THE U.S._AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY WINTER 2008-09 Communications Volume 20, No. 4 wlcHlrA FALLS, TEXAS 76907-2s01 Dec. 1g, 2o0g .#NNNNdNNNtryxat&t+txsn**txavtyr-t-tanpxtrytryl+txxxtrystxxt\trvsvt**lsttxtr.t^tr.lt _rs,t At the Dilyton Reunion! (Detuils of 2009 AFEES AGM Inside) Page 2 WINTER 2M&U) U.S. AIR FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY The Prez Sez COMMUNICAIIONS By Richard M. Smith pe/a fees-usa'h tm> <http ://rvrvw. rafi nfo. org. uli/rafesca <afeeson e@hotm a il.com> Volume 20, Number 4 Dec. 18, 2AAg Wife Margaret and I arrived in the California Desert on SaturdaY, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Oct.25. It snowed 2.5 inches CHAIRMAN Saturday nightand SundaY back *Ralph K. P Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 2081 ; Fax:301-6574479 in Minnesota. PRESIDENT: Seems to me there has notbeen **Richard M. Smith, 36214 Augustana Drive, Battle Iake MN 56515-9458 much movement as far as the 2nd (Summer) Phone 218-495-2106; Fax 218495-3000 7 45 (Wint"9 Z6 s +: ne gonia Lane, Palm Desert C A' 92211; 60'3 -2282 Generation goes. It is, I think, VICE PRESIDENT: going to be most interesting while ***Francis J. Lashinsky, 8015 Gatehouse woods, Po Box 125, cornwall, PA <fl we are inDayton for the reunion 17 016-0 125 : Phone 7'17 -228-0792; ashinsky@comcast'net> DGCUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT : as we discuss Plans for the future. *r FL 34698-3250 Yvonne Daley,l962Brae-Moor Drive, Dunedin Remember the medallions that Phone:727-734-9573;Fax:727-73+9565;<gadaboutl27@msn'com> a few TREASURER: AFEES purchased Years +Francene weyland, l1l7 w. Northeast Shore Dr., McHenry, IL 60057'9211 ago? When former PX manager 815-385-4378; FAX 8154594435 Phone Tom Brown passed awaY, the MEMBERSHIP & CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: *Clayton C. David, 19 Oak Ridge Pond' Hannibal, MO 63401-6539 stock of medallions went into Phone: 573-221'0441 storage with his personal effects. SECRETARY: RECORDING the medallions surfaced **,IRobert H. Sweatt, 5208 FM 390-w. Burton. TX 77835-9704,979-289-2073 Well, be offered for HONORARY^^-Gen DIRECTOR: recently and will AFB' Ill' Duncan J. McNabb, Scott sale during the DaYton reunion. OT}IER DIRECTORS. As you can tell from this issue, *San.dra A. Comstock, 4 French Ave., Unit 7, East Haven CT 06515-3314 plans for the reunion in earlY MaY aretaking shape. It looks like rve will have ONE BIG time! The good folks at the HotidaY Inn and at the Air Force Museum LEGAL COUNSEL: most cooPerative. TheY R.E.T. Smith, PO Box 38, Wahpeton, ND 58074; Phone: 701'642-2668 are being COMMUNICAZONSEDITOR: are doing some things for AFEES ***Larry Grauerholz, PO Box 2501, Wichita Falls, TX 76307-2501; thatthey do notusuallY do for Phone: 940-692-6700 reunion groups. That should ***Class of2011 *Class of 2009 +*Class of20l0 make us feel most sPecial. E AIR S/RICHARD M. SMITH FORCES ESCAPE & EVASION SOCIETY. AI'EBS IS A TAX-EXEUPT VETER.Nits ORGATT{IZATTON UNDER IRS CODB 501 (C) (19) ' IT WAS FOI'NDED IN ].964 AND IS CITARTERED IN TEE STATE OF GEORGIA' TIIESoCIETY,SPURPoSEIsToENCoI'RAGEMEI.{BERSHELPEDBYTHE REsrsTA}IcEoRGA}.IIZATIoNSoRPAlB'IoeIcNATIoNALSToCoMINI''E EXISTINGFRIENDSHIPSoRRENEWREI,ATIoNSHIPSWITHTHoSEt|Ho HELPED TIIEI,I DT'RING TEEIR ESCAPE OR EVASION. ELIGIBILITYREQUIRESTHAToNEMUSTEAVEBEENAU.S.AIRMAI{I' HE MUST IIAVE BEEN FORCED DOVIN BEHIND ENEI'IY LII{ES A}ID AVOIDED CAPTMTY, OR ESCAPED FROI'{ CAPTMTY TO RETURN TO AILIED CONTROL. IN ADDITION TO REGUI"AR MEHBERSHIP, OTHER CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP ARE HELPER MEMBERS, A}ID FRIEND MEMBERS. wItntEB Aoos-og page 3 Author seeks evaders who met Schleichkorn, Charles Mitche[. Gilbert Millar (RCAF from New John Evans, RAF bomber pilot Yo.k) along with RAF men Greg 5 Squadron), Lewis is the author of Roberfg his bombardier, from l-orf Squadron), Airman Missing, a biography of Worth, Tex. RAF E H Flather bomber pilot John Evans, Also, Alan R. Willis (New who (432 Squadron), Reggie A. was shot down overBelgium YorD, Winans C. Shaddix in May 1944 Weedon (467 Squadron). and spent 114 days (Alabama), Hank Glady, George onthe Greg asks that anyone with run. Vogle (Pennsylvania), Theodore During information on any of these men his time with members Simmons (Ohio), Harold Ashman ofthe contact him at: Comet Line, John, an (Ohio), Mio Blakely (San honorary GREG LEWIS, l2A Lansdowne member of AFEES -- Franciso), William Elsberry was hiding Avenue West, Canton, Cardifi out with a number of (Camp Blanding), David Talbot CFl1 8FS, American and Canadian airmen. U.K. or email at: (Maryland), Fred Tuttle (Santa (saoirsepress@gmail. Greg com> thnks that perhaps some Maria, Calif.), Charles K. AIEES members could provide Weymouth (Abbot, Me.), Russell further information about these Gecks (Freeport, N.Y.), Kevin J. A B-I7G airmen. Doyle (Vancouver, Canada), Dick The list includes men helped by Kindig (South Bend, Ind.). Vincent and Marie-Ghislaine Some of the men listed above is headed Wuyuts-Denis in Beffe, who were were also with John in a camp at listed t on a scrap ofpaper kept by porcheresse run by ;;.;$ii{;,r, the couple. POO John spent some time along with Dirvin Davis Deihl (of .,fOf Ig f with Seattle-born Ken Griesel, lst North Dakota). Glenn Edward Fromthe Mighty Eighth AF pilot on a Liberator, and Alvis D. Brenneke (from Iowa), San Museam Newsletter, December 200t pbL I, No. I. After years of effort by many ledicated people associated witft the A4ighry Eiglth Air Force Museurn at Poolet Ga., the Smithsonian has agreed to transfer a B-17 Ftying Fortress to tlre rnuseurn. On Nov. 18, Dr. WaltBrown received an e-rnail frorn Dik Daso. the Smithsonian Curator. In short, this notes states "[t is mv privilege to infonrr you that the deaccession and transfer ofthe Air and Space Museum's B-l7G to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum regents. an you Dr- Brown and other AFEES Direcar Beverly Patton wandvisitedwith Dirft v'ijerman museum staff have met with those who will be of Denderhoutem at his mini-museum in Belgium while attending the October Comete Weekend observance. The replica of the original AFEESflag was prominently disptayed at the memarial accomplished in a very servicefor Dedee DeJongh. short periort ot ttme rn order to receive the plane. Page 4 wrrvrEB aooS-og Helpers honored at'The CorneF' As reported in F photographs and dozen World W in the new AFEES Corner at the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum near Savannah, Ga' Published here are examples ofthe helper stories which are recorded in the museum' --Photos and captions by courtesy of the ltilighty Eighth Air Force Museum, Pooler' Ga' Peter Hakim t* !t( !f {( {' {' d' d"F * * {( * * t' {( rF tt !|. * tt {. * * * {. tc {"lc {< * {< * * * * t t '|( 'l' ' 'lt ,l As an eighteen-year-old, Peter Hakim helped his parents hide ten airmen for six months after their B-17 crash-landed near the Hakim home in Belgium. Even wilh seven children, both parents willingly risked their family's personal safety. They knew that if discovered the Nazis had no plty. The men would be shot and the women and children would go to a concentration camp. Under the Nazi occupation of Belgium, Belgian citizens could be arrested for possessing a radio and listening to the BBC news' His father, Joseph Hakim kept his radio hidden in the hayloft and went to the barn at night to listen to these forbidden news broadcasts. In addition to being a helper, the teenaged Peter transported plastic explosives to be used by the Belgian Resistance to helpAllied forces blow up Belgian railroad bridges to prevent Nazi troops from reaching the "Atlantic Wall". To do this he often had "to pass in front of German soldiers while innocently whistling knowing full well that the weapons and other paraphernalia that I was carrying would have meant tragic if caught. But then,I, Rina and Gaston Goumain consequences for my family Hundreds' probably Living inthe small Ftenchvillage of all of us, were not the only ones. patriotic Belgians were participating irt Courcome, Rina and Gaston Goumain sheltered thousands, of of the occupying forces." ev'ading All ied airmen in their home. this sabotaging tl. tf tl. tle In this 1943 photograph Gaston and Rina * * s in Liv stand in their courtyard. As the town's butcher, hisfam Gaston's business was on the main street and their of the Air Forces E&E Society' home was located behind the shoP. reunions wlnmER 200a-o9 Robert Gaultier In German-occupied Orgeval, France, Robert Gaultier helped Joseph Cagle evade capture by the Germani on 6 September I943,the day his B-17 was shot down by flak and German fighters. Joseph ran into the nearby woods and later that day Robert Gaultier found him. Robert took him to his familv's storage shed and locked Joseph and a second member of his B-17 crew. Betty Glirnnrerveen Norman Wagner, in this shed, assuming that if he locked the shed on the outside Helper Betty Glimmerveen lived in a second story apartment the Nazis would not think there was inAmsterdam,The Netherlands during World War In January anyone inside. IL 1944 she decided to hide American he That night Robert's father came and co-pilot Clayton David, after rook the two Americans to their home. bailed out of his battle-damaged B-17. There Joseph and Norman changed from In her 1951 letter to David, she explained why she was,willing flying clothes to civilian clothes and to risk her own life by being a helper, "Ihad to do my duty for the spent the night. The next morning Robert's father sake of freedom".
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