The original documents are located in Box 36, folder “Pay (1)” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 36 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 5 § 5301 . GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION GOVE&~ME.NT ORGA.."ll2 SUBCRA.PTER I-PAY COMPAlU.BlLITY SYSTIDrl erly- classWable u ge.oeral iD'I'fttl.cato for aubMa Gs-11. ratb.J!r than 08-12. was not lD vir:; U. S. Chi latton of t!Wt seetlo.o prondillg that Chit 11m. .Jci8.F § 5301. PoUc7 Semce emplo.r- :moat reee.~ve equ.aJ ~;, (a) It is th& policy of Congress that Federal pay fWng !or employ­ ees under statutory pay systems be based on the prillciples that- § 530!). Repealed. .Pub.L. 91-636. § 2(1 ( 1) there be equal pay for substantially equal work; Stat. 1946 (2) pay distinctions be mallltained in keepillg with work and Section. Pub.L. 8t-6Y. Sept. 8, 1968 89 performance distinctions; Stat. ~. provided tor an.oul repom' 04 =rtt;:~ ( 3) Federal pay rates be comparable with private enterpriae pay rates for the same levels of work; and § 5803. Higher mlnimum rate.; Presldeat ( -i) pay levels tor the statutory pay systema be interrelated. (a) When the Presld&Dt fl.ncb that the pay (b) The pay rates of each statutory pay system shall be !cred and lor one or more occupations 1D one or more adjusted in accordance with the principles under subsection (a) of this s~bs~t1al17 above the pay rate. of atatutory p : section and the provisions of sections 5305, 5306, and 53D8 of this title. SlgJUflcantly the Government's recruitment or (c) For the purpose of this subchapter, "statutory pay system" means illdlviduals in poaitions paid under-- a pay system under- ( 1) seeUon 533! of this title; ( 1) subchapter III of this chapter, relating to the General (2) Repealed- Pub.L. 91-375 § 6 (e) Schedule; Stat. 776; • (2) subchapter IV ol chapter 14 of title 22, relating to the Foreign ( 3) the pay scales for physicians. dent Service of the United Statee; or partment ot Medicine and Surger7. Veter. ( 3) chapter 73 of title 38, relating to the Department of Medi­ chapter 73 of title 38; or cine and SUrgery, Veterans' Administration. (4) seetlons 867 and 870 of title 22-; As amended Pub.L. 91-656, § 2 (a.). Ja.a. 8, 1971, 84- Stat. 1946. he may establish tor the areas or loeations wn .1..me•ulme•L Pab.L. 91-656 de.si~ · I n view of p lllin mea~ of &mead· u.at2d provlllioos of tint ~nteace as meats to E<.."'nomic: Stabilization Act of basic pay for one or more gradn or levels 0 subMC. (a ). i!lcorponLti!lg r ormer c:l. (l) Ia 1910; section l!JO.l note of T itle 1.:!. asaert­ elasses, or subdivisions thereof, and may ~.U c:Js. (1) and (:!1, and former c:l. (2) in cl. lng that federal comparability wage a4- (3). &Jld inserted '"for employees undu just ments should be no g reater tbaa tbe In all step rates of the pay range tor each such statutory pay systems" following IJltro- guidelines established for wsge a d jut ­ a minimum rate so established may not exce4 ductory words "F@deral pay fixing" ; ruents in private sector. ri!SOn could not substituted subaee. (b) readilllf "The pay be had to legisl&tiTe h istory of amend· prescribed by statute for the gnde or leYeL ~ - ratas ot e~tch sbltutory pay sys tem. s hall m ents which plaintiff3 c laim did not au­ lze the e:terclse of th& authority eon!erred oa. be tUed and adjusted in accordance w ith persede this subcb».pter. Xatiooal .!.u"n the priuc:iple;t ude.r aubMc:tion (a) of this ot Internal Revenue Emp. T. Xuon. D.C. Chil Service Commiuioa or, 1n the case ot ind sec:tioo and thefroYisloas of sections 33011. D .C..l.972,.:H9 li'.Supp. 18. · provisions or this title go..-ernhsg appointment 530d. and 5308 o tills title" for former - - L G<!nerslly' by such other agency as he may d•l&'nate. ood sentence pcovid!Jlg •·Pay level~ for the. Generally. go•ernment employeet~ an senn.l Federu statutory pay · systema shall be Interrelated. and pay levelos shall entitled only to salaries of positions to [SH -"-trol•WWJ for tnt of (T1 be sec a nd adjust2d ill accord&ac:e w i t~ w hich they an .s.p pointed a:u1 ill whleb these p n!lciples"; and added sabsee. (c). t hey serve. Urtri0o11. v. G. 3., llr.O, ~ :i"'..!d (d) The rate of basic pay establbbed. nude~ Sbert Title. Seetioo 1 ot Ptlb..L. 91~ 1280, 192 Ct.CL 8'i"3. ·ded t il t "Th.i3 Act ( hi h ted F ederal district court lacked j urisdic:· by an individual immed.iatel7 before a statutor ~~ti:,ua ~ aJJd ~1 wot: c tb{.oa~tie, tlon over President of the C n it~ States e!teetive prior to, on, or alter the date ot enaet ameAded sectiorut 5108(a). (c), 530l. and either otttcially or perso.ll&lly !or bis acts ~ay schedule applicable such 1Ddindual or ~ ot tills title and ~on 4l0(b) (1) ot In performance of d u tie.. under c!l is sub­ to Title ~. l'1!pealed S<I!Ction a302 of this title. chapter and ttle Economle S t.sbili%atioa 1n subsection (a) of this section, shall be initi and enacted pro'rislons ·set out as notes Ac t. section .190+ n o>C. of Title l.Z. since th_e effective d ate of the statutory 1Dcreaae Ul nade.r seedon• !S306 and• ~ ot this title President's performance of dutii!S d @pend- and section 60& ot Tltle !!, and sec:ttoa -uo @d upon construction IUld sppli.:sbilir:y of scribed. by the PreeideBt or by such ageoc7 ~ th of T itle 391 may be c:ited as tbe 'F@dual. the statute~~ and i t would be im ;>rope.r to·. Pay Compa.rabillty ..1.ct of 1.970'." overwe or illterlerot witt! perlorml!Jlce. ot ; As amended. Pub.L. 9D-a01, TJUe II.. § %01 .. De JmplementaUoa ol Sa~ CompanbW- that d11ty; N ational ~· n o f I nt~ ­ Pub.L. 91-375~ t 6(c) (10). Au~. lZ. 1910.. S4 Cy PoUe,- lm l!MI8 ancl • AdjWitment Re.,enoe Emp. Y. ::'\i.xon. D . C.D .C. l~ 349- - 1989 ~:D ~.. dmeB L Snbsee; (a) · Pab t by P-reoident of rates ot ba.:tlc pay to im-- F.Sapp, l& " ··:;-~: • ~· 91-J;5 r epealed cl (:!) maki.D.W ~ er. see ~ p lement salary· c:ompanbility policy lo 2. IaJaactloa t!~ °•:Jatd under p roYisloos of -pen· Ifrot . ti~\:.• p~,!'~ 196S a11d 1969• . ,_ S«tlon 212 ot Ptlb.L. Plai.Jltit! tedersl emploYHS.. who "o•og.~u.:::·~·; d 1~ relAting to employ ees Ia tile poetal Jo.:tf PCtl ., 90-:!08. s~t o ut u a note· UAder· ..ec:tioll preHminary- injunctint rellef to req n.u:a..ct~ " 1 s.!rvi,~ ~ubj ec:t to hi~r minimum A.mo!ndm.-nt ~ of tb1.:t title. President to adj ust rsta oi !o!dersl r:ttes e~u hlished by cbe P r'@Sjdenc:.. ::t.'!J o!t!ec:tl• . LeKi•~.... Hl•&o1'7. .For lesfalatlft ployeea in aet:ordAD(.,.. witll prineipl8 ~~iJ 1 ....., ~ .\.m~ntlmul:. Snbsee ( a ). Pub.L- (s) ( L) 0 t 1 h•s~ory and purpo.e of Ptlb.:L. 91~ - compan.bility set rortll in tcU..s ~ u bcil sp -::'~:""' t 1.. -Oi(a). sabstitnt2d · ~lmum · !!r.O O.S.Coda- Coag. &Ad.- Aclm.J."•~ ·· p. ti!r notwitbscand.inl( t!ltt E.cun<lmle :3tab •l!-~~ v·•~ r:l Z tor "Sev~Jn th pay rate'' nndn S-.eft 591.5. oz:>tion Act. secnolt .1004 note of Title d~uh_,_ ( <II. Put>. f... !li.>-2M . f .!!lr.(b. bl~~~: !:tiled to show il"ftJ)&rabilt i.aj n ry "'"''"'"-..;;o; ~tJJ , ":l provi~loo:. that llt!rmitted &ll l.a.ittai ru'!nt hT Pr mer e monetary l<l:ta would cot (.'ua3tl <"roes!. tment t" b~ made- to :obtuco,- In- lmplo!m.-nt­ thi! n i!C1!:osary irrepusbht in jury. ::'\:~u o Indell: to N otes "" - which b.-come- ettecttn prtol' to.. i:t 1 : ~ and al .\ ss'n or t :~ter:al R~.-eao e E mp. •bto~[. ntter tbot d!lt& ot enactment of the !J>L..~. ,...t Z' l:" ·~ n. O.C.O.C.l..r."1. :H9 F.StJ ?P· 1:1. Genel"Sll7 1 \ Ft!di!r:ll employeo!:o, •:rr..;u ..., n t ;..:;.)of or this Con$tructloJl wl.tb. otbwr lawa ·~ o"'"':n''"'-n!!l_,......., \~~nf• a • o 1 1.97 ...-\ nMftdiJ'HIIOL .L.-Jri.'tt.U" injanction to re< t ui~e lnJt~nc:tloa Z ·\.l::tin•7;ant by Pub~ L.
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