CoastConnect – Caloundra to Maroochydore Section 7 – Maroochydore The revised concept designs for Aerodrome å PRYLQJWKHDOLJQPHQWWRPLQLPLVH Road and the Sunshine Plaza include: property impacts å OLPLWLQJSDUNLQJDQGSURSHUW\LPSDFWV å DGRSWLQJDEXVVWDWLRQRQ+RUWRQ3DUDGH – there will be some impacts between near Cornmeal Creek with access to both Sunshine Plaza and Third Avenue and Sunshine Plaza and Ocean Street as the at Sixth Avenue where bus priority is preferred option necessary å SURSRVLQJUHSODFHPHQWFDUSDUNLQJ å LQWURGXFLQJSHGHVWULDQVLJQDOVEHWZHHQ Bus lanes are now only proposed between Fifth Avenue and Wrigley Street Sunshine Plaza and around Third Avenue. å LQWURGXFLQJSHGHVWULDQVLJQDOVDQGWUDĠF South of Third Avenue, short sections of bus lights to assist with the Rose Street queue bypass lanes are proposed for either crossing side of Sixth Avenue. This will get buses to å UHSODFLQJVRPHEXVLQGHQWVZLWKRQVWUHHW the front of the queue and give them the first bus stops green light. Proposed pedestrian overpass Example of possible redevelopment Example of possible redevelopment Horton Parade High quality bus station platforms Cornmeal Parade Cornmeal Creek High quality pedestrian connection to Sunshine Plaza Artist’s impression of proposed Maroochydore bus station (looking south towards Alex Beach). Moving Queensland forward CoastConnect – Caloundra to Maroochydore Consultation The Department of Transport and Main Roads å HPDLOLQJWKHSURMHFWWHDPDW is seeking feedback on the revised concept [email protected] designs for CoastConnect – Caloundra to å PDLOLQJ QRVWDPSUHTXLUHG Maroochydore. CoastConnect Project Team Share your knowledge with the project team Reply Paid 6376 by: 0DURRFK\GRUH%&4OG å FRPSOHWLQJDIHHGEDFNIRUPIRXQGZLWKWKLV display Feedback is requested by Friday 7 August 2009. å FRPSOHWLQJDIHHGEDFNIRUPDW www.transport.qld.gov.au/coastconnect Information sessions Wednesday 1 July 2009 Wednesday 8 July 2009 Tuesday 14 July 2009 5 pm–8 pm 6 pm–9 pm noon–2 pm Millwell Road Community Centre Mooloolaba Surf Club Saturday 18 July 2009 9 am–noon Millwell Road, Maroochydore The Esplanade, Mooloolaba Sunshine Plaza Wednesday 22 July 2009 Thursday 30 July 2009 Plaza Parade, Maroochydore 5 pm–8 pm 5 pm–8 pm Lake Kawana Community Centre The Events Centre Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra Unstaffed displays 29 June to 7 August 2009 Caloundra Library Department of Transport and Sunshine Coast Regional Council Omrah Avenue, Caloundra Main Roads Customer Service Customer Service Centres: Centres: Kawana Library 2PUDK$YHQXH&DORXQGUD Nanyima Street, Buddina &DQEHUUD7HUUDFH&DORXQGUD Û2FHDQ6WUHHW0DURRFK\GRUH Kelly Court, Maroochydore Maroochydore Library 6L[WK$YHQXH&RWWRQ7UHH Unstaffed display 13 July to 18 July 2009 Sunshine Plaza Plaza Parade, Maroochydore Moving Queensland forward CoastConnect – Caloundra to Maroochydore Feedback on initial concept designs Extensive community feedback was received å PLQLPLVHLPSDFWVRQ$OH[DQGUD3DUDGHDQG on the initial concept designs in September Aerodrome Road and October 2008. Many people supported å FKDQJHVRPHEXVVWRSORFDWLRQV the idea of improving the bus system on the Sunshine Coast. They also provided the å PLQLPLVHLPSDFWVRQSDUNLQJDVPXFK Department of Transport and Main Roads as possible, particularly in commercial with their views on how the plans could be precincts revised to ensure the project fits in with the å LQYHVWLJDWHWKHSRWHQWLDOWRUHGXFHWUDĠFRQ look and feel of the Sunshine Coast. Alexandra Parade and Aerodrome Road In general, the community wanted the å HQVXUHVDIHSHGHVWULDQDFFHVVWRWKHEHDFK CoastConnect – Caloundra to Maroochydore project to: å SURYLGHPRUHGHGLFDWHGF\FOHODQHV å UHORFDWHVRPHEXVVWRSV å UHGXFHLPSDFWVRQSURSHUW\ å KDYHPRUHIUHTXHQWVKXWWOHDQGH[SUHVVEXV å PDNHEXVWULSVIDVWHUDQGPRUHUHOLDEOH services. Moving Queensland forward CoastConnect – Caloundra to Maroochydore Staging Community feedback is now being Horton Pde The Esplanade Maroochydore bus station Memorial Ave Sixth Ave sought on the revised concept Plaza Pde First Ave - Higher order priority Aerodrome Rd Aerodrome Road bus lanes between Blvd Sunshine Plaza and Third Avenue designs for CoastConnect – Maroochydore Alexandra Pde - Medium order priority Maud St Caloundra to Maroochydore. Wrigley St Maroochy Sugar Rd Alexandra Oloway Okinja Rd Headland Sunshine M otor Pacific Tce Aerodrome Road and Alexandra Parade wa y Following the consultation period aRd intersection improvements oloolab Mo B uderim Ave - Lower order priority Mooloolaba Esplanade and the review of community Venning St Mooloolaba WalanWalan St St feedback, the Concept Design and River Esplanade Impact Management Plan is due to Brisbane Rd Brisbane Road transit lanes - Medium order priority be submitted to the Queensland ay rw Government to consider later this Nicklin Cartwright Dr Pacific Bvd Sunshine Moto Wa y t year. oin P Kawana Shoppingworld KeyKey - Higher order priority Delivery of the CoastConnect Koorin ProposedProposed 6 lanes 6 lanes Dr - bus- bus lanes lanes – Caloundra to Maroochydore Oceanic Dr Oceanic ProposedProposed 4 lanes 4 lanes Dr Oceanic Palkana - transit- transit lanes lanes project will be staged. Subject to y y Dr a IntersectionIntersection improvements improvements W a Minkara n a to provideto provide bus bus priority priority w St government approval, the work a K Nicklin Way BusBus stop stop Wyanda Main Dr St improvementsimprovements only only is planned to be undertaken La KawanaKawana Town Town centre centre bus bus Future Sunshine ke Thunderbird Cres K Coast Hospital aw Connection to future hospital connectorconnector an a B EHWZHHQDQG Bvd - Higher order priority ExistingExisting express express bus bus y servicesservices BusBus station station C One part of the network – the r Nicklin Wa e e ShoppingShopping centre centre k s Nicklin Way id e Maroochydore bus station – has B vd - Medium order priority Currimundi Bu been identified for potential derim Nicklin Way S t delivery in the short term. Cooroy St Beerburrum St The CoastConnect project team Caloundra bus stop improvements - Medium order priority is working with the TransLink Roderick Elizabeth St St RinaloiRinaldi St Transit Authority to complete the Que en S t Buccleugh StQue n necessary design work to enable e S t Edmund St Caloundra d C R Ar aloundra Road thur St Ki an ng St m the Maroochydore bus station to ow Pde BBulcock St Possible connection to Caloundra rail station. Moreton Caloundra bus station Cooma Tce Knox Ave be built as a priority. Location of station subject to further investigation. - Medium order priority Moving Queensland forward.
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