WEEKLY SEE PAGE 5 SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 28 Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, February 9: 5:05/6:06 Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates • Holliswood • Fresh Meadows Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park • Five Towns • Long Beach • Oceanside • Plainview • Catskills Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) February 8, 2018 • 23 Shevat 5778 Free QQueensueens MMuseumuseum TTrusteerustee OOUU AAndnd WWomenomen CClergy:lergy: BBP'sP's SStatetate OOff TThehe BBoroughorough RResignsesigns OOverver IIsraelsrael SSoo WWhat’shat’s NNext?ext? AAddressddress HHighlightsighlights RResignationesignation ccomesomes ddaysays RRecentecent PProgress,rogress, aafterfter mmuseumuseum ddirectorirector ssteppedtepped ddownown FFutureuture PPlanslans OOvercrowdedvercrowded sschoolschools aandnd iinfrastructurenfrastructure iimprovementsmprovements aamongmong iissuesssues ddiscussediscussed QQueensueens rremainsemains tthehe bboroughorough wwithith tthehe mmostost oovercrowdedvercrowded ppublicublic sschoolschools SEE PAGE 31 SEE PAGE 27 SEE PAGE 29 As I See It Blue And White This Is Loit Middle Of The Road Interior Design How Will I The Five Words Norman The Here’s Explain The I Hate Doors Orthodox Union: What You’re Democrats’ Poor Reaffi rming Missing In Ireland By Shmuel Sackett By Simcha Loiterman Behavior At The The Standards By Zisi Naimark SOTU To My realize the importance of be- ’m sure you’ve seen the ing politically correct, but we Dunkin’ Donuts on the cor- By R' Yehuda L. Oppenheimer Grandchildren? Imust be careful that while Iner of Union and Main. It ast week, the world learned following the rules, we still man- has these large, friendly, bubble- that Ireland is considering age to be true to our values and lettered D’s on their doors for his was a great week for Lboycotting goods sourced By Cynthia Zalisky ideals. I speak very frequently to handles. A cute touch, and they the Orthodox Union (OU). from Israeli settlements, and that large groups and write many arti- look like the perfect shape for TDespite enormous pres- the bill was only paused upon cles, so I am aware of the power a handle to pull on so you can sures that were brought to bear pressure from Israel and the U.S. y parents taught me to of words. The right sentence can pass through the gates to that on the organization and its offi c- (On a political note, why have reverence for this make one a hero while the wrong Shangri-La of deep-fried good- ers, they took the time, deliber- would anyone be surprised? Ire- Mcountry and its duly one can ruin a career. So what ness. ated, and came up with a wise land has an entire slew of archaic elected offi cials who represent does one do, if one feels that The problem is that you need and compassionate decision, laws that were only repealed in the United States. I have instilled something controversial needs to to push, not pull, the doors to and re-affi rmed my confi dence 2006, including a law banning CONTINUED ON P. 23 CONTINUED ON P. 26 CONTINUED ON P. 8 CONTINUED ON P. 25 CONTINUED ON P. 53 SEE PAGE 36 SEE PAGE 23 Shevat 5778 • Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 1 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) • February 8, 2018 23 Shevat 5778 • Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) • February 8, 2018 23 Shevat 5778 • Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 5 PUBLISHED BY Community Calendar/Mazel Tovs – Rebecca Wittert ..............................................47 Queens Jewish Link, LLC Recent Happenings – Sergey Kadinsky, Susie Garber ................................29-45 RABBINIC CONSULTANT Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld Classifieds & Real Estate ................................................69 MANAGING EDITOR General Interest Naftali Szrolovits Financially Forward – Gerald Harris. .19 SENIOR CONSULTANTS Forecast Style & Living Yaniv Meirov Beauty Briefs – Risselle Naimark ...................................................59 Cynthia Zalisky FRI • FEB 9 TUE • FEB 13 Dating Today – Goldy Krantz ......................................................54 Helen Hoffman Estate & Wills – Monet Binder. .64 Rebecca Wittert 37° 43° Foodie Adventures – Bracha Serle ..................................................57 Sergey Kadinsky Interior Design – Zisi Naimark .....................................................53 ADVERTISING MANAGER 34° 37° Real-Life Reflections – Sarah Newcomb .............................................62 Yaakov Serle Style Myths Debunked – Meira E. Schneider-Atik ......................................61 Cloudy Partly Cloudy COPY EDITORS Light & Fun R’ Yisroel Benedek Snippets of Strange – QJL Staff .................................................14-16 Rivky Bergstein SAT • FEB 10 WED • FEB 14 The Fun Side – QJL Staff. 66/67 Emily Cohen 49° 49° Mental Health & Physical Wellness Elissa Epstein Helpful Books Worth a Look – Eta Feuerman-Yaeger ....................................50 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 44° 34° Hooked on Healing – Caroline Schumsky ............................................51 Shua Katz Opinion SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Showers Showers As I See it – Cynthia Zalisky .......................................................1 Rachel Goldsmith Blue and White – Shmuel Sackett ...................................................1 SUN • FEB 11 THU • FEB 15 For What it’s Worth – Warren Hecht .................................................24 Middle of the Road – R’ Yehuda Oppenheimer ..........................................1 51° 44° This is Loit – Simcha Loiterman ....................................................1 Torah/Tefilah/Parshah 33° 34° [email protected] Rabbi’s Musings & Amusings – R’ Dani Staum .........................................9 A Shabbat Thought – R’ David Algaze ...............................................10 718-880-2622 Showers Showers The Shmuz on the Parshah – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier ......................................12 th 147-25 70 ave. Flushing, NY 11367 Stories of Greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman ..............................................1 www.QueensJewishLink.com MON • FEB 12 FRI • FEB 16 Weekly Tefilah Focus ............................................................51 Design by Design2pro.com Special Articles Design & Production 38° 42° Not Left, Not Right – Forward - Manny Behar ..........................................22 MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director 28° 32° OU and Women Clergy: So What’s Next? – Sergey Kadinsky ..............................27 BP’s State of the Borough Address – Sergey Kadinsky ...................................29 Distributed by Queens Museum Trustee Resigns Over Israel – Sergey Kadinsky ...........................31 Prime Media Distribution Showers Partly Cloudy QJCC Breakfast: What it Means to Organize – Sergey Kadinsky ............................33 While we make every effort to publish articles that are within the bounds of normative halachah and hashka- fah, we cannot take responsibility for every article writ- ten. If you feel that anything you read is objectionable, please write a letter to the editor and, if appropriate, it will be published. Additionally, the views expressed within all articles appearing in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect the position or policy of the Queens Jewish Link. Additionally, the Queens Jewish Link does not support or endorse any political candidate. Also, please be advised that the Queens Jewish Link takes no responsibility for the kashruth standards of any of its advertisers. Do not take the fact that an eat- ery appears in our paper as a kosher endorsement of their product. If you feel that a particular establishment is under questionable supervision, please consult your rabbi for his advice. 6 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 6 (#248) • February 8, 2018 SStoriestories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman The Girl, The Guru, And The Way Back Home any Israelis travel to India after they were in Israel. Liora readily agreed, outside waiting to see him. He was speech- they complete their military ser- fully confi dent that nothing could sever her less to fi nd his sister Liora greeting him with Mvice. In the army, these young men from her new source of inspiration. a wide smile. name, address, and other personal details and women have to undergo intense train- After a considerable delay, an Arachim “What are you doing here?” he asked in- were all there, and it would be a simple mat- ing and abide by strict codes of discipline. staffer mounted the podium and announced credulously. “I want to enroll in a school for ter to fi nd him by contacting the police or India provides a mellow antithesis to such that the lecturer was sick and unable to at- ba’alos teshuvah,” she replied. local embassy of his country. Why did the a regimen and beckons to travelers in many tend. However, in order not to leave the “You?” asked Ayal. “What happened? guru just take it for himself? Wasn’t that like ways. Liora and her brother Ayal were two audience entirely empty-handed, he read What made you change your mind about stealing? such tourists who took off for India. They to them a short summary of the Jewish law your ‘wonderful’ cult and its guru?” “When I suggested to the guru that per- traveled together from one tourist attrac- concerning
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