An Orderfor Hoy Communion Alt ernative Services Series 3 , Black numbers indicate material which is mandatory It is provided in Canon B12 'Of the Ministry of Holy Blue numbers indicate material wh ich is opt ional Communion ' that only those who have been episcopally ordained priest shall consecrate the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Notes 1 Posture. Wherever a certain posture is particularly appropriate. it is indicated in the left -hand margin. At all other points local custom may be established and followed. 2 Saying and singing . Where rubrics indicate that a secti on isto be 'said', this must be understood to include 'or sung' and vice versa. 3 Seasonal material. The proper than ksgivings (28) are obligatory; but the seasonal sentences (1,37) and the seasonal blessings (45) are opt ional. The use of one portion ofthe optional material does not necessitate the use of the other portions . 4 Series2 material. During the initial period of experiment. it is permitted to use in certain sections the texts prescribed in Holy Communion Series 2 (excluding Append ix 2) instead ofthe texts printed here. These sections are : the Salutat ion (3) , t he Collect for Purity (4) , the Gloria in Excelsis (5) , the responses to the Gospel (11 ), t he Nicene Creed (13) , the Prayers (15) , t he Comfortab le Words (17) , the Confession (18), the Prayerof Humble Access (20), the Lord's Prayer (31) , the Words of Administration (33), the Anthems (34), and the final prayer after commun ion (40) .Where parts of at (12) wheneve r possible ; but it is not necessary the service are also sung to we ll -known musical at every service. settings, it is permitted to usethe words for which these settings were composed . 10 The Prayers (15) . The introduction to the specific subjects of prayer is not restricted to the printed forms 5 The Kyries (5) . The Kyries may be said or sung in 'w e give thanks for' , 'we pray for ','w e commemorate'. English or Greek. In penitent ial seasons it is desirable Other forms may be used at the discret ion of the that this section shou ld be used in preference to minister provided they are clearly addressed to God. Gloria in Excelsis. It is desirable that subjects of prayer should be 6 The Gloria in Excelsis (5) . This cant icle is also expressed briefly . appropriate at sections 2. 10, or 41. 11 The Peace (22). The president may accompany the 7 The Collects (6). The Collects are either those words of the Peacew ith a handclasp or similar action: appo inted in the Boo k of Common Prayer or those and both the words and the action may be passed appended to Holy Commun ion Series 1. through the congregation. 8 The Lessons (7.9.11) . The Lessons should be announced in the order : book , chapter , verse.They 12 A Service w ithout Communion . When there is to be should be either those set out in Tables 1- 3 appended no commun ion, the minister reads the service as far as to Holy Commun ion Series 3, or those in the Book of the absolut ion (19) and then adds the Lord's Prayer Common Prayer, or any othe r lessons wh ich are (31) , the General Thanksgiv ing, and other prayers at author ized for use in the Church of England . It should his discretion, end ing with the Grace. When such a be noted that the three lessons from the Old service is led by a deacon or lay person,'us' is said Testament and the New Testament in these tables instead of 'you' in the Absolutio n (19). form a coherent w hole. But when on ly two lessons are used, the Old Testament lesson and the Gospel 13 Hymns. Notices . Offerings of the People. Points are shou ld be used during Advent and the last five weeks ind icated for the singing of hymns . the publicat ion of of Trinity ; the Epistle and the Gospel should be used banns of marriage and other not ices. and the during the rest of Trinity and Whitsun ; and either the collect ion and presentatio n of the offe rings of the Old Testament lesson or the Epistle should be used peop le ; but if occasion requires. there are other with the Gospel from Christmas unt il the end of points at which they may occur . Easter. 9 The Sermon (12) . A sermon should be preached 2 3 Seaso nal Sentences AI/Saints Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside Advent The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, every we ight. and sin which clings so and all mankind shall see it. closely , and let us run with persever­ ance the race that is set before us. Christmas I bring you news of great joy, ajoy to be shared by the whole people . Today Saints'Days The righteous will be remembered for in the town of David a saviour has been ever : the memory of the righteous is a born to you ; he is Christ the Lord . blessing . Epiphany The grace of God has dawned upon the Hervest The earth is the Lord 's and all that is world with healing for all mankind . in it. Lent Compassion and forgiveness belong to Dedication the Lord our God, though we have Truly the Lord is in this place ; this is no other than the house of God ; this is the rebelled against him . gate of heaven. Passiontide Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the tree. that we might die to sin and Unity How good and pleasant it is when live to righteousness. By his wounds brothers live together in unity! you have been healed. Easter It is true :the Lord has risen: alleluia! Ascension Christ has gone up on high: alleluia! Whitsun God's love has been shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit he has given us. Trinity By day and by night around the throne Sunday they sing : Holy, holy, holy is God the sovereign Lord of all ; he was , he is, and he is to come . 4 5 The Word and The Prayers Lord. have mercy . Lord, have mercy. Lord. have mercy. The Preparation Or the canticle Gloria in Excelsis may be said. 2 At the entry of the ministers a sentence (pp. 4 - 5) may All Glory to God in the highest, be used ; and a hymn . a canticle. or a psalm may be and peace to his people on earth. sung. Lord God, heavenly King, 3 The minister may say almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, The Lord be with you. we praise you for your glory. All And also with you. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the 4 The follow ing prayer may be said. Father, All Almighty God, Lord God, Lamb of God, to whom all hearts are open, you take away the sin of the world : all desires known, have mercy on us; and from whom no secrets are hid: you are seated at the right hand cleanse the thoughts of our hearts of the Father: by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, receive our prayer. that we may perfectly love you, For you alone are the Holy One, andworthily magnify your holy Name; you alone are the Lord, through Christ our Lord. Amen. you alone are the Most High, 5 The Kyries may be said. Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Lord. have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord. have mercy. 6 The co llect of the day. Christ, have mercy. Christ. have mercy. Christ, have mercy. 6 7 The Ministry of the Word 13 Stand The Nicene Creed is said, at least on Sundays and 7 Sit greater Holy Days. The Old Testament lesson. At t he end there may besaid All We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Reader This is the word of the Lord. maker of heaven and earth, All Thanks be to God. of all that is seen and unseen. Silence may be kept. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, 8 A psalm may be said. eternally begotten of the Father, 9 The Epistle.At the end there may be said God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, Reader This is the word of the Lord. begotten, not made, All Thanks be to God. one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. Silence may be kept . For us men and for our salvation 10 A cant icle. a hymn, or a psalm may be sung. he came down from heaven; 11 Stand by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin The Gospel. When it is annou nced Mary, and became man. All Glory to Christ our Saviour. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; At the end the reader says he suffered, died, and was buried. This is the Gospel of Christ. On the third day he rose again in fulfilment of the Scriptures; All to Christ our Praise Lord. he ascended into heaven Silence may be kept. and is seated at the right hand of the Father. 12 Sit He will come again in glory The sermon . to judge the living and the dead, At the end silence may be kept. and his kingdom will have no end. 8 9 We believein theHoly Spirit, theLord, We give thanks for/we pray for the giverof life, the Church throughout the world.
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