Literary Criticism 2009-2020 Master List of Terms Tested last updated 2 November 2020 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column is the a correct answer of an item in that particular test; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in that particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Please contact me: (NEW) [email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: (NEW) mwbern@att,net Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. While some of the distractors are found in earlier editions, tested terms are found in the twelfth edition. Please add sigmatism, envelope stanza, and prolepsis. Use Control + F to find a term. Boldface terms in second column are the answers to NOT questions; e.g., Not a grammatical construction that involves the omission of a litter or a syllable is . [recently edited; editing ongoing] 2020 S unreliable narrator first-person narrator intrusive narrator naïve narrator putative author 2020 S Beat Generation Agrarians Angry Young Men Lollards Muckrakers 2020 S Great Chain of Being animism hieronymy pantheism pantisocracy 2020 S ambiguity false friend paradox redundancy tautology 2020 S Harlem Renaissance Black Mountain School Fugitives New York Poets Parnassians 2020 S philippic diatribe gasconade polemic robinsonade 2020 S simile irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2020 S limerick dizain haiku sonnet virelay 2020 S quatorzain fourteener sonnet tetralogy tetrameter 2020 S courtesy book allusion book emblem book incunabulum jest book 2020 S canon cento chrestomathy omnibus pastiche 2020 S AuGustan Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2020 S Scottish Literature African-American Lit Irish Literature Jewish-American Lit Welsh Literature 2020 S Jacobean Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Elizabethan Age Georgian Age 2020 S Byronism acmeism Gongorism Marinism Orphism 2020 S tour de force divine afflatus gigantism magnum opus wisdom literature 2020 S Vulgate bibelot hagiography philology testament 2020 S School of Donne Fleshly School of Poetry Graveyard School School of Night School of Spenser 2020 S bob and wheel antistrophe pentastich poulter's measure rhopalic verse 2020 S homeoteleuton homeoptoton homeostrophic structure parallelism parataxis 2020 S pathos bathos ethos logos mythos 2020 S fairy tale legend masque parable tall tale 2020 S anaphora epanalepsis merism ploce polyptoton 2020 S simile hyperbole litotes oxymoron synecdoche 2020 S metaphor hyperbole irony metonymy synecdoche 2020 S apostrophe aside dramatic monologue harangue soliloquy 2020 S rhetorical question equivoque dialectic euphemism rhetorical accent 2020 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet curtal sonnet English sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2020 S syncope apocope caesura enjambment metathesis 2020 S enjambment boustrophedon parenthesis reduplication truncation 2020 S synæsthesia discordia concors enantiosis synathroesmus synoecious 1 2020 S consonance alliteration assonance dissonance resonance 2020 S synecdoche ambiguity conceit kenning prosopoeia 2020 S paradox hypallage hyperbole litotes transferred epithet 2020 S sigmatism cacophony cross-alliteration dissonance resonance 2020 S heteromerous rhyme broken rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme slant rhyme 2020 S senryu haiku kabuki manga tanka 2020 S controlling image conceit dead metaphor motif objective correlative 2020 S broken rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme chain rhyme falling rhyme masculine rhyme 2020 S inversion chiasmus exegesis metathesis reversal 2020 R Asian-American Lit Africa-American Lit Chicano & Chicana Lit Jewish-American Lit Native American Lit 2020 R Grimm's Law Baconian Theory Freytag's Pyramid Ockham's Razor scribal error 2020 R echo verse altar verse carmen figuratum concrete poetry shaped verse 2020 R Pegasus Bucephalus Gringolet Phaeton Xantus 2020 R roman à these roman à clef roman à geste roman fleuve roman noir 2020 R aubade ballade dirge lament paean 2020 R golden line boustrophedonic line end-stopped line pyramidal line rhopalic line 2020 R feudalism aestheticism archaism barbarism determinism 2020 R Bloomsbury Group Bluestockings Fugitives Knickerbocker Group Scriberlus Club 2020 R ubi sunt formula carpe diem formula in medias res formula memento mori formula verbum infans formula 2020 R breve clerihew diastole lemniscus macron 2020 R Fireside Poets Hartford Wits Knickerbocker Group Muckrakers New York School 2020 R hendiadys caesura chiasmus paradiastole polysyndeton 2020 R touchstone aesthetic distance alienation effect jumping the shark objective correlative 2020 R portmanteau word allograph correption fractal synaeresis 2020 R episodic structure cycle Freytag's Pyramid hermeneutic circle prolepsis 2020 R Saturday Club Brahmins The Literary Club Roundheads Transcendental Club 2020 R mock epic art epic folk epic legend saga 2020 R elegy encomium eulogy paean threnody 2020 R dead metaphor archaism false etymology Hobson-Jobson silent correction 2020 R Per of ConfessionalSelf Colonial Period Realistic Period Revolutionary Period Romantic Period 2020 R foot meter stress syllable syncopation 2020 R historic allusion biblical allusion literary allusion mythological allusion topical allusion 2020 R epic simile controlling image dead metaphor diminishing metaphor pleonasm 2020 R paradox ambiguity antithesis equivoque hyperbole 2020 R enjambment fused rhyme inversion run-on line truncation 2020 R feminine rhyme compound rhyme eye rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2020 R metaphor epitaph euphemism kenning tautology 2020 R reification allegory litotes objectification pathetic fallacy 2020 R biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2020 R metaphorical didactic elegiac hyperbolic vatic 2020 R syntax allusion fatalism litotes semiotics 2020 R enjambment fused rhyme run-on line tagline truncation 2020 R personification apostrophe hyperbole metonymy reification 2020 R metalepsis conceit litotes metaphor metonymy 2020 R simile hyperbole litotes metaphor tautology 2020 R compound rhyme assonance eye rhyme masculine rhyme triple rhyme 2020 R sigmatism consonance dissonance onomatopoeia syncopation 2020 R metonymy allegory imagery pun simile 2020 D Parnassians Imagists Inkhornists Phosphorists Physiocrats 2020 D pathetic fallacy affective fallacy intentional fallacy logical positivism transferred epithet 2020 D bathos ethos logos mythos pathos 2020 D rebus altar poem carmen figuratum figure poem shaped verse 2020 D catharsis dramatic irony hubris mixed figures peripety 2020 D Muses Furies Graces Humors Nine Worthies 2020 D palindrome acrostic boustrophedon reversal telestich 2020 D patronage acknowledgments collaboration decadence inscription 2020 D cyberpunk apocalyptics fantasy magic realism utopian 2 2020 D Realistic Period Modernist Period Neoclassic Period Post-Modernist Period Romantic Period 2020 D history play avant-garde play miracle play noh play well-made play 2020 D determinism archaism expressionism meliorism sentimentalism 2020 D Romantic Period NaturalisticSymbolistic Period of Conformity Post-Modernist Period Realistic Period 2020 D high comedy boulevard drama commedia dell'arte low comedy satire 2020 D Early Victorian Age Modernist Period Neoclassic Period Post-Modernist Period Romantic Period 2020 D Malapropism Erastianism Euphemism Grundyism Spoonerism 2020 D incunabulum chrestomathy duodecimo folio quarto 2020 D tableau establishing shot hiatus macrosegment suspense 2020 D allegory allusion almanac paradox parody 2020 D the Bible Cervantes Dante Homer Virgil 2020 D paradox ambiguity hyperbole irony oxymoron 2020 D simile analogue hyperbole metaphor volta 2020 D syncope apostrophe ellipsis metathesis pleonasm 2020 D enjambment end-stopped line hiatus reduplication run-on line 2020 D Miltonic sonnet Anglo-Saxon sonnet caudet sonnet English sonnet Petrarchan sonnet 2020 D anaphora epanalepsis homeoptoton homeoteleuton symploce 2020 D polyptoton merism pleonasm polysyndeton tautology 2020 D synæsthesia conceit litotes synecdoche zeugma 2020 D apostrophe metonymy rhetorical accent synæsthesia synecdoche 2020 D onomatopoeia assonance consonance verisimilitude wrenched accent 2020 D gustatory imagery auditory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery visual imagery 2020 D alliteration assonance consonance dissonance resonance 2020 D sigmatism assonance consonance heteroglossia onomatopoeia 2020 D iambic pentameter anapestic heptameter dactylic trimester ionic hexameter trochaic tetrameter 2020 D auditory imagery gustatory imagery olfactory imagery tactile imagery visual imagery 2020 D couplets alcaics blank verse distiches envoys 2020 D quatrain cinquain dizain quatorzain triolet 2020 D litotes braggadocio hyperbole solecism tautology 2020 D biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2020 B spondee anapest iamb pyrrhic trochee 2020 B internal rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme slant rhyme 2020 B humours archetypes duodecimos quartos sigla 2020 B comedy of humours comedy of intrigue comedy of manners commedia dell'arte novel of manners 2020 B cliché dead metaphor pun quibble stereotype 2020 B annotation alliteration assonance consonance rhyme
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