Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia, 64 (1-4) (2009): 301-313. EMILIA P. NARTSHUK (*) THE CHLOROPIDAE OF THE NATURE RESERVES “AGORAIE DI SOPRA E MOGGETTO” (LIGURIA, GENOA) AND “GUADINE PRADACCIO” (EMILIA-ROMAGNA, PARMA) (Diptera) INTRODUCTION The Chloropidae are a family of Diptera Cyclorrhapha, sectio Acalypterae. The adults generally are small to very small flies (body length 1-4 mm), rare- ly reaching as much as 8 mm. The body is smooth with reduced chaetotaxy, colour usually black, grey, yellow or greenish with black stripes and marks. Chloropidae occur in all terrestrial ecosystems from tundra to tropical forest, savannas and deserts. They are abundant in grasslands, bogs, marshes, a few live in forests. Some species are very numerous in agricultural fields and are economic pests of cereals. The mode of life of the larvae is diverse. Most spe- cies, especially in temperate zones, are phytophagous, and develop in various parts and tissues of Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and other Liliatae (Canzoneri et al., 1995). Phytophagous larvae are usually common in more advanced groups. Some species are saprophytophagous, living in plants damaged by other in- sects. Larvae of some forest species live under bark of trees, in rotten wood, in damaged coniferous cones. Carnivorous species live in egg sacks of Araneae, egg-cases of Mantodea, egg pods of Orthoptera, or in the ground in rhizomes of plants, feeding on root aphids (Ismay & Nartshuk, 2000). About 3000 spe- cies are known worldwide (Canzoneri et al., 1995); 394 species live in Europe (Nartshuk, 2007) and 199 in mainland Italy (Canzoneri et al., 1995; Nartshuk, 2007). STUDY AREAS Two State Biogenetic Nature Reserves of the northern Apennines were in- vestigated: “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto” and “Guadine Pradaccio”. These (*) Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Science. Universiteskaya nab., 1 RUS- 199034 St. Petersburg. E-mail: [email protected] 301 Reserves are situated near the border of Liguria and Emilia-Romagna re- gions. The Reserve “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto” is in the territory of the com- mune of Rezzoaglio (Genoa province, Liguria region) and includes, chiefly, forests of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and lacustrine habitats. The Reserve “Guadine Pradaccio” is in the territory of the commune of Cor- niglio (Parma province, Emilia-Romagna region) and in those of the National Park of the Tusco-Emilian Apennines. It is covered, prevalently, by beech- woods with peat bogs, and is characterized by the presence of two lakes. Further details on these Reserves are provided by Bonani & Olivari (2002), Cerretti et al. (2003) and Spada et al. (2009). MATERIALS AND METHODS The examined material was collected during the period 1999-2001 in the Reserve “Guadine Pradaccio” and during 2008 in the Reserve “Agoraie di So- pra e Moggetto” by the staff of the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conser- vazione della Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana” of Verona (cf. Cerretti et al., 2003; Spada et al., 2009). The material from the Reserve “Guadine Pra- daccio” was already object of a paper (Nartshuk, 2003); here are reported only the few specimens still undetermined. Most of specimens were collected with Malaise traps (cf. Cerretti et al., 2003; Spada et al., 2009). The species are listed according to the nomenclature and systematics of Nartshuk (2007). The following information is provided for each record: locality, altitude, date of collection, collector/s, method of collection, number of specimens and sex. A chorotype (sensu Vigna Taglianti et al., 1993, 1999) is reported for all species. Chorotypes were delineated on the basis of the distributions provided by Nartshuk (2007). The material is keep in the collection of the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale “Bosco Fontana” of Verona (Italy). ABBREVIATIONS Collecting sites. Agoraie = Liguria region, Genoa province, Rezzoaglio, Ri- serva Naturale Biogenetica “Agoraie di Sopra e Moggetto”. Guadine = Emilia- Romagna region, Parma province, Corniglio, Riserva Naturale Biogenetica “Guadine Pradaccio”, 1400-1500 m. Collectors. DB = D. Birtele; GN = G. Nardi; LS = L. Spada; MB = M. 302 Bardiani; PC = P. Cerretti; PD = P. Dallatana; PO = P. Cornacchia; SH = S. Hardersen. Methods. mt = Malaise trap; n = entomological net; pt = pitfall traps; sn = sweeping net. FAunistic list 1. Aphanotrigonum trilineatum (Meigen, 1830) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ?. CHOROTYPE. Asiatic-European. NOTES. Adults on meadows, bogs and agricultural fields. Some speci- mens were reared from shoots of cereals and wild grasses (Nartshuk, 1972a). Polyvoltine species, hibernating as adults. 2. Calamoncosis minima (Strobl, 1893) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ?. CHOROTYPE. Palaearctic. NOTES. Adults on reedbeds. Larvae live as inquilines in upper part of gall formed by Lipara species (Chloropidae) on Common Reed (Phragmites aus­ tralis) or in rolled young leaves of this plant (Nartshuk, 1972a; Grochowska, 2002). 3. Camarota curvipennis (Latreille, 1805) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 !. CHOROTYPE. Euro-Mediterranean. NOTES. Species widespread in Italy (Canzoneri et al., 1995). Adults on meadows and cereal fields. Larvae are phytophagous, live in shoots and ears of different cereals: wheat, barley, oat, rye and Elytrigia repens. 4-5 larvae de- velop in a shoot. The species is a pest of cereals in some countries of south- ern Europe (former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria) (Balachowsky & Mesnil, 1935; Beschovski, 1985). 303 4. Cetema (Cetema) elongatum (Meigen, 1830) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ? 1 !. CHOROTYPE. European. NOTES. Adults on meadows, edges of forests. Larvae are phytophagous, de- velop in shoots of grasses of the genera Dactylis, Holcus, Poa, Hordeum, Ely­ trigia and Agrostis (Nye, 1958; Nartshuk, 1972a). Univoltine species. 5. Chlorops (Chlorops) geminatus Meigen, 1830 Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 6 ??. CHOROTYPE. Sibero-European. NOTES. Species widespread in Italy (Zangheri, 1969, as C. geminata; Canzo- neri et al., 1995). Adults on meadows. Larvae probably phytophagous, as those of other congeneric species. 6. Chlorops (Chlorops) interruptus (Meigen, 1830) Agoraie: mixed beechwood and peat bog, 1330-1500 m, UTM 32 T 0533197 4926353, 30.VII.2008, GN MB PO PD LS, n, 1 !. CHOROTYPE. W-Palaearctic. NOTES. Species widespread in Italy (Zangheri, 1969, as C. interrupta; Can- zoneri et al., 1995). Adults on meadows. Larvae phytophagous, develop in shoots of Elytrigia repens and probably also of Phragmites australis (Bala- chowsky & Mesnil, 1935; Nartshuk, 1972a). 7. Chlorops (Chlorops) speciosus Meigen, 1830 Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ?. Guadine: 1500 m, 21.VII.2001, DB PC, mt, 1 ? 20 !!. CHOROTYPE. Sibero-European. NOTES. Species in Italy recorded only from the northern regions (Canzoneri 304 et al., 1995). Adults on wet meadows. Larvae phytophagous, develop in shoots of Deschampsia caespitosa (Nye, 1958; Nartshuk, 1972a). Hibernated as lar- vae in shoots of host plant. 8. Chloropsina distinguenda (Frey, 1909) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VII1.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 8 !!. CHOROTYPE. European. NOTES. Species new to the Italian fauna (cf. Nartshuk, 2007). It was de- scribed from Aland Islands (Finland) and only in the last decades was cap- tured in other countries: Sweden, Switzerland and Czech Republic (Nartshuk, 2000a). 9. Conioscinella alpicola (Strobl, 1893) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ?. CHOROTYPE. Central-European. NOTES. The taxonomic position of this species is unclear. Some authors considered it as a separate species (e.g. Beschovski, 1985), others as a dark mountain variation of the widespread C. frontella (Fallén, 1820). Further in- vestigations, including examination of the type specimens, are necessary. 10. Conioscinella frontella (Fallén, 1820) Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 20 ?? 44 !!. CHOROTYPE. Asiatic-European. NOTES. Adults on meadows. Larvae phytophagous, develop in shoots of many grass genera (Anthoxanthum, Phleum, Holcus, Festuca, Deschampsia) and were reared from cereals (Nye, 1958; Nartshuk, 1972a). Hibernate as lar- vae in shoots of host plant and pupate in the following spring. 11. Conioscinella mimula Collin, 1946 Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, peat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 !. 305 CHOROTYPE. Central-European. NOTES. Adults on meadows. Larvae phytophagous, develop in shoots of An­ thoxanthum odoratum and Bromus spp. (Nye, 1958; Nartshuk, 1972a). Hiber- nate as larvae in shoots of host plant and pupate next spring. 12. Elachiptera tuberculifera (Corti, 1909) Agoraie: Moggetto, beat bog, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0532158 4926700, 21.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, sn, 1 !. CHOROTYPE. Asiatic-European. NOTES. Adults on wet meadows, marshes and other wetlands. Larvae are saprophytophagous, living in shoots of grasses, sedges and other Liliatae, dam- aged by other insects; were reared from cereal shoots injured by Phorbia sp. (Diptera, Anthomyiidae). Hibernate as adults, and have been found in birds’ nests (Krivokhatski & Nartshuk, 2001). 13. Elachiptera sp. Agoraie: Lago Agoraie di Fondo, torbiera, 1326 m, UTM 32 T 0533264 4926607, 30.VII- 20.VIII.2008, MB PO PD SH GN, mt, 1 ?. NOTES. This specimen probably belongs to a new species.
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