atus, to 3rd Conjugation 4th Conjugation devour agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, audio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, to hear, do, dare, dedi, datus, to give agnitus, to recognize listen to erro, -are,-avi, -atUrus,to dico, dicere, dixi, dictus, to esurio, -Ire, -lVI, -iturus, to be wander, be mistaken say, tell hungry explico, -are, -avi, -atus, duco, ducere, duxi, ductus, finio, finire, finivi, finitus, to to explain to lead, take, bring finish laudo, -are, -avi, -atus, to ennO,enIere,enni, ennptus, invenio, invenire, inveni, praise to buy inventus, to come upon, find lavo,lavare,lavi,lautus, to extendo, extendere, extendi, obdormio, -ire, -lvi, -iturus, to wash extentus, to hold out go to sleep narro, -are, -avi, -atus, to tell extraho, extrahere, extraxi, punio, -ire, -ivi, -itus, to (a story) extractus, to drag out, take punish nero, -are, -avi, -atus, to kill out venio, venire, veni, venturus, paro, -are, -avi, -atus, to nIitto, nIittere, nIisi, nIissus, to come prepare, get ready to send Irregular praecipito, -are, -avi, -atus, peto, petere, petivi, petitus, eo, ire, ii or ivi, itiirus, to go to hurl to look for, seek, headfor, aim fero, ferre, tuli, latus, to recupero, -are, -avi, -atus, at, attack bring, carry to recover pono, ponere, posui, nolo, nolle, nolui, not to wish, saIto, -are, -avi, -atUrus, to positus, to put, place not to want, to be unwilling dance praeeurro, praeeurrere, possunn, posse, potui, to be sinnulo, -are, -avi, -atus, to praeeurrI, praeeursurus, to able; I can pretend run ahead SUnI, esse, fui, futurus, to be ~gilo, -are, -avi, -atUrus, to relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, yolo, yelle, volui, to wish, stay awake relictus, to leave behind want, be willing 2nd Conjugation surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectUrus, to get up, rise "ci doceo, docere, docui, trenIo,trenIere,trennui,
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