3956 Adjournment. (ASSEMBLY.] Questions and Answer&.. wrong. impression of the object of the bill. What we want to do is expressed in clause 12, which states: Thursday, 20 March, 1930. A trust shall take all necessary steps to co-ordinate all such operations within its Printed Questions and Answers-Questions without district, mitigate wasteful competition and Notice-Prickly-pear (Amemlment) Bill (third overlapping in service, and shall take such reading)-We,tern Lands (Amendment) Bill­ steps as in its judgment are essential to Privilege-Police Offenees Amendm e.1 (Fireum~) Bill (second reading). secure to the public safety, regularity, effi­ ciency, and convenience of service, at just and reasonable rates. · Mr. SPEAKER took the cha.ir. Question-That the bill be now read a second time-put. The House divided: PRINTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Ayes, 37; noes, 3; majority, 34. AYES. WESTERN LAND SETTLEMENT. Black, G. Mahony, R. Mr. HORSINGTON asked the Mvn­ Boyce, F. S. McDonald, G. R. W. STER FOR LANDS,-(1) In view of the Braddon, Sir Henry Nesbitt, G. land-hunger in the Western Division, will Bryant, F. H. Playfair, Lt.-Col. he explain why the following large areas Buzacott, N. J. Robson, W. E. V. are allowed· to be held year after year Coates, J. F. Ryan, J. under occupation license by large land­ Cole, S. L. Sinclair, A. Cotter, L. Smith, D. M. holders who have many times over a Dick, W. T. Storey, T. living area : Buckanbee, 63,905 acres; Doyle, T. P. Travers, J. Pirillie, 11,248 acres; Avoca, 27,885 Farleigh, J. G. Varley, G. H. G. acres; Meryula, 36,640 acres; :Monolon, Farrar, E. H. Waddell, T. No. 5, 33,600 acres; Onepar, 63,300 Hemsley, A. 1\f. Willis, A. C. acres; Billilla, 28,5-11 acres? (2) ,Win Hickey, Simon Wise,J.H. Higgins, J. F. Wrench, G. he have these areas withdrawn and is~ Hunt, A. E. Yager, A. W. sued as new leases or additionals to Keegan,J. Tellers, those settlers who at present have not Lane-Mullins, J. Ainsworth, "\V. a living area? Lyons, J.D. Culbert, A. Answer,-(1) and (2) Owing to its NOES. shape, Budkanbee resumed area would Tellers, be di:fllcult to work as a small holding. O'Conor, B. B. McGin:, P. 1\f. It is nearly thirty miles long, and for Spicer, F. W. a great part of that distance is only Question so resolved in the affirmati;e. two miles wide. Negotiations have been made with the owner of the· adjoining. Bill read a second time and committed lease for an exchange. All the avail~ pro forma. able area in Pirillie has been absorbed. Avoca resumed area consists of scat­ ADJOURNMENT. tered af·eas, mostly covered by lakes, The Ron. F. S. BOYCE: I move: which can only be used by adjoining­ holders. Meryula resumed area is cov­ That this House do now adjourn. ered by timber reserves not available for 1 may say that I told hon. members that lease. Monolon No. 5 resumed area doe; I would not go any further, and I am not constitute a living area. Onep;r keeping my word, though I should very resumed area is situated in the far north­ much like to take another measure. western part of the division, and does Question :,·esolved in the affirmative. not constitute a substantial living area. Billilla resumed area consists of a long House adjourned at 9.42 p.in. until nar1:ow strip, nearly 60 miles long, Tuesday next. which could not be worked as a small Questions and Answers. [2'0 MAR., 1930.] Questions and Answers. 3957 lease. If it is found that any adjoining ber of resumptions and originals? (5) lessee has not a living area, additional How many of the holdings are in excess land will be granted if available." of a substantial maintenance area? (6) Will he give the areas held by thirty of .RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION COSTS. the largest holdings, either individuals Mr. CARTER asked the CoLoNIAL or companies, separate and collective? TnEASUREH,-(1) What :has been the (7) Will he give the time these leas•3S total cost ·)£ electr.fying the Main Sub­ have been held and the value of the urban, Illawarra, Bankstown, and North improvements per acre and collectively Shore railway lines; including the wid­ placed thereon by the present lessees?. ening of the lines and alterations t.) (S) 'What area is held under permissive station platforms and bridges~ (2) occupancy or license~ (9) Has the What has lheen the cost of the electric i\V estern Lands Board power under the I·olling-stock used 011 the Main Suburban amendments of the Western Lands Act, Illawarra, Bankstown, and North Shor~ 1927, to resume all or any part of any :railway lines? (3) What has been the western lands lease, providing that ~he total cost of resumptions in connecti•m Government finds the money for com­ with the installation of these electric pe~ation? services? Answer,-(1) 232. (2) The present. Answer,-l am informed: area is 34,982,682 acres; 4,994,405 acres' have been withdrawn. (3) All westerm. (1) Cost of electrifying the lines to 31st J anuat·y, 1930, exclusive of rolling-stock Jands leases are subject to the with- . but inclusive of power stations substations drawal of one-eighth under the provi-. electrical repair workshops and machinery; sions of section 17, but no areas capahle · was £10,381,730. This covers the expendi­ of supplying a living area are avail- - ture on account of the following sections:­ Main Suburban line to Parramatta Illa­ able. (4) 3,206 (1,762 converted leases:_ wara line to National Park Bankstown and subdivision leases and 1,444 new" · line, Hornsby to Milson's Poil;t, Strathfield leases). (5) . Approximately 78. (6)• to Hornsby, Granville to Liverpool, Lid· Alex. Armstrong Pty. Ltd., 680,766; : combe to Regent's Park, Regent's Park to Cabramatta, Canterbury to Warwick Farm. acres; Australian Estates and Mortgage' ( 2) The cost of electric rolling-stock to Co. Ltd., 617,491 acres; Australian Mer­ 31st January, 1930, was £6,075,512. This cantile Land and Finance Co. Ltd., . cost includes not only the whole of the new 1,000,353 acres;_ Australian .Sheep 1Farms vehicles ob~a~ned for electric working, but Ltd., 1,366,806 acres; Brewarrina Pas:'­ also the ongmal cost of old carriages con­ verted and fitted with equipment for a simi­ toral Co. Ltd., 836,519 acres; Bootra­ lar purpose. (3) Total cost of resumptions Pastoral Co., 1,049,733 acres; J. B. A .. in connection with electric services was E., and W. B. ·Christian, 453,629 acres;: £80,266. This amount is included in item Corona Pastoral Co. Ltd., 869,537 acres;_-· (1). A. Crozier, 808,222 acres; Dunlop Ltd.,,. WESTERN LA"NDS LEASER. 417,2&9 acres; Elsinora Ltd., 1,178,477' acres; Goldsbrough, ~fort, & Co. Ltd., ~ Mr. DAVIDSON asked the MiNISTER 658,272 · acres; R: E. It. Hope, 473,165.;~ FOR LA~Ds,_.:Will he supply answers to acres; Horton, :!faclure Pty. Ltd.,~ the following questions at the earliest possible date: (1) How rmany eight!1 864,690 acres; H. B. Hughes (Exors.)._. resumptions have been made availaible 582,750 acres; Keewong Pastoral Co.,_ in the western lands area since the estab­ 44S,765. acres; Marsfield Pastoral C.:> .. lishment of the Western Lands Board? Ltd;, 556,108 acres; Morden Proprietol.'s (2) What is the aggregate acreage of J.,ha Ltd., 1,321, 710 acres; Moulamein Pas­ w~ole of the above leases? (3) What toral Co. Ltd., 44:8,878 acres; Mt. Wood area still remains 'that could be resumed Pastoral Co. Pty. Ltd., 467,496 acres; by the iboard under the provisions of the New Zealand and Australian Land Co. eighth resumption? .. ( 4) · What is i;he Ltd., 1,266,337 acres; J. M. Parker, aggregate number of holdings in . the 443,909 acres; S. D. Reid, 7 46,333 acr-es; western lands divil'ion, giving the num- Scottish-Austrll,lian Investment Co. Ltd.~ 3953 Questions and Answers. lASSEMBLY.] Questions and Answers. 543,007 acres; J. Dunne, deceased (Trus­ and £4,905 16s. 1d. to working expenses. tees), 770,706 acres; Tupra Pastoral Co. The estimated cost to complete the ballast­ ing is ~0. The small amount of ballasting Pty. Ltd., 565,4.57 acres; iVeiriter'iga remaining to be done .consists of surface Pastoral Co. Ltd., 493,590 acres; A. 0. ballasting only, and the completion of same Ferguson (Exors.), 62q,'778 acres; Yan­ has been held up until certain work adja­ cent to the 'tramway extension is completed cannia Pastoral Co. Ltd., 1,148,1Z6 by the local authority. ( 4) Five men are acres; Yandama Pastoral Co., 1,114,711 employed ·for full shifts and two men for acres. (7) The leases have been held as part shifts at a cost of £2,032 per annum. western lands leases since J 902. Infor­ mation as to value per acre of improve­ ments placed on these by the present RAILWAY BRIDGE, PARRA:MA'TTA. lessees is not available. (8) Permissive Mr. JAMES McGIRR asked the occupancy, 386,975 acres; occupation COLONIAL TREASUHER_.-(1) Where was license, 569,412 acres; preferential occu­ the railway bridge 'built that was placed pation license, 82,487 acres. (9) ,Section over ·Church-street, P-artamatta, last 4 of Western Lands (Amendment) Act, year~ (2) What was the weight and 1927, authorises the withdrawal oi the cost o£ building same? (3) What wns whole or any part of any western lands the cost of p1acing it in position~ lease when required for the purpose o£ Answer,-! am informed: .settlement.
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