Eighth Series, Vol. IX No. 23 Friday, August 23, 1985 Dbadra 1, 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Eighth Lok Sabba) (Yol. IX contalM NOl. 21 to 26) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlcs : b. 4.00 CONTENTS No. 23. Friday, August 23, 1985/Bhadro 1. 1907 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: *Starred Questions Nos. 450 to 452, 454 to 459 and 461 to 463 <II 1-36 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 453, 460, 464 to 471 36-48 Unstarred Questions Nos. 4748 to 4986 48-304 Statement correcting reply to'Unstarred .Question No. 693 dated 26-7-1985 304-306 Papers Laid on the Table 309-314 Messages from Rajya Sabha 314-316 Appropriation (No.5) Bill, 1985 316 Leave of Absence from the Sittings of the House 316-317 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions ... 317 Minutes of first to Fifth Sittings. Committee on Absence of Members from the sittings of the House 317 Minutes of Sitting Estimates Committee ••• 317-318 Seventh Report Committee on Public Undertakings ... 318 Minutes and First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Reports Committee on Subordinate Legislation .... 319 Second Report .., The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by,hi't Member. (i) (ii) CoLUMNS Committee OD Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 31~ Second Report Committee J)D Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Minutes of Sittiggs 319 Business Advisory Committee ... 3~O-322 Twelfth Report Business or the House 322-330 Lighthouse (Amendment) Bill ... ~31 Motion to introduce Sh'ri Z. R. Ansari ... 331 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Bm 331-332 Motion to Introd ucc Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh ... 331 DiscUSSion Re: Report of National Institute of Public Fmance and Policy on "Aspects of Black Economy in India". .... 332-343 Shri Vishwanath Pratap Sinab 332 Judges (Protection) Bill 343-370 Motion to consider Shri H.R. Bharadwaj 343 Sbri H.A. Dora 345 Shri Shantaram N aik 348 Shri Ama) Datta 350 Prof. K. V. Thomas 351 Shri Tha01pan Thomas 353 Sbri MooI Chand Daga 355 Shri G.M. BanatwaHa 356 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 358 Clauses 2 to .. and 1 Motion to Pass Shri H.R. Bharadwaj 370 (iii) CoLUMNS Estate Duty (Amendment) Bill ... 371-380 Motion to consider Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh 371 Shri p. AppalanarasimhaOl 372 Shri Ajay Mushran ... 37. Shri Syed Masudal Ho_ain .9. 37S Shri Rarnashray ,Prasad Singh ... 376 Shri George Joseph Mundackal 371 Clauses 2 and 1 Motion to Pass Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh 380 Statement .Re. Elections in Punjab 380-382 Shri Rajiv Gandhi 380 Railway Protection Force (Armndment) Bill 382-388 Motion to consider Shri Bansi lal 382 Prof. K.V. Thomas, ~83 Shri Narayan Choubey 384 Shri R. Jecvarathinam 387 Comm~ttee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions 388-389 Fifth Report :bills Intro~ced- 1. Freedom of lnformation Bill 389 By Shri Tahmpan .Thomas 389 .2. Constitution (Ar/ndmenO Bill 389-390 (Amendment of article 19, etc.) By Shri G .M. B~natwalla 389 3. Prasar Bbarati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Bill 390 By Prof. Madhu Dandavato 390 4. Constitution (Amendment) Bill 391 (Amendment of article 311) By Prof. Madhu Dandavate 391 (iv> • COLUMNS S. Constitution (Amendment) Bill 391 (Insertion ofnew article. 15A) By Sbri Thampan 'thomas 391 6. Agricultural Workers (Payment of Pension, Fixation of Mmirnum Wages, Com~ulsory Insurance and Other Amenities) BiJJ 392 By Shri B. V• Desai ... 392 7. Indian Nationals Living Abroad (Representation in Parliament and State Legisla. t\lres) ..Bill 392-393 By Shri B. V. Desai .. , 392 8. Ceiling on Marriage Expenses Bill 393 By Shri B.V. Desai 393 9. Compulsory Population Control• (Small Family Promotion and Motivation) Bill 393-394. By Snri B. V. Desai 393 10. Ref 1qtiOD and Control of Technical Servicing Units BiU 394 By Shrimatl Jayanti Patnaik 394 11. Family Restriction Incentives Bill 395 By ShrimatJ Jayanti Patnaik 395 Code of Crimmal Procedure (Amendment) Bill 395-4S6 (Amendment of Sections 125 and 127) By Shri G.M. Banatwalla 395 Motion to Consider Shn Owalsi ... 396 Sbri Ebrahim Sulaiman Sait ... 400 Shri Arif MohaD1mad Khan ... 419 LOK SABRA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. Speaker" Sir, this is "Oeeta's Teaching/.1 Friday, August 23, 1985/Bhadra 1, MR. SPBAKBR : Whf"D her 1907 (Saka) name is Geeta, the knowledge would also be from Gita-Yatha nama-tathtl The Lok Sabha met at Eleven ()f ,una. the Clock I thank all of you very much. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [EnglijhJ Now, Question No. 45{\-Shri [Translation 1 HarJhar Soren. THE MINISTER OF STEEL, MINES AND COAL (SHRI VASANT THE MINISTER OF ST ATE IN SATHE): JEEVE\1A SHARADAH THE DEPARTMENT OF STEEL SHATAM. (~1ay you lJv~ for a hundred (SHRI K. NATWAR SINGH): SIr, years.) before I say that a statement is laid on the table of the House, may I wish [Englishl you many happy returns of the day? PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE Slr , IS It a f~ct that today happens. to Non·llDplementatioQ of Incentive be your blJ thday? If so, what 15 your Scheme by Bolanl Ores Ii nlted, age? Can we congratulJte you, SJr '1 Keonjhar (Orissa) MR. SPEAKER: Is it Starred or *450. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN : Unstarred qUtst)Otl, Sir? What 1S it, Will the Mlnitscr of STEEL, MINES Sir? The rulmg IS that no que~tion AND COAL be pleased to stat: : can be asked from the Speaker. (a) whether it is a fact that the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE incentive schemes introduced in mines When the ruling concerns the Speaker, in the country have not been imple­ the Speaker should not give the rUling. mented in Bolani Ores Limited, Keonj­ har district, Orissa; MR. SPEAKER: That is w)ly I asked It" Sccretaty-General so that I (b) if so, the reasons therefore; might not be cought in a trap. and SHRIMATI OEETA MUKHER­ (c) the steps taken to implement JEE: But in any case, we can offer incentive schemes in the above mine our con~ratulations and you allow us to which is a captive mine of Dursapur do so. Steel Plant '1 [ Translation] THE MINISTER OF STATB IN MR. SPEAKER: This is all your THB DEPARTMENT OF STEEL kindness, sister, these are YO\1r soad (SHRl K. NATWAR SINGH) wishel. (a) to (9). At. StatoQlcnt ia liveD b~Jow. AUGUST 23, 1985 Oral A1I8w,,, 4 Statesaeat to part (b) of my question that a (a) It is correct that tbere is no large-scale revamping of the plant and incentive scheme operating at tile Do lui equil'mtnt had been carried out a1001 Iron Ore MlDes of Dur Kapur Steel with extensive streamlining of the Plant. ehtire oraanilation. I would like to know from the Hon. Minister the (b) After the merger of Bolani amount spent in the revamping of the Or. Ltd. (who OWDtd tbe mines) with plant and equipment and whether it IS a Steel Authority of India Ltd. from 1st fact that eqUipment worth lakhs of January, 1979.. large scale revamping of rupees purchased for use in the mines the plant and ecauipment had to be site and the plant has remained idle. oarried oat aloqwith extensive stream­ If it is so, I would like to know the lieiDc of tbe eDtir-e organisation. The reasons therefor and the steps taken to industrial relations situtation at the make use of those equipments. minea also remained seriously disrupted on account of inter union rivalry, For SHRI K. NATWAR SINOH these reasons it was not possible to I do not have the figures of the eqUip­ draw up and negotiate on incentive ment in the revamping beeause this is scheme with labour leaders. not the hard core of the question that the Hon. Member asked. But I will (c) An incentive scheme has been certainly provide the information. prepared by Steel Authority of India Ltd. and recently received by Govern­ DR. DATTA SAMANT : The Hon. ment for approval. Minister has mentioned in his statement that the labour relations aJso remained SHRI HARIHAR SOREN: seriously disturbed and strained and that Ill" .. the Han. Minister has stated in his is one of the reasont for delaying the reply to part (c) of my question that scheme. an incentive scheme has been prepared by Steel Authority of India Limited. How are the relations disturbed 1 I would like to know from the Hon. Secondly, if the scheme is now to be Minister what the details of that implemented~ will it be given retros­ incentive theme are and by which time pective effect? That is more important, "hat scheme is expected to be appro­ because they have given more produc­ ved. tion during the past. What I expect is that the money should be given to the SHRI K. NATWAR SINGH : workers for the last one or two years. The proposed jncentlve scheme for and they should not be blamed. Is the Bolani was sent to the SAIL Office by Government prepared to do that? the Durgapur Steel Plant in December... 1984 and it was lent to the Department SHRI K. NATWAR SINOH 1 of Steel in the month of May, 1985. hesitate to speak about labour matten Now, we examined the report of the to the distinguished Member, who has Pla'ftt and we found some lacunae in the contributed so much to them one way scheme... particularly, no information or the other. was liven about productivity and pro­ fitability. So.
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