Index Political slogans, Chinese or Tibetan words that are not names, and titles of books and songs are italicized. abbots 27, 84, 103, 148 student activists 33 Ama 97, 387, 394 abuse 65, 85, 99, 148, 153, 155, 222, 333, Tibetan activists xxxiii Ama Adhe xix, 394 393, 401 wounded activists 141, 391 Ama Kyi- la 97, 387 insults 93, 96, 252 Adhe Tapontsang. See Ama Adhe ambans xx, 37, 170, 381, 396 accountable. See responsibility administration office 124, 155, 252, 381– Amdo xxi– xxii, xxv– xxvi, 69, 132, 169, accusations 71, 99, 127, 148, 207, 230, 32, 384, 386, 397, 404 324, 387, 394– 95, 403 253, 255, 280, 374, 403 advertising 326, 329 Amdo ’58 394 accused 87, 93, 108, 115, 123, 141, agate. See zi Amdo Jampa 26, 387, 396, 408 206, 278, 280, agricultural and pastoral production American imperialists 248, 272 accuser 93 299 Amitabha 292 aiding foreign powers, 123 agricultural plants 289 ammunition 212, 214 achieving a basically well- off society Agricultural Machinery Plant Amoghasiddhi 292 131, 381 236, 383 Ani Lhadrön 97, 100– 101, 387 activism 20, 47– 48, 223 agricultural production mutual- aid Ani Sita- la 109– 10, 387 activists xii, xviii, xxiii, xxxii, 89, 131, 137, groups 287 Annals of Major Events in History of 151, 153, 155– 56, 158– 59, 172, 210, agriculture 181, 252, 386, 407 the Party in Tibet 69, 123, 238, 312, 219, 224, 267, 308, 350, 362, 388 learn agriculture from Dazhai 402, 408 activist leaders 152 287, 289, 383 anniversaries 249, 354 aggressive activists 33, 48, 85, airport 110, 324 of the founding of prc 97, 182, 97, 147, 214, 375, 384, 398 air- raid shelters 268– 69, 326 185, 249, 261, 279, 354 ex- activists 155 air- defense 268 of the founding of tar 279, 312, female activists 19, 24, 33, 87, 93, aja 120– 21, 387 314 97, 101, 105, 107, 112, 120, 141 Akester, Matthew xxxviii, 394, 401, 408 Anu 245, 387 female Tibetan activists xxxiv Alexander, André 141, 398– 401, 408 April 1 Directive 210, 381 former activists 127, 153, 155, Alliance, the 209, 230, 276– 67, 299, architecture 39, 189, 399 158, 172 385, 403 archways 37, 175, 237, 279, 327 from outside Tibet 19, 50, 201 English name for Nyamdrel Arendt, Hannah 403 in the Jokhang 33, 36, 46, 49– 33, 43, 74, 181, 199, 205, 241, aristocracy xxxiv, 2, 42, 45, 67, 85, 112, 50, 64, 66, 71 382, 396 115, 122, 128– 29, 135, 149, 152, 398– leading struggle sessions 85, of factions 230, 276– 77, 299, 39, 402 87, 91, 93– 94, 97, 101, 105, 385, 403 aristocratic families 8, 47, 110, 107, 112, 114– 16, 120, 123, Great Alliance, the 209, 241, 396 118, 132, 141, 158, 167, 236, 126– 27, 138, 141, 143 with Gyenlog 196, 233, 238 274, 346, 405 aristocracy (cont.) artifacts 50, 56, 67, 93, 113, 152, 351, reassess Cultural Revolution aristocrat- officials xxii, xxxiv, 369– 70, 376 110, 211, 249, 278, 315, 356, 83, 94, 151, 277, 332, 400 antiques 51, 62, 65, 103, 147, 393 fourth- level 114, 118, 170, 351 authority 87, 229, 247, 250, 261, 393, 123, 125 curios 86, 95, 170, 350 396 former aristocrats 2, 83, 94, 151, devotional objects rediscovered Avalokiteshvara. See Chenrezig 277, 332, 398 93 Avedon, John 394 nobles 85, 94, 98, 116 items 21, 30, 51, 54, 63, 73– 74, noblewomen 110, 120 103, 138, 141, 375 Baba Phuntsog Wanggyal xix armbands. See red: armbands junked 51 bad 67, 72, 92, 317 Armed Forces Department 256– 57, relics 64, 73, 93, 152, 278, 404 categories. See categories: Four 262, 267, 278, 384 religious artifacts 73, 342 Bad Categories armed forces 72, 236, 326 sacred artifacts. See sacred: elements 223, 238, 253, 358, armed masses 267 artifacts 381, 397 Armed Police 28, 31, 78, 250, valuables 49– 51, 54, 141, 147, karma 56, 155, 316– 17, 370, 324, 353, 384 255 378– 79 factional struggle 33, 86, 207– 8, artillery 162, 173, 237, 269 old customs 24 210, 212, 218 artists 26, 52, 249, 279, 323, 332, 396, badges xiv, 92, 215, 251 armed resistance xxii– xxiii 400 Baguo. See Barkor armored vehicles 354 artisans 77, 150, 165 Bamo. See Sakya Bamo armories 212– 14, 238 Tibetan artists 396 Banakshöl 400 army xi, xxi, xxiii, 69, 129, 210, 219, 223, assemblies 74, 261, 274– 75 Banchan. See Panchen: Panchen Lama 228, 234, 237– 38, 250, 255, 286, attacks 8, 25, 100, 105, 120, 206, 210, bandits 143, 222, 254, 407 290, 293, 296, 324, 353, 382, 384– 218, 398 Banggo 121, 387 85, 395, 398, 401– 2 attacked 150, 157, 373– 74, 376 Ban Jiao xxx, 396 barracks 176, 214, 238,, 353 attackers 93, 108, 218, 349 banknotes 132 division 214 by factions 37, 207, 209, 211, banned books, events xiii, xxv, xxviii 5, Eighteenth Army 106, 230, 242, 214, 217– 18, 230, 234, 238, 78, 171, 222, 321, 394, 400 247, 249– 50, 382 247, 263, 375, 401 banners 6, 13– 14, 20, 28, 114, 195, 249, entered Tibet xv on individuals 8, 150, 157, 230, 274, 300, 314, medical teams 246 247, 349, 373– 74 bilingual 7, 9, 82 newspaper 276 on the Four Olds 2, 45, 62, 71, of factions 200, 220, 235, 240– officers 243 255, 339, 376 41, 243 Tibetan army xxi auditorium 194 in Jokhang 4, 7, 36, 82 uniforms 59 August 19 rally. See rallies banshichu. See administration office arrest xxix, 31, 137, 209– 10, 221, 223, August 1966 2, 19, 41, 46, 60, 73, 114, barbarism 2, 173, 320 290, 376 123– 24, 144, 163, 210, 332, 350, 354 Bargo- kaling. See Drakgo- kaling charged 28, 99, 101, 135, 143, 211, August 24 revolutionary action Barkor 95, 127, 130, 132, 161, 169– 70, 349, 374 24, 28, 30, 37, 41, 46– 48, 52, 212, 226, 268, 324, 326– 27, 372, 375, house arrest xxii, 5, 87, 401 54, 63, 339– 44, 346, 349, 397, 399, 404 imprisoned 43, 58, 61, 78, 97, 381, 403 Barkor Ancient City 351 110, 125, 150, 290 authorities challenged 214– 15, 217, 220, destroying the Four Olds in 28, jail 98, 101, 130, 221– 22, 230, 238, 255 32, 38, 49– 50, 52, 54, 56– 57, 290, 376 local authorities 141, 400 67, 72, 369– 70 raped 221 post- 1980 authorities 31, 141, four corners 397, 404 art xxv, xxxi– xxxii, 196, 233, 261, 310 158, 253, 323, 334, 338– 39, Neighborhood Committee 50, and literature organizations 165 349, 354, 394, 397, 402– 4, 52, 54, 57, 110, 123, 127, 132– performance art piece 323 407 33, 141, 143, 156, 163, 171– 72, programs 189 pre- 1980 authorities 31, 123, 370, 377, 387, 400 socialist- realist xxxii 131, 187, 229– 30, 248, 253, head of 54, 127, 132, 156, 400– 401 171– 72 Barkor (cont.) Bhrikuti 21, 58, 64, 93, 387 tar People’s Broadcasting New Barkor Square 345 Bhutan 401 Station 91, 208– 9, 385 parades in 24– 25, 28, 38, 49, 88, bicycles 145, 329, 331, 333, 369 broadsheets xviii 91, 107, 350, 352 big- character poster xxiii Brodsky, Joseph 330, 404 police station 124 “big lie,” the xxvii brooms 25 square 345 biographies xviii iron brooms 20, 22, 40– 42, 205 struggle sessions in 97, 110, testimonies xix– xx, xxxiii Buchung 224, 387 114, 118, 126– 27, 132, 136, 141, biography 407 Buchung Tsering 70, 387 143, 145 autobiographies xix, xxxi, 173, Budapest 112 zurshi 56, 369, 391, 397, 404 393– 94, 397, 401, 408 Buddha 22, 73, 77– 78, 101, 109– 10, 150, barley 85, 124, 130, 157, 253, 315 memoirs xviii– xix, 63, 74, 150, 292, 331, 369, 382 as harvest 204, 244– 45, 288 394– 95 Buddha families 66 as loans 124, 130 blacksmiths 141, 375 Buddha’s hair. See Willow in statues 65, 376 Blakeslee, Joy 394 Five Buddha Families 66 as torture 100, 119 blockhouses 139 statues 21, 37, 48, 50– 51, 58, 62, Barnett, Robert 394– 95, 407 bo 124, 130, 387, 400 68, 72, 75, 77, 375, 377– 78 Battle of Chamdo 115, 128 statues repaired, restored 79, Bodhisattvas 68, 75, 244, 316 Bcu gcig. See Chubchi 89, 316, 375, 377 Chenrezig 21, 64, 172– 73, 397, beatings 28, 85, 93, 99, 119, 132, 208, Buddhism xxvii, 7, 21, 27, 73, 92, 103, 405 252, 371, 401 309, 396, 405 death and destruction of 68, 75 beaten to death 252 revival of 79, 155, 162, 176, 249 bombarding the headquarters xxiii, 55, drums, gongs 24, 46, 89, 166, Buddhist 20– 21, 39, 41, 52, 59, 77– 79, 381, 384 368, 374 84, 88, 92, 127, 131, 151, 155, 172, 176, bombing xxii beggars 100, 121, 371 249, 291, 327, 330, 334, 346, 371, Bomé county 213, 402 Beijing ix, xii, xxiv– xxv, xxvii, xxix– xxx, 375, 377, 397, 400, 405 books xviii, xxx, xxxiii, 18, 37, 68, 135, xxxii, 211, 224, 230, 249, 287, 371, Buddhist Association 81, 108, 152, 169, 185, 216, 226, 240, 254, 256, 396 373, 381, 398 274, 279, 302, 309, 317, 322, 367, Beijing Industrial College 397 Buddhist Institute 249, 402 371, 379, 381, 383 Beijing Institute of Aeronautics practice 32, 56, 145 red books xxxii, 18, 185, 236, 180, 397 reliquary 25 240, 274, 296, 367, 383– 84 Beijing Institute of Geosciences reverted to religion 32, 52, 56, borders xxii, xxvi, xxix, xxxi– xxxii, 37, 397 79, 127, 131, 145, 162, 172, 69, 125, 254, 267, 394 Beijing Normal College 397 176, 249 Beijing Revolutionary counties 206, 211, 401 rituals 162, 170 Headquarters of Rebels 209 frontier 248, 272, 393 teachings 82, 150, 269, 327, 346, Beijing Road 22, 128, 139, 171, trying to cross 221 375, 398 176, 213, 241, 326, 356, 381, bourgeois xxiii, 229, 261, 263, 367– 68, Building Construction Team 124, 214 387 383 buildings 3, 55, 88, 161, 167, 173, 175, influence of 10, 12– 13, 15– 16, 19, Bright Neighborhood Committee 171, 189, 199, 212, 238, 289, 327– 29, 352, 53, 63, 175, 189, 211, 291, 312 381 400, 408 Jowo sent to 58, 93, 399 British xx– xxi, 116, 213, 272, 400 mansions 87, 91, 136, 141, 214, orders from 19, 53, 71, 206, 210, British invasion xx 236 212, 215, 217, 272 Great Britain xxi converted into shops, Red Guards from 19, 60– 62, Tibetan surrender to xxi hotel 38, 60, 95, 350 70, 180, 203, 238, 247, 279, brje ba xv Yabshi Takster 3, 60, 128, 346, 397 broadcasting xxix, 107, 174, 321, 326, 180, 329, 362, 404 shocked by violence 212, 215, 349, 385 Tibetan buildings 86, 139, 161, 217 broadcast stations 74– 75, 91, 236, 250, 327, 350 Benjamin, Walter 320, 403 180– 81, 208– 9, 212, 214, 385 bullets 143, 173, 212, 214, 222 Berger, John 404 loudspeakers 107, 195, 241, 326, sugarcoated bullets 367, 369, Berlin 332 332, 373 385 bumpa 103, 105, 387 Rolleiflex 106 gratitude, praise for 13, 16, 29, Burang 401 rolls 324– 35 121, 126, 202, 222, 292 burned 38, 67, 97, 103, 334 security cameras.
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