19978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 19 Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS spect to promoting international educational S. 3085. An act for the relief of Paul Huy­ radio and television broadcasting as a means gelen and Luba A. Huygelen; without amend­ Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public of achieving better understanding among ment (Rept. No. 2422). Referr~d to the bills and resolutions were introduced and and promoting education of the peoples of Committee of the Whole House. severally referred as follows: the world; to the· Committee on Interstate Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DINGELL: and Foreign Commerce. S. 3265. An act for the relief of Despina R.R. 13176. A bill to increase the partici­ By Mr. DERWINSKI: Anastos (Psyhop~a); with.out amendment pation by counties in revenues from the · H. Con. Res. 564. Concurrent resolution (Rept. No. 2423). Referred to the Committee national wildlife refuge system by amending providing that certain violations of human of the Whole House. the act of June 15, 1935, relating to such rights by the Government of Poland shall Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. participation, and for other purposes; to the be brought to the attention of the General S. 3267. An act for the relief of Gunter Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ Assembly of the United Nations; to the Com­ Heinz Hillebrand; without amendment eries. mittee on Foreign Affairs. (Rept. No. 2424). Referred to the Committee By Mr. BECKWORTH: of the Whole House. R.R. 13177. A bill to provide for post cards Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. of a distinctive color for nonbusiness mes­ S. 3275. An act for the relief of Anna Sela­ sages with a postage rate of 1 cent; to the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS manna Misticoni; without amendment (Rept. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private No. 2425). Referred to the Committee of By Mr. MORGAN: bills and resolutions were introduced and the Whole House. H.J. Res. 886. Joint resolution expressing severally referred as follows: Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. the determination of the United States with S. 3279. An act for the relief of Yet Gee respect to the situation in Cuba; to the By Mr. BENNETT of Michigan: Moy (Tsze Woo Lai) and Mee Sen Moy (Sau Committee on Foreign Affairs. R.R. 13178. A bill for the relief of Armando Ming Lai); with amendment (Rept. No. By Mr. ALEXANDER: DaLio, his wife Domenica Vescovi DaLio; to 2426). Referred to the Committee of the H. Con. Res. 561. Concurrent resolution ex­ the Committee on the Judiciary. Whole House. pressing the sense of the Congress with By Mr. KING of New York: Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. respect to the Cuban situation; to the Com­ R.R. 13179. A bill for the relief of Mr. Hong S. 3295. An act for the relief of Mathew mittee on Foreign Affairs. Song Kim; to the Committee on the Judi­ Lengyel (also known as Brother Paul, By Mr. MATTHEWS: ciary. S.V.D.); without amendment (Rept. 2427). H. Con. Res. 562. Concurrent resolution ex­ By Mr. MACK: Referred to the Committee of the Whole pressing the sense of Congress in protecting R.R. 13180. A bill for the relief of Wong House. the freedom of the ·countries of the Western Bing Lin; to the Committee on the Judi­ Mr. WALTER: Committee on the Judiciary. Hemisphere; to the Committee on Foreign ciary. S. 3336. An act for the relief of Lazaro Loy­ Affairs. By Mr. O'BRIEN of New York: ola Arinque, Jr.; without amendment (Rept. By Mr. ROBERTS of Alabama: R.R. 13181. A bill for the relief of Esterina No. 2428). Referred to the Committee of H. Con. Res. 568. Concurrent resolution ex­ Ricupero; to the Committee on the Judi­ the Whole House. pressing the sense of the Congress with re- ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Administration of the Davis-Bacon Act Another fallacy in Mr. Lowe's letter is liis Tom C. Clark, Justice, Supreme Court of assumption that residential construction the United States; Hon. Robert F. Ken­ rates would determine construction rates for nedy, the Attorney General~ Hon. Eman­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS nonresidential projects. This is incorrect. uel Celler, chairman, House Judiciary OF Under the Davis-Bacon Act the Secretary of Labor is required to determine prevailing Committee; Hon. Cyrus H. Vance, Sec­ HON. JAMES ROOSEVELT wages from projects of a character similar to retary of the Army; Abram Chayes, Esq., Legal Adviser, Department of State; OF CALIFORNIA the contract work. The Special Subcommittee on Labor has Robert H. Knight, Esq., the General IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESEN:TATIVES heard various criticisms of the Davis-Bacon Counsel, U.S. Treasury Department; Wednesday, September 19, 1962 Act and its administration. Such criticism, John T. McNaughton, Esq., General if constructive, is very helpful. The instant Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, I Counsel, Department of Defense; Daniel letter, however, raises some criticisms that, to B. Mitchie, Jr., Esq., president, National wish to refer to a letter from Mr. J. B. me, seem unfounded. I am sure you would Lowe, of Dallas, Tex., inserted in the want to be informed of what the subcom­ Association of Citizens Crime Commis­ RECORD of September 14, 1962, by my col­ mittee has learned to be Labor Department sions. league, the Honorable OLIN E. TEAGUE. practice under this important act. The committee is assisted by an ad­ In his letter, Mr. Lowe makes some fal­ Yours sincerely, visory staff composed of the following lacious assertions about practices of the JAMES ROOSEVELT, Chairman. personnel: Radio and Television Advi­ Department of Labor under the Davis­ sory Subcommittee: Alfred R. Beckman, Bacon Act. In clarification of those as­ vice president, American Broadcasting sertions, I submit the following: Co.; Leon Brooks, Esq.,. Columbia Broad­ Law Observance Committee casting . System; Robert F. Hurleigh, SEPTEMBER 18, 1962. Hon. OLIN E. TEAGUE, president, Mutual Broadcasting System; U.S. House of Representatives, EXTENSION OF REMARKS Howard Monderer, Esq., National Broad­ Washington, D.C. OF casting Co.; William J .. Wheatley, Storer DEAR COLLEAGUE: I read with interest the Broadcasting Co.; public information ad­ letter of Mr. J.B. Lowe, of Dallas, Tex., which HON. HERMAN TOLL viser; Charles R. DeHaven, manager of you inserted in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of OF PENNSYLVANIA public relations, Philadelphia Gas September 14, 1962. Unfortunately, Mr. Lowe IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Works; outdoor advertising adviser: Ar­ made a few erroneous statements concerning thur G. Petry, director of public service, administration of the Davis-Bacon Act by Wednesday, September 19, 1962 the Department of Labor. Outdoor · Advertising Association of The Special Subcommittee on Labor, of Mr. TOLL. Mr. Speaker, in this age of America, Inc.; community relations ad­ which I am chairman, has recently concluded rising crime I think the country should viser: Milton A. Eisenberg, vice presi­ extensive hearings on the Davis-Bacon Act be aware of an important project which dent, Yellow Cab Co. of Philadelphia. and its administration. I would like to ap­ is bringing together the efforts of law This national c'ommittee is arranging prise you of the actual practices of the De­ enforcement agencies, bar associations, to have the 50 local chapters of the partment in contradiction to Mr. Lowe's civic organizations and private industry. Federal Bar Association organize chap­ statements. The Federal Bar Association through ter law observance committees to engage Mr. Lowe's letter indicates that only union in activities to educate the public on the rates have been considered by the Labor De­ its law observance committee is en-· partment in determining prevailing wages. gaged in a program of promoting respect importance of respecting the law and This is not correct. The Department con­ for law and those who enforce it. The law enforcers, raising the morale of law­ siders whatever rate is prevailing in a given committee consists of the following: enforcement agents, attract the best area, whether it be union or nonunion. Harry D. Shargel, Esq., chairman; Hon. personnel to the field, and inform the 1962 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD - HOUSE 19979 public about the fine work that is being dria, NeWPQrt News, and Richmond, Va-.; with whom we are joined in an Alliance for Progress. done in the law-enforcement field. and Washington, D.C. Our aid program is a principal and vital I think we must especially commend Counties using dogs in police work: instrument of our foreign policy for main­ the Pennsylvania District of Kiwanis Montgomery and Prince Georges Coun­ taining the integrity and freedom of the International for underwriting the cost ties, Md.; and St. Louis County, Mo. nations of these regions and for helping them of large outdoor posters bearing the States using dogs in police work: Dela­ ·Jn their own efforts toward economic and Federal Bar Association slogan, "The ware, Maryland, Michigan, and Virginia. social progress. Its significance to our own Law Protects You-Respect It, Uphold Our citizens have a right to be pro­ security and welfare is fully .recognized by It, Obey It." These posters have al­ tected and we have a right to call upon the legislation enacted by the Congress last year and renewed this year. ready been placed on billboards in the our enforcement agencies to use what­ It is important to realize that the appro­ Philadelphia area donated as a public ever means availab1e to decrease the ris­ priations requested by the President for fiscal service by the General Outdoor Advertis­ ing incidence of crime. year 1963 are intended to carry out th-a ing Co. They will make possible a pro­ policy authorized by the legislation and gram pursuant to which such billboards initiated last year.
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