Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41931-4 — The Frigid Golden Age Dagomar Degroot Index More Information Index Admiraal de Ruyter (ship), 91 6, 20, 114, 197–99, 202, 203–12, 213, Adrians, Claes, 72 216, 218, 227, 245–46, 269, 301; local Africaensche Galey (ship), 93 environments during, 20, 196–98, Afrika (ship), 93–95 245–47, 301; represented in art, 268–69; Agatha (ship), 95 Second (1664–1667), 114, 136–37, 198, agriculture: energy supply and, 18; 203, 212–28, 243, 246, 269, 270, 296, harvest failures, 3, 11, 35, 110, 124–29, 301; Third (1672–1674), 114, 197–98, 148, 301; Little Ice Age and, 5, 9; 203, 218, 219, 222, 228–37, 246, 269, prevailing weather and, 247; rising 301; wind directions, 211, 219 populations and, 39 Anslo, Reyer, 286 Akerendam (ship), 91, 96 Antwerp, 55, 173, 186–87, 288 Alba, Duke of, 162, 165–70 AO. See Arctic Oscillation albedo (reflectivity), 22, 23 Archangel, 9, 53, 123 Albert, Archduke, 180, 182 Arctic exploration, 19, 55–73, 75–76, Allin, Thomas, 199, 226 79–80, 279–81, 300–1 AMO. See Atlantic Multidecadal Arctic Oscillation (AO), 25, 36, 48 Oscillation Army of Flanders, 165–71, 173, 181, 185, AMOC. See Atlantic Meridional 186, 187–88, 193–94, 229 Overturning Circulation art and artists: Dutch Masters, 251, 254, Amsterdam, 4, 307; canals and dikes, 258; 276; genres, 254, 265, 268, 277; military commerce, 57–59, 61, 64, 66–68, 72–75, scenes, 268–76; representation of 76, 80, 84, 86, 109–10, 119, 123–34, 136, Little Ice Age, 11, 14, 20, 253–54, 138–42, 145–46; culture, 251, 253, 278, 275–76, 302; responses to climate 284–85, 295–97; harbor tolls, 188, 214; change, 11, 14, 20, 252, 253–54, 263–76, urban fires in, 295–97; wars and, 161, 278–83, 302; seascapes, 253–54, 165–67, 168, 171, 188, 193, 201, 214, 272–73, 275–76; stormscapes, 273–76; 232, 240–41, 244–45; wheat prices, 124, winter landscapes, 142, 254, 263, 125; windmills, 13 266–67, 271, 273, 275–76, 285, 298. Amsterdams Peil, 259 See also culture Anglo-Dutch Wars: climate change during, Asia: commerce of, 19, 55–57, 107–8, 109; 12, 20, 114, 153, 176, 196–98, 233–36, exploration in changing climate, 55–57, 244, 245–47, 301; environmental 80–84, 107–8, 109, 281, 300–1; southern conditions, 198–203; First (1652–1654), route to, 81–84, 107 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41931-4 — The Frigid Golden Age Dagomar Degroot Index More Information 356 Index Atlantic Meridional Overturning blubber, 75–76. See also whaling industry Circulation (AMOC), 24–26, 31, 33, 46, Boor (ship), 89–91 60, 64, 73, 75 Boos, Gerrits, 88–89 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), Boot, Het (ship), 62, 63 24, 25, 33–36, 41, 48, 60, 104–5 Bor, Pieter Christiaanszoon, 162 atmospheric circulation, 2, 19, 26; AMO, Bosch, Jacob, 292 effect on, 24, 25, 104; blocking events Bos en Hoven (ship), 91 and, 48; effect on VOC journeys, 83, 87; Bossu, Count of, 170 logbooks on, 96–97; during Maunder Braave (ship), 95 Minimum, 57, 301; naval systems Braudel, Fernand, 52, 54 response to, 20, 91, 124, 134, 153, 252; Brederode (ship), 202 precipitation patterns, effect on, 31, 178, brewers, 140, 142, 146, 292 197; proxy evidence on, 47; regional Bristol (ship), 223, 243 changes, 33–34, 36, 39, 43, 104; sea ice, British East India Company, 86 effect on, 262 Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder, 263 Avercamp, Hendrick, 264, 271 Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger, 263 Azores, 24 Bruijn, Jaap R., 152 Brunel, Olivier, 58 Bacon, Francis, 247, 262 Burroughs, William, 263 Baltic commerce: climate change, effect on, 3–4, 6, 19, 109–29, 148, 301; Caeskoper, Claas Ariszoon, 13, 121, commodities, 109; consequences of Little 133–34, 141–43, 145–46, 254, 259 Ice Age, 19, 109–11, 129–30, 147–49; Callot, Jacques, 268 harvest failures, effect on, 124–29, 301; Calvinism, 162, 165, 173 sea ice, effect on, 112–13, 124, 129, 301; Cape of Good Hope, 80–81, 82, 99–101, wars opened for trade, 163; wind velocity, 103, 107 effect on, 120–24 Cape Verde, 88, 99 Barents, Willem: death of, 72; expeditions, carbon dioxide, 22–23 56, 57–73, 75–77, 79–81, 279–81 Carnero, Antonio, 174 Barents Sea, 48, 61, 64, 66 cartography, 4, 55, 56–59, 251, 277, Batavia, 82–83, 88, 97–98, 100–103, 105–6 278–82, 280, 283 Battle of Dungeness (1652), 208–9 Catholicism, 4, 194, 238 Battle of Lowestoft (1665), 216–17, 223–24 Catholic League, 186, 188 Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600), 182–84 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 175–76 Battle of the Downs (1639), 194 Celtic Sea, 89 Battle of the Gabbard (1653), 210 Charles II, King, 212, 228, 236, 237, 238 Battle of the Kentish Knock (1652), 206, Charles V, King, 160 209 China, 38, 308 Baudartius, Willem, 295 circulation. See atmospheric circulation; Beaufort (BF) scale, 30, 45, 233–35 oceanic circulation; thermohaline Beeckman, Isaac, 262 circulation Behringer, Wolfgang, 39 circumvallation, 157, 190–92 Bekker, Balthasar, 289 Claeszoon, Cornelis, 57, 279 Bellone (ship), 95 Claeszoon, Thenis, 69 Bennet, Stephen, 75 climate changes: cultural responses to, Berkel (ship), 90 278–87, 298–99; history of, approaches, Bibloo, Govard, 283 2, 7–9, 15, 17–18, 39–40, 257–58, 267, Blake, Robert, 205–10 302–3; interdisciplinary approaches to, blizzards and snowstorms, 71, 74, 117, 143, 302–3; in journals/correspondence, 145. See also storms 84–89, 115–20; lessons from, 300–3, Block, Hendrick Dirckszoon, 292 307–9; method and meaning, 14–18; © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41931-4 — The Frigid Golden Age Dagomar Degroot Index More Information Index 357 moderate, 308–9; overview, 1–7; De Ruyter, Michael Adriaenszoon, 78–79, perceiving and measuring, 254–63, 302; 213, 215, 217, 223–25, 227, 230–31, 236 reconstructing past data, 26–31, 261; De Veer, Gerrit, 64, 65, 67–68, 73, 75 resilience to, 18, 20, 73, 111, 148, 236, De Vries, Jan, 12, 138 252, 294, 298–99, 303–4; scholarship on, De With, Witte, 199, 205–6, 209–10 9–14; in ship logbooks, 13–14, 27, 29–31, De Witt, Johan, 212–13, 215, 217, 227, 43, 87–107, 123, 235, 243; wars and, 230, 233 153, 160–64, 195, 233–36, 301. See also Diamond, Jared, 306 Little Ice Age; local environmental climate Downing, George, 215, 217 change Drake, Francis, 177 Climatological Database for the World’s Dregterlandt (ship), 95 Oceans (CLIWOC), 30 Dudley, Robert. See Leicester, Earl of Coen, Jan Pieterszoon, 82 (Robert Dudley) commerce: in Asia, 19, 55–57, 107–8, 109; Dutch East India Company (VOC), 4, 19, 76; climate change, effect on, 5–6, 51–54, Asia, trade with, 4, 56–57, 78, 81–108, 109–29, 147–49; sea ice, effect on, 13, 78, 185; Asia, voyages to, 81–83, 85, 97–107, 80, 112–13, 115–20, 124, 126–27, 128, 98, 103; Christmas Fleet, 83, 104; climate 129, 148, 188, 301; wars and, 152–53, change, effect on, 56–57, 84–107; Easter 245, 249. See also Baltic commerce Fleet, 83; Fairs Fleet, 83; formation of, Constantinople, 53 55–57, 81; journals/correspondence, contravallation, 157 84–88; naval art, 269; ship logbooks, convection, 26 87–97; vessels, 53–54, 83, 97–107, 270; Cosimo de Medici, Prince, 135–36 in wars, 185, 217–18, 220, 234, 236. Council of Troubles, 162 See also Baltic commerce Cromwell, Oliver, 202, 212 Dutch Golden Age: climate change, effect crop failures. See harvest failures on, 9, 10, 300; commerce, 51–54; context culture: climate change and, 6, 20–21, for, 303–7; culture of, 250–52; 249–54, 266, 273, 274, 276–83, 287, innovations of, 246–47; lessons from, 298–99; in coastal provinces, 252; ice 307–9; naval and economic power in, cultures, 21, 252, 278, 287–89, 299; 159, 301–2; as time of conflict, 151–53; vulnerability and resilience in, 298–99, zenith of, 196–97, 254. See also art and 304. See also art and artists; literature artists Dutch Northern Company, 76, 78, 79 Dalton Minimum (1760–1850), 41, 43, Dutch Republic, 3, 4–6; Arctic voyages and 91–92, 95, 140 whaling, 73–79; collapse of, 108; Daston, Lorraine, 259 formation of, 55, 160; harvest failures, Davis, John, 59 124–29; during Little Ice Age, 5–7, 9, Davis Strait, 76 10–12, 41–49, 108, 124–29; naval dead reckoning, 13–14 system, 20, 159, 197, 206–7, 212–13, De Bie, Jacob, Jr., 116–19 230, 238–39, 246–47; on Northeast De Groot, Hugo, 132–33, 166, 172, 261, Passage, 55–56, 62–74; resilience to 288 climate change, 7, 18, 20, 73, 111, 148, De Henin, Maximilian, 170 236, 252, 294, 298–99, 303–4; social De Hooghe, Romeyn, 283 unrest in, 163–64, 232–33; sovereignty De Jongh, Eddy, 264 of, 194, 253; transportation in, 19, De Kraker, Adriaan, 44, 131 53–54, 110–11, 130–32, 139–49, 304; De Moucheron, Balthasar, 58, 59, 62, 63, zenith of, 196–97, 254. See also Dutch 64, 67, 81, 87 Golden Age; Eighty Years’ War Denmark, 111, 116, 161, 163, 218 (1568–1648) De Piles, Roger, 264 Dutch Revolt (1568–1648), 20, 155, 174, De Pottre, Jan, 180, 255 175, 195, 267, 301 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41931-4 — The Frigid Golden Age Dagomar Degroot Index More Information 358 Index Dutch Wars of Independence.
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