/' l' ----- --" No. F. 6 (8) !J?•.llI/ 63 Go-vernoent of Indi a Ministry of Fin -n ce I ,-'j-; . > ., J (Dep artr.:len t of Expen di t.u re ) ••~ J~ ~,~:.- ~~i., NeVl Delhi-2, d.g,ted the 11th .~pril,1963. !ct.'-~~ ~~~l.~..' \ ,:"'t:t ',.f>,'. ,Subject: - FixEltion 'of Pr<Yof ex-Coobr\t51t Clerks retired/reL~Ased f'r-on ;;:i:~ .'l;~;, s er-vi ce in the ..•n.JOc1 Forces on r-o- erap Loyraent as L. D. Cs/ ~:~'r JUl1iol~ cLc.rk s in ci vil pos t s , ~.~~ .-.-.- ., ,;IJ: W.:i . It h<)s be en doci, dod , 8S A sp cc i, I'll c <=>se , th "1t servi ce rendered :.-ii~:~aCocbqtant clerk (S8pOy & above & equiv8lent rFflks in NAVY & ,ar '.~9rce) r:l~ be tre~tcd 8.S '2quiv.qlent to service R.S L.D.Cs/Junior c~erks in 'Jivil Dep.qrtr.l8Ylts irrespectiw of t ho P8Y dr,ql-m in the Aroed POFces& the.t when such pe r con s are qbsorbed in posts of L. D. Cs/ Ju..l1iorclerks in Civil DGDartr.lents Rfter 'their rele <=>se/retirroent ~r"Cb the ,~~.:.~~Por-os s , th-eir initiql P9Y in the posts of L.D.Cs/Junior ,~erks DaY be fixed At a hi gn er stp..ge in the s c nl.e above the n In irnun ~~~tof.thenunbcr of conp Let e d y e ar s of service as cODb,qt,g1.t clerk. !'l< . 2f_: The pension <ind pcn s.i cn equiv8lent of grqtuity, if CPY, which ~.oes not exceed Rs.15/- per nen sen wi Ll, be ignored. In respect of ',/ ";'" P,.ension8IY benefi ts exceeding Rs , 15/- per n en sen the Rlthori ty , " ';;.:.'>" C,~p~tent to ds't erri.in e the PaY will hallB discretion to .i.gnor-e Rs.15/+:.}/i. ~~ cny SJ qller a:jount th8t it D pY consider justified depending uPOJ:?-'i~\%)i '".J~\, \ '.' ,·1· :'~~l;~r.\)~~~~r.:, Q I '.. , •...J:,. .'ttJ"'~"'&..f •..,:~ '1.) .1, . .. .,1, :-..';' :1n~,' .tj'~~-.} . \.•.!~• l.P'\)." .'It,;:l':lr-; P. T. 0,' ::":'~liY- , ':I~' .~..';-,<: \ -~.-.~-"-- .... - ------_._' ' . -. ., ---.. " ....: . 2 : ..~ the ci.r-cun s t FitlC8S of cho c r se , 3 • The p 01,-;8 r to i'i7.: P "y ;lS at cvo i 3 Ministri '38 order, the 4. These orders t,qlcc effect f r on the dp:t;e of issue a.M .•' Past CaS:8 wi.L'Lnot b e r-eop sn ed , 5. In SO far con sul t 2ti on To .ill the JVlinistl'iss o f 1;11(] Cr)'Te:r:r~oe~t of India, etc. etc ........• 11 F. L,uaL~" 9 • 4. 63. ~~-. -..~--- - \ I I \ \ ,-- /' " ..' . .~: ·'.COPY, .•oi: o.t!. n~.F.o(8~/t,;.,III!6.?1- cl~~~:.rl :~h\~ il-'l::1~)G3 '··l)~~':''.l''dia;.;: liY..i.l.t~.()n 0:, ~y ol. EX-CO(;lb:.lt~llt..Cl···"'l-;:~ .•.:•:ti""cd/ +c Loc nc d r"'o~a ~c'"vicG in the Al"LKd i·'o"'c\~!J on l'c-employmcnL ~~; L •.l.J.Cs/Junio~ Clo,..lcD in civil pos t s, f"'om the Hi.n , oJ~ f'in" (l)optt./ExpcnL1itu"'c) to.r..ll'1·ani·:;t-1~:J or th·~ Govt , 0-: I:ldL-:, :~r;c. ... .- .• I 3.. 'l~h2j;OW(':'''' to fix pn.y"a.::; e bovc i!J hC,..Cbr. dc;I.~~~:.~t'~to~·; _ , ••• • ~ ,~ • I" 1 . ' t no 11Ln::;~T'l.:·;~ o i.' t hc G8V::.•..I1D,~nt o i • L~(1i~i, 'O~ the ptl")J,)~;~: G· :'1-:1~ 0'"C(:r-, .the: C. c:: A. G. '.,,111 l~:.!'.;0",.. the 3 t~!!l~ po -r: r ~ (1~ t1..tnJ.·0.tr),t,:: ~ 0: t!l':) Gov,·...n:• :1:-:nl.: of In~'ic,. OrdcrI,j: i'ixi!1C the pay in s uc h c.i ::.S ~i'lOuJ.C. 0;: Ls cuo d..by Lnvok ing t h: ..pr ovLs i on» or i' .'? .27 ~ , 4. 'l'he:so or·c1E:r~ tal;c ef~'(;ct f •..ori] t;h0.'i.k.tc! of 1:;SLl.(! of tld.ti O.H. P;J.st c:~~~~:lwill .. no t bc ~~op('~ct. 5. .In so .r~- as p:.::~:.;OZ'l::;_.:.;c~v~.n0 in t ao "In'd1n.n·'!~udi t Ll.i1d ,,~:'cco""t\...LJ::..- owl ~'I\--.-lJ"'.-.·..••y..•JIm.I"..;cn •I.J....•.••••.I-\.r~- c oncc+n..•.•• c __ u••.. t.h..n• • c.)_ o"'·U'c-,· ~.....•..•.•.. c Ls n.,u o'-"d •.•1r1-• c o nuul, t:.I.::ioJ1 Hi t h Lhc Somptoll::- ~~1d Aud Lto> Gt.;ncT'~l 0': Illcii-S'.. SdI ... ( TlA3 I liLY ) D:.;puly 3r::c,-.-:iL-:.""y to t!!C GO'/~"'llul'jnt 0: I!ldi;~ -00000- ~. -. COr-Y_1~r 0 o~. n'2~F.G (8~/g.,III/63,. d~~t:.rl j~h,~ll-4::1963 t··c~;':'~"t"d1a:.:: l1.Xu.t~()n of. pay 01 Ex -comba t~llt._Cl···~l-::~••::t1 ...cd/. cl')~scd. .r""O:.11 :';C~vieCl in the A"o.:·d i·'o...c•c s on ",c-cmploymcnt; :.f'; L.D .•C ~/ Juru.o> C1Q"'1\.~ 1n ci vl1 po:; \;3.• f"'om the 111n. oi f'1r1 ~ (Lo pt t .•/Exp'cnd1tu~c) to.r.ll·1:~1:li·:;t-1,~:3 or th·:; Oovt , 0-: I:ldL1, c t c , __ "re hC.5 been .4CCi~8d c:~a ~p:2.xlc.l C:lSC, th~t .se+v i.cc +cndc -c d n~ a COlr.oGU;.a-: Ci~_"'k (~poy ..:::ubcvo (';'!ld_.c~u1v"'41cnt 't"~;:l~:S i.!l. lL.vy ~ id...•c o ....cc) ~:1.y 0-:, t,..~~t(;d C:..rJ o ou.lvu Lc nt to"sc"'vicc u~ L"D.C:!/Junlo:,: Clc"'lG~ Ln Civil 0~;p:..l..•t::lontg_. i"""'~sp~ct1vc or the pay d",:wn Ln..tbo ll.~r.H~d~,to.,..cc_~& _~l1n.t vricn such p'.•~. cons U"'U ab so ....be d ia PO:Jt s 01 L.0.C sI Junio"", ~lC~'lc;; in CiXil D~PQ~tmcnts '·u.i't:::,. ti'.L..; i'" ,..~1C2~sc/retl1"emgnt i'~'Ol-:J. t.h.:.: l~"Ul::;~ F'orce o, tr.c Lr- L1itiHl pO-.y in 'G11~: po s t s of L.D_•C. s/Juni.Qr (;le:rks !7lay b8 l,'i.Xe~_..:x.t ~ !l:1~~'ler!:ikbQ in tLe scal& above tno mnimum e qua l, to t hc nunbcr- of, compl.e te d years of .ser-vLc e as combc tarrt c Ler-lc, 2~ Thc psnsd on and J?<..:n!J:\.oncqu:\.\'al~nt 01' g..•utuit/; .. i1 ~r~.r? vn ich do:.~-; not exceed Ils615/ •• p9~ manuom r(111 be: if.!W ..•cd , 1:1."',.::~);;c~:o;' pc!1sioru.-y' bcnci..·it2 n~a~0.d1n~ ~•• l?/- per .' ..•. ,.~,..., T"') , ...,,' .•.. \ •....•.•.1........,_ .•. y! fo' l •.•.i....oll,,_ho~1 .wo·•'J.• cO·"p·l~ \..,..•I 1~\".,·'..·....t to ~do, tc\""r+nt"'~40.nc..•U. t ~..'..... ..•.P"Y••••.• ...f.\,..1•..''''•J•.... ;"'r~ ,;, dt sc+o t t on to i;;no"'u "'lG .15/ .. 0'" any ::::n=.ll~'" uriou rl-:: "tL::...~,i"C c.:~y ccnc Ldc - ju~tii':l.cd d'.)pc;nQin!3 upon t.ho ciy·cUQf.'I,:;.:'··· ··~-, ,,+ 't., - '":It_ .• ,,, • C "'~ OA .•.•r~1.. c_oJ~-:. .. ;J.. 'l.~h2 j;O\-K:'" cc fix p.:ly"a:; ab ovc i~ ho+cby dc;I.~~~~".:~.:;to'~ . t:10 ML1i~~""i:';s o i.' t hc GOv::.•.•neeut o~', L~d1~.. fQ~ tric pu+po s i 0 :.1:1;; 0"" 6,: ,.., .the: C. C: A.ll. ·.;i11 i"i 2."1(;,.• th8 !3C.~ ~ po './e r ~ El~ ~J.JJJ_.f.t.r.t{!M'~· o~' t:::.) Gov,·...n:•:1:-:nl.: or In~'ic.. Order.r.;: i-ixi!1g the pay in such C:1 >.,5 ::i·10uld. be: is:::ucd..by Luvok tng t h:..p'~ov.15iOU!:i or i" ,'1.27 Q : . ~1• 'l.'hc5C or(lE:""~ trll:c ef~'cct ,f"'Ofl! t;h0·i1.:.t~ of 1:;~llf!of 1;Li~; O.H. Pa s t c:~~~c;.. ;, will ..no t be .•."•.'~oPC'n8cl. ' Sd/- . ( WI l!~ ) Dcpu t y 30C,..~t::..""y to the GO'!~""ill'l'Jnt o~ lc,:,ll::l -00000- ~"'/PY of l'-·l:1..nistr~rof F'i.nace (Deptt •. of !ixpenditure) O.M. No F•.7(3lbjE.III/62 da ce d 'J..6th J"allu.a:i."Y, 1984 regarfl.ing fixation o:..~- 0 f re -employed ;:.J.' .~si()nerr s-Gonorn L policy. At pr c scnt (c1v11 pen sf.one s U .t o Rs.IO/- P.M. and. lIj Li t ar v Pcnsf.ons ur.t o Rs.15/- P.H.· are ignored in fixing . pay on re:-E:.rnploymcntJvic1C? li.r:';iclf'S 521 and 526 of the Civil S~.'rvice :-\egulations. ~;~ ThE' Gove rrimen t have had un-tc-r consideration the quc sc t.on of raising t he se limits consequent on the libe::cali~·· S-1.U.on of punsion Rul.e s and the general increase in pay sca Lr- s (1:1 t he ba si.s 0:;: the Bccond 1'.::('/ Comm.l s sl.on ' s recommendat.i.0ns •. 1 T~l~.~'..: . I)..~'l..~,': c•J~}..l'\_'~~~' .•.lt. ••, 11~I,~.s bopn~-=~J..! nleasQd-...:... ~o\.,.1 clecl".•.• dE_ ' t 1atJ. J"n.• _v...~h....,AVl..l",~,··~se of__ v'r'ln~.)·.·,<~ c,l-'r"Y1Cf' b!.:>f r' '"l'!-+-'~l' l.n tl a f 1·,"'-"''''' .'-'" r .
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