Thursday, November 23, 1972 Fifth Series, Vol . XX No. 8 Agrahayana 2, 1894 (Saka) Lok Sabha Debates (Sixth Session) (Vol . XX, contains Nos. 1-10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT New Delhi Price- Rs 2.00 CONTENTS No. 8— Thursday, November 23, 1972 Agrahayana 2, 1894 iS aka) Columns Oral Answers to Questions . •Starred Questions Nos 141 to 145, 147, 149 and 152 1-34 'Wijtten Answers to Questions * Starred Questions Nos. T46, 148, 150, 151 and 153 to 160 34-43 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1401 to 1448, 1450 10 1470, 1472 *o 15 29 , 1531 to 1540, 1542, 1543, 1545 to 1562, 1564, 1565 and 156710 1600 . ' . ' 43-199 Miscellaneous Matters ..................................................199-203 Papers laid on the Table ..................................................204-05 Demands for Exccss Giants (Railways), 1970-71 . 205-27 Shri Indrajit G u p t a ................................................. 206-8 Sh^i Chindriki Prasad 208-12 Shri Samar Gjha 212-14 Shii Vay.'lar Ravi 215-16 Shti Piabodh Chmdra 216-17 Shri Atal Behiri Vajpayee 217-19 Shri S. M. Bancrjee 219-20 Shri T . A. Pai 220-27 4 ppropriarion (Riilways) No 5 Bill, 1972—Introduced and Passed Motion to consider . 227-35 Shri T. A. Pai 227-29 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 228-31 •Th” sign -f m irked above the name o f a Membei indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor o f the House by that Member. 2522 L.S— r ( ii ) Columns Clauses 2 , 3 and 1 Motion to p a s s .................................................. Shri T. A. Pai 231 Food Corporations (Amendment) Bill— Motion to consider 235-89 Shii Annasaheb P. Shmc'o *35-37 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 238-41 Shri Sat Pal Kapur 241-46 Shri S. M. Banerjee 246-52 Shri C. D Gautam 252-53 Shri J. Matin Gowder 253-57 Shri Liladhar Kotoki 257-58 Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee 258-62 Shri R. N. Sharma 262 -65 Shri Sadhu Ram 266-69 Shri Vayalar Ravi . 269-74 Shri M> Ram Gopal Reddy 274.76 Shri Nathu Ram Mirdha 276-78 Clauses 2 to 7 and 1 Motion to pass . 287 Shri Annasaheb P. Shinde 278-86 Shri Ramavatar Shastri 287-88 ( iii ) Columns Supplementary Demands for Grants (General)> 1972-73— 289 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 291-300 Shri Chandrika Prasad 300-8 Shri Bhogendra Jha 308-16 Shri K. Suryanarayana 316-21 Shri J. Matin Gowder 321-25 Shri S. A. Kadcr 325-28 Shri Virendra Agarwal 328-32 Shri K. C. Pandey 3 3 3-37 Shri Dhan Shah Pradhan 3 3 7-39 Dr. Sarojini Mahishi 340-46 Shri Siddheshwar Prasad 246 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Simla Agreement which requires that all issues are to be resolved peaceful­ ly. Government hope that Pakistan Thursday, November 23, 1972/ will adhere to the letter and spirit o; the Simla Agreement. Agrahayana 2, 1894 ( Saka) SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: The Lok Sabha met at As the hon. Minister has said, if the report is correct then it is really sur­ Eleven of the Clock prising. First of all, I would like to know from Government whether any (Mr. Speaker in the Chair] steps have been taken to know the veracity of the statement as published ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS in the St. Louis Post, and secondly Statement of Pak Envoy in U.S. on whether it is a fact that the talk of Possibility of renewed war with recent renewed assurances of fresh aid India from the USA to Pakistan has led the Pakistan diplomat to talk of such a + renewed war with our country, and if #141. SHRI B. K. DASCHOW- so, whether Government have sent a DHURY: protest note to the United States Gov­ SHRI K. M. MADHUKAR: ernment about these circumstaneesT Will the Minister of EXTERNAL SHRI SWARAN SINGH: It is not AFFAIRS be pleased to state: customary to find out the veracity of (a) whether in a recent interview to a statement which is published in a S t Louis Post in Washington, the newspaper. We have to take it as it , appears in the newspaper, and nor­ Pakistan Ambassador talked of the possibility of renewed war between mally the statements, unless they are Pakistan and India; and contradicted by the maker, should be presumed to have been made by that (b) if so, the reaction of Government person. thereto? Secondly, till now, there is no indi­ THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL cation that the United States Govern­ AFFAIRS (SHRI SWARAN SINGH): ment have given any assurance to (a) in an interview to the St. Louis Pakistan that the USA would give Fast Dispatch, Pakistan's Ambassador military aid to Pakistan. to the United Slates is reported to Inwe said that unless India and Pakis­ There is talk of economic aid, but tan resume discussions “the possibility so far I have not seen any statement o f a renewed war between the two or Indication that they will give mili­ nations will increase". tary aid. 0>) If reported correctly, the Pakis­ SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: tan Ambassador's statement is sur- Only yesterday a news item was pub­ prising. India is not responsible for lished in the Times of India to the 13be delay in the implementation of the effect that Pakistan was reviving the Ittmla Agreement, Moreover, any talk old military aid agreement with the of "war” is against the spirit of the US to the extent of 13.3 million dol- 2922 LS—2 3 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 23, 1972 Oral Answers 4. lars out 0i which Pakistan had already what the hon. member has said, there 30 per cent, and in the agreement it does not appear to be any contradic- has been stated that 300 armoured a tjon between what I stated and what military vehicles would be supped to " Shri Shukla, according to Shri Indrajtt Pakistan. Now there is an attempt Gupta, stated. There is no doubt not to have any direct supplies from Pakistan is getting equipment from the USA___ China, also from some West European countries___" MR. SPEAKER: Do not come out with your own statement giving in- SHRI PILOO MODY: And the formation. You sefek information . Soviet Union. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: SHRI SWARAN SINGH: After the There is an attemp not to have direct last Indo-Pakistan conflict, they have supplies from the USA but through not got any equipment so far from the certain West Asian countries. Have Soviet Union. Government got any information on this or will they inquire into this? SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA; Nor from America, according to him. SHRI SWARAN SINGH: Govern­ ment do keep a track on addition to SHRI SWARAN SINGH: May be the military equipment of Pakistan. some odd spares, But according to We also take corrective action on our our information, so far they have not sids. any lethal equipment worth the name. There may be some small quantities, SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: May I but nothing like so many bombers or ask the Minister through you to clear tanks or other important articles of up, if he can, what appears to be a equipment. We must be clear on facta. contradiction in Government's replies'.’ This is the present position. Ai the Just now he said that there is no in­ same time, when I said that on our formation 01* they have n<> knowledge side we take corrective action, it is of any assurance being given to Pakis­ after taking note of the type of thing tan by the US Government that mili­ that Shri Shukla said. We have also tary supplies would be resumed. You to keep ourselves in a position to en­ will recall that only last, week in reply sure that Pakistan docs no' pose any to another question here. Shri V. C. serious threat to us. That is our duty Shukla had assured us that they were and we continue to perform it as best fully aware of the fact that Pakistan a? we can. had taken steps to restore their armed forces and armed strength to the pre- SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: I did ndt 1971 war position, they had taken steps ask about corrective action; I asked to see that the losses suffered by them whether they were getting the had beeSn made up and all that Now 1 want to knowfrom the External MR. SPEAKER: From the ambas­ Affairs Minister if it is a fact that sador's statement, it has gone an t® Pakistan has secured suO&cient equip­ something elite. ment |o make up <h*it losses in the 1971 wat and m tose their former SHRI SWAR&N SINGH: I would position? if go, where did they get recall to this hon. House that President that ^u ii^eh t from? Did, it cgpi* Bhutto made a statement soon after only f*6m or did it ctitne t o o . taking ovfer that it wan Kte athWfctaw that ml&teyily Pakistan Shduia have ■' m6derti, wssH-^quipped ecettiy: not sfcimce of thatrh* ^ his b e r il* ' mid* hy tny f i t m u : ■ Sut frorn' i l l s : 3 Ona^Ammtm J& nm A Y & B A 2 ,1BH (SAKA) Orel Answers 6 SHRI NAWAL KISHORE SINHA statement with the Pakistan President, It may not be customary for the Gov­ and it is not necessary to do so ernment of India to verify statements made by ambassado s to newspapers m other countries, but u, it customary forfom r t «rrt*<TTtt for Government to contradict such a statement and explain x>ur position vrtrr reiterating our adherence to the Simla + Agreement and the steps we have taken to implement it’ *1 4 2 *ft SWW : SHRI SWARAN SINGH The *ft «rcfro stm*: essence of th statement was the possi Ibihty of a renewed war between the 3F7T «W tftx *T? VTT^ tw ) nations I do not know how it <ou)d be eont"adi<ted except to say w\ r t f T^T fo that it against the Simla Agreement W are making so many statements ^verj day to sav that we want that (w) WT ?FTTT * Iw n sfcT the Agreement should bi implemented itjit tTj s'1 * f fr*rr j n ftrferr srTfoi*rK wrftnflrr *m T »*r *mr wjsr fagTft im v it m^cr fast srr *rr , r aft ?mr f«r^r fr smtin- n r r f *fr* qrrfr*^ («sr) *rfc ?r *Tt ?ffrt ir^r sr I -wr * t t \ fr w t r r far-r t •arn-^Tir Ptt jrff ^its t in * $ «prt stVt snrrnrr fa * f t s f ti^t wt («ft wwftfiw nrf) ( t ) aft i fr cTFT^TffJi T* | ? ( * ) ST»*r *Tft 75TT i SHRI SWARAN SINGH We have ‘■omi information that Pakistan does got some military equipm°nt lrom Ii^n *ft «r?nrrTf[ *arwr m m and also from Turkey—1 am not quite w i w *rra%*nww ft ^FTT^T^rr tsure about Jordan Fiom Tuikev it *wr r t f rr*ft tt it ■was mostly small a m and amnum- f t t vnm tion manufactured in Turkey itself t r^RFTtftsr f fr fVrfsm gfrinn^t ^ From Iran they can get arms—there tT?r srefsr * stfru % st * nr*fr? as no doubt about it SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS fnwm f f r n spsrra MUNSI The question is very simple gt fcsr i If it is tru° that the -ambassador has made the statement ft it.
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