my 1 y. y! y- -^—y- !>-A: - :. • .- . -• —;.- o«*</^ .<JP.' -a'l!^ ij a- .'-.IWUP '' '! . :. i - —j ^ - . ft ? " The one Idea which History exhibits as evermore developing itself into greater distinctness is the Idea cf Humauity—the noble endeavour to throw down all the barriers erected between men by prejudice and one-sided views ; and by setting aside ths distinctions of Religion, Country, and Colour, to treat the whole Human race as one brotherhood, having one great object—the free development of our spiritual nature."—Humboldt's Cosmos. Content * Ireland .... 771 Indications of Beform m Doctors Are the Stars Inhabited ? 762 NEWS OF THE WEEK— PAGB An Episode in Town Iiife Commons 777 Jordan's Autobiography , 783 American Fishery 772 Tbe Question 766 " What's in a Name ?" .. 772 Hints to.New M.P.'s, by an Expe- Books on our Table 784 The Kafir "War ...... 766 Captain Atcherley Again 772 rienced " Stranger" 777 Letters from Paris..... 767 Cheap Funerals The Co-operative Movement 778 PORTFOLIO— Continental Notes 772 768 Miscellaneous , 772 The Dangers of the Temperance Letters of a Vagabond 784 " Von Beck"—Additional Evidence 768 Health of London daring the Week «' Cause" ... 779 Nunnery... 773 Comte's Positive Philosophy 785 The Norwood 769 Births, Marriages, and Deaths Emigrant's Transit Difficulties .. 773 OPEN COUNCIL— 770 THE ARTS— City Sympathy with the Sufferers at POSTSCRIPT 774 The Late Co-operative Conference 780 Montreal 770 Letter from Mr. E. Vansittart Neale 780 Signor KTegTini.., 787 PUBLI C AFFAIRS— Pietro il Grande 787 Curious Will Case 770 Ton Beck at Birmingham...... 780 * . Tb* Gold Fields of Australia 787 Agricultural Improvement 771 The Impossible War -with America 775 The Province of Toteratidn ... *** «•»•> 780 Bailway Aocidefct .................... 771 British Reaction on the Continent. 776 Verdict on the Duchessssa ofXentof Kent Ac-Ac The Clouded Bky 776 LITERATURE—LITERAT URE— COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS— czdent 771 Louis Napoleon's Best Friend 777 An American Thinker 781 | Markets, Advertisements, &c... 787-788 VOL. III. No. 125.1 SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1852. [Pkice Sixpence guards to come forth, and promising to divide omnipotent, accountable to no one but himself;" %vm nf tk Wnk amongst them the re-captured cattle. He has the Tiberius of France, shared the fate of his kind recurred to the old " commando" system—a —having become a splendid scoundrel, how could War, possible or actual, is still the subject of the species of agricultural militia organization. Alto- he act like a gentleman ? But Lord Londonderry day. The American mail brings more about the gether, the attitude of the Governor Commander- still believed him, and waited for a reply to his ^ Fishery question ; and the Cape mail brings news in-chief is deferential and blustering; no real second letter. June passed ; July slowly lapsed of more disasters. Mr. Webster has been deliver- progress has yet been made in reducing the rebels ; away ; August arrived—three months, and still no ing a speech , professedly intended to moderate and meanwhile loss of life and property is in- reply. Lord Londonderry finds that " his Prince," tbe American mirid, but really calculated to creasing. M. Bonaparte, is a violator of solemn pledges ; inflame angry feeling ; a needless labour ; for we Another colonial subjectmerit s more attention and he lays the intercessory correspondence before believe that Americans will obtain all that they than it receives from tie public at large. More Europe and the world. The world will give the ask of Downing-street, by the help of public convicts are sent to Van Diemen's Land—to appellant what he asks—admiration for bis cre- opinion in England. The tone of our own swell the number of runaway convicts who reap- dulity, and contempt for his *' Prince." journals proves as much. The organ of the Peel pear in the gold diggings. The friends and set- The revival of Bonapartism in France is one party, that of the Manchester party, with most of tlers of Van Diemen's Land protest against this continued raise en schte. The people are caressed the Liberal papers, are adverse to the position as- short-sighted policy ; which also exasperates the with dramatic spectacles of past glories to atone sumed by Ministers ; the Times, which professes Australians generally; but our Government for present humiliations. Fete after f&te cheats to be a reflex of the public, bas had a series of perseveres. the Parisians of their self-respect, and beguiles daily articles, showing that the letter of the law Lord Londonderry is a chivalrous Irish soldier Frenchmen into forgetfulness of the rights of free- is on our side, the spirit of fairness on the other —-at least, such he delights to be thought. Spite men and the duties of citizens. The solitude and side, and urging, not the less effectively because of the proceedings in regard to the " Family the silence around the electoral urns, however, temperately, the necessity of revising the Minis- seat," he is unquestionably a gentleman—a little proclaimed trumpet-tongued the pent up indigna- terial policy. The organ of Ministers, the indiscreet, perhaps, but still a gentleman. As a tion. The very general abstention from voting Morning Herald, denies that anything new has soldier and a gentleman, he has, from time to even in the towns where Louis Napoleon was said been done ; on which the Times rejoins, that if time, endeavoured to prevail on M. Bonaparte to to be idolized, makes the isolation of the man the nothing new has been done, why make a parade release the gallant Arab from the durance of Am- more glaring, and proves that a country " cannot of it to the colonists of the British North American boise. Last year, we printed a correspondence be ruled in spite of itself." The President apes provinces, who had been led to expect somo new between the Irish soldier and the President of the the Czar in the suddenness and secrecy of his enforcement of protection for their fishing grounds? Republic ; and then, when his own fate hung movements. He goes to the Sologne one Satur- Either the colonists have been cajoled , or the trembling in tbe scales, M. Bonaparte said he had day to visit his new estate, and returns to St. United States are assailed. The argument is un- done all he could ; that if no more was done, it Cloud on Tuesday, the departure being announced 1 answerable ; but in fact the paper in the Herald was because he had not the power to do it: that in the Moniteur some hours after the return. is less noticeable as a disclosure of facts, than as when 1852 was passed the thing would be easier Niggard and offensive, even clemency sits upon an admission that tbe Ministerial position is un- of accomplishment ; and that, sooner or later, lie the usurper with an ill-grace : Fifteen exiles, of tenable. How Ministers are'to back out of their desired to set Abd-el-Kader free. Lord London- divers categories, are suffered to return to their absurd advance does not }r et appear. derry believed him. In December, we know, tbe country, and to excite their gratitude the official The intelligence from the Cape of Good Hope would-be liberator of Abd-el-Kader liberated him- press welcomes them with insulting paragraphs of is not quite so momentous, but is very discourag- self, and enslaved France. Abd-el-Kader and contemptuous pity. ing. It is clear that nothing has yet been done France were both in durance Vile. February Victor Hugo's burning words are stealing like to cheek the savages, who still make desperate came, Lord Londonderry still believing, wrote to fire from lip to lip, and from heart to heart, and raids on the border ; that tbey do not yet think remind M. Bonaparte of his promise. The Ides already begin to rouse his country from the <>f submission ; that tbe cession of independence of March were past : 1852 had come ; but the lethargy of indifference to the sense and the shame to the Emi grant Fanners of tbe Dutch race under hands of M. Bonaparte were now red with French of a national conscience. Proudbon, tin; self- Pretorius is made in a politic desire to conciliate blood, and how could he sign tbe release of the destroying sceptic, is permitted ; Victor Hugo, the men whose alliance with the Blacks is feared ; and Arab chief? For two months, Lord Londonderry fiery denouncer, is pursued as a terror and a that General Cathcart confesses the extremity of got not even a reply to his letter. In May he scourge. lua position, b y the desperately confident tone wrote again- trusting to the courtesy between gen- At home, the news is of mirtdr importance. which he assumes in threatening to establish his tleman and gentleman—that is, between Lord The Ministerial question is, for the time, absorbed own bead-quarters in fhe camp of Kreli. He also Londonderry and M. Bonaparte—for an answer. in the fishery affair ; and a general feeling grows appeals to the colonists, with a mixture of Still no reply. Of course, the " hero" who, in up among all parties, that the " difficulty " should not msinuated threat and promise ; urging the Burgher the word* of Londonderry, is " absolute, supreme, proceed without a consultation in Parliament ; yet [Country Edition.] cannot be withdritfn a*fr tfcig s$afrf6n of the year, when our ford flied, and the1 no one knows when Parliament is to meet, and courts only met to pass resolution Ministers desire to people, according to their . Qusljom , havie engaged in the of coridefatoce. As Kaine was on his the general idea is that put it business, withojw just and cannot way from the <r seasonable notice.
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