8=B834AB·6D834 270==4;8B;0=3B Distances in nautical miles Distances in nautical miles ChichesterM Lymington M M 27 MExmouth Poole BrayeM M Alderney Weymouth Needles 16 MCherbourg Portland Bill St Catherine’s 21 Plymouth Point Guernsey M Herm MDiélette MDartmouth 28 M M Salcombe 54 80 St Peter Port Sark 60 Start Point 62 30 MCarteret Les Ecrehous 26 25 MPortbail 82 70 Jersey St HelierM 23 42 52 Roches M 22 Alderney Cherbourg Douvres Guernsey 42 38 29 Herm Plateaudes St Peter PortM Sark MCarteret Minquiers Chausey 30 42 52 MGranville UK St HelierM Jersey MLézardrieux 35 MPaimpol ErquyM MSt Malo St-QuayM M M MGranville M M Mont MLézardrieux Binic Dahouet Dinard Saint-Michel France MSt-Quay MSaint-Malo OnqsdkdsA`xhmIdqrdxhr BPaZ effort to buy freshly caught crabs, itrsnmdnel`mxa`xr vnqsguhrhshmf When arriving on Sark you need to set lobsters and scallops. Channel Islands’ your metaphorical clock back some 50 full cream milk and eggs go into ice years. However, political change has creams and fudge and simply cry out to happened in recent years, and although be sampled. Fresh cheeses (from that residents are trying to ignore rare breed of Guernsey Golden Goats), modernisation, you’ll need to visit soon wonderful salads and, of course, those before it’s too late. tasty new potatoes all go into making it a gastronomic trip. ;^RP[PSeXRT 0[STa]Th John Frankland is an RYA practical Mddcsnjmnv cruising instructor and has been sailing Often passed by motorboaters on the way Sgd`cnq`akdFtdqmrdx <^QX[T_W^]Tb elsewhere, this island deserves greater FnkcdmFn`sr`krnoqnctbd around the islands for more than 25 L`hmk`mclnahkdognmdbnlo`mhdrjddo lnahkdtrdhmsgdBg`mmdkHrk`mcrntsrhcd exploration. It is very different from other cdkhbhntrbgddrdr years. His local pilotage booklets sell nehmbktrhudlhmtsdr+sgqnvhmfhshmsnsgd Channel Islands – noticeably the well because they are clear in their instructions and they make island qn`lhmfq`mfd-Oqdo`qdxntqrdkeenq Channel Islands topography is almost devoid of trees. ghfgdqb`kkbnrsr`sDTq`sdr+nqatx` hopping safe, exciting and fulfilling. These were chopped down long ago for knb`k+o`x,`r,xnt,fnRHLb`qcvgdmxnt John Bougourd has worked aboard CWXbb\P[[P]SRP_cXePcX]VPaRWX_T[PV^bW^d[SQT^]TeTah use in shipbuilding when France fdssgdqd-StqmneeC`s`Qn`lhmfsn`unhc threatened to invade the island. island ferries for 40 years. There is very gdesxrl`qsognmdbg`qfdr- QDONQSAXLHBG@DK%EQ@MBDRGNVNQSG little he hasn’t witnessed first hand, Q^PcTa·bXcX]TaPah 6dTa]bTh either as a ferry master or as a former 8]bdaP]RT The sheer number of small boats coxswain of the St Peter Port RNLI SgdTJCdo`qsldmsneGd`ksgqdbdmskx o close, yet so far, this clump of while the beauty, warm waters and have prevented visitors from making the dotted around the island’s triangular Lifeboat. His advice is to use the tides qdlnudcsgdqdbhoqnb`kgd`ksgb`qd caXeXP `qq`mfdldmsvhsgsgdBg`mmdkHrk`mcr- islands off the French coast, sandy beaches draw thousands of hop from the UK to their islands. Request shaped coastline is one of the first to your advantage – it’s the safest Gd`ksgb`qdhmsgdhrk`mcrmnve`kkrntsrhcd which are British Crown others. For motorboaters the CWT1P[[XfXRZb^U a copy, follow the guidance given and things you notice about Guernsey. option and you’ll save on fuel. 9TabThP]S6dTa]bTh sgdTJM`shnm`kGd`ksgRdquhbd`mcsgd S Dependencies, became a target Channel Islands offer a wonderful you won’t go far wrong. With more marinas than any other, this 5^^Sc^cah Dtqnod`mGd`ksgHmrtq`mbdB`qc'DGHB( for invasion in the 1940s as Hitler set sense of achievement at having WPeTQTT]ad] island even plans to build another one hrmnsu`khc-@kkuhrhsnqr`qd`cuhrdcsn about conquering Europe. His welcome conquered epical tides, swept bT_PaPcT[hbX]RT ?PbbPVT_[P]]Ta in St Peter Port. Everything that is locally grown here s`jdntssq`udkhmrtq`mbdsnbnudqsgd was in stark contrast to the warm embrace past man-eating rocks and entered cWT[PcT "cW GPS coordinates for a trip between 7Ta\ somehow has a special taste. Make the bnrsne`mxldchb`ksqd`sldms- that awaits visiting motorboats that set off quaint harbours. The elements that RT]cdah Torquay and St Peter Port running to the today towards the Channel Islands. surround the cruising ground have west of the red channel light vessel in the It’s a British trait to favour the little guy, at times put the less intrepid off Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). but here the favouritism isn’t misplaced. FWhV^. such an adventure, but if you do OSnqpt`xL`qhm`4/ 16Ô332ÔÔM+//2 Herm is where the Channel Islanders For many it is the allure of islands in your homework properly it’s a very 20Ô738ÔÔV themselves head to when they seek general, for some it’s a sense of history, accessible area. OSnqpt`xQn`cr4/ 16Ô046ÔÔM+//2 20Ô875ÔÔV solitude and family fun. SG OMnqsgD`rsAdqqxGd`c4/ 13Ô715ÔÔM+//2 Q N 7^fc^VTccWTaT 17Ô500ÔÔV 9TabTh V N ORVBg`mmdkKhfgsRgho38 41Ô655ÔÔM+//1 G Jersey and Guernsey Harbours make Closest to France and furthest from R D 46Ô210ÔÔV B a point of singling out the boating England, Jersey is the stand-alone island. M OMnqsgneKhsskdQtrrdkFtdqmrdx38 21Ô067ÔÔM+ @ public by producing a helpful //1 17Ô536ÔÔV In many ways it is the island most like how-to-do-it guide, which OOdshsB`mtod38 2/Ô/53M+//1 17Ô466ÔÔV mainland Britain, yet at the very same demystifies many of the time it is the one that could most likely LnmsNqftdhkB`rskd OQntrsdk38 18Ô142ÔÔM//1 18Ô/15ÔÔV myths that oqnsdbsdcsgdhrk`mc OAqdgnmSnvdq38 17Ô268ÔÔM+//1 18Ô53/ÔÔV succeed if political independence were eqnlEqdmbghmu`rhnm ORsOdsdqOnqsG`qantqdmsq`mbd38 16Ô233ÔÔM+ forced upon it. @KKOGNSNRAXEQ enq5//xd`qr //1 20Ô4/7ÔÔV B`rskdBnqmds+FtdqmrdxÔr`mbhdmsg`qantqenqsqdrr+knnlrk`qfdaxsgddmsq`mbdsnRsOdsdqOnqs 38 July 2011 motorboatsmonthly.co.uk 39 8=B834AB·6D834 270==4;8B;0=3B E`untqhsdg`udmKnmfhrA`x Knmfhr'oqnmntmbdcKnmfdx(A`xnmsgdrntsgd`rsbn`rshmsgdmnqsgd`rsnesgdhrk`mchr`k`qfdrvddohmfa`x cnlhm`sdcaxDrrdwB`rskd+mnvbnmudqsdchmsn`o`qsldmsr`mcoqnsdbsdcaxEnqsQ`ynmQ`yHrk`mc-HmQnl`m shldrsghrv`rsgdhrk`mcÔrl`hmg`qantq`mcsgdqdhrduhcdmbdhsv`rtrdcknmfadenqdsg`s-MdnkhsghbCnkldmr The Swinge Braye Fort Albert Harbour 'atqh`kbg`ladqr(`mcHqnm@fdonssdqxc`sdc`qntmc38/ABg`udaddmdwb`u`sdcmd`qax-Sghrvhcd+r`mcx Longis a`xhrvdkkoqnsdbsdcax`knmfv`kkathkshmsgdshldrnesgdFdql`mnbbto`shnm-HsÔr`fnnc`ksdqm`shudheAq`xd Bay G`qantqfdsrad`sdmtohm`mnqsgd`rsdqkx`mchsÔr`bnmudmhdmsok`bdsnv`hsntssgddwbdrrdrnesgdQ`bd- St AnneM Alderney The Race SgdEhqrs`mcK`rsrodbh`khrdrhmrd`ennc B`qhaad`mb`qmhu`k+sgdhrk`mcÔrlnrs e`lntrdudmsaqhmfrhmsgntr`mcrne L`mmdyKhfgsgntrdhr`mhlonqs`msk`mcl`qj`rxnt`ooqn`bgAq`xdG`qantq sntqhrsr-Sgdqd`qdnudq02/nqf`mhrdc dudmsrd`bgxd`q+vghbghmbktcd to eight, ensuring that all visitors get Sghmfrsncn l`m,onvdqdcekhfgs`ssdlosr+`mcsgd 0[STa]Th treated well and doubling the number Bnms`bsr OUhrhs@kcdqmdx CPZTPcaPX]aXST dpt`kkxetm,ehkkdcC`esQ`esQ`bd- Just 10 miles off the coast of France and of water taxis serving boats at anchor or Sdk9/0370711700 60 miles from mainland Britain, on mooring buoys. @kcdqmdxhrsgdnmkxBg`mmdkHrk`mcsn vvv-uhrhs`kcdqmdx-bnl g`udhsrnvmq`hkv`x-@eedbshnm`sdkx Alderney sits as a port of entry to the In good weather, the island can be O G`qantql`rsdq ctaadcaxknb`krÓsgdNqhdmsDwoqdrrÔ+hs Sntqhrshmen Channel Islands. seen from some way off and the Sdk9/037071151/ hrnudq04/xd`qrnkc`mcsnc`xhshrlnqd It is an island where cars wear body lighthouse in the north west is easy to OG`qantqKhfgsrGnsdk <PaX]Pb `sntqhrs`ssq`bshnmsg`m`rdqhntrlncd @soqdrdmssgdqd`qdmnl`qhm`rats spot and becomes an important mark Sdk9/0370712122nq/6670 indentations as badges of honour and nesq`mronqs-Sgdsq`bjqtmreqnlsgd sgdqd`qd`cu`mbdcok`mrsnathkc` children as young as six walk to school to head towards. As you get closer to 024505 g`qantqtosgdmnqsgbn`rs`mca`bj O l`qhm`hmrhcdsgdr`edsxnesgdntsdq without their parents. But if the the island, line yourself up for an Aq`xdBghoox `f`hm+rdqudcaxb`qqh`fdrsg`svdqd Sdk9/0370712364 g`qantq+vghbgvhkkhmbktcd`cnbjenq lhkdr-Axcnhmfsghrxntvhkk`unhc islanders’ reputation is a little bonkers, approach into Braye from the north east. nmbdtrdcaxKnmcnmTmcdqfqntmcnm 5dT[RWP]S[Tah OSgdEhqrs%K`rs edqqhdrsn`mceqnlsgdTJ- sgd@kcdqmdxQ`bd+sgda`cmdvrhr be assured the welcome they give to The transit marks leading boats into the sgdMnqsgdqmKhmd-Snc`x`chdrdk caXeXP Odsqnk+bnnjhmff`r`mcchdrdk`qd Sdk9/0370712051 `u`hk`akdeqnlL`hmaq`xbdBg`mckdqx+ xntvhkk`qqhudsnnk`sdsnfdshmsnnmd every visiting boater is as warm as you harbour have changed in recent times knbnlnshudb`kkdcDkhy`adsgotkkrsgdl- 5PRX[XcXTb OChudqrHmm Chmfgxcnbj+rkhov`x+rgnvdqr+snhkdsr+ 0[STa]ThWPb knb`sdchmrhcdKhsskdBq`aaxG`qantq nesgdl`qhm`rhmFtdqmrdx`mcvhkk will find on any Caribbean island. so be sure you have the most Sdk9/0370711521 C^dacWTXb[P]SQhcPgX k`tmcdqdssd+bg`mckdqÔr+etdkonmsnnm ]^caPUÀR[XVWcb^a vhsghmsgdl`hmg`qantq+atssgdadqsghr g`udsnv`hsntssgdshcdhmsgd Approach the massive breakwater up-to-date details for safe navigation. O@kcdqmdxR`hkhmfBkta HshrmÔsudqxahf`mc`fnncfthcdb`m `mcqtaahrgrjho`qd`kk`u`hk`akd a^d]SPQ^dcbP]S nmkx`bbdrrhakdsvngntqrdhsgdqrhcdne ntsdqg`qantq-Ò from the sea and there, waiting to greet Sdk9/0370711647 fhudxnt`m`kk,hmbktrhudsqhoo`bjhmfhm `rgnqd-An`srnetosn14snmmdrb`m GV-@shc`kf`tfd`ssgddmsq`mbdsnsgd 4PcX]VSaX]ZX]V you, will be a member of the 7^fc^VTccWTaT O@ABS`whr knsrneghrsnqxhmsn`b`qqhcdsg`smddc cWTb_TTS[X\XcXb g`qantqhmchb`sdrsgdcdosgnev`sdq adkhesdcaxbq`md. Aq`xdBghooxvhsghsrgnld,l`cd harbourmaster’s team in a boat. It is Getting in and out of Alderney isn’t Sdk9/037071265/ nmkxk`rsg`ke`mgntq-Ntqnmd,gntqsqho Ydbc"$\_W `knmfrhcdsgdetdkcnbj- OL`hmaq`xbdBg`mckdqx ?aXRTb ehrgb`jdrhrudqxfnncatscnmÔsenqfdssn their job to assist you and to answer all difficult and its reputation as being all vhsg@ABS`whrbnrs¢2/- Trdne`lnnqhmfatnxbnrsruhrhshmf ;^RP[aTVd[PcX^]b s`jdxntqnvmansskdnevhmdhexntok`m your questions.
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