Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05059-4 — Russia and Courtly Europe Jan Hennings Index More Information Index Aachen, Congress of, 20 Berlin, 205, 219, 244 Académie politique, 25 Béthune, François Gaston de, 212 Adair, Edward Robert, 226 Bielfeld, Jakob Friedrich Freiherr von, 60 Ageeva, Ol’ga Genievna, 204 Blackstone, Sir William, 220 Alef, Gustave, 241 Bodin, Jean, 90 Aleksei Mikhailovich, tsar, 69, 71, 72, 73, Bogdanov, Andrei, 142 116, 118, 119–31, 147, 149, 150, 152, Bogdanov, Grigorii, 143 166, 204–5, 213, 233 Bottoni, Hannibal Franz von, 166, 178, Aleksei Petrovich, tsarevich, 55, 188, 216 204–5, 213 Algeria, 36 Boyle, Henry, 1st Baron Carleton, 222–24, All-Mad, All-Jesting, All-Drunken 225, 228 Assembly, 203 Bradshaw, Richard, 122 fn. 47 Alma Mater Viadrina, 25 Brakel, Kasimir Christoph von, 245 Amsterdam, 188, 193 Breslau, 45 Andrusovo, Truce of, 71, 74 Breteuil, Louis-Nicolas, baron de, 65 Anna Ivanovna, empress of Russia, 245 Brüggemann, Otto, 40 Anne, queen of Great Britain, 203, 212, 222 Butler, William, 221 Matveev’s arrest and apology to Peter I Buturlin, Ivan Ivanovich, 191 (see also Matveev, arrest of) 227–29, 237–38 Cannadine, David, 218 Archangel, 47, 89, 112, 139, 141–42 Carlisle, Anna, countess of, 139 Arkhangelsk. See Archangel Carlisle, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of , Arkhipov, Fedor, 118 139–41, 211, 225, 232–33, 251 Astrakhan, 51, 52 interpretations and legacy of his embassy Audienzkommissar,80 to Russia, 154–59 Azov, 182, 205 reception in Moscow, trade negotiations and ceremonial disputes, 141–54 Baklanovskii, Ivan Ivanovich, 106–7 Carlisle, Eward Howard, 2nd Earl of, 139 Balance of power, 14, 29 Cathedral of the Annunciation (Moscow Baluze, Jean Casimir de, 206–8, Kremlin), 114 212–13 Cathedral of the Archangel (Moscow Barbarism, Russia in discourses of, 33–34, Kremlin), 114 35–44, 154–57 Catherine II, 43, 220–21, 222, 243, 246 Peter I and Russia’s image of, Ceremonial, forms and contemporary 192, 200 definitions of, 21–22 related to Zeremonialwissenschaft, 35, 44, and the courtly public, 22–23 63–67 as an expression of hierarchy, 19–20 Baroque culture and diplomacy, 160, 204, criticism of, 59–60, 62–63 248–49 cultural origins of, 6–7 Basil II, Byzantine emperor, 50 cultural representation of, 61–62, 157 Beliakov, Andrei Vasil’evich, 76 during the reign of Peter I, changes and Benoist, Antoine, 36 continuity of, 210–11 292 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05059-4 — Russia and Courtly Europe Jan Hennings Index More Information Index 293 record-keeping and documentation of, Diplomatic Privileges Act (1708), 220, 222, 82–90 226–27, 228, See also Matveev similarities and differences in the (arrest of) organisation of, 6–7 Diplomatic representation, 90–91, 95–98 Ceremoniale Brandenburgicum, 217 diplomatic ranks, 91–98 Charles I of Great Britain and Ireland, 115, diplomatic ranks in Russia, 98–99, 102–8 116, 120 doctrine of ‘representative character’, 96, Charles II of Great Britain and Ireland, 79, 97, 102, 104, 110, 164, 224 120, 122, 135, 139–40, 149, 233 legal fiction of ‘as if’, 96, 104, 107 Colepeper’s embassy to Russia, 121–22 Dokhturov, Gerasim Semenovich, and Dashkov’s embassy to the court of, Aleksei Mikhailovich’s embassy to the 152–54, See also Carlisle (embassy to court of Charles I, 116–18, 158 Russia) Dolgorukov, prince Iakov Fedorovich, Prozorovskii’s embassy to the court of, 100, 212 127–31 Dolgorukov, prince Vasilii Lukich, 1, 216 Charles II of Spain, 183 Dolgorukov, prince Vasilii Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 93 Vladimirovich, 191 Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, Doyle, Michael, 239 55, 188 Dresden, 89, 163, 205 Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 245 Dreux, Thomas II de, marquis de Brézé, 197 Charles VIII of France, 135 Dubois, Guillaume, cardinal, 1, 12, Charles XII of Sweden, 24, 212, 219, 231 188 fn. 89, 254 Charles, landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 243 Dunkirk, 195, 196 Châteauneuf, Pierre-Antoine de Dutch Republic. See Netherlands Castagnères, marquis de, 189, 194 China, 47, 64, 213, 254 Ekaterina Alekseevna (Catherine I), Christian VI of Denmark, 245 tsaritsa, 197, 202 Christina of Sweden, 125 Ekaterina Ivanovna, tsarevna, duchess of Civil War, and contemporary responses to, Mecklenburg, 188 115–16, 120–21 Eleonore Magdalena of Neuburg, Holy Colepeper, John, 1st Baron Colepeper, Roman Empress, 172 and Charles II’s embassy to Russia, Elias, Norbert, 34 121–22 Elizabeth of Russia, 236 Columbus, Christopher, 159 England, 36, 46, 54, 64, 78, 92, 105, Cominges, Gaston Jean-Baptiste, comte de, 115–16, 163, 212, 218 134–39 Anglo-Russian exchanges. See Bradshaw; Constantinople, 205, 252 Carlisle; Colepeper; Dashkov; Copenhagen, 137, 205, 220 Dokhturov; Mackenzie; Muscovy Cossacks, 70 Company; Postnikov; Potemkin; Cottrell, Sir Charles, 77, 86, 105–6, 130, Prideaux; Prozorovskii; Whitworth 134, 139 Estrades, Godefroi, comte d’, 24, 135 Cottrell-Dormer family, 63, 78–79, 83 Ethiopia, 64 Crofts, William, 1st Baron Crofts, 130 Evelyn, John, 131 Cromwell, Oliver, 122, 124, 126 Crusius, Philipp, 40 Fedor Alekseevich, tsar, 69 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 39, 93 Dashkov, Vasilii Iakovlevich, 152–53 Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 84 Davidson, Peter, 248 Finet, Sir John, 78 Davydov, Ivan Stepanov, 129–130 Fleming, Sir Oliver, 79 fn. 43, 117 Defoe, Daniel, 223 Florence, 63, 103 Denmark, 55, 57, 63, 80, 124, 125, 210, France, 14, 24, 25, 33, 36, 54, 59, 63, 66, 213, 245 78, 99, 100, 104, 186 Desgranges, Michel Ancel, 195, 198 Russian embassies to, 66, 99–100, 104–6, Diplomatic immunity, 224, See also 107, See also Peter I (in Paris) Diplomatic Privileges Act Frederick III of Holstein-Gottorp, 40–41 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05059-4 — Russia and Courtly Europe Jan Hennings Index More Information 294 Index Frederick III/I of Prussia, 18, 54, 65, Honour, 1–3 163, 244 in foreign relations, 15–19, See also status Frederick William I of Prussia, 189 Hotman, Jean, Marquis de Villiers-Saint Fuhrmann, Matthias, 181 Paul, 92 Howell, James, 49, 58, 91, 94 Gdan´sk, 205 Huyssen, Heinrich Freiherr von, 58, 216 Geertz, Clifford, 249, 252 Genoa, 36, 63 Iaroslavl, 142 George I of Great Britain and Ireland, 25, Incognito, ceremonial strategies and 188, 238 fn. 172, 241 fn. 185 function of, 164–65, 166–67, 180–81, Gerbier, Sir Balthazar, 79 fn. 43 184, 192, 195–96, 200, 214 Glafey, Adam Friedrich von, 55–56 International law, 15, 26, 43, 61, 102, 109, Godefroy, Théodore, 216 127, 215, 249, See also ceremonial Golitsyn, prince Petr Alekseevich, (forms and contemporary definitions of) 161 fn. 2, 220 and the Matveev affair, and diplomatic Golitsyn, prince Vasilii Vasil’evich, 75 immunity, 220–22, 224, 226–28, 237 Golovin, Fedor Alekseevich, count, 164, International relations, as an academic 167, 170, 206–8 subject, 25–26 Golovkin, Gavriil Ivanovich, count, 205, Introducteur des ambassadeurs, 59, 77–82, 83, 214, 216, 219, 226, 234–35, 110, 197, 199, See also master of 237–39, 243 ceremonies and pristav Golozov, Lukian, 144 Ius legationis, 18, 94 Gordon, General Patrick, 146, 151 Ius praecedentiae, 19, 21, See also Grand Embassy (in Vienna), Peter I’s, Zeremonialwissenschaft 160–61, 163–64, 185–87 Iuzefovich, Leonid Abramovich, 6 court festivities, 171–77 Ivan III, grand prince, 50, 57, 135, 241–42 private meetings, 177–82 Ivan IV (the Terrible), 38, 40, 51, 57–58, public ceremonies, 167–71 61, 69, 119 secret negotiations, 182–85 Ivanov, Almaz Ivanovich, 123 Grassis, Paris de, 56 Greece, 55, 58 James VI and I of Scotland and England, Gregory XIII, pope, 40 78, 79 Grotius, Hugo, 91, 125, 216, 217 Japan, 64 Guagnini, Alexander, 67 Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, 176 Guarient und Rall, Ignaz Christophorus Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, von, 211 245 fn. 202 Gundling, Jacob Paul von, 244 Juel, Just, 236, 238 Guzman, Johann Carl Terlinger von, 166, Jusserand, Jean Jules, 138 178, 204–5, 213 Kalmyks, 70, 76, 103, 214 Habichtsthal (Gabikhstal’), Georg Baron Karl Leopold of Mecklenburg- von, 80–81 Schwerin, 188 Hague, the, 189, 205, 219, 244 Karlowitz, Treaty of, 183, 186 Hamburg, 205, 213, 220, 244 Kazan, 51, 52 Hampton, Timothy, 127 Kemmerich, Dietrich Hermann, 223 Hanover, 95, 218 Kiev, 74–75 Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford, 222 Kinsky, Franz Ulrich, count, 183–85 Hebdon, Sir John, 128–30, 211 Königsacker, baron, 168, 170, 176, 181 Herberstein, Sigismund, Freiherr von, 39, Korb, Johann Georg, 165 41, 43, 67, 87, 88, 158 Koselleck, Reinhart, 52 Herkommen, 86, See also starina; precedent Kotoshikhin, Grigorii Karpovich, 75–76, Hoevelen, Conrad von, 62–63 98, 102, 122, 215 Hoffmann, Christian Gottfried, 25–27, 34 Krischer, André, 91, 102 Holy League, 163, 182 Kurakin, prince Aleksandr Honores regii, 18, 65, 95, 99, 122, 161 Borisovich, 108 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05059-4 — Russia and Courtly Europe Jan Hennings Index More Information Index 295 Kurakin, prince Boris Ivanovich, 107–8, Meyerberg, Augustin Freiherr von, 191–92, 193, 196, 216, 217, 219, 244 146, 166 Miege (Miège), Guy, 140–41 La Fontaine, Jean de, 94 account of Carlisle’s embassy to Russia, La Sarraz du Franquesnay, Jean de, 27 154–57 Law on Succession (Pravda voli monarshei), Mikhail Fedorovich, tsar, 71 Peter I’s, 91 Mikhailov, Ivan, 106–7 Le Dran, Nicolas-Louis, 192, 194 Mongols, 6, 50, 59 Lefort, Franz, 164, 167, 170, Morocco, 36, 64 177–78, 182 Moscow, reception of ambassadors in, Lefort, Pierre, 172 112–14 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 94, 187, 216 Mottley, John, 224 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 45, 73, Münster, 88, 93–94, 101, 137 100, 125, 186 Muscovy Company, 116, 119 negotiations with Peter I, 182–83, 185 Mustafa II, 182 receptions of Peter I at the court of, 165–66, 169, 171–82 Nakaz, 85, 86, 87, 89, 106, 113, 218 Lewkenor, Sir Lewis, 78 Narai, king of Siam, 65 Liboy, M.
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