CO-EDS PATTON MORE REPLIES SCOTCH TO RECENT THAN DANCE MALES ARTICLE VOLUME IX. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, MARCH 23, 1928 NUMBER 24 THE LATEST Joke About the Absent- Minded Professor CHICAGO CHAMPS TO DEBATE HERE *"*"i * i * * * t t " *i 4 Dr. Atkinson, psychology pro- fessor, was concentrating upon some deep subject, maybe upon the likely correlation of the senile psychosis with the little known schizephrenia type of insanity. Begins June iith to the Summer was walking School Session Anyway, as he college the other morning he was oblivious to his whereabouts. As he progressed toward the WIDE RANGE campus one foot slipped-off the OF I Chief John Makes Debut Before Scluptors LOCAL ORATORS pavement and landed in the gut- ter. Not noticing anything wrong SUBJECTS WILL 1-- .---..... -.. MEET NORTHERN he walked the next block with one foot on the walk and the other in BE GIVEN HERE A. the gutter. DEBATE CHAMPS A student, wishing to be affable. overtook him and said: "How are Six-Week Session Begins Orr, Thompson, Fortas To you this morning, professor?" Monday, June 11 "Very well, thank you, only I Uphold Affirmative notice a slight limp." he rejoined. OPEN TO EVERYONE DEBATE ON APRIL 10 BOBCATS DUE TOSpecial Tutoring May Be Argue On Policy Of U. S. APPEAR AT BALL Had From Profs Armed Intervention Practically a complete course of col- Southwestern men debaters will open lege subjects will be offered by South- the annual spring intercollegiate debate Jeff Davis Gets Vicious western at the six-weeks summer school season on April 10 when a three-man which opens on Monday, June II, at Mississippi Cats team composed of William Orr, Ray- 8:30 a. m. The summer serrion closes mond Thompson and Abe Fortas, will The tantalizing caterwauling of two on July 21. meet the champion Northwestern Uni- vicious bobcats will be heard soon over "The summer school courses are open versity team from Chicago. the silent stretches of the campus. The to both Southwestern students and all The subject for argument is, Resolved, customary nocturnal tranquility will be others who desire to enroll," states Dean That the United States Should Cease to broken as soon as these two felines ex- E. D. McDougall, chairman in charge Protect by Armed Force All American haust their present food supply. of arrangement of the course.s Capital Invested in Foreign Countries Homer Davis, brother of Jeff Davis, The following courses will be given: Except After a Formal Declaration of brother of Sid Davis, and a resident of Philosophy, English (composition and War. Lexington, Miss., will ship the two cats literature), History, Mathematics, Chem- UPHOLD AFFIRMATIVE to Memphis as soon as they have eaten istry, French, German, Spanish, Educa- It will be the duty of the Southwest- up the food supply which he has bought tion, and Bible. Choctaw Indian, and a member of Southwestern's student body, ern orators to prove the point from for them, so says Jeff, who has just re- SIX INSTRUCTORS Chief Harry Alexander John, full-blood is a popular model with the local sculptors and painters. The two fine pieces of sculptoring of the chief, the affirmative side. The debate will turned from a visit to Lexington. Instructors in the several courses will shown in the above picture, are of bronze and were fashioned by two students of the Memphis Academy of be held in Hardie Auditorium at 8 Both cats have their tails cut off, as be Professors A. P. Kelso, W. O. Shew- Arts. The original models were made of mud, and were later cast into bronze. Besides the two placid busts P. M. all regular fully initiated bobcats do, maker, W. O. Swan, Francis Huber, of Chief John, the sculptors are: Mrs. Edwin Dalstrom, left, and Miss Valerie Banong, right. A very beau- The Northwestern debate will be fol- and the twain will be presented to the Martin W. Storn and Dean E. D. Mc- tiful oil painting of John has been painted at the Academy also. lowed by a verbal tussle with the West student body by Jeff on the night of Dougall. Tennessee State Teachers on April 14 the masquerade ball. courses of especial interest to Special at 8 P. M. in the Teachers' auditorium. Sunday school superintendents and Southwestern will uphold the negative teachers will also be offered. Full de- HOLD RE-EXAMS Corner Drug Store ANNUALS DUE ON side of the above question. Orr and If You Are a Co-ed by communica- tails may be obtained InGrotto Billy Flowers will represent the Lynx. tion with Dean McDougall at South- Erected LAST OF MONTH CAMPUS MAY 15 DUAL UNION DISPUTE Please Do Not Read western. Of Sorority House James Melvin and Malcolm Ritchie Credit will.be one and one-half hours "Collegiate, collegiate, yes we are col- will face Union University, at Jackson, The Foregoing Yarn six-weeks' course, with the ex- Obtain Permission, Pay for each Obtain PrmissionPylegiate Beauty Section Proofs Tenn., on the negative side of the ques- SEATTLE, WASH.-(IP)--She en- with eight hours ception of chemistry, X2.50 Fee- Filxea It was every bit of that last Friday Show Hughes Pretty tion while Gerald Capers and Nate tered the men's clothing store, blushed course. for the eight-week night when the A. O. Pi's held open White will debate the same question when the clerk asked what she wanted, may combine Summer school students Students contemplating taking re- house. from the affirmative viewpoint with a then pointed timidly to the show-case if desired in order After much struggling and hard work two or more subjects exams in subjects must do two things As a compliment to the newly initi- Union team in lardie Auditorium. in which was displayed a new line of hours. Completion Editor Heiss of the Lynx has succeeded to obtain additional before they will be admitted into the ated freshmen pledges, the house was Thornton Moore and E. F. Thomp- two-piece, variegated hued, men's un- courses will be equivalent to in dragging "Dode" Farnsworth and Joe of four quiz rooms. First, the permission of gaily decorated in pennants, balloons son will journey to Birmingham-South- derwear. any subject, Davis before the camera in order to get one full year of work in the professor is necessary; second, it and all the frills that deck a dormitory ern, at Birgingham, to argue the above "Two pair of the shorties," she con- a basketball picture of these camera-shy says Dr. Storn. takes a receipt from the bursar for $2.50, room. cThe novelty of the decorations question from the negative side on the fided, "the flashiest you have." lads. These two were the last of the SPECIAL TUTORING the regular re-exam fee. was a corner drug store, where drinks night of April 27. The clerk wrapped them up and the basketball pictures. Special tutoring in the subjects of- Professors in each course will an- (soft) and ice cream (cold) were served. ARGUE AT OXFFORD girl hurried out. other subjects de- As soon as the baseball pictures can fered and most any nounce the time and place of the ex- Regular rah-rah college ditties were Charles R. Rond Ill and Freshman "Yes, sir," smiled the salesman ap- red by private or be secured they will be sent to the en- may be obtained aminations which are to be held on the strummed off by an orchestra properly Warner Beard will engage the Univer- proaching an interested male bystander, graver. All pictures for the Lynx ex- group lessons from the professors. following days: Monday, March 26, imbued with the spirit. sity of Mississippi team at Oxford, Miss., just at that moment furtively inspecting per- cept the baseball pictures have been sent Students from other colleges, or Greek, History, Political Science, Biol- It was gay, carefree, joyous-and no the night of May 9, on the subject of neckties, "the women are adopting all the courses who to the engraver. sons desiring to take ogy, Spanish, Latin; Tuesday, March 27, one was hurt. the recently enacted Baumes bill of the men's styles. Even two-piece under- are also Material will probably be sent to the are not interested in the credits, Mathematics, English, Philosophy, Psy- New York, wear hasn't individuality any more." printer about the middle of April and concerning the imprisonment eligible to enroll. chology, Bible; Wednesday, March 28, of criminals for life after four convic- "Just the other day," he continued, "we the annuals will be on the campus Chemistry, Public Speaking, French, Oratorical Talks tions. around May 15, says Heiss. received a new stock of the 'undies' and German, Physics. we're sold out already. It's the women Pals Give One-Act Proofs of the Beauty Section have Date and subject for debate between It is imperative that students make In Chapel Mar. 27 Southwestern and the Memphis Law who are buying most of them. Sorority Six members of Quibbler Men's De- come from the engraver and Billy known their intentions at once if they School have not been decided upon. row has swamped us with Play At Log Cabin Hughes is handsomer than ever, the orders." plan on taking these examinations. bating Forum have entered the oratori- "A Cup of Tea," a one-act play, was cal contest being sponsored by the state photographer having touched up his pic- given by four of Pal players last Sat- W. C. T. U. Mrs. Albert Tayloe, of ture. We Will Have With urday before the City Pan-Hellenic Only Three Studes the local W.
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