Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03739-7 - Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Significance John L. Smellie and Benjamin R. Edwards Index More information Index ablation zone, 321 Cenozoic, 8 accommodation space, 235 Coulman Island, 25 Africa, 15, 40, 56, 125 Crary Mountains, 24, 247 Mt Elgon, 56 Daniell Peninsula, 26 Mt Kenya, 56 Debussy Heights, 20 Mt Kilimanjaro, 15, 56 Dobson Dome, 332 Garanga Tal valley, 56 Dry Valleys, 298 lahar deposits, 56 Ellsworth Land, 15, 17, 21–22 Main Rhomb porphyries, 56 Erebus volcanic province, 25 Penck Rhomb porphyries, 56 Hedin Nunatak, 24 Sud Ost Tal, 56 Hobbs Coast, 24, 336 Mt Meru, 56 Icefall Nunatak, 23 Mt Nyiragongo, 1 Jones Mountains, 21 agglutinate, 19, 181, 183, 191, 213, 270 Larsen Ice Shelf, 19 Aleutian volcanic arc, see North America McMurdo Volcanic Group, 25 Alexander Island, 17, 20–21 Minna Bluff, 25, 247 alignment bedding, 228 Mt Berlin, 22 alkali olivine basalt, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 141 Mt Casertz, 23 alkaline basalt, 44, 53, 105, 147, 221, 233 Mt Erebus, 2 alpine-type setting, 242 Mt Haddington, 19, 165, 166, 331, 333 Amazon River, 70, 81, 359 Mt Kauffman, 22 amoeboid clasts, 210 Mt Manthe, 21 amoeboid lava pillow, 206 Mt Melbourne, 25 amoeboid obsidian masses, 294 Mt Moses, 21 analcite, 154 Mt Petras, 23 ancient ice, 299, 300, 330 Mt Pinafore, 20 andesite, 13, 17, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 49, 51, 177, 188, Mt Pond ice cap, 20 195, 196, 250, 261, 262, 269, 395 Mt Rees, 24, 334 annealing, 288 Mt Sidley, 24 Antarctic Ice Sheet, 16, 59, 298, 329, 335 Mt Siple, 22 Antarctic Peninsula, 15, 18, 20, 51, 65, 247, 321, 330 Mt Steere, 24, 334 Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet, 19, 333 Mt Takahe, 22 Antarctic plate, 50 Mt Waesche, 22 Antarctica, 1, 4, 15–26, see also Alexander Island, Prince Gustav Channel, 333 Deception Island, Hudson Mountains, Ravel Peak, 20 James Ross Island, Mandible Cirque, Ross Sea, 25, 334 Marie Byrd Land, Mt Murphy, South Rothschild Island, 20 Sandwich Islands Seal Nunataks, 19, 20 Anvers Island, 19, 331 Snow Nunataks, 21 Beacon Valley, 298 Teeters Nunatak, 21 Beethoven Peninsula, 20 Transantarctic Mountains, 8, 25, 334 Brabant Island, 19, 331 Turtle Peak, 24 Bransfield Strait, 20, 65 Victoria Land, 8, 166, 334 461 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03739-7 - Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Significance John L. Smellie and Benjamin R. Edwards Index More information 462 Index Antarctica (cont.) Bláhnúkur, 285, 292, 293, 294, 296 Webber Nunatak, 22 blanket-like, 243 West Antarctic Rift System, 2, 16 Blautakvísl stream gully, 276 antidune structures, 210 blocky jointing, 222, 243 apatite, 45 bomb sags, 226 aquiclude, 326, 328, 329, see also firn bomb-like, 210, 245 aquifer, 326, 328 bombs, 207, 212, 227, 281, 282, 283, 285 aquitard, 326, 329 Breknafjöll, 221, 229, 230, 231, 232 Arctic Circle, 35 brinkpoint, 238, 305 armoured lapilli, 210, 237 British Columbia, see North America, Canada ash aggregates, 281, 282 bubbles ash falls, 351, 356 annealing, 150 affected local farmers, 356 collapse, 288 aviation, 358 nucleation, 234 basaltic fissure eruptions, 357 bulbous flow noses, 311 contamination of drinking water, 358 buoyancy, 185, 187, 189, 310, 311, 312, 313, 344, effects on rates of snow and ice melting, 358 347, 348 Eyjafjallajökull, 356 ice-clad volcanoes, 358 Calbuco, 392 lahars, 358 calc-alkaline, 250 modern jet engines, 358 calcite, 154 phreatomagmatic, 356 caldera, 249, 269, 287, 326, 327, 329, see also Reykjavik, 356 Grímsvötn snowpack, 358 caldera lake, 82 volcanic hazard assessment for Iceland, 357 caldera margin, 326 Ash Mountain, 174, 341 California, 344, 347 ash scavenging, 84 Campanian, 343 assimilation, 46, 345 carbon dioxide, 94, 107, 150, 153, 246, 318, 320, 342, Atlantic Ocean, 85 349, 392, 393 Atlin volcanic district, 38 increase in atmospheric, 4 atmosphere, 62, 89, 99, 172, 287, 349 solubility, 138 Austral volcanic zone, 51 carbon dioxide ice, 371 Australia plate, 54 Cascade volcanic arc authigenic minerals, 314, 317 Cauldron Dome, 251 autobreccia, 181, 188, 189, 190, 197, 198, 200, 203, Mt Cayley Volcanic Field, 251 213, 254, 259, 266, 270, 286, 289, 302, Pali Dome, 251 306, 309 Ring Mountain, 251 avalanche, 201, 203, 262 Slag Hill, 251 aviation, 363 Tricouni Peak, 251 Caspian Sea, 368 back-arc, 47 cauldron, 319 Bárdarbunga, 249, 349, 397 cavity-confined meltwater lake, 221 basal length, 170 Cenozoic, 15, 18, 26, 35 basal thermal regime, 93, 299, 300, 325, 328, 329, Central volcanic zone, see Northern Cordilleran 330, 334 Volcanic Province basalt, 23, 24, 36, 37, 43, 51, 84, 103, 106, 107, 109, central volcano, 178, 261, 275, 287 129, 187, 195, 221, 223, 261, 262, chabazite, 154, 314, 316 316, 334 Channelled Scablands, 370 basaltic andesite, 13, 36, 37, 51, 63, 65, 81, 84, chaotic fractures, 195 250, 251 Chile, 59, 344, 392 basanite, 33, 38, 40, 52, 105, 215, 253, 309 cirques, 53 bedding definition, 223 clastic injections, 228 bedrock gradient, 254 clastogenic, 181, 183, 190 bedrock junction, 244 clasts, flattened, 262 benmoreite, 13, 264 clay minerals, 154 bergschrund, 259, 277, 288 climate–volcanism feedbacks, 342 bergschrund lavas, 260 Clinker Mountain, 268 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03739-7 - Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Significance John L. Smellie and Benjamin R. Edwards Index More information Index 463 CO2, see carbon dioxide Digital Elevation Models, 146 Coast Mountains, 339 dilute pyroclastic density currents, 42 cold-based ice, 9, 26, 162, 170, 299, 321, 329, 334, 335 domes, 177, 181, 230, 231, 259, 265, 266, 272, 274, colonnade, 188, 189, 193, 239, 242, 243 275, 279, 283, 287, 292, 333 column on column, 197, 240 dome collapse, 48 columnar jointing, 243, 295 drainage events, 220 comendite, 42 dry-based ice, see cold-based ice complex tuya, 10, 163 ductile shearing, 288 compound, 174, 187, 188, 215, 220, 232, 248, 271 dykes, 8, 44, 45, 192, 212, 218, 220, 222, 224, 287, concentrate density flows, 205 288, 292, 342, 346, 347, 395 cone surface overlap, 304 dyke intrusions, 224 cone-shaped mountains, 381 confining pressure, 228 East Antarctic Ice Sheet, 300, 334 conical tuya, 8, 173 Edziza continuous uprush, 227, 231, 234 Arctic Lake Formation, 44 contorted pillow fragment, 206 Big Raven, 42 cooling fractures, see jointing Big Raven Formation, 44 Cordilleran Ice Sheet, 8, 39, 46, 268, 337, 341 Cache Hill, 43 Coropuna, 196 Camp Hill, 43 Cotopaxi, 350 Edziza Formation, 44 coulées, 190, 265, 289, 308 Ice Peak, 42 Crater Lake, 264, 394 Ice Peak Formation, 43 Cretaceous, 15, 20, 166, 333 Kakiddi Formation, 44 critical overpressure, 347, 348 Klastline Formation, 44 cryolithosphere, 162, 399 Pharaoh Dome, 43 cryosphere, 1, 113, 342 Pillow Ridge, 42, 43, 44, 106 cube jointing, 215 Pyramid Formation, 42, 43 Culliton Creek, 268 Sheep Track member, 44 current reworking in glacial lake, 232 Sphinx Dome, 43 Tennena Cone, 42, 44 dacite, 31, 32, 33, 36, 48, 49, 51, 188, 259, 261, 262, Tsekone Ridge, 43 268, 269 Edziza volcanic complex, 215, 217, 248, 340 Dalakvísl, 283, 285, 287, 292 Eemian interglacial, 275 Dalsheidi type, 241, 242, 244, 246 Ember Ridge, 257 Daniell Peninsula, 289 emplacement modes, 138–143 debris flow, 53, 215, 217, 228, 232, 273, 276 alkali olivine basalt, 141 debris flow deposits, 19 andesite and dacite, 142 debris rainout in glacial lake, 232 basalt, 142 Deception Island, 20, 62, 65–67, 343 dyke intrusion, 139 ablation zone, 66 excess pressure, 139 caldera-margin faults, 65 Hoodoo Mountain, 139 gas-driven melting, 67 high rates of magma discharge, 142 jökulhlaup, 65 ice cavity pressure, 141 lifting overlying ice, 67 intermediate, 141 mean discharge, 65 intraglacial intrusion, 141 subglacial meltwater escape, 67 magmastatic driving pressure, 141 supraglacial discharge, 65 magmatic fragmentation, 142 supraglacial flooding, 66 observed rates of melting during Gjálp eruption, 142 volume of ice melted, 65 prevention of magmatic fragmentation, 142 deformation of ice cavities, 95 rates of cavity growth, 142 deglaciation, 4, 121, 342, 343, 344, 347, 348, 349 rates of ice deformation, 142 delta front overlap, 305, 306 rhyolite, 142 devitrification, 190, 290 sensible heat, 142 diamict, 176, 230, 243, 265, 299, 301, 335, sill intrusion, 139 336, 337 rock–ice interface, 140 diamictites, 215, 216, 232, 240, 243, 289 space problem, 142, 397 differential GPS (DGPS), 146 subglacial, 141 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03739-7 - Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Significance John L. Smellie and Benjamin R. Edwards Index More information 464 Index emplacement modes (cont.) explosive eruption, 85 supraglacial, 139, 141 Fimmvörðuháls, 85, 88 assimilation–fractional crystallization, 141 basaltic magma, 87 Fimmvörðuháls, 139 collapse features, 85 Hoodoo Mountain, 141 conductive melting, 85 large-scale experiments with basaltic lava, 143 heat transfer, 85 pressure gradient driving the propagation of lava–snow interactions, 85 dykes, 139 tephra mound, 85 steam-buffering, 143 tephra-covered snow, 85 Tolbachik, 139 geothermal activity, 85 Veniaminof, 139 Gígjökull drainage, 86 endogenous factors, 9 ice cauldron, 86 endolithic microborings, 315, 317 ice melting rates, 86 englacial chimney, 236 jökulhlaups, 86 englacial lake, 6, 8 lahar, 86 englacial vault, 170, 249 minor
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