Coffs Harbour Management Area Locality Map Map Sheets 1:25,000 Glenreagh 9437-4N Compartments 242, 243, 244 & 245 ³ 1:100,000 Dorrigo 9437 Kangaroo River State Forest Scale: 1:100,000 475000 480000 485000 490000 Tallawudjah NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 6 6 6 6 248 355 d 243 a o 242 R Byrnes Scrub NR 157CLOUDS CREEK 209 247 0 h 0 t 354 i 0 0 0 m 0 5 S 244 5 7 7 e l i 6 i 6 a s 6 6 r s T e k J e 353 re C y d n 245 a S 246 251 210 241 252 239 254 253 263 212 238 240 262 237 213 261 KANGAROO RIVER 255 0 236 d Helipad 0 0 Nymboi-Binderay NP R 260 0 0 0 k Kangaroo Creek Rd Gravel Pit 0 G e 0 e 7 7 r Junction of Monville Rd/ 6 6 C 767 6 6 o Kangaroo Creek Rd 234 o 224 r a 30o06'58.46" S 152o52'11.80" E Safety Meetin22g3 Point 233 g n a 259 264 266 Junction Jessie Smith Rd/ 235 256 K Black Mountain Rd oad 226 f ixty R S MGA 482957 E 6670150 N elve 225 Tw 258 232 648 227 B la c 509 k 257 Mo un 265 774 ta 229 in 771 513 R oad 324 511 228 231 520 517 230 BAGAWA 772 514 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 516 5 6 6 6 6 6 325 323 6 521 519 C 773 515 r a 319 d l 777 326 320 e C r 528 e e d a k o 327 R R o 778 a s d e 322 529 531 e 530 r 532 T WILD CATTLE CREEK 321 e 0352 625 1,250 2,500 3,750 5,000 g 779 n 533 a 329 r 334335 Meters 538 O 534 328 475000 480000 485000 490000 MAP FEATURES ROADS SfAFETY POINTS Harvest Area Sealed Helipad Ñ Plantations All Weather, Unsealed Safety Point Flora Reserves Dry Weather, Unsealed Haulage Route State Forest Four Wheel Drive National Park & Nature Reserve Drainage Feature Private Plantations Prepared by: Dan Cook Date: 20/12/2018 Map Sheets Coffs Harbour Management Area 1:25,000 Glenreagh 9437 - 1N Road Maintenance Plan Map 1:100,000 Dorrigo 9437 Compartments 242 - 245 Datum: GCS_GDA_1994 ³ Scale: 15,000 Kangaroo River State Forest Projection: GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_56 81 82 83 84 85 K a n g a ro 1 o R J iv . e e ss r S ie a Sm n i d th 77 y R 77 C d 2 re e d k R . -3 3 4 2 3 . Nymboi-Binderay NP 5 . 4 d . R -2 THREATENED SPECIES LOCATIONS 3 24 ³# Dusky Woodswallow Nest ³# Little Lorikeet Nest 7 ! Powerful Owl . ! Masked Owl 76 76 ! 6 Glossy Black-Cockatoo . Rd ins " Glossy Black-Cockatoo feed tree Coll X 243 Yellow-bellied Glider 209 242 20 ® . Yellow-bellied Glider feed tree 2 4 4 22 - 1 Koala . 8 R . d R Little Bent-wing Bat 9 . 242 G -1 R Giant Barred Frog d 21 d R . Da 2 m 4- R 4 . 10 d 2 75 75 244 . 11 19 12 . Rd 1 3- 24 13 N . 18 m . 0 . 0 0 74 4 7 6 6 245 210 16 14 241-2 Rd . Ì. 17 . 15 . 241 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 239 Meters 481000m.E 82 83 84 85 BASE NET AREA MAP FEATURES Drainage features THREATENED SPECIES PRESCRIPTIONS State Forest Boundary Lowland Rainforest EEC Stream PZ 1st Order (10m) ! ! Compartment Boundary Grey Gum/Grey Box EEC Yellow-bellied Glider Modified Harvesting 1 Km Grid Stream PZ 2nd Order (20m) MGA Grid 100m New Base Net Area Little Lorikeet Nest Exclusion (30m) 10 / 100 m Contour Harvest Area Stream PZ 3rd Order (30m) State Forest Giant Barred Frog Exclusion National Park Estate General Management (FMZ 4 and 8) Stream PZ 4th Order (50m) Dusky Woodswallow Nest Exclusion (50m) ROADS 4 Bar Exclusions FMZ - Other Sealed All Weather, Unsealed Rainforest Non-forestry Use (FMZ 7) Dam (10m exclusion) Dry Weather, Unsealed 3 Bar Limited Falling 4WD Track LiDAR Slopes>30 Non Haulage Roads Mapped Limited Falling EZ Ì Mine Sites (DMR) Inaccessible Ridge and Headwater Habitat EZ ! Harvesting Exclusions IFOA Crossing cG Dangerous Tree Created By: Dan Cook Date: 17/12/2018 Map Sheets Coffs Harbour Management Area 1:25,000 Glenreagh 9437 - 1N Forest Type Map 1:100,000 Dorrigo 9437 Compartments 242 - 245 Datum: GCS_GDA_1994 ³ Scale: 15,000 Kangaroo River State Forest Projection: GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_56 81 82 83 84 85 53a 74b 74a 74b 74b 21 62b 74a 47 53a 74a 216 21 77 77 47 74a 21 74a 47 74a 53a 62b 47 92 Nymboi-Binderay NP 74b 21 216 74a 65 62b 21 65 74a 74b 74b 53a 74b 53a 62b 21 216 76 76 21 216 243 216 74b 62b 209 242 74a 74b 62b 21 74b 62b 74b 74a 53a 74a 74b 62b 244 75 21 75 74a 74b 21 74a 74b 74b 74a 21 74b 74a 74a 53a 21 74a N . m 0 62b 0 0 74 4 7 6 245 6 210 74b 21 21 47 241 74b 74b 21 74a 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 239 53a Meters 53a 481000m.E 82 83 84 85 MAP FEATURES FOREST TYPES DRAINAGE (LIC ORDERED) State Forest Boundary ! ! Compartment Boundary Type 21 Hoop Pine Stream Order 1 1 Km Grid MGA Grid 100m Type 47 Tallowwood - Sydney Blue Gum Stream Order 2 10 / 100 m Contour State Forest Type 53 Brush Box Stream Order 3 National Park Estate Type 62 Grey Gum - Grey Ironbark - White Mahogany Stream Order 4 PLUS ROADS Type 65 Forest Red Gum Sealed Type 74 Spotted Gum - Ironbark / Grey Gum All Weather, Unsealed Dry Weather, Unsealed Type 92 Forest Red Gum 4WD Track New Construction Type 216 Improved Pasture and Cropland Non Haulage Roads Created By: Dan Cook Date: 20/08/2018 Hardwood Forests Division Harvest and Haul Plan State Forest Kangaroo River Compartments 242, 243, 244 & 245 Management Area Coffs Harbour IFOA Region Upper North East Harvest Plan No. 59841 Price Zone/Supply Coffs Harbour/2 Zone Legal Conditions Native Forest Harvesting under the UNE IFOA; expires 16/11/2020. Survey expiry date for this plan is 01/03/2028. Certification Timber products removed from the plan area are within the Defined Forest Area covered by Australian Forestry Standard and ISO14001 Certificate 13761 Senior Planner Date: Prepared by Signature held on file Dan Cook Senior Planner Date: Reviewed by Signature held on file Bob Aspden Planning Supervisor Date: Approved by Signature held on file Matthew Kinny Abbreviations FT = Forest Technician, HC = Harvesting Coordinator, PtS= Protection Supervisor, HS = Harvesting Supervisor, RC = Roading Coordinator, Crew = Harvest Contractor/Forest Operators, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval, TSL = Threatened Species Licence, EPL = Environment Protection Licence, FL = Fisheries Licence, CH = Cultural Heritage, SOP = Standard Operating Procedure, HPOM = Harvest Plan Operational Map, HCVOG = High Conservation Value Old Growth. 1. Harvest Area Details (all Slope info is LiDAR derived) Cpt 242 Cpt 243 Cpt 244 Cpt 245 Total PlanCpt ID 129321 129322 129323 129324 Gross Area (ha) 308 303 222 153 986 Harvest Area 155 127 128 22 432 Estimated Yield 2325 1905 1280 330 5540 Yield/ha 15 15 10 15 Slope (% 0-20 degrees) 85 97 92 77 Slope (% 20-25 degrees) 13 3 7 21 Slope (% 25-30 degrees) 2 0 1 2 Contractor must ensure timber removed is allocated to the correct compartment when entered into Electronic Delivery Docket. Document title: C_242to245_Harvest&Haul_Plan Version No.: 1 Page 1 of 13 Harvest Plan No.: 59841 Approval Date: Expiry Date: 01/03/2028 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. 2. Management Conditions on Boundaries Boundary Conditions SMZ / FMZ FMZ 2 and 3 a – occur and are mapped on HPOM as exclusion zones. Areas are mapped rainforest with High Conservation Value Old Growth embedded in Mapped Limited Falling Exclusion Zones. FMZ 4 – Available and displayed (in yellow) on the HPOM as net harvest area. Available for harvest under conditions of the Harvest & Haul Plan. FMZ 7 – located in close proximity to the banks of Kangaroo River and coincides with Improved Pasture & Cropland on the Forest Type Map. There is an absence of trees in this area. It is a harvesting exclusion zone that is to be located by the Crew using GPS. Nymboi-Binderay Sandy Creek forms the boundary of the planning unit, with National Park, in the National Park far north-western tip of the planning unit. Sandy Creek is 4th order drainage line and is protected by a 50 m harvesting exclusion. The Crew is to identify and implement mapped exclusion zone using GPS. Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey report is pending. No operations to take place until report and consultation has been completed and prescriptions incorporated into the Harvesting and Haul Plan. In the interim, numerous Harvesting Exclusion Zones have been mapped within the operational area. If any potential heritage sites are identified an interim 100m exclusion buffer must be applied and Planning Supervisor notified as soon as possible. Private Property Private property plantation forms the boundary of the harvesting unit in the Plantation north and east. Much of this boundary is fenced. The FT must mark this (Non FCNSW) boundary. The FT must mark the boundary conservatively in the absence of any physical markers.
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