Korespondensi Jurnal Judul Artikel : “Urbanization and Increasing Flood Risk in the Northern Coast of Central Java-Indonesia: An Assessment Towards Better Land Use Policy and Flood Management” Kode Naskah : C.4 Nama Jurnal : Land Penerbit : MDPI No Kegiatan Tanggal Lampiran pendukung 1. Submitted to the 6 Juni 2020 - Submission received (e- mail) journal “LAND” - Naskah awal 8 Juni 2020 - Assistant editor assigned (-e-mail) - APC confirmation (e-mail) - Additional word version (e-mail) 2. Editor Decision – 1: 30 Juni 2020 - Invitation to revise (-e-mail) encourages resubmission after revision Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3 3. 1st Revised Version 14 Agustus 2020 - Submission received (e- mail) Submitted/Resubmission - Naskah perbaikan v1 17 Agustus 2020 - Assistant editor assigned (-e-mail) - APC confirmation (e-mail) 24 Agustus 2020 - Request point-by-point responses (e-mail) - Point-by-point responses to reviewers (v1) 4. Editor Decision – 2: 16 September 2020 - Minor revision confirmation (e-mail) Minor revision 17 September 2020 - Revision request reminder (e-mail) Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3 5. 2nd Revised Version 19 September 2020 - Submission received (e-mail) Submitted - Naskah perbaikan v2 - Respon to reviewer v2 6. Journal Announcement: 21 September 2020 - Paper accepted confirmation (e-mail) Accepted 23 September 2020 - Paper has been published (e-mail) 9 Oktober 2020 - Paper has been published – final version (e-mail) Wiwandari Handayani <[email protected]> [Land] Manuscript ID: land-843822 - Submission Received 1 message Editorial Office <[email protected]> 6 June 2020 at 21:53 Reply-To: [email protected] To: Wiwandari Handayani <[email protected]> Cc: Wiwandari Handayani <[email protected]>, Uchendu Eugene Chigbu <[email protected]>, Iwan Rudiarto <[email protected]>, Intan Hapsari Surya Putri <[email protected]> Dear Dr. Handayani, Thank you very much for uploading the following manuscript to the MDPI submission system. One of our editors will be in touch with you soon. Journal name: Land Manuscript ID: land-843822 Type of manuscript: Article Title: Urbanization and Floods in the Northern Coast of Central Java: Towards A Responsive Land Use Policy at the River Basin Level Authors: Wiwandari Handayani, Uchendu Eugene Chigbu *, Iwan Rudiarto, Intan Hapsari Surya Putri Received: 6 June 2020 E-mails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Land, Women, Youths, and Land Tools or Methods https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land/special_issues/land_women You can follow progress of your manuscript at the following link (login required): https://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/review_info/fe85baf852e68207398049e00d4de485 The following points were confirmed during submission: 1. Land is an open access journal with publishing fees of 1000 CHF for an accepted paper (see https://www.mdpi.com/about/apc/ for details). This manuscript, if accepted, will be published under an open access Creative Commons CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), and I agree to pay the Article Processing Charges as described on the journal webpage (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land/apc). See https://www.mdpi.com/about/openaccess for more information about open access publishing. Please note that you may be entitled to a discount if you have previously received a discount code or if your institute is participating in the MDPI Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP), for more information see https://www.mdpi.com/about/ioap. If you have been granted any other special discounts for your submission, please contact the Land editorial office. 2. I understand that: a. If previously published material is reproduced in my manuscript, I will provide proof that I have obtained the necessary copyright permission. (Please refer to the Rights & Permissions website: https://www.mdpi.com/authors/rights). b. My manuscript is submitted on the understanding that it has not been published in or submitted to another peer-reviewed journal. Exceptions to this rule are papers containing material disclosed at conferences. I confirm that I will inform the journal editorial office if this is the case for my manuscript. I confirm that all authors are familiar with and agree with submission of the contents of the manuscript. The journal editorial office reserves the right to contact all authors to confirm this in case of doubt. I will provide email addresses for all authors and an institutional e-mail address for at least one of the co-authors, and specify the name, address and e-mail for invoicing purposes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Land editorial office at [email protected] Kind regards, Land Editorial Office St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. +41 61 683 77 34 Fax: +41 61 302 89 18 *** This is an automatically generated email *** 1 Article 2 Urbanization and Floods in the Northern Coast of 3 Central Java: Towards A Responsive Land Use Policy 4 at the River Basin Level 5 Wiwandari Handayani 1, Uchendu Eugene Chigbu 2,*, Iwan Rudiarto 1 and Intan Hapsari Surya 6 Putri 1 7 1 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia; 8 [email protected] (W.H.); [email protected] (I.R.); 9 [email protected] (I.H.S.P.) 10 2 Chair of Land management, Faculty of Aerospace and Geodesy, Technical University of Munich (TUM), 11 80333 Munich, Germany; [email protected] (U.E.C.) 12 * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-22518 (U.E.C.); 13 [email protected] (W.H.) 14 Received: date; Accepted: date; Published: date 15 Abstract: The issue of flood regarding urbanization is complicated as flood risk is identified based 16 on water system delineation. Water flows without recourse to administrative jurisdictions while 17 spatial planning (which is used to control urbanization) is administered with recourse to 18 administrative boundaries. This study aims to explore urbanization and flood events in the northern 19 coast of Central Java by using river basin as the basis of unit analysis. Urbanization is represented 20 by the land conversion from non-built-up to built-up area based on the premise that population 21 growth requires more land consumption which results in rapid urban expansion. Spatial analysis 22 was applied to investigate land conversion and flood events at the up-, mid-, and downstream of 23 four river basin areas by using Landsat data 2009 and 2018 in combination with GIS-based data 24 analyses. Findings show that urbanization, indicated from the growth rate of the built-up area, is 25 very significant. Besides, land conversion has been expanding from the downstream to the upstream 26 due to changing rain and flood patterns. Proper land use planning and control of the river basin 27 level is an essential instrument for safeguarding urban areas (such as the case study area), and the 28 whole of Java in Indonesia. The emerging discussion indicate that flood phenomena is a 29 consequence of urbanization and river basin interactions; and river basins have dual spatial identity 30 in the urban system (policy and land-use related). It also shows that problematizing urbanizing river 31 basins is an opportunity for an eco-based approach to tackling the urban flood crises. 32 Keywords: Central Java; flood; Indonesia; land use; land-use change; river basins; urban areas; 33 urbanization 34 35 1. Introduction 36 Flood is one of the most frequent disasters happening across the globe [1-4]. Rapid urbanization 37 in low-lying areas creates a higher exposure to various types of floods in addition to the increase of 38 coastal flooding caused by sea-level rise and changing rainfall patterns due to climate change [5-9]. 39 Land subsidence appears as another big issue. It is the densification of the coastal area is not followed 40 by a proper water supply system. Furthermore, sprawling phenomena (which happens due to urban 41 extension) also contributes to the increase in flood events. This happens when the land conversion 42 expands, not only by concentrating in the downstream but also by taking place in the upstream area. 43 For land-use change to accommodate the needs and activities of the growing urban populations, it 44 leads to changes in the hydrological system which then result in dangerous floods [10]. Deng et al. Land 2020, 9, x; doi: FOR PEER REVIEW www.mdpi.com/journal/land Land 2020, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 23 45 [11] (p. 1341) and Chin [12] (p. 469) assert that urbanization is a significant contributor to the changing 46 of the river system and structure as it usually increases flood risk. 47 The issue of flood and urbanization is complicated. Flood risk is identified based on water 48 system delineation. The delineation is mostly defined based on water (river) flow pattern that is 49 gravity-driven and following landscape ecology, which is then formed as a river basin [13]. 50 Accordingly, a river basin is usually characterized by a land area that consists of various types of 51 land use and a number of watersheds that drains from upstream to the downstream area [14]. 52 Apparently, water flows without recourse to administrative jurisdictions while spatial planning (i.e. 53 land use policy) to control urbanization are examined based on the administrative jurisdiction. In 54 Indonesia, it is common that river basins are in more than one administrative boundary or local 55 government authority. This means that a river basin can be found within and outside the local 56 authority that is responsible for river management.
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