UNION INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES PREHISTORIQUES ET PROTOHISTORIQUES EVOLUTION DES SOCIETES HUMAINES DE LA PREHISTOIRE A LA PROTOHISTOIRE ____________________________________ XIX° CONGRES UISPP MEKNES SEPTEMBRE 2020 Sommaire des sessions Summary of sessions 1 Table des matières Book_Sessions_cover.pdf1 Archaeoacoustics - The Archaeology of Past Soundscapes in Prehistory and Protohistory., Coimbra Fernando [et al.]1 Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues du Maghreb, Hadjouis Djillali 3 Les contacts entre l’Europe et le Maghreb aux âges des métaux / Contacts between Europe and the Maghreb during the Metal Ages, Brandherm Dirk [et al.] 4 Origin processes of the emergence of warrior societies: from inter-group con- flict in Prehistory to its social roots in Proto-history., Gabriele Berruti [et al.] 5 Relations between core and periphery in Pleistocene hunter-gatherer societies, South Western Asia, Goder Goldberger Mae [et al.]7 On the Move: Reconsidering Human Migrations in Pre- and Protohistory, Fernandez- Gotz Manuel [et al.]8 Mudbrick standardisation, Daneels Annick9 HOLOCENE POPULATION MOVEMENTS AT THE INTERFACE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, ATLANTIC, MAGHREB AND SAHARA CIRCULA- TIONS DES PEUPLEMENTS HOLOCENES A L’INTERFACE DE LA MEDITER- RANEE, DE L’ATLANTIQUE, DU MAGHREB ET DU SAHARA, Amara Iddir [et al.] 11 1 Landscapes of Movement and Predation: Indigenous Responses to Colonialism and the Archaeological Record, Bowser Brenda [et al.] 13 Mediterranean relations in the Neolithic / Relations méditerranéennes au Néolithique, Lemercier Olivier [et al.] 14 Archaeology of the lithic procurement areas in the African Stone Age, Morales Juan I. [et al.] 15 ART THROUGH A CHANGING WORLD: CLIMATE INDICATORS THROUGH ROCK ART, Nash George [et al.] 16 Hominins in changing environments - in search of integrative perspectives, Knul Monika [et al.] 18 Carinated technology in focus: Reduction strategies, tool production and lithic economy in the Upper Palaeolithic, Parow-Souchon Hannah [et al.] 19 Understanding and accessibility of pre-and proto-historical research issues: sites, museums and communication strategies., Di Nucci Annarosa [et al.] 20 Les structures brûlées au Néolithique, Gheorghiu Dragos [et al.] 21 Monuments et rites funéraires holocènes et pré-islamiques du Maghreb : pe- uplements, cultures et influences, Benlamine Lalla Khaddouj [et al.] 23 Transversality in Anthropology – Updates on methodologies, technological developments and discoveries, Arnaud Julie [et al.] 24 Multidisciplinary approaches led in Lower/Middle Palaeolithic European ar- chaeological sequences., Pereira Alison [et al.] 25 Identity, Timing and Environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene Cultures in Northwest Africa, Bouzouggar Abdeljalil [et al.] 26 Historiography and Suspension of Indigenous Connection with Place and Object- case studies from Oceania, Walshe Keryn [et al.] 27 2 SPHEROIDS in the Paleolithic: Stories in the round, Assaf Ella [et al.] 28 Regards croisés sur l’Ibéromaurusien : perspectives comparatives sur les sys- tèmes techniques des technocomplexes du bassin méditerranéen., Sari Lat- ifa [et al.] 30 Archéologie et sciences connexes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre : Apports et perspectives, Camara Abdoulaye [et al.] 33 Prehistoric occupations on river archives, Pereira Telmo [et al.] 34 LOWER PALAEOLITHIC ACROSS TIME AND SPACE: what we are talking about?, Arzarello Marta [et al.] 35 Recherche, analyse de risques et préservation des sites malacologiques, Ro- brahn González Erika Marion [et al.] 36 L’humanité face aux changements climatiques : des origines au début des temps historiques / Humanity facing climate change : from the origins to early historical times, Djindjian François 37 Computational Prehistory and Protohistory, Djindjian François [et al.] 40 Post-modern archaeology versus neoprocessual archaeology : the debate, Djind- jian François 41 Prehistoric sickles worldwide: techno-typology, hafting, function, cultural as- pects, and symbolism, Zutovski Katia [et al.] 42 Reconstructing socio-economic and cultural dynamics from the Sahara to Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene, Lucarini Giulio [et al.] 44 Archaeometry of prehistoric and protohistoric stone, metal, ceramics and glass, Török Béla [et al.] 45 Dynamics of hunter-gatherers in the western Mediterranean: Southern Eu- rope and North Africa between 18,500-10,000 cal. BP, Vadillo Margarita [et al.] 46 3 Archaeology, Rock Art and Caravans in Comparative Prospective., Rivera Mario [et al.] 48 Old excavations, new data: the use of archives and of original documentation in current archaeological research projects, Alessandro Guidi [et al.] 49 Remote Sensing for Endangered Archaeology: Encountering Human and En- vironmental Causes, Campana Stefano [et al.] 51 ”Acheulean gaps" in Africa between _~1.3 and _~1.0/0.7 Ma: questioning the absence during a key-period of human evolution, Gallotti Rosalia [et al.] 52 Session: The conservation of archaeological sites and cultural landscapes . Panel: Archaeological heritage policies and management structures, Macamo Solange 53 Man and his companions (horse and dog) in Eurasian Graves (3rd mill. BC-1st mill. AD, Sirbu Valeriu [et al.] 54 WARFARE, CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE IN PREHISTORIC NEAR EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA, Gil Fuensanta Jesus [et al.] 55 The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples, Anati Em- manuel 56 MESO-NEOLITHIC HUNTER-GATHERER MOBILITY PATTERNS, Soares Joaquina [et al.] 58 Creating in tropical forests: toolkits and technical behaviours of prehistoric hunter-gatherers between 23◦ North and 23◦ South., Xhauflair Hermine [et al.] 61 Pleistocene early weaponry technologies: a multifaceted mosaic of new evi- dence and behaviours, La Porta Alice [et al.] 62 Preventive archaeology and its impact on the study of past societies. Possi- bilities and reality, Kadrow Slawomir 64 4 The rock art and archaeology of Macaronesian Islands, Ribeiro Nuno [et al.] 65 L’imagerie dans tous ses états : Architecture cranio-faciale, posture occlusale et rachidienne, appareil locomoteur., Hadjouis Djillali [et al.] 70 Megaliths, landscapes and social complexification accross Europe and Africa: comparative analysis of contextualized processes, Oosterbeek Luiz [et al.] 71 Human adaptations to arid and desert environments: settlements, industries and rock art evidences, Oosterbeek Luiz [et al.] 72 The management of prehistoric sites and the dynamics of contemporary soci- eties: World Heritage and beyond, Oosterbeek Luiz [et al.] 73 THE ARCHAEOMETRY OF ROCK ART: ANALYSES, ABSOLUTE DAT- ING AND CONSERVATION, Garcês Sara [et al.] 74 Occupation in mid-latitude Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum and shortly thereafter, Lev Sergey [et al.] 75 Pyroarchaeology from hunter-gatherer contexts to sedentary and complex so- cieties, Mallol Carolina [et al.] 76 Let it burn! Experimental and Ethnoarchaeological Approaches in Pyroar- chaeology, Stahlschmidt Mareike C. [et al.] 77 Hypogéisme funéraire en Europe et en Afrique, Giuseppa Tanda [et al.] 78 MOVEMENTS, DISPLACEMENTS, CIRCULATION AND EXCHANGES IN ANGIENT AMERICAN SOCIETIES, Mazzia Natalia [et al.] 79 Pour une archéologie de l’Atlas : ressources, itinéraires et établissements, de la Préhistoire à l’époque médiévale, Dridi Hédi [et al.] 82 Hunter-gatherers in the Late Glacial World. What do we know exactly?, Sobkowiak- Tabaka Iwona [et al.] 84 5 Hunters and farmers from both margins: Debating Mediterranean intercon- tinental connections during the early and middle Holocene, Arias Pablo [et al.] 85 Studying Rock Art in extreme enviroments: methods and techniques, Menén- dez Iglesias Beatriz 86 Mountain Africa: prehistoric peoples and palaeoenvironments, Stewart Brian [et al.] 87 Prey and Hunters: exploring subsistence strategies from the Pleistocene to the Early Holocene., Thun Hohenstein Ursula [et al.] 88 Les premières appropriations du monde souterrain / The oldest ’mastering’ of the underground world, Jaubert Jacques [et al.] 89 Examining cultural change and variability during the MSA over multiple spa- tial and temporal scales, Conard Nicholas [et al.] 91 Patterns and causes of spatial and temporal variability during the Middle Paleolithic, Chacón M. Gema [et al.] 92 Traceology in the 21st Century: Contributions to Archaeological Science and the Human Journey, Pawlik Alfred [et al.] 93 Climatic changes and human occupation of mountain environments in prehis- toric and protohistoric times, Callanan Martin [et al.] 95 ANCIENT MIRRORS: ALWAYS REFLECTIVE AND GENERALLY SE- CRETIVE OBJECTS OF THE PAST CULTURES, Coşkunsu Güner [et al.] 96 Submerged paleoenvironments and ancient remains found in wet environments (archeology and conservation), Figueiredo Alexandra [et al.] 97 UNTOLD STORIES: WOMEN AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN AFRICA, Coltofean- Arizancu Laura [et al.] 98 First husbandry practices in Mediterranean area, Sierra Alejandro [et al.] 99 6 Emergence d’Homo sapiens et son contexte naturel et culturel /Emergence of Homo sapiens and its natural and cultural context, Ben-Ncer Abdelouahed [et al.] 100 Late stone talks: Lithic Industries in Metal Ages, Manclossi Francesca 102 La circulation des métaux et des métallurgies au Maghreb pré et protohis- torique: état de la recherche, Essaadi Fouad [et al.] 103 Substrats autochtones et contacts culturels au Maghreb et Sahara de l’âge du Bronze à la fin de l’Antiquité, Bokbot Youssef [et al.] 104 ” The rivers run but soon run dry... ". Archéologie de l’eau et des précipita- tions dans l’iconographie saharienne préhistorique., Graff Gwenola [et al.] 106
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