
blank page: this is only a place holder for the moment . accidentally adorable! lila the leopwafish jess doutrich making meaning autumn 2010 pratt institute In the middle of Kansas, stood a genetics lab. One day, a tornado came along and mixed up the dna of all the wild animals in the lab. What came out as a result was... “accidentally adorable!” TOR DNA IS RABLE TORNADO STRIKES KANSAS GENETICS LAB: DNA IS MIS-MATCHED! THE RESULT? ” “ACCIDENTALLY ADORABLE!” /HRSZD¿VK project summary + (a mix and match of wildlife) This project focuses on play and education, using plush animal “hybrids” to bring attention to wild animal conservation. The end result will be a collection of plush animals that share a common theme; mix and match. Each plush will incorporate 2 animal species; each from different spectrums of the animal kingdom. (i.e. reptile with a mammal, fish with bird, etc.) The hybrid quality will come from the body of one animal mixed with the “graphic” patterning, texture or color of another animal. Overall, this product aims to establish a positive relationship between the user and wild animal. The animal species chosen to mix and match were random except that they were opposite in taxonomic class. Cabot s agopan heasant Ganges Shark Large-eared Free-tailed Bat New Ca edon a Catsha k Oxynoemacheilus pindus Polyommatus dama Abbott’s Booby Cab e a s Hu ia D’entrecasteaux Archi- New Ca edon a ly ng ox Scalloped Antbird Cab e a s Vo e Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle Large-eared Hutia New Ca edon a ong-ea ed Bat Oyster Mussel Polyphyllia novaehiberniae Cacao Shadowdamsel pelago Tree Mouse Ganges Stingray Jacobson’s Bubble-nest New Ca edon a Wa t ed Bat Abbott’s Duiker Cacho i o Cabezon New Ca edon an G assbi d Scaly Ground-roller Cacho i o De Cha co Azul Garden Dormouse /DUJHHDUHG 2OG¿HOG 0RXVH New Ca edon an Impe ia -p geon Ozark Cave Amphipod Pomace Fly (Drosophila aglaia) Cacho i o De Do sal a ga D’Orbigny’s Tuco-tuco Gardiner s Seyche les Frog Frog Large-eared Pied Bat New Ca edon an o keet 2]DUN &DYH¿VK Pomace Fly (Drosophila Abbott’s Starling Cacho i o De Mezqu tal New Ca edon an Ow e -n gh ja Scaly-breasted Cacho i o Enano De o osi Dabry’s Sturgeon Garnet Pi ta Jaeger’s Bright-eyed Frog New Ca edon an a akeet Caddo Madtom Garo H lls Bubble-nest Frog /DUJHH\HG 5DEELW¿VK New Ca edon an Wood Rail Ozark Emerald differens) Abdulali’s Wrinkled Frog Caddo Moun ain Sa amande New Eng and Co tonta l Bulbul Caecocyp s bas mi Daggernose Shark Garra barreim ae Jagged-shelled Turtle /DUJHKHDGHG )RUHVW 6KUHZ New Geo g a Monkey- aced Bat Oziothelphusa biloba Pomace Fly (Drosophila Cae u ean a adise ycatche Garra dunsirei /DUJHKHDGHG 5LFH 5DW New Gu nea Eag e Oziothelphusa dakuna hemipeza) Abe’s Salamander Cag e s Map u le New Gu nea gh less Ra l Scaly-sided Mer- Cahaba Shine Dahaoping Sucker Frog Garra ghorensis Jaguar New Gu nea ademe on Cahow Garra longipinnis /DUJHKHDGHG :DWHU 6QDNH New Gu nea Quoll Oziothelphusa gal icola Pomace Fly (Drosophila Aberdare Cisticola Ca na achi o son og Dahl’s Jird Jaguarundi New Gu nea R ve Sha k ganser Garrido s Hu ia /DUJHVSLQHG %HOO 7RDG Oziothelphusa hippocastanum heteroneura) B &DL QV 5D QERZ¿VK New Ho land Mouse S Ca ama ca Wate og Gastrocopta boninensis New I e and el ow ige S Ca amoecia aust a ica Dahl’s Toad-headed Jalapan Pine Vole /DUJHVSRWWHG &LYHW New Mexico Ho sp ing Sna l Oziothelphusa intuta Pomace Fly (Drosophila Aberdare Mole Shrew S Scaly-tailed Possum Ca amoecia elongata Gastrotheca antomia New Zea and Bushw en BB Ca amoecia zeid e i Turtle Gastrotheca s ic op eura Jaliscan Spiny Pocket /DUJHWRRWKHG 6KUHZ New Zea and alcon Oziothelphusa kodagoda montgomeryi) Ca ayan Ra l New Zea and G ea e Sho -ta led Bat Abolokopatrika Madagascar Frog Gastrotheca zeugocyst s /DUJHPRXWK <HOORZ¿VK Oziothelphusa populosa Pomace Fly (Drosophila Scanty Frog Ca conisce lus go scheens s New Zea and G ebe S Daiyun Sucker Frog Mouse S Ca dwe l a mpe ecta Gavial /DUJHVFDOH 3XS¿VK New Zea and Kaka Oziothelphusa r tigala musaphila) Abor Bug-eyed Frog Cal og New Zea and King Shag Scardinius acar- Ca ico G oupe Dakota Skipper Gea a Mouse Shrew Jalpa False Brook New Zea and esse Sho t ta led Bat Ca ien es Wa e og Gebe Cuscus /DUJHVFDOH 6SLQ\ /L]DUG New Zea and ong ta led Bat Oziothelphusa stricta Pomace Fly (Drosophila B Ca i o n a Bay ea C ab New Zea and igeon Abra Acanacu Marsupial Frog Daleswanson’s Poison Geelvink Bay Flying Fox Salamander /DUJHWRRWK 6DZ¿VK Oziothelphusa wagrakarowensis neoclavisetae) S nanicus Ca i o n a Condo New Zea and Sea ion B Ca i o n a eshwa e Sh mp Geelvink Pygmy-parrot New Zea and Sho e love Ca i o n a G ant Sa amande /DULFLV 7UHH &ULFNHW New Zea and Sn pe Pomace Fly (Drosophila obatai) S Abra Malaga Toad Frog Jamaica Petrel V Scardinius dergle Ca i o n a Red ee Mouse Geithusa pulchra New Zea and Sto m-pet el Ca i o n a Red legged og Gejiu B ind Loach /DV 0LQDV )URJ New Zea and h ush Pomace Fly (Drosophila Ca i o n a Sheephead Dalhousie Goby Jamaica Robber Frog Newcomb s Snail S Abronia deppii Geminoropa scindocataracta /DV 3DOPDV 6SLNHWKXPE )URJ P ochrobasis) Scardinius graecus Ca i o n a ige Sa amande Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a canal cula a) S &D O SSH 6L YH VSRW %X WH À\ Dalhousie Hardyhead Gene’s Cave Sa amander Jamaican Blackbird Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a cum ngi) Ca lu ina kis wamsi u /DVLXV UHJLQDH Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a i a a) Pacarana Pomace Fly (Drosophila Abronia martindelcampoi Genoways’s Yellow Bat S Scardinius racovitzai Ca lu ops kopste ni Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a pe k nsi) S Ca opte yx exul Dalmatian Barbel- Jamaican Boa /DWDVWH¶V 9LSHU Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a p ei e ) Pachyhynobius yunanicus substenoptera) SS Gen oo Penguin S Ca opte yx hyal na Newcomb s ee Sna l (Newcomb a su ca a) S Abyssinian Longclaw Geo froy’s Cat /DXULD IDQDOHQVLV Pachypanchax sakaramyi Pomace Fly (Drosophila V Scardinius scardafa Ca opte yx sy aca gudgeon Jamaican Giant Swal- Newe l s Shea wa e B Ca ve t s Eme ald Newman s Knob-Scaled za d Geo froy’s Peruvian Woolly Monkey /DYD *XOO Pachypanchax sp. nov. ‘Anjingo’ tarphytrichia) S $FDGLDQ :KLWH¿VK Camba us cyma i is Newnham a usca a Scarlet Bluet Camba us e kens s Dalmatian Pelican Geo froy’s Spider Monkey ORZWDLO %XWWHUÀ\ Newnham a nso ta Camba us st igosus Geoma ia /DYD 5RFN 0RXQWDLQ 6QDLO New on s G ass and og Pachypanchax sp. nov. Pomugu Wrinkled Ground Frog Acancocha Water Frog Camba us subte aneus Dalquest’s Pocket Mouse Jamaican Greater Ngezi Reed og Scarlet Harlequin Cambod an aughingth ush Geometr c Tor oise /DYDUHW Ngoni Moss og Betsiboka’ Ponape Greater White-eye B Came on High ands N viven e Niangua Da te Geomitra coronata S Came oon Clawless Ot e Dama Ciega Blanca Funnel-eared Bat /DYLJHUD FRURQDWD Nice o o s S ub oot oad Pachypanchax sp. nov. ‘Talio’ Ponape Mountain Starling B Acanthobrama centisquama S Toad Came oon Cl mbing Mouse Geomitra delphinulo des Nice o o s W en BS Came oon Egg og Dama Gazelle Geomitra moniziana Jamaican Hypolestes /DZWRQ¶V :ULQNOHG *URXQG )URJ Nice o onia adenob achia Pachypanchax sp. nov. Poncelet’s Giant Rat Came oon Mon ane G eenbul Nicka ack Cave Isopod S Acanthobrama telavivensis /D\DUG¶V 3DOP 6TXLUUHO Varatraza’ Pond Bat S Scarlet-banded Came oon Range N ght og Damar Blue Flycatcher Geomitra tiarel a Jamaican Iguana Nick in s ea ymussel Came oon Sl ppe y og Georgia Blind Sa amander Nicoba Bu bul Came oon So t- u ed Mouse /D\VDQ $OEDWURVV Nicoba C ow Pachysaga munggai Ponderous Siltsnail Acanthocyclops hypogeus B Barbet Came oon oad Damara Tern Geor ssa aseroni Jamaican Kite Nicoba ly ng ox Came oon Wa e og Geothelphusa levicervix /D\VDQ 'XFN Nicoba Megapode Pachysaga strobila Pondicherry Shark Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii Came oon Wo te s o oad Nicoba a akeet Scarlet-breasted Came oonian o est Sh ew Dammerman’s Wart Frog Geothelphusa miyakoens s Jamaican Pauraque /D\VDQ )LQFK Nicoba geon Pachyseris gemmae Pondoland Cannibal Snail Came oonian Sh ew Nicoba Spa owhawk Gerenuk B /D]XOL .LQJ¿VKHU Pachyseris involuta Ponmudi Bubble-nest Frog B Acanthodactylus mechriguensis Camigu n o est Mouse Damochlora millepunctata Jamaican Red Bat Nicoba eesh ew Dacnis Germain’s Peacock-pheasant S Camigu n o est Rat Nicoba Whi e-ta led Sh ew B &DPRXÀDJH * RXSH Ghana River Frog /HDGEHDWHU¶V 3RVVXP Nicoba ese Whipping og Pachyseris rugosa Ponmudi Hill Bubble-nest Frog &DPS 6KH E\ %X RZ QJ & D\¿VK Damochlora spina Jamaican Red-eyed Frog Nicoba s Wa t og Acanthomyops latipes B Scarlet-breasted Campbe l Albat oss Gha s Wart Frog /HDIQRVHG /L]DUG Nienokoue Reed og 3DFL¿F 'HJX Ponmudi Hills Bubble-nest Frog Campbe l Is and Shag Nie ne s G app etail Dancea rodriguezensis Ghizani Jamaican Snoring Frog S Campbe l Is and eal /HDSLQJ )DOVH %URRN Nige St ng ay 3DFL¿F *LDQW *ODVV )URJ Pontian Shemaya Acanthomyops murphyi B Flowerpecker Ghost Bat B Campbe l s o est oad Nige a Banana og S Campeche Sp ny-ta led Iguana Dannatt’s Tiger Jambu Fruit-dove 6DODPDQGHU Night a ot 3DFL¿F +DZDLLDQ 'DPVHOÀ\ Poole’s Robber Frog S Gia Lia Eastern Spadefoot Toad S Aceh Pheasant Campo G ande Bu ton og Night Sha k Scarlet-breasted Campo G ande ee og Danube Crested Newt Giant Antea er James Spinymussel /HDVW %LJHDUHG %DW Nigh ingale Reed Wa ble 3DFL¿F +RUQHG )URJ Poor Knights Weta Campo M ne Giant Antpi ta /HDVW &KXE Nihoa Banza Conehead Katyd d 3DFL¿F 0DUVXSLDO )URJ Pop-eyed Spikethumb Frog $FKD 7XJL /RQJ¿QJHUHG )URJ Campono us unive si a is Nihoa nch Robin CamR ve eshwate Sna l Danube Salmon Giant Armad llo Japanese Ant Nihoa Mi le bi d S Cam on Cl mb ng Sa amande Giant Asian Pond Turtle /HDVW &UD\¿VK Nike s Squeake 3DFL¿F
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