Б ´ Б ´ Ă ° Ă ° В ^ В В ^A А

Б ´ Б ´ Ă ° Ă ° В ^ В В ^A А

! ! Chr descr Chr Dead 2nd key ! U+0041 U+00c1 A acute Á ´ A L U+0061 U+00e1 a acute á ´ a L U+0071 U+0103 a breve ă ° q L U+0051 U+0102 A breve Ă ° Q L U+0041 U+00c2 A circumflex  ^ A L U+0061 U+00e2 a circumflex â ^a a L U+0041 U+00c0 A grave À `A A L U+0061 U+00e0 a grave à `a a L U+0051 U+0100 A macron Ā `Q Q L U+0071 U+0101 a macron ā `qq q L U+0051 U+0104 A ogonek Ą ~Q Q L U+0071 U+0105 a ogonek ą ~q q L U+0041 U+00c5 A ring Å °A A L U+0061 U+00e5 a ring å °a a L U+0041 U+00c3 A tilde à ~A A L U+00610061 U+00e300 3 a tildtilde ã ~a a L U+0041 U+00e3 A Umlaut Ä ¨A A L U+0061 U+00e4 a Umlaut ä ¨a a L U+0051 U+00c6 AE diphthong Æ ^Q Q L U+0071 U+00e6 ae diphthong æ ^q q L U+0043 U+0106 C acute Ć ´C C L U+0063 U+0107 c acute ć ´c c L U+0043 U+00c7 C cedilla Ç ~C C L U+0063 U+00e7 c cedilla ç ~c c L U+0056 U+0108 C circumflex Ĉ ^V V L U+0076 U+0109 c circumflex ĉ ^v v L U+0043 U+010c C háček Č ^C C L U+0063 U+010d c háček č ^c c L U+0044 U+010e D háček (CzSlv) Ď ^C D L U+0064 U+010f D háček (CzSlv) ď ^d d L U+0044 U+00d0 DH (eth) Ð `D D L U+0064 U+00f0 dh (eth) ð `dd d L U+0045 U+00c9 E acute É ´E E L U+0065 U+00e9 e acute é ´e e L U+0045 U+0114 E breve Ĕ °E E L U+0065 U+0115 e breve ĕ °e e L U+0045 U+00ca E circumflex Ê ^E E L U+0065 U+00ea e circumflex ê ^e e L U+0045 U+00cb E diaeresis Ë ¨E E L U+0065 U+00cb e diaeresis ë ¨E e L U+0046 U+0116 E dot (Lith.) Ė °F F L U+0066 U+0117 e dot (Lith.) ė °F f L U+0045 U+00c8 E grave È `E E L U+0065 U+00e8 e grave è `e e L U+0046 U+011a EháE háčekk(C) (Cz) Ě ^F F L U+0046 U+011b e háček (Cz) ě ^f f L U+0046 U+0112 E macron Ē `F F L U+0066 U+0113 e macron ē `f f L U+0045 U+0228 E ogonek Ȩ ~E E L U+0065 U+0229 e oogonekgonek ȩ ~e e L U+0023 U+1ebc E tilde Ẽ ~W W L U+0043 U+1ebd E tilde ẽ ~w w L U+0047 U+011e G breve (Turk) Ğ °F G L U+0067 U+011f g breve (Turk) ğ °g g L U+0047 U+0122 G cedilla (Latv.) Ģ ~G G L U+0067 U+0123 g cedilla (Latv.) ģ ~g g L U+0047 U+011c G circumflex Ĝ ^G G L U+0067 U+011d g circumflex ĝ ^g g L U+0047 U+0120 G dot Ġ ´G G L U+0067 U+0121 g dot ġ ´g g L U+0049 U+00cdU+00cd I acute Í ´II g L U+0069 U+00ed i acute í ´i i L U+0049 U+012c I breve Ĭ °I I L U+0069 U+012d i breve ĭ °i i L U+0049 U+00ce I circumflex Î ^I I L U+0069 U+00ee i circumflex î ^i i L U+006a U+0131 I dot (Turk) İ ¨J J L U+006a U+0132 i dotless (Turk) ı ¨j j L U+0049 U+00cc I grave Ì `I I L U+0069 U+00ec i grave ì `i i L U+004a U+012a I macron Ī `J J L U+006a U+012b i macron ī `j`j j L U+0049 U+012e I ogonek Į ~I I L U+0069 U+012f i ogonek į ~i i L U+0049 U+00cf I Umlaut Ï ¨I I L U+0069 U+00ef i Umlaut ï ¨i i L U+004b U+0136 K cedilla (Latv (Latv.).) Ķ ~KK K L U+006b U+0137 k cedilla (Latv.) ķ ~k k L U+004c U+0139 L acute (Slovak) Ĺ ´L L L U+006c U+013a l acute (Slovak) ĺ ´l l L U+004c U+013b L cedilla (Latv.) Ļ ~L L L U+006c U+013c l cedilla (Latv.) ļ ~l l L U+004c U+1e3c L circumsub Ḽ ~M M L U+006c U+1e3d lil circumsub b ḽ ~m m L U+004c U+013f L dot Ŀ ¨L L L U+006c U+0140 l dot ŀ ¨l l L U+004c U+013d L háček (Slovak) Ľ ^L L L U+006c U+013e l háček (Slovak) ľ ^l l L U+004c U+0141 L slash Ł `L L L U+006c U+0142 l slash ł `l l L U+004e U+0143 N acute Ń ´N N L U+006e U+0144 n acute ń ´n n L U+004d U+0145 N cedilla (Latv.) Ņ ~M M L U+006d U+0146 n cedilla (Latv.) ņ ~m m L U+004e U+0147 N háček (Cz) Ň ^N N L U+006e U+0148 n háček (Cz) ň ^n n L U+004f U+00d3 O acute Ó ´O O L U+006f U+00f3 o acute ó ´o o L U+0050 U+0150 O acute × 2 Ő ¨P P L U+0070 U+0151 o acute × 2 ő ¨pp p L U+004f U+014e O breve Ŏ °O O L U+006f U+014f o breve ŏ °o o L U+004f U+00d4 O circumflex Ô ^O O L U+006f U+00f4 o circumflex ô ^o o L U+004f U+00f1 O ggrave Ò `O O L U+006f U+00f2 o grave ò `o o L U+004b U+014c O macron Ō `K K L U+006b U+014d o macron ō `k k L U+0050 U+00d8 O slash Ø `P P L U+0070 U+00f8 o slash ø `p p L U+004f U+00d5 O tilde ild Õ ~O O L U+006f U+00f5 o tilde õ ~o o L U+004f U+00d6 O Umlaut Ö ¨O O L U+006f U+00f6 o Umlaut ö ¨o o L U+0050 U+0152 OE diphthong Œ ^P P L U+0070 U+0153 oe diphthong œ ^pp p L U+0052 U+0154 R acute Ŕ ´R R L U+0072 U+0155 r acute ŕ ´r r L U+0052 U+0158 R háček Ř ^R R L U+0072 U+0159 r háček ř ^r r L U+0052 U+1e5e R underline Ṟ `R R L U+0072 U+1e5f r underline ṟ `r r L U+0053 U+015a StS acute Ś ´S S L U+0073 U+015b s acute ś ´s s L U+0073 U+015f s cedilla ş ~s s L U+0053 U+015e S cedilla Ş ~S S L U+0058 U+015c S circumflex Ŝ ^X X L U+0078 U+015d s circumflex ŝ ^x x L S comma (Rom.) Ș ~X X L s comma (Rom.) ș ~x x L U+0053 U+0160 S háček Š ^S S L U+0073 U+0161 s háček š ^s s L U+0073 U+00df sz (German) ß ¨s s L U+0066 U+0163 t cedilla ţ ~f f L U+0046 U+0162 T cedilla Ţ ~F F L U+0054 U+021a T comma (Rom.) Ț ~T T L U+0074 U+021b t comma (Rom.) ț ~t t L U+0054 U+0164 T háček (Cz) Ť ^T T L U+0074 U+0165 thát háček (Cz) ť ^T t L U+0054 U+00de THorn (Ice) Þ `T T L U+0074 U+00fe thorn (Ice) þ `t t L U+0055 U+00da U acute Ú ´U U L U+0075 U+00fa u acute ú ´u u L U+0048 U+0170 U acute × 2 Ű ¨ H H L U+0068 U+0171 u acute × 2 ű ¨h h L U+0048 U+016c U breve Ŭ °H H L U+0068 U+016d u breve ŭ °h h L U+0055 U+00db U circumflex Û ^U U L U+0075 U+00fb u circumflex û ^u u L U+0055 U+00d9 U grave Ù `U`U U L U+0075 U+00f9 u grave ù `u u L U+0048 U+016a U macron Ū `H H L U+0068 U+016b u macron ū `h h L U+004a U+0172 U ogonek Ų ~J J L U+006a U+0173 u ogonek ų ~jj j L U+0055 U+016c U ring (Cz) Ŭ °U U L U+0075 U+016d u ring (Cz) ů °u u L U+0055 U+0168 U tilde Ũ ~U U L U+0075 U+0169 u tilde ũ ~u u L U+0055 U+00dc U Umlaut Ü ¨U U L U+0075 U+00fc u Umlaut ü ¨u u L U+0057 U+1e82 WtW acute Ẃ ´W W L U+0077 U+1e83 w acute ẃ ´w w L U+0057 U+0174 W circumflex Ŵ ^W W L U+0077 U+0175 w circumflex ŵ ^w w L U+0057 U+1e80 W grave Ẁ `W W L U+0077 U+1e81 w ggraverave ẁ `ww w L U+0077 U+1e98 w ring ẘ °W w L U+0059 U+00dd Y acute (Cz) Ý ´w Y L U+0079 U+00fd y acute (Cz) ý ´Y y L U+0059 U+0176 Y circumflex Ŷ ^y Y L U+0079 U+0177 y circumflex ŷ ^Y y L U+0079 U+1e99 y ring ẙ °y y L U+0059 U+0178 Y Umlaut Ÿ ¨Y Y L U+005a U+017b y Umlaut ÿ ¨y y L U+005a U+0179 Z acute Ź ´Z Z L U+007a U+017a z acute ź ´z z L U+005aU+005a U+017b Z dot over Ż ¨ZZ Z L U+007a U+017c z dot over ż ¨z z L U+005a U+017d Z háček Ž ^Z Z L U+007a U+017e z háček ž ^z z L U+0027 U+00b4 acute accent ´ ´´ LX U+0020 U+005e circumflex ^ ^ LX U+005e U+005e circumflex ^ ^^ ^ LX U+0022 U+0022 diaeresis/Umlaut ¨ ¨ + LX U+0060 U+0020 grave accent ` ` LX U+0060 U+0060 grave accent ` `` LX U+0020 U+00b0 ring ° ° LX U+0020 U+007e tildeild ~ ~ LX U+007e U+007e tilde ~ ~~ ~ LX U+0034 U+00bc 1/4 ¼ ´4 4 NF2 U+0035 U+00bd 1/2 ½ ´5 5 NF4 U+0036 U+00be 3/4 ¾ ´6 6 NF6 U+0031 U+00b9 1 superscript ¹ ´11 1 NS U+0032 U+00b2 2 superscript ² ´2 2 NS U+0033 U+00b3 3 superscript ³ ´3 3 NS U+0038 U+221e infinity ∞ ´8 8 NY U+006d U+00b5 mu µ ´m m NY U+0025 U+2030 per mille ‰ ´% % NY U+005f U+00f7 divide ÷ ´_ _ NYF U+0020 U+003d equalsl = ´´´´ NYF U+003d U+003d equals = ´= = NYF U+0040 U+2248 equals approx ≈ ´@ @ NYF U+007e U+00ac is not ¬ ´~ ~ NYF U+002b U+00d7 multiply × ´+ + NYF U+0078 U+2260 not eequalsquals ≠ ´x x NYF U+003b U+25cf bullet ● ´; ; P U+003a U+25aa bullet tiny square ▪ ´: : P U+002e U+2026 elipsis … ´, , P U+002d U+2014 Em dash — ´- - P U+0070 U+00b6 flag ¶ ´p p P U+0028 U+00ab guillemets 1 « ´( ( P U+0029 U+00bb guillemets 2 » ´) ) P U+0021 U+00a1 inverted exclaim ¡ ´! ! 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