Premières Nations Au Canada / First Nations in Canada

Premières Nations Au Canada / First Nations in Canada

175°W 170°W 165°W 160°W 155°W 150°W 145°W 140°W 135°W 130°W 125°W 120°W 115°W 110°W 105°W 100°W 95°W 90°W 85°W 80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W 60°W 55°W 50°W 45°W 40°W 35°W 30°W 25°W 20°W 15°W 10°W PremièresPremières NationsNations auau CanadaCanada OCÉAN ARCTIQUE ARCTIC OCEAN First Nations in Canada First Nations in Canada 60°N GROENLAND 65°N GREENLAND Statut de la Première Nation First Nation Status ALASKA Mer de Beaufort Beaufort Sea Loi sur les Indiens (564) (É.-U. D'A.) ! Indian Act (564) (U.S.A.) Parry Channel Loi sur la gestion des terres (34) Baie de Baffin " Land Management Act (34) Baffin Bay # Autonomie gouvernementale (38) Self Government (38) Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation # (# 496) Aklavik (# 755) Inuvik Native ! (# 780) !" Inuvik Tetlit Gwich'in (# 751) ! Amundsen Gulf M'Clintock Gwichya Gwich'in ! (# 753) Channel Gulf Détroit de Davis Fleuve Mackenzie of Davis Strait Boothia Peel River Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in 55°N (# 494) Lake # Aubry Behdzi Ahda" First Nation Bluenose Victoria 60°N YUKON (# 771) Lac Lake Strait Fort Good Hope ! Maunoir Cambridge (# 752) ! Lac Bay Belot Lac " First Nation of des ! White River Yukon River Nacho Nyak Dun Bois First Nation (# 495) (# 506) # Coronation Strait MackenzieRiver Queen Selkirk Kluane # First Nation Mahoney Maud First Nation (# 498) Lake Gulf (# 503) Tulita Dene Deline # Aishihik Little Salmon/ First Nation (# 490) (# 750) Great Bear Lake Kluane # # Carmacks ! (# 754) Grand lac de l'Ours Lake First Nation ! (# 492) Champagne and Takijuq Foxe Basin Aishihik Faro #First Nations " Lake (# 507) Ross River MacAlpine Ta'an Kwach'an (# 497) TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST Champagne # (# 508) ! Lake (# 493) Kwanlin Dun First Nation NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Contwoyto IQALUIT ##(# 500) Kusawa ^^ Point Lake Lake ^^ Garry Lake Lake WHITEHORSE Pehdzeh Ki First Nation Gameti First Nation #Carcross/Tagish First Nations ! (# 756) (# 773) Yamba (# 491) # Lake Foxe Channel Teslin Dechi Laot'i First Nations Lake Tagish (# 774) NUNAV UT Mer du Labrador Lake #Teslin Tlingit Council # (# 499) Wha Ti First Nation Labrador Sea Tehek ! Taku River (# 769) Aylmer Détroit d'Hudson # Aberdeen Lake Lake Tlingit Lake Atlin Schultz Lake Hudson Strait (# 501) Dog Rib Rae Lake Liidlii Kue First Nation Camsell Baker Lake Liard First Nation (# 765) " (# 757) Lake " (# 502) #" Fletcher ! Nahanni Butte ! Rae-Edzo Lake Wharton Jean Marie River First Nation Lake (# 766) Liard River Yellowknives Dene First Nation Dease River (# 770) ! (# 763) Thirty Mile Lake (# 504) ! ! Artillery ! ^^YELLOWKNIFE Lake Acho Dene Koe Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council Whitefish Forde (# 758) (# 760) ! Dubawni Peter 55°N Trout Sambaa K'e Lutsel K'e Dene Lake Lake Lake Lake Tahltan ! ! Tulemalu Lake (Trout Lake) Dene First Nation Mosquito (# 682) Lake Rankin Inlet " ! ! (# 767) Grand lac des Esclaves (# 764) Lake Baie d'Ungava Iskut Lynx Yathkyed 50°N Ka'a'gee Tu ! Great Slave Lake Nonacho (# 683) Lake Sid Lake Ungava Bay First Nation Lake ! Lake Angikuni (# 768) ! ! Deninu K'ue ! Lake Kaminak West Point First Nation K'atlodeeche Lake First Nation First Nation (# 762) COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE Fort Nelson (# 761) (# 772) First Nation (# 543) Taitna Salt River South BRITISH COLUMBIA ! Lake First Nation #195 Henik Kwadacha (# 759) Prophet River Lake Arviat Nisga'a Village (# 610) First Nation (# 544) Dene Tha' ! Fort Smith " Lac Payne " " Wholdaia Ennadai ! of Laxgalt'sap (# 678) ! ! (# 448) !" Kuujjuaq ! Smith's Landing Lake Snowbird Lake Mushuau Innu First Nation Lake First Nation Nisga'a Village of (# 477) (# 32) Gitwinksihlkw (# 679) Obre Nueltin Lake Beaver First Nation Lake Lac Le Tsay Keh Dene Nisga'a Village of Gingolx ! (# 445) Moyne Nisga'a Village of Gitanmaax (# 531) (# 609) ! de la Paix Mikisew Cree Fond du Lac (# 671) New Aiyansh (# 677) Peace River Lac Athabasca # # Glen Vowell (# 533) First Nation (# 351) Lax-kw'alaams # # Blueberry River ! Lake Athabasca ! ! Hagwilget Village (# 534) Halfway River (# 461) Black Lake Snegamook Old Massett Village Council (# 674) ! Gitanyow (# 537) First Nations Nipishish ! ! First Nation ! Little Red River ! (# 359) Lake (# 669) Metlakatla ! Gitwangak ! !! Kispiox (# 532) (# 547) Doig Tallcree ! Lake " Prince ! (# 546) Cree Nation Baie d'Hudson (# 673) Williston lake (# 446) ! Rupert (# 536) ! ! River (# 447) ! ! (# 548) Athabasca Lac ! TERRE-NEUVE-ET-LABRADOR Skidegate Kitsumkalum (# 681) ! Gitsegukla Takla Lake First Nation Rivière Hudson Bay " Chipewyan Minto Sheshatshiu Innu (# 670) ! ! (# 535) (# 608) Fort St. John ! Northlands Sayisi Dene First Nation Gitxaala Kitselas (# 680) West Moberly First Nations First Nation Naskapi Nation of Moricetown " AL BERTA (# 317) (# 303) First Nation NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Nation (# 545) (# 463) Wollaston Kawawachikamach Haisla Nation (# 530) Babine Lake ! ! (# 33) (# 672) ! !!Saulteau Woodland Cree Lake (# 81) Michikamau (# 676) # First Nations First Nation Lac a ! Lake Wet'suwet'en First Nation (# 725) Yekooche (# 728) Duncan's First Nation Fort McKay Gitga'at First Nation ! (# 542) (# 474) ! Barren Lands L'Eau La Nation Innu ! ! !Tl'azt'en Nation (# 617) (# 451) ! First Nation Hatchet Lake (# 352) (# 675) Lake Babine Nation (# 607) ! " McLeod Lake (# 618) ! ! ! (# 308) Claire Matimekush-Lac John Minipi Lake Burns Lake ! Loon River Cree (# 476) (# 467) ! Hecate Skin Tyee (# 729) !! (# 619) ! Nak'azdli (# 614) Horse Lake Lubicon Lake (# 87) Cheslatta Carrier Nation (# 620) ! Stellat'en First Nation (# 613) First Nation (# 449) (# 453) Fort McMurray SASKATCHEWAN Strait ! ! Whitefish Lake Big Sand Lac Montagnais de ! Nee-Tahi-Buhn !Nadleh Whuten (# 612) #468 First Southern Grande Prairie !(# 459) Reindeer Lake Bienville Pakua Shipi (# 726) Kapawe'no Nation (# 468) Indian Lake ! Kitasoo (# 540) ! " Bigstone Cree ! Clearwater River Dene (# 401) Lake Marcel Colomb (# 88) Saik'uz First Nation First Nation (# 452) ! Heiltsuk Lheidli T'enneh (# 611) ! ! Nation (# 458) First Nation Shabogamau OCÉAN PACIFIQUE (# 615) " ! ! Birch Narrows First Nation (# 403) O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Gander (# 538) " ! ! (# 328) Lake Burne Lake ST. JOHN'S 50°N Prince George Sturgeon Lake ! Swan River First Nation (# 457) Cree Nation Première nation de Whapmagoostui Lake ! Kluskus (# 721) Cree Nation Sawridge (# 454) ! ^^ Sucker Creek !! ! Buffalo River Dene Nation (# 398) ! (# 318) (# 95) PACIFIC OCEAN ! Tataskweyak Nuxalk Nation (# 539) ! (# 455) (# 456) Peerless Trout Chipewyan Prairie ! Fox Lake # Ashuanipi English River First Nation Cree Nation Nazko First Nation First Nation (# 478) First Nation (# 470) ! (# 305) Lake Montagnais de Unamen Shipu Grand Driftpile First Nation (# 400) (# 306) Ulkatcho (# 722) ! (# 720) ! Shamattawa (# 84) Lake Red Indian Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Lhtako Dene Nation (# 715) (# 450) Nisichawayasihk ! ! ! Miawpukek ! Heart Lake (# 469) Mathias Colomb First Nation ! Lake Nation (# 541) ! ! Canoe Lake Cree Nation (# 47) (# 311) ! ! War Lake (# 307) Fort Severn Montagnais de Natashquan "!Corner Brook Cree First Nation Lac La Ronge (# 313) ! Mamalilikulla-Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em ?Esdilagh First Nation (# 709) Beaver Lake Cree Nation (# 460) York Factory First Nation ! (# 215) (# 83) Tlatlasikwala (# 632) Cold Lake (# 394) ! (# 353) ! ! Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation 45°N ! (# 629) Alexis Creek (# 710)! ! ! ! " First Nation (# 323) La Grande ! Yunesit'in First Nations (# 34) Gwawaenuk Tribe (# 627) Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office (# 712) Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation (# 304) Riviere Reservoir Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw (# 724) Government Alexander (# 464) Big Island Lake Lac La Ronge Thompson Cree Nation of QUÉBEC ! ! Dzawada'enuxw ! (# 437) ! Weenusk Les Innus de Ekuanitshit Quatsino (# 633) !! First Nation (# 636) (# 717) ! ! Soda Creek (# 716) (# 438) Kehewin Cree Nation Cree Nation (# 399) ! Chisasibi (# 82) ! Da'naxda'xw First Nation ! ! Manto Sipi (# 146) Kwakiutl (# 626) ! ! Williams Lake (# 719) (# 466) ! ! ! Waterhen Lake (# 402) Peter Ballantyne MANITOBA (# 58) Lac ! ! ! ! (# 635) ! Toosey (# 718) Cree Nation " QUEBEC Namgis First Nation (# 631) ! Paul (# 441) ! Saddle Lake (# 462) ! ! Cree Nation (# 355) #" Manicougan Tlowitsis Tribe (# 637) Xeni Gwet'in ! Esk'etemc (# 711) Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation (# 397) Bunibonibee ! (# 302) Baie James Chisasibi Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish (# 625) Enoch Cree Nation #440 (# 440) ! ! # ! First Nations ! Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation (# 723) ^^ Frog Lake (# 465) ! ! Flying Dust First Nation (# 395) Cree Nation (# 301) ! James Bay Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations (# 638) ! O'Chiese (# 431) ! Cross Lake !Nuchatlaht (# 639) Government (# 714) Canim Lake (# 713) EDMONTON Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation (# 396) ! God's Lake First Nation Innu Takuaikan Uashat ! ! ! Onion Lake Cree First Nation (# 276) ! Cree Nation Ehattesaht (# 634) ! Kwiakah (# 628) High Bar (# 703) Montreal Lake ! (# 354) Cumberland House (# 296) Mak Mani-Utenam ! Cape Mudge (# 623) Bearspaw (# 473) ! Sunchild Nation (# 344) of Wemindji ! First Nation ! " Thunderchild ! Pelican Lake (# 405) Cree Nation (# 350) Norway House Red Sucker Lake (# 300) Bearskin Lake Kitchenuhmaykoosib # (# 80) Golfe du Saint-Laurent Campbell River (# 622) Klahoose First Nation (# 553) Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc ! ! ! Opaskwayak Cree Nation (# 60) "! ! (# 434) ! Camrose First Nation (# 349) Witchekan Big River (# 404) Cree Nation (# 278) Garden Hill ! (# 207) Inninuwug (# 209) Mowachaht/Muchalaht (# 630) ! ! " (# 688) Wesley (# 475) ! ! ! ! (# 315) Gulf of St. Lawrence !! ! Simpcw First Nation (# 691) Lake (# 407) First Nations ! Attawapiskat Homalco (# 552) Louis Bull (# 439) Sturgeon Lake First Nation Red

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