•v :/• ;Page 28 CRANFOHD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, May 16,1985 Where else but Kings? -..I' - 7 SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOQ and KENIL WORTH Vol. 92 No. 20 Published Every Thursday Thursday, May 23,1985 USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS Lawmen CHS chemists win _ pan-fry or deep-fry with no fuss at all. , Crabs you'll ever see. Pop one in a deli'roll andjnake a sandwich of it. Put a few on the charcoal Costanzo in prison as parole datenears grill and make a banquet of it. From the squeeze of a fresh lemon.to the zest ot New Jersey title And to see that you savor the best of them, we make certain that the finest ; By STUA RT bars personally to a senior hearing tuated to as late as April 1987 but was f a gourmet sauce, you can be as plain or, as fancy as you like. -. •.. 1 mation will be presented. Chesapeake Bay shell-fishermen reserve their prize catches for Kings. The murderer of Michelle H officer under a new victim input pro- moved up because of work and other JWiss_D_eMarzo was killed June 20, ... The Cranford High School ad- individuai~a^Srds for outstan- And when it'comes to special recipes for grilling, saucing, pan-trying and zo is eligible ipr ^parole consideration cedure. , _:_-_ ihhd 1|78 shortly before she was scheduled vanced chemistry team finished ding performance. On the Each crab is rushed to us in special seaweed packing to make sure it's ahve- first in the state in the Chemistry deep-frying, they're all yours in our Seafood Corner \, , -, o*,Cu ir .and could be fretJ by Christmas. The John Stamler^hie county pro- at the Youth Correctional institution"""to "gVaVJuate from Cranford High Chemistry II team, Sassi, and-kicking fresh the moment you buy it. father of the vi(;iUm, the county pro- secutor, strongly opposes Costanzo's in Bordentown. ^ * School. Costanzo, her former League competition, capping a « Gechtberg and Greulich received Just come toKing^ tHisjyeel^jte^ very successful season. The team And wait till you taste these Chesapeake beauties. So tender you can eat the ; : . secutor and loca\l police are deter- release. Kenneth N. Siegel, assistant . Formal notice of parole considera- individual awards. Sassi finished CrabTliTtowhT , N. '•'• bdyfriend who had graduated from shells, so delicious they're meals in themselves, they're ready to broil, saute, minedly pursuing courses to keep prosecutor; will formally present ob- tion this summer by the state board CHS a year earner, was arrested two led its nearest competitor, Indian second in the state and Gechtberg "fflhTin prison. enerval,ed the senior DeMarzo to Hills High School, by 15 points. finished third. Alan Canzano of 1 jections to parole at an informational days after her trody was found in the The Farmer's Corner The Grocer's Corner Patric DeMarzo , contending that hearing. He said this week .that "the place petitions at Cranford, Gar- Conservation Center "This outstanding accomplish- the biology I team garnered an The Seafood Corner The Deli Corner The Butcher's Comer Neil Costanzo has served for seven state does not believe he(Costanzo) wood, Kenilworth and Clark police Costanzo, then 19, subsequently ment is a first for Cranford which individual award. - New! KeOogg'soCfes years but that his •family's.anguish has served anywhere near the suffi- headquarters plus the Cranford pleaded guilty to—second degree has never before garnered a first The Science League competi- At OunSliced to Order Counter - will last a lifetime, hias^collected ,1,600 cient time to punish him for the Diner and the American Shoe Repair place in an advanced chemistry tion is an annual, event in which American Grown USDA Choice Sweet Eating-Vine Ripened $ murder, Superior Court Judge Jumbo Maryland Cereal 12.5 oz, box 1J59 signatures on a per,ition urging the . crime he committed or to deter Shop, ~ —""Joseph G. Barbieri said it was "the competition," said team coach 480 teams participate from public Soft Shell Kings Homemade USDA Choice Spring Boneless $^79 Hpneydew $^99 PiUsbury Fudge state Parole Board tp deny parole. others from doing a similar crime." While DeMarzo is focusing on the most brutal and senseless case of se- Heri»ert Verter, chairman of the and private_J]jj[h_££JiaoJs 99 The father will present his petitions "We believe he has a history of victim input hearing, assistant pro^ cond degree^ jnurder I., have-ever- science...department. Team • throughout "the state. The com- Oven Roasted $^49 Brownie Mix 1 lb. 5.1 (g^box»1.29 members are Lisa DiFabio, Jeff Crabs each of LamfcL and his case for\ keeping his violence and is not adequately secutor SjegeLis Jioning in oh the in—.' seenr" TrST trial prosecutor, John petition takes place at four daughter's former- bctyfnen^d behind_ Gechtberg, Ayako Goto, Heidi regional meets beginning in Roast Beef .M ib «^—'— ~WhoIe~6TButt Half Large 6 Size 4-414 lb. avg. wgt. .reha bili ta ted, -"' Siegel~~sa id .~The~ formational hearing. Both" DeMassi, characterized the crime as Pbland Cranford Police Department shares mechanisms are designed to assist "barbaric." Greulich and Jon Sassi. January. Scores from the Fresh New Bedford Kings Homemade Fruited American Grown USDA Choice Juicy Florida J^ that view;.-"I'm opposed to early the Parole Board in its decisions. A ' Costanzo was sentenced to spend Final state standings for other regional meets are tallied into a $69 Baked Ham_ J4 lb. *1.99 ^Spring Jtamb:-^^——-'— L&rge Western Spring ^ parole," said Robert A. Guertin, senior hearing officer presides in from 27 to. 35 years in prison. That CHS science league teams are: statewide score. Final state stan- $ 79' Sea Scallops lb. Aj Fears 1h. 79* police chief. "Costanzo has a history both' instances and transcribed was before the legislature imposed biofogy I, 22; biology H, 25; dings are based on the sum of the =KingsTHomemade Fruited Baked Butterfly Leg for Barbecue lb. 2.79 Water gai.jug chemistry I, 28; and physics, 57. Turkey Breast 16.1b. *2A9 Shoulder Chops 2 Ply Bathroom In brief of. having a violent temper. I believe testimony is forwarded to the stiffer sentences and parole dis- four examinations. Jumbo Alaskan $ he has controlled it in prison only to witnesses and to the board from As part of the ranking process, A photograph of the victorious Kings Homemade Fruited Baked Blade Cut • lb; 1.89 Red Ripe California TJssmj pkg of 4 rolls 99* qualifiers and it was predicted at the King Crab Legs S serve His own purpose." which two, of seven members are several students were cited for scientists is on Page 4. Jb. $7.99 Gourmet Chicken Breasts lb. 1.99 Lamb Shank lb. H.29 Sunlight OH ___—qt btl n99 Memorial Day time that Costanzo would be eligible Previously Frozen — e Strawberries James Stabile, spokesman for the assigned to consider and decide. for parole in late 1985 at the earliest, $ Kings Homemade Fruited Baked Breast of Lamb lb. 69 Fresh Wblffish Fillets lb. 2.99 quart cont. '; - Ronzoni Memorial Day services begin correctional system, said that Siegel said the prosecutor's office which now appears to be accurate. -Spicepc d Ham ' 'A lb. *l/>9 Neck of Lamb for Stew __lb. 89* with a parade at 9 a.in. and a Costanzo's parole eligibility hearing has. been tracking the case and wat- Eligibility for parole consideration The Freezer Corner GoldeGld n CCrisi p Southern SomethmgJSew and Delicious Spaghetti ib. box ceremony at Memorial FJark.at 10 will be in July and that his parole ched it carefully and "we will exer- and actual parole is not tantamount Fried Chicken Jb. *2.79 USDA Choice Beef NelTZealand ftijoas a.m. (Details on Page3i. (Uarwood eligibility date as of April 1 was Dec. cise every opportunity we have to of- to approval. Stabile, the Corrections Regular or Thin / r Traffic changes 23, 1985, two days before his 26th bir- fer input and insight into Mr. Costan- Department spokesman, said that Green Giant Harvest Eresh Hot from the Spit! (Pineapple Guava) lb. ?2.99; services at the Knights ol Colum- Barbecued Spare Ribs __lb. $4.49 Filet Mignonib Washington State—Golden Delicious Aunt MUlies Spaghetti Sauce bus Hall start at 11 a.m/Bagel4> thday. i • zo. We do have relevant information while the prison population has in- Vegetables Cut Broccoli $ Qostanzo's "book term" or earliest that will assist the Parole Board." He $ Kings Homemade Untrimmed Whole, Custom Cut to All -Varieties __pt; 10 oz. jar 149 Kenilworth ceremonies wiJl beat creased in recent years, the*number or Broccoli Spears 9 oz. 1.09 Apples 3 lb, bag 99* possible date for parole, has fluc- declined to specify what type of infor- Tomalo & Onion Salads lb. f 1.59 Your Specification, 5-7 lb. sizes the park next to the Vegans of paroles grantee-has gone down. Ore-Ida Shoestring Potatoes White Rose Center at noon(Pagel3i. Schools proposed for North Kings Homemade USDA Choice Boneless Beef: Fresh from Florida in a Poly Bag_^_ 40 oz. *2.19 and government offices arei clos- FusilH Salad "h lb. Chuck Fillet ^___Ib. *1.89 White or \fellow Major changes in traffic control $ Iced lea Mix $J9! ed for the holiday. Stome traffic signals. Kings Homemade Oriental Shoulder London Broil _Jb. 1.99 and road patterns along and around Swanson Sweet Corn With lemon 2 lb. can businesses vyili be open. ' The "corridor" changes Plump *N Juicy Vegetable Salad 14 lb. *1.99 Kings Pride Corned Beef Brisket North Avenue East have been pro- dramatically to the west of that site, $32! Kings Homemade .
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