_____. "The Canadian Encyclopedia of _____. "What's Governance Got to do with It? Limitless Identities," Acadiensis 19.1 (Autumn Two Investigations into the State of Atlantic 1989): 204-08. Canada," Acadiensis 33.1 (Autumn 2003b): 87-96. _____. "The Art of Regional Protest: The Political Cartoons of Donald McRitchie, _____. "Regionalism in a Flat World," 1904-1937," Acadiensis 21.1 (Autumn 1991): Acadiensis 35.2 (Spring 2006): 138-43. 5-21. _____. "History Does Matter: The Future of _____. "The Politics of Place: Regionalism the Past in Atlantic Canada," Literary Review and Community in Atlantic Canada," The of Canada (October 2008): 3-5. Constitutional Future of the Prairie and Atlantic Regions of Canada, J. McCrorie and Cooper, B. "Regionalism, Political Culture and M. MacDonald, eds. Regina: Canadian Plains Canadian Political Myths," Regionalism and Research Center, University of Regina 1992, Party Politics in Canada, L. Young and K. pp. 18-36. Archer, eds. Toronto: Oxford University Press 2002, p. 97. _____. "The Battle of the Cartoonists: The Cartoon Art of Donald McRitchie and Robert Desbarats, P. and T. Mosher. The Hecklers: Chambers in Halifax Newspapers, A History of Canadian Political Cartooning 1933-1937," Myth and Milieu: Atlantic and a Cartoonists' History of Canada. Literature and Culture, 1918-1939, G. Davies, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1979. ed. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1993, pp.17-36. Dunlop, A. Book Review: "George Nowlan: Maritime Conservative in National Politics. _____, ed. Saturday's Child: The Memoirs of Margaret Conrad. Toronto: University of Ellen Louks Fairclough, Canada's First Toronto Press, 1986," Archivaria 24 (Summer Female Federal Cabinet Minister. Toronto: 1987): 157-8. University of Toronto Press 1995. English, J. Book Review: "Margaret Conrad, _____. "'Not a Feminist But...': The Political George Nowlan: Maritime Conservative in Career of Ellen Louks Fairclough, Canada's National Politics. Toronto: University of First Female Federal Cabinet Minister," Toronto Press1986," Histoire sociale - Social Journal of Canadian Studies 31.2 (Summer History 20.39 (May 1987): 195. 1996): 5-28. Miller, J.R. "The Invisible Historian," Journal of _____. "Why I Am (Sometimes) a Separatist: the Canadian Historical Association (1997): A View from the Margins," Can Canada 3-18. Survive? Under What Terms and Conditions? Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada Morris, R. Behind the Jester's Mask: 1996/ Sixth Series, D. Hayne, ed. Toronto: Canadian Editorial Cartoons about Dominant University of Toronto Press, 1997, pp. 91-102. and Minority Groups, 1960-1979. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989. _____. "Mistaken Identities? Newfoundland __________ and Labrador in the Atlantic Region," Newfoundland Studies 18.2 (Fall 2002): A Tribute to Margaret Conrad: 159-74. Activist, Scholar, Feminist _____. "Addressing the Democratic Deficit: Pioneer W omen and Political Culture in Atlantic BONNIE HUSKINS, University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, is currently working on a Canada," Atlantis 27.2 (Spring/Summer manuscript with Michael Boudreau based on the 2003a): 82-89. diaries of working-class homemaker Ida Louise www.msvu.ca/atlantis PR Atlantis 34.2, 2010 19 Martin (née Friars) of Saint John, New Brunswick, early interdisciplinary women's studies course who kept daily entries from 1945-92. She is also launched at Acadia University in 1973. Seven beginning a new project on sociability, family and women and several men contributed to this community amongst the first and second- evening course that attracted over 100 generation Loyalists in the Maritimes. students the first night it met in September. She later taught a year-long course on Abstract "Women in Canadian History," as well as One of several presentations on Margaret other women's studies courses. In the fall of Conrad's work and career at the 2009 Atlantic 1974, Conrad, Donna Smyth and others Canada Studies Conference in Charlottetown, formed a collective to plan for the launch of this paper describes how Conrad applied her Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, which feminism to the writing, teaching and continues to publish today. Marg dissemination of history, and in the process, subsequently served as co-editor of Atlantis transformed the ways in which historians from 1977-85, and in 2000, she co-edited, approach their profession. th with Linda Kealey, a special, 25 anniversary Résumé issue of the Journal entitled "Feminism and Une des nombreuses présentations sur le Canadian History." Marg also promoted travail et la carrière de Margaret Conrad à la women's studies in Canada by holding the Conférence Atlantic Canada Studies de Nancy's Chair in Women’s Studies at Mount 2009à Charlottetown, cet article décrit Saint Vincent University from 1996-98. comment Conrad a appliqué son féminisme Marg Conrad's experiences at Acadia dans ses oeuvres, son enseignement, et la University made her keenly aware of the dissémination de l'histoire, et de ce fait, a gender inequalities which exist within transformé les façons dont les historiennes institutions of higher learning. In 1978 and approchent leur profession. again in 1990, she collaborated with university colleagues to produce reports on the status of women at Acadia University (Committee on Margaret Conrad's research, the Status of W omen at Acadia University publications and teaching have covered a 1978; Conrad and Looker 1990). The survey diversity of historical topics over her forty in 1990 revealed that female staff, students years in the field. She has written political and faculty made up more than half of those history, facilitated Planter studies and, in her associated with the university, but the most recent career at the University of New institution, according to Conrad and her Brunswick (UNB), has led the way in associates, was "anything but female humanities computing. In addition to these dominated." Based on the data collected from various contributions to academia, one of the separate questionnaires returned by staff, continuities in her career has been her students and faculty members, the report promotion of feminist praxis. One of several asserted that discrimination and differential presentations on Conrad's work at the 2009 treatment based on gender still existed, and Atlantic Canada Studies Conference in proceeded to make numerous Charlottetown, this paper describes how she recommendations to correct the situation. applied her feminism to the writing, teaching These recommendations included the and dissemination of history, and in the establishment of a female equity officer; an process, transformed the ways in which equity committee; funds to attract and hire historians approach their profession. qualified women; daycare facilities; equity Since the beginning of her career, programs to reach women students; faculty Marg Conrad has been involved in various assessment of their "texts, jokes and attitudes campaigns to elevate the status of women in to ensure that they are not devaluing women"; Canadian society. One expression of this more women in positions of authority; and agenda was her involvement in the many more - eighty-three recommendations in development of women's studies programs in total. the 1960s and '70s. Marg participated in an 20 Atlantis 34.2, 2010 PR www.msvu.ca/atlantis Marg has done her best to meet the portraying women primarily as victims. In the need for more women in positions of authority same vein, Conrad complained that the by taking on many leadership roles in the contributors to A Not Unreasonable Claim: historical community. She has served on a Women and Reform in Canada, 1880s-1920s number of national professional associations: (Kealey 1979), with one exception, conveyed the National Archives Board (1987-91); the a sense of disappointment and disapproval at Historical Sites and Monuments Board of the failure of maternal feminists to transform Canada (1990-98); and on the Minister's and transcend their limitations, whether Round Table on Parks Canada Secretariat discussing women's paid work, women's (2001), to name just a few. Moreover, she suffrage or social reform, a theme that was president of the Canadian Historical Conrad would revisit in her own scholarship. Association from 2005-07, and co-editor of In "Keep It Complex: Feminist the Canadian Historical Review from 1997- Pedagogies in a Post-Modernist, Post- 2000. Conrad currently sits on the Editorial Structuralist, Post-Colonialist, Post Feminist Board of the journal Acadiensis; on the Board World" (Conrad 1995), Marg Conrad tackled of Directors of Canada's National History the issues and challenges associated with Society; on the Scientific Advisory Committee using the classroom as a major site for of the Council of Canadian Academies; on the feminist struggle. Here, she reminds readers Advisory Board of the Lafontaine-Baldwin that feminist pedagogy emerged in the early Symposium; and she chairs the External 1980s as a significant focal point for Committee of Experts on Commemorations discussion and debate. She pointed out the for the National Capital Commission. challenges posed by post-modern critiques Marg Conrad has also worked that call into question earlier assumptions that tirelessly throughout her career to practise a feminist classroom ought to be nurturing, and promote a feminist approach to the democratic, inclusive of experience and writing and teaching of history. As a emotions and committed to change. Overall, historiographer, she has kept us apprised of she acknowledged that post-modern critiques major developments within women's studies of totalizing theory were useful, for they allow and women's history, but she has also acted us "to incorporate the range of feminist voices as a fearless critic, prodding us to adopt an from women and men of different races, analytical approach which embraces female classes, ages, cultures and abilities...". agency. Though not the first review of Marg Conrad's interest in uncovering women's history in Canada, Conrad's 1983 a diversity of "feminist voices" is revealed in review article entitled "The Re-Birth of the evolution of her research and scholarship.
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