EfWAV .AMERICA'S FOREMOST THEATRES AND HITS, DIRECT SCN OF LEE AND J. J. SHUBERT AT -" m A BRADY'S Attractions *"î Tlim ffifZ-TF7X8- prêtent 5lgr 5x 500 SEATS CHA N *.' NO tfOLI.OCK'S VVOfttO S LARGEST AND FOREMOST MOTION WCTURS «UAC. AT 50c I0150H'S595tSí-SS NSW j'b.x y gpWAftP BOrwrsS MAMAQtfOG OtPRCTOtt. 500 ¦* »» $1.00 The 700 « « $2.00 WED.EVE.0CT.25tk U A SECOND DESERVES WEEK MOVESttiÍeCENTURY theatre ^IMSiCT FOOL TO-MORROW OPEMXO AT THE 62«d STREET and CENTRAL PARK WEST. N.ÛHT Evening. 8.30; Matinees Wcdn.ttlay and Saturday at i.SO TIMES SQUARE THEATRE iyjosçFzmm CAPE«. TOMORROW NIGHT nd'y * ooth SeatSaííTMon. Ocr2fn 9a m At 8:15. Mat». Thurs. & Hat., _:15. St, Eves 8:10 TRAL W45r'-< EVE5 8-3C SHUBEUT WATS. WED. a. SAT. SELWYN KVE8. »:_«.. .MATS. WED, & SAT., Î:Î0. VAUDEVILLE Barney Alexander TOOAY MATINEE LAST A TIMES JOHNNY D0ÖLEY M28 Bernard & Cam INGRAM'S METRO MASTERPIECE CONCERTS NIGHT oí "TOWN TALK" Girl Revue ONE WEEK ONLY, BEGINNING TOMORROW MATINEE PARTNERSAGAIN L LAWRENCE WEBER and WM. B. PRIEDLANDER "Rex Ingrain's magnificent 'Prisoner of Zcada' is at the Capitol Presen«: WORLD'S « .*.«. house seems -.-¦ --*.>-». »«¦ Theatre-inenirr. This ¦"-7-. ideally suited to films/«..!,.. ofv¡ such mag- " ' LAUGHING HIT! uitude. They belong tn the Capitol. S. L. Rothafel ha¡hat surpassed himself in this presentation. A prologue of great aartistry and STEPPIN AROUNI orchestral score add neto to this./.i excellent A Music .il ¦il a beautiful glory Comedy in Nine Scenes with 91H.IUn.U_NATMNSI Th«a- St-W. of B'y. Br.S'SO. n.iof«i»!o.." W. 1. Torres, IS. Y. CommercialÍ Bry. 1561- >uu Wed k gM JAMES C. MORTON 300thPerformanceWednesday Hear the love theme 'if Love Were AH" And . Company of Forty, Including a Broadway Beauty Chorus. ßr William Axt and Martha Wikhinski *»«<.(. By j (; HUFFMAN _And tha following SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE ACTa_ IT HAS CREATED A FURORE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS DAN HEALY in "ONE NIGHT IN JUNE" IN AMFRICA! with Marlon Hopkins and George B. QjAM0N.OCT.30^ je and Rothafel Prr.Ttt'n? Tripp« Presentation MILLIE and EUGENE HOWARD HARRY ROYE with MARGO RAFFARO ÀNDtH& MAIDA With Capitol Grand Orchestra DUFRESNB BILLY MAYE ssmSfafr Ballet SSEST G HT Augmented Corp3.Ensemble of Forty Voice» SUNDAY CONCER.T Mamie ALFRED HARRY AMAR/ TE_ T EDNA MORTON BLOOM AT REGULAR WILLIE and PUGENE HOWARD Except 9at. £uit<î- PtRANOeiW ***** CAPITOL PRICES KRAMER and BOYLE Mats. 25c to $1 * Holidays Eve. 50c to $1.50 ^^ SYLVIA CLARK Princess -seats thurs JAMES C MORTON fc CO Mystery, Comedy. Romance ->.39r,-ST«*> -Phoner/TZ EDYTHE BAKER 0579 PASOUALI BROS &¿CAPr FOOSHEE SISTERS THE ATHLETIC GIRL NUMBER ttcxtweek features this great picture» LEONARD and EDDIE BROADHURST 8pWtm Thurs.Night A d many othir Feature Act» The MESSRS. SHUBERT Present A Musical Play in Three Acts AMBASSADOR 8ft. et Bon; SPRINGTIME Evgs 8.25.Mat» Wed 8. Sat THINK OF ITI founded on book of Beruh«««« and Scli«n_.r I,Trie- fir Matthew 0 Woodward nCrxn» Wood INTERNATIONAL Musle by Walter Rollo * MUSICAL SUCCESS ".inmund Romberg Dances by Jnok Msson. Staged by Jobs Harwood A little music box alone on Produced under the Personal Direction oí MR J J. SHUBERT the stage. THE LADY with Not another sound «ave the quiet piaylng of **Go.*t*» GEORGE MacFARLANE OLGA STECK Sleep, My Little Pickaninny." J. HAROLD MURRAY HARRY KELLY ELEANORGRIFFITH IN ERMINE The swish of waves on the With WILDA BENNETT HARRY K. MORTON and ZELLA RUSSELL Southampton coast. AND OTHERS Then the farewell signal from a departing ship. SEATS ON SALE TO-MORROW The curtain falls. ^ CASINO ¦_&%» or and Hat The audience is spellbound by the poignancy of this MUSICA1. COMEDY SE!V$ATIO.\' ¿, * 'n Mat«. Wed. 49th ST. startling climax, and Sat. Broadway$& %)M_LL_ I y SUPER MYSTERY PLAY For two and a half hours they have eat entranced by the passionate, tender love story unfolded before them. WHISPERING That's "THE FAITHFUL HEART," BEGINNING TODAY-IHOS.H.lNCE frësenta and WIRES John Corbin, the conservative critic of the N. With EDOte OOWLINO »lid grest cast HAS THE TOWN Y« Times, C77ic SENSATIONAL DRAMA TALKING says. "Absorbingly humas and appealing; cast and w production flawless." MAXINE ELLIOTTS THEATRE. West 39tK "A WA Y IN THE LEAD THIS YEAR." Streets .Alexander Woollcoit, Times Seats now for Thanlreghring, Christmas and NewYear's special matinees. Usual matinees Wednesday and V« MA ,\W\. Saturdaya Evenings at 8:30. iuithd.nA.llscJLrca.so Greenwich Village Follies MILTON SILLS. FLORENCE VfDOR. Fourth Annual Production MARCIA MANON, FRANK CAMPEAU, Etc. The Mark Strand presents the Devised and Staged by John Murray Anderson "THE FINEST OF ALL REVUES." THE TALK OF THE TOWN- AL'S HERE!l E BALLET .Charles Darrtton, Eve, World {«) "Humoresque" (Dvorak) (b) "Polka" (J. Strauss) QUIIRERT **'"'. '*'¦'''. oí B'way. Hres. t:_0. "The Old OnUDCnl Soak" (c) "Bacchanal" (Glazounov) Matinees Wed. A Sat., 2:30. Created and produced under the personal direction of By DOX MAKQCIS ARTHUR HOPKINS "Gorgeously entertaining.' -Times. PLYMOUTH " ' " ICHEL FOKINE ¡prwwBta THEATRE&t&f!&£?-*and Sut., i':58. \ Bullet Master Russian Imperial Theatre and the Mark Strand Theatre Iiterpreted by Miles. Chabelska, Korolova, Desha, Wilde, Hunter, ETHEL BARRYMORE huer, Bacon, Lee, Peck and M. Antonoff, Fernandez Boneck, with special scenic and light effects "ROSE BERND" WtüJAH FOX ATTPACTÍONS m NEW ' YORK].\ By HAUPTMANN THEATRE-Tg/1CEÍ?A{LY^50050 STRAND SYMPHONY "Miss Barry more gave the finest performance that AÚLjaus^M^V. qRCHESTi^^0LNDES|TuoT_cbarU°ne Metr°" ***&**& «lis SUNDAY MATINEEdtSP.M. ElDÖiOTSTANFÖRDrSopranoT^lE o£_Ä ahe has ever given, a performance that at times reached a beauty we, in our time, have neveP seen MARK STRAND 'ODDS AND ENDS" surpassed in the theatre."-. Times. TOPICAL REVIEW FILM NOVELTIES WILLIAM FOX presents >> "It is probably her greatest achievement In the THE GREATEST OP ALL SCfTEEN DRAMAS theatre.". He\)it>ood Broun, World. -ALEXANDREOUMAS/MMQfiTAL CLYDE COOKHi "THE ESKIMO Went 48 h Street. Evenings 1:30. LONGACRE THEATRE Matinees : Wednesday and Saturday MARK STRAND SPECIAL JSjBig sljN0^v: M ®Mk mm mm mm -~ in ChvJéi Dickens' td-inou:s story kW^ÊÎ^LWaWm S Sa #OLlVER TWiSTsÄ^Ä RIFFITH presents .odth JOHN CILBCRT^.%. LAST TIME WED. Thur.. & Snt. EVENING NOVEMBERS JBVtfB., 8:15. Good Orchestra Seal», $1.00. One Week, Beginning To-inurrow Night THEATRE-WICE DAILY-23Û&30 SAM if. HARRIS Presents SUNDAY MATINEE AT 3 P. Owing to the unprecedented success of GETS LAST WEEK-LAST 7 EWS- NIGHTSM., MARION DAVIES LAST WEEK SLAPPED WILUAM FOX presents dttSL. in rA GTr_ï$ TrÍEAT-Rfe ITVtC! DAfLV By LEONID ANDREYEV V_ wnh Writ,MATINEES-25« 4. HAS t\ítí-INGS-50<_.*l__S RICHARD BENNETT 7*\\aÏHE B!ST PICTURE IN NEW When Knighthood Opening Apollo Theatre Tomorrow Night YORK".miiyhít* Original Theatre Guild Production. WHO ARE O 42nd St. West of B'way at 8:15 OCT. 30, Was in Flower With r.zsr Wood, T>nnox Pawl« and Frank Monist), MY MATINEE TO-DAY AT 9. To-day. í'imunnoa» PARENTS! Now In its sixth capacity week at the Kimday Cbncerte. 1:30-11:30. j ¦-LAST TIME NEXT SUNDAY EVE.OCT29».' Concert Mgt. Arthur Judton Announces CRITERION THEATRE AEOLIAN HAUL, Thitrs. Eve.. Oct. 28, 8:30 BROADWAY AND 44th STREET FIRST SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT NEW YORK New York Siring Quartet cfSííOVi (Founded by Mr. A Mrs. Ralph PullUer.) HEGINNING MONI>AY, OCT. 23. of the ROCKEFELLER MSTITUTe _ SYMPHONY JVan .[.(oven.noven, JaikJai- "Itiibo""linbo" Cllf- TQ-DÂY 2 BIG CONCERTS TOWN HALL, Friday Eve., Oct. 27, at 8:30 ¦for.l. Florrle Millersltip. Wally MUSICAL COMEDIES 5UV EXTRA MATINEE WALTER DAMROSCH.Conductor ¿llri.ii!ey & Ortii., Ueo. Warn * laughleristhc 2:1« AND 8:15 ALISI.KJ. COATES.Guest Conductor 677.77^1í. i'éi iBell« Hawley. Creations, Pa the IN greatest ofIonics, liRl NO WALTER.Guest Conductor |DT&_.8thbt.l News. Timely Topics. 6 other.. Commencing HARRY KAUFMAN CARN.__GI__ HAI..., (tatures iiiV3Ü_ra_S*j To-raorrov? Aftemoo.-: Recital, of Piano Music. (Stelnway.) 12 Thurs Afts..12 G _>al. Afts. for lYlduy Kv-rs. $3 to S20 "A WOMAN'S WOMAN" forthe sick,the«ar P. Nov. I. 8:30 Young People ¡fii.r.O to $10 sick \V\e 5 m Wod. and AT Eve., aeiiuah With CARNEGIE HALL, 10 hall MARY ALDEN healrhn Sunday Afternoon ton. pits **.- to $25 fink Subscriptions Now. Room ITOl.Aeolinn Bids. NEARSH-iAVJ-Iextk.*. vaci-EVille IMM L0UD.UAÍ0UWmX\ TE IONS First Concert, Aeolian Hall, Sun. Aft., Oct.29 HETTY ULYTHE will be given Brahms, Symphony No. 2; Vivaldi. "HOW WOMEN LOVE.1 LAUGH kllTHtS WEEK- Concert in A minor for WHEN YOU SEE Soprano. "I_e String: Orchestra.: PERSONAL APPEARANCE Tomorrow As.l.Ud by the RICH STRING QUARTET. Carnaval des Animaux," Saint-Sacro.. HC4f>*0A/QTUESDAV EVENING, Oct. 24 OF 1922 Commencing Piano.) (New ; first time In New York) iiiTi?. fifiMiffEXTRA EINE VAUDEVILLE (Stflmvay Tickets at Box Continuing until further notice. George Office. Aeolian Hall. With DON CLARK. Ticket, now on «ale at ro_i>ectfTe boi offlccs. Engles, MgT. Steinway Piano. 5^ "A WOMAN'S WOMAN" DANNT MCRFHY ALL SEATS RESERVED > With MARY ALDEN and a bl_f eooapan. FOR ALL PERFORMANCES EXTRA FINE VAUDEVILLE of lost-xaakera, »ing¬ SELLING EIGHT WEEKS IN ADVANCE BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS erí,, dancers. vande. LEE KEEDICK Presents' UOYD ville #«pce*\i_l!»t» mad BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS Admission Mats. SOc to $1.Evgs. $2 to $150 IN H!5 lAT£ST.5REe_.C0HEÍ)t ,J nhovr (Iris. Twice Evm. BOo te Î2.50 doll}*. Moderate prfawt.. |Mttts. Wed. and Sat tiesta S w.(_- t__ -ad¬ Clt.U...,|i|U^.J BARGAIN WED.
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