La Follette's Estate THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. *** A-37 Nimitz Must Give Up Navy Pay WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, IBA3 Valued at $120,763 By the Associated Press For Industry Post, U. S. Rules MADISON, Wis., Dec. 2. Fleet Admiral Chester W. ! that law does not apply to Army Former Senator Robert M. La Follette, jr., of Wisconsin left an Nimitz, wartime commander of or Air Force officers. This estate of $120,763, an official in- the United States Pacific Fleet, : would account for the fact that ventory in Dane County Court must give up his Government Generals of the Army Douglas disclosed yesterday. pay if he accepts work as a MacArthur and Omar Bradley The estate, including $69,068 technical adviser for a firm still get paid as five-star of- in personal property, $20477 in which does business with the fiers while working for firms property in Washington, D. C., Federal Government. which do business with the and $31,518 in bonds and real Controller General Lindsay Government. Gen. MacArthur estate, was bequeathed to his Warren handed down that ruling is chairman of the board of widow Rachel and after her yesterday in reply to an inquiry Remington - Rand and Gen. death to their two sons, Joseph, from Secretary of the Navy Bradley is chairman of the 20, and Bronson, 18. Anderson. firm board of Bulova Research and Mr. La Follette died February The involved 24 his was not identified. Development Laboratories.' at Washington home. His Mr. Warren based his ruling Admiral Nimitz was reported estate previously was estimated at about $70,000. on the act of June 10, 1896, as ; to be eager to keep himself amended in 1935, which states j available for any assignments that no officer on the active list the country may give him. Un- of the Navy or Marine Corps der a special law, five-star offi- EVENING PARKING may draw Government pay while j cers remain on the active list to he is employed by a company with full pay and allowances of 60* ‘u.m engaged in business with the $19,500 a year although they are Government. not on active duty. They may CAPITAL GARAGE According spokesman in called upon for advice or 1320 N. Y. Ave. N.W. By. > - . to a be Between 13th end 11 tb the Controller General’s office,} given special assignments. " HlWHf' x- “ '| "|"“ mi v...; \ Lot of New U. S. 1 l|| 1 K:-- - ''¦' « Cars in Peiping, Commons Told jyj crawling baby—she’s the glamor-doll of the year! Wlnd her up, and she V By the Associated Press ' creeps and crawls everywhere. Pretty LONDON, Dec. 2.—A Laborite SI m m and cute as you please, dressed in an o/wjg#. iR told the House of Commons yes- ,™j fHr *aqjt attractive romper. (She’r plastic, and *”* terday that as many new Ameri- J %. feflfßPnß can cars are seen on the streets of Peiping as around Grosvenor Square, site of the United States Embassy in London. Investments Geoffrey de Freitas said recent In the Amount of $3,000 j|g lylj_ J J. ¦ visitors to the Red Chinese cap- Secured on improved properties in ' gM the greater Washington orea and e*^ ital had so reported. He asked . EjrfjhjP IjE offering a yield to the investor uJrBrBTW Jr-Jfc the government what it intends commensurate with sound invest- j to do about this and declared: ment of this character. San fcCfcfO' jal f “What is good enough for Gen- Mortgage Loons ~riM ; as eral Motors is good enough for Property Management I ijL * this country.” Derick Heathcoat-Amory, min- in the Board of KjEJ ister of state had no “informa- B. F. SAUL CO. l Trade, said he tion that countries joining in the 925 15th St. NW. NA. 8 2100 =&¦:¦ TPj-1 j Half Century of Experience jll embargo against shipment of , V Over a ifegJßh [W 1 strategic goods to Communist China were evading the embargo. .r,|; Maries Films of More Than Routine Merit With a top-notch comedy performance by SIDNEY LUST THEATERS “THE ACTRESS”— Free Parking Spencer Tracy. “ type, “GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDS”—The Marilyn Monroe HILLSIDE DRIVE IN 6200 E., says this big musical. Marlboro Pike S. Less Than the big-top .with a Mile From D. C. Line. JO. 8-79*9. “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”—Under Children Under 12 Free. Open 6:15. Cecil B. DcMillc. comedy DOUBLE FEATURE “THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUlT”—Corking British RICHARD TODD, Walt Disney's Alec "SWORD AND THE ROSE” (Techni- with Guinness. colori at 6:40. 9:20, and Walt Dis- and Gable collide in Africa. “MOGAMBO” Ava Gardner Clark ney's “PROWLERS OF THE EVER- “THE SEA AROUND US”—Award-winning documentary about GLADES" (Technicolori at 8:30. life in the deep. comedy “SEVEN DEADLY SINS”— Handily put to rout in and BELTSVILLE DRIVE-IN Balto. Bird. WE. 5-5800. Open 6:lft. drama. TONY CURTIS, "THE ALL-AMERI- “THE SWORD AND THE ROSE”—Lively “live” swashbuckler CAN,” at 6:30. 8:15, 10. by Disney. AII PW GARY COOPER, AlsleCin BARBARA STANWYCK, “BLOWING WILD,” at 7:15, 8:30. K B THEATERS DRIVE-IN THEATERS RPTHPCnS MARILYN MONROE. GIANT; WIDE SCREENS OLinUilfl JANE RUSSELL, ABC DRIVE-IN THEATRE AT APEX. LANGLEY “GENTLEMEN "Family Showpiece of the Southeast" NAYLOR. FLOWER PREFER 7100 Indian Head Hwy., 3 Miles tppv 4813 Mail. Ava. WO 6-4600 BLONDES” From the D. C. Une. a Direct Route j ••**••* Capitol St. S.E. to ARC- Free Parking tTechmcolor) at 6:30, B, 8:40. Out South Open 1 MARILYN MONROE, JANE RUS- Children Vnder 12 Years Free. <t 7-2553. SELL in "GENTLEMEN PREFER gary ~cooper. P.M. I-O. | BLONDES.” technicolor. 1:00. 3:05. VnbVLnLImrvrniv "PICKUP BARBARA STAN- Ends Tonicht ~ . ! i 5.10. 7:20, 9:25 P.M. SOUTH STREET.” at 8.36. Plus WYCK, "BLOWING WILD,” at 7:10, •PONY SOLDIER. In color, at 6.30 j P| flUfrn Flower Ave. & Piney Br. Rd. 9:15. and 1 0:00- ; ri>uwi>n Sjl Spg Md ju. 8-Bioo ' British Film Presentation. “RETURN Thursday. AMERICAN, j i OF THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL.” "ALL with James HYATTSVILLC monroe! plus "UNTAMED FRONTIER. In I Mason. 6:30. 8:10. 9:56. JANE color. RUSSELL NAYLOR JBth fu%So v* sl “GENTLEMEN PREFER AWPORT Open fi:00 P.M. Last Day. GARY BLONDES” oIWsT" COOPER. BARBARA STANWYCK. iTechnlcolor) at 7:20, G T I “BLOWING WILD.” at 6:30. 9:30. 9:25 CCyiTEN , Plus JEANNE CRAINE. MICHAEL ROL JO^EPH a? 7T»S'2ndCAME. 1 o .'JO plus “THE RAINS RENNIE. "DANGERSOUS CROSB- POWER, at. S:i>s. Cartoon. - at 8:10 only. KAYWOOD TYRONE Route Located tn Arlington on U. S. N H A ** just over the 14th Street Bridge. 1.“ LANGLEY DOUBLE FEATURE £t*2S DAN DAILEY, "THE KID I MARILYN MONROE. JANE RUS- FROM BRANCH DRIVE-IN SELL in “GENTLEMEN PREFER LEFT FIELD” at 8:20, and TONY Friday! "ALL-AMERICAN," Open every weekend! Start* BLONDES.” technicolor, at 1:20.. CURTIS. at ALAN LADD in ; 3:20. 5:25. 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. 6:30. 9:35. “THE IRON MISTRESS” i t. M. LOEWS MacARTHUR The International Cinema YIERS MILL~ RUSSELL, MT. VERNON OPEN AIR MARILYN MONROE Rt. 1.. So. of Alex. SO. 8-8722 LAST 2 DAYS regular NICHOLAS MONSARRAT'S “THE “GENTLEMEN Last times tonight! At our j HAWKINS, PREFER prices! The top musical of them all! j CRUEL SEA.” with JACK PRE- i Feature at 7:00 and 9:30 P.M. BLONDES” In technicolor! ''GENTLEMEN ! Shorts at 6:30 and 9:00 FER BLONDES." JANE RUSSELL. P.M. (Technicolor) at 7:20, 9:40 MARILYN MONROE. B :3a-9.30. PHI ANY Georgia Ave. and Farragut "FANGS OF THE ARCTIC. 8:25. j trULUnI St NW. RA. 3-2200 Mlfh TONY C~U RTI 8, “ALL- Color cartoon! Kiddies free! Starts rm<U AMERICAN.” 7:35, Thursday. “SO BIG. THE GHOST MICHELE MORGAN. GERARD 9:30. OF CROSSBONE CANYON.” | PHILIP. VIVIENNE ROMANCE. ISA MIRANDA CtIUCPT Leesburg Pike, Route 7 OUnoEtl At Baileys X Roads “7 DEADLY SINS” Winter Policy— The Sensational French-Film Hit! Open and Holidays Only. | Feature at 6:50 and 9:15 P.M. Stanley Warner Theaters Week-ends Shorts at 6:30 and 8:55 P.M. SUPER CHIEF DRIVE-IN AMBASSADOR A girl, 12 inches tall, made of wash- Hwy. Via Se. “Hondo”’ John Wayne. On the Indian Head 5:35, plus 1:30. 3:30. ( able latex rubber Both boy and girl Capitol Bridge, Ml. From D. C. 7:40, 9:45, 3-Dimension ipr ißpplswfc j St. fi'.i on our giant screen in Warner color. JhH v '' *' 'l* cr v- Line on the right. No traffic baiards. Arlington-Falls Church, Va. Xv&jJdM \ v ~ * doll when properly squeezed. 1.0. 7-8700 wo - «-*«••. “The Bea J - Phone JA. **"*“**“•aval AW Winter Policy—Week Ends Only 7-4266 Around Us,” Rachel L. .- v They're unbreakable, oi course. Friday. "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO Carson’s masterpiece. 6:15, 8:10. 10. MEETS THE INVISIBLE MAN” and THE BYRD CINEMA “The Olympic Elk.” Disney’s true-lile "IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. ’ adventures. 7:35, 9:30. Sat. and Sun.. "THE LAWLESS lot S. Wayne St. BREED” and "MEET ME AT THE j Last Time Today. FAIR.” A Picture You'll Never Forget. AVE. GRAND £ KATHERINE McLEOD Streets,” James Cagney, 6:16. 7:55. PHILLYS DORN wrvrm V LI - 3-3300. Free Park- “I’llAlways Love You” OE.TE.nii I nig.
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