March 18, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7239 ENERGY CONSERVATION IN -12 o'clock noon. Mter the two leaders DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bun.DINGS ACT OF 1975 have been recognized under the standing William A. Anders, of Virginia, to be Am­ order, Mr. GoLDWATER and Mr. MANs­ bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, FIELD will be recognized, each for not to of the United States of America to Norway. on behalf of Mr. PROXMIRE, I ask the exceed 15 minutes, and in that order. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Chair to lay before the Senate a message There will then be a period for the David s. Smith, of the District of Colum­ from the House of Representatives on bia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and H.R. 8650, an act to assist low-income transaction of routine morning business Plenipotentiary of the United States of persons in insulating their homes, to fa­ of not to exceed 30 minutes, with state­ America to Sweden. ments therein limited to 5 minutes each, cilitate State and local adoption of en­ DEPARTMENT OF STATE at the conclusion of which the Senate ergy conservation standards for new Fred 0. Pinkham, of Connecticut, to be an buildings, and to direct the Secretary of will proceed to the consideration of Sen­ Assistant Administrator of the Agency for Housing and Urban Development to un.. ate Resolution 406, a resolution entitled International Development, vice Jarold A. "The importance of sound relations with Kieffer, resigned. dertake research and to develop energy the Soviet Union." There is a time lim­ conservation performance standards. DEPARTMENT OF STATE The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. itation on that resolution, and a rollcall Maurice J. Williams, of West Virginia. SPARKMAN) laid before the Senate a vote on its disposition has already been chairman of the Development Assistance message from the House of Representa­ ordered. Committee of the Organization for Economic tives announcing its disagreement to the At some point during the afternoon of Cooperation and Development at Paris, amendment of the Senate to the bill Monday, the Senate will resume the con­ France, for the rank of Minister, while so (H.R. 8650) to assist low-income persons sideration of S. 3065, a bill to amend the serving. in insulating their homes, to facilitate Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE State and local adoption of energy con­ and rollcall votes will likely occur on Eldon L. Webb, of Kentucky, to be U.S. amendments, motions, and so forth, in attorney for the eastern district of Kentucky servation standards for new buildings, for the term of 4 years vice Eugene E. Siler, and to direct the Secretary of Housing relation to that measure. Jr., resigned. and Urban Development to undertake And may I say that other matters cleared for action may also be taken up IN THE MARINE CORPS research and to develop energy conser­ Lt. Gen. Samuel Jaskllka, U.S. Marine vation performance standards, and re­ on Monday. Corps, for appoln·tment to the grade of gen­ questing a conference with the Senate on eral while serving as Assistant Comm.andant the disagreeing votes of the two Houses of the Marine Corps in accordance with the thereon. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, provisions of title 10, United States Code. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I move that MARCH, 22, 1976 section 5202. the Senate insist upon its amendment Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, and agree to the request of the House for CONFIRMATIONS a conference, and that the Chair be au­ if there be no further business to come thorized to appoint the conferees on the before the Senate, I move, in accordance Ex ·~cutive nominations confirmed by part of the Senate. with the previous order, that the Sen­ the Senate March 18, 1976: The motion was agreed to; and the ate stand in adjournment until the hour DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Presiding Officer (Mr. SPARKMAN) ap­ of 12 o'clock noon on Monday. William K. Brehm, of Michigan, to be an pointed Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. SPARKMAN, The motion was agreed to; and at 7:16 Assistant Secretary of Defense. Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. MciNTYRE, Mr. CRAN­ p.m. the Senate adjourned until Mon­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION STON, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. TOWER, Mr. day, March 22, 1976, at 12 meridian. Betty Jo Christian, of the District of BROOKE, Mr. PACKWOOD, and Mr. GARN Columbia, to be an Interstate Commerce conferees on the part of the Senate. Commissioner for the remainder of the term expiring December 31, 1979. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, NOMINATIONS there will be no more rollcall votes to­ FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION night. Executive nominations received by the Calvin Joseph Collier, of Virginia, to be a Senate March 18, 1976: Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 7 years from September 26, 1975. PROGRAM The above nominations were approved sub­ Jerry Thomas, of Florida, to be Under ject to the nominees' commitment to respond Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Secretary of the Treasury, vice Edward C. to requests to appear and testify before any the Senate will convene on Monday at Schmults, resigned. duly constituted committee of the Senate. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE 1975-76 VFW VOICE OF DEMOC­ ented young people and the history of in the birth of our country. To still others, RACY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM our country. it is the Foupding Fathers, our courageous This spirit of our Nation past and our leaders and exemplary statesmen. But to me, great country present has been uniquelY our bicentennial heritage is primarily three things: a privilege, an opportunity, and a HON. CLIFFORD ALLEN captured by a young man from my dis­ lesson. OF TENNESSEE trict in Tennessee who is VFW District The privilege is that America is the land of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VI winner of the 1975-76 Voice of De­ liberty. Nowhere else in the world have our Thursday, March 18, 1976 mocracy Contest. Hubert J. Thompson, freedoms been guaranteed so long or so well. of Hillsboro High School in Nashville, Freedom of speech, of assembly, of religion, Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, each year the wrote the following essay on the subject and of the press; freedom from unreasonable Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United of "What Our Bicentennial Heritage search and seizure; freedom to vote and States and its ladies auxiliary conduct a Means to Me." Along with the VFW and control one's own government; and fr~edom to live and work where one chooses were all contest for secondary school students. Mrs. Morris P. Landiss, the Hillc;boro established two hundred years ago and have From the Nashville area, I want to ex­ High sponsor of forensics, I am proud to been refined and safeguarded ~:;ince then. tend my appreciation for the :fine job share this moving statement of a fellow Only in America could a nation with such a done by Mr. John Furgess, chairman of Nashvillian, Hubert Thompson, with my diversity of peoples and philosophies guar­ the Voice of Democracy Contest, and colleagues: antee these freedoms. It should be a source Post 1970 of the VFW. The Bicentennial WHAT OUR BICENTENNIAL HERITAGE 1\!F..A!'!S of pride and gratitude to us to live in a has provided a much needed forum for TO ME country where liberty is not merely tolerated by the government, but is claimed by the all citizens, old and young, to express (By Hubert J. Thompson) people as a precious right. their thoughts on our country's past and Our bicentennial heritage means many Our bicentennlg.l heritage is also an oppor­ give some insight into our country's fu­ things to many people. To some, it is glorious tunity. Only in America, the land of Uberty. tw·e. This contest affords us the oppor­ battles and great victories. To others, 1t is a have all men been able to strive toward the tunity to grant recognition to our tal- historical pageant of the events that resulted fullest expression of their own personal tal- 7240 EXTENSIONS OF. REMARKS·· March 18, 1976 ents and capabilities. The CO"nstitu:tioli guar­ my State iS being jeopardized by the op­ parents of the average family to their antees equal protection under 'the law. Every eration of the Federal estate and gift tax children. However, the current exemp-. person has both tl'le 'right and the opportu­ nity to find himself and to make his own system. The $60,000 exemption for estate tion level now does little more than cover contribution to the world. Whether he moves tax set in 1942 is entirely too low to pro.;. the cost of the home and places in jeop­ west as a pioneer, fights as a soldier protect­ teet the transfer of property from parent ardy the passage of the family business ing his country, makes new advances in sci­ to ·child for the preservation of family­ to subsequent generations. ence, works to support our standard of liv­ owned small businesses, farms and A DISCUSSION OF SOLUTIONS ing, or spends his life in service for others, ranches. every American can find satisfaction in de­ There are more than 150 bills 'now veloping himself and benefiting his fellow­ IIi the 1940's less than 1 percent of the pending in Congress which, among other m an. Our country has assured the dignity estates in the United States were re­ things, seek to raise the estate tax and worth of the individual throughout its quired to pay Federal estate taxes. That exemption. I have supported one of these history. America is truly the land of opportu­ :figure has risen to more than 11 percent bills as a cosponsor and support in spirit nit y.
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