DOCUMBIIT NRSUM6 ED 026 481 VT 006 210 By Zaharevi tz, Walter; Marshall, Jane N. Aviation Where Career Opportunities are Bright, Counselor's Guide. National Aerospace Education Council, Washington, D.C. Pvb Date 68 Note-121p. Available from-National Aerospace Education Council, 616 Shoreham Buddin9.806 Fifteenth Street, NA. Washington, D.C. 20005 (document $3.00, record and filmstrip $10.00). EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors-*Aerospace Industry, Career Opportunities, Employment Oualifications,Filmstrips, Occupational Guidance, *Occupational Information, *Occupations, *Resovrce Guides,Technical Education, Wages, Work Environment Identifiers -*Aviation Industry This aviation occupations guide is designed for use as a unit aswell as in conjunction with an aviation careers package ofmaterial that contains a WI strip and recording. Chapter One contains the script of the film strip,AviationWhere Career Opportunities are Bright, and includes all photographs used inthe film strip plus numerous amplifying statements. Chapters Two throughNine joresent information on occupational clusterswithin aviation: Aircraft Manufacturing Occupations,Career Pilots and Flight Engineers, Aviation Mechanics (Including Repairmen),Airline Careers, Airline Stewardesses or Stewards, Aviation Careers inGovernment, Airport Careers, and Aviation Education and Other Aviation Related Careers.Each chapter includes general information about an occupational cluster,specific jobs within that cluster, description of the nature of work, working conditions, wagesand benefits, and identifies where the iobs are as well as the schools or sources of training.(CH) VTC0218 AVI 0 WHERE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ARE BRIGHT COMMELOR'S GUIDE 1115111101491r MISIN apsawmiew IDISMASIE TAM 31) Ng SEW? MEW OFFML OM II MILOK, BY Wafter Zahareirtiz' and 3qm-timelemovace4 Education Council ifb:st Edition 1968 AflON COVSC D.C. 20005 TABLE OF CONTENTS iV Foreword OOOOOOOO0 * ft* 41411.4141.04111411.44 410 O. 4111111 41,410 Acknowledgements . 440011 V CHAPTER ONE Script of the Filmstrip,Aviation Where Career Opportunities Are Bright, includingall photographs used in the fflmstrippia numerous amplifying 1 stateraente OOOOO OOOO !IP* 33 CHAPTER TWO Aircraft Manufacturing Occupations . O.* 45 CHAPTER THREE Career Pilots and FlightEngineers414410 IF1 0 0000 57 CHAPTER FOUR Aviation Mechanics (IncludingRepairmen),0004 1111 0 0 *SO 63 CHAPTER FIVE Airline Careers . 414141 1114141 000 77 CHAPTER SIX Airline Stewardesses or Stewards . .111410 83 CHAPTER SEVEN Aviation Careers in Government.........OO 105 CHAPTER EIGHT Airport Careers . 00 0 CHAPTER NINE Aviation Education and OtherAviationRelated Careers414144 011444,11.0 110 a ROO OOOOOOO 411112 INDEXOF OCCUPATIONS , ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The material in this GUIDE stands by itself; Weinstein, Manpower and Occupational Develop- however, it also functions as a part of an avia- ment Specialist. tion careers package of material that contains a filmstrip and recording, both of which were pro- A special note of thanks is addressed to duced as a cooperative project by the Division Messrs. Robert F. O'Neil and Sanford P. Rogers, of Vocational and Technical Edu cation of the U.S. and to Dr. Mervin K. Strickler, Jr., of the Office Office of Education, Department of Health, Edu- of General Aviation Affairs, Federal Aviation cation, and Welfare, the Office of General Avia- Administration, for their professional audio- tion Affairs of the Federal Aviation Adminis- visual contributions and their enthusiastic in- tration, Department of Transportation, and the terest and constant support of this endeavor. National Aerospace Education Council. Acknowledgment is also due the aerospace A venture of this variety and magnitude re- manufacturing industry, the U.S. scheduled air- quired the cooperation of many people.It would lines,Fixed Base Operators, aviation trade be impossible to list all who have had a part in associations, federal agencies, and schools who helping NAEC produce this aviation careers rendered substantial assistance and cooperation, package. As in all projects of this nature, some specifically: Aero Commander Division, North individuals have been involved to a greater de- American Rockwell Corporation; Beech Aircraft gree than others. For major assistance, NAEC Corporation;Bell Helicopter Company; The is indebted to: Mr. Howard N. Waymire, Prin- Boeing Company; Cessna Aircraft Company; cipal of Leuzinger High School, Lawndale, Cali- LockheedAircraftCorporation;McDonnell fornia for permission to use his school prem- Douglas Corporation; Piper Aircraft Corpora- ises and seven of his students who appeared in tion; the Stewardess College of American Air- the filmstrip: Terry Baptiste, Cheryl Dunlap, lines; Braniff International; Trans World Air- GilbertHernandez,WalterHogan, Valerie lines; United Air Lines; A.I.R. Corporation; Huguchi, William Kulungian, and Dennis Leonard; California Aviation Service; E. B. Felt Com- to the Department of Speech and Dramatic Art, pany; National Airmotive Engine Service; Rep- University of Maryland, specifically: Dr. Donald Air; Skyways-Lear Jet; Wright Brothers' Com- H. Kirkley, Jr., Dr. Kenneth R. Williams, June pany;GoldCoast Air Taxi; the Aerospace C. Gaudio, Ray F. Lepore, Donna B. Lynch, and Industries Association of America, Inc.; National Edward S. Sandler, who participated in the voice Air Taxi Conference; National Association of recordings; to Messrs. Henri D'Estoutof FAA's State Aviation Officials; American Association San Francisco Area Office and Richard Peterson of Airport Executives; National Aviation Trades of FAA's Los Angeles Area Office for arrange- Association; National Aerial Applicators Asso- ments in connection with the filmstrip; and to ciation; the U.S. Weather Bureau; the Aeronau- the following personnel in the Division of Voca- tics Department of San Jose State College, tional and Technical Education, U.S. Office of California; and the U.S. Air Force Band. Education, for their professional guidance and advice: Sherrill D. McMillen, Acting Director The contributions of these individuals and of the Division, and to staff members of the organizations to aviation education are grate- Program Services Branch, specifically, Merle E. fully acknowledged. Strong, Director, Earl M. Bowler and William M. Berndt, Assistant Directors, David Pritchard, Vocational Guidance Specialist, and Emanuel W. Z. and J. N. M. FOREWORD Aviation has penetrated into manyareas of theworld's businesses, in- dustries, professions, and se,rvices.As you guide students intheir inves- tigations of aviation careers, you(and the students) are certainto find opportunities in addition tothose listed in this GUIDE.The occupational uses of aviation arelimited only by one'simagination. The one certain forecast in the vast field ofaviation careers is change, as we are anation geared to change. Aviationscience and technologypromote change, but the variety of aviation careersprovides career mobilitywhich helps an indi- vidual to adjust rapidly tochange without departingfrom the overall field of aviation, This tremendousvariety also allows the maximumopportunity for the selection of a careerthat is personally stimulating,challenging, and rewarding (psychologically aswell as financially). Practically all of the employersinthe aviation industry areequal oppor- tunity employers: allqualified applicants receiveconsideration for em- ployment without regard to race,religion, color, national origin, or sex. If this GUIDE assists anindividual to obtain facts whichpermit him to arrive at a sound andpersonal career-choicedecision (either to enter the field of aviation or not), thenthe chief objective of thispublication will have been accomplished. "He ne'er is crowned With immortalitywhofears to follow Where airy voices lead." Keats Walter Zaharevitz and JaneN. Marshall CHAPTER ONE Script of the Filmstrip,AviationWhere Career Opportunities Are Bright,including all Photographs Used in the Filmstrip Plus Numerous Amplifying Statements I. Dennis: HI, STEVE! YOU LOOK WORRIED. WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? Steve: I TOLD MY DAD LAST NIGHT THAT WE'RE HAVING A CAREER DAY IN SCHOOL TODAY, AND HE REALLY BORE DOWN ON ME FOR NOT KNOWING WHAT I'M GOING TO DO AFTER I FINISH HIGH SCHOOL! 2. Dennis: THIS COULD BE YOUR LUCKY DAY. WHY DON'T YOU COME WITH US AND HEAR OUR COMMITTEE'S REPORT ON CAREERS IN AVIA- TION? GOLLY, STEVE, AVIATION'S A FAST GROWING FIELD WITH A BIG FUTURE. THERE'S BOUND TO BE SOMETHING IN IT FOR YOU WHETHER YOU GO TO COLLEGE OR NOT. Steve: jagessmpl111111Mmi.... O.K., I CAN'T LOSE. LET'S GO. 3. Dennis: HERE WE ARE, STEVE!NOTICE OUR SIGN? OUR COMMITTEE DREAMED UP THAT TITLE BECAUSE WE BELIEVE AVIATION OF- FERS SOME OF 74HE BEST CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FU- TURE. 3 4. Walter: HELLO, AND WELCOME TO OUR PROGRAM. I'M WALTER JONES, CHAIRMAN OF THE CAREER DAY COMMITTFE ON JOB OPPORTUNI- TIES IN AVIATION, AND THESE PEOPLE WITH ME ARE MEMBERS OF OUR COMMITTEE. YOU'LL BE HEARING FROM THEM AND SEEING THEM IN SOME OF THE PICTURES WE ARE SHOWING YOU TODAY PICTURES WE TOOK TO ILLUSTRATE CAREERS IN AVIATION. 4 -NIB OF U.S. AIRCRAFT S. Walter: WE WERE SURPRISED TO LEARN THAT MOST AIRPLANES FLYING MKS LK A TERM THAT IN- 0M1AL AVMM TODAY ARE GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT 71 0% USW 111A% CLUDES ALL FLANES EXCEPT THE SCHEDULED AIRLINES AND THE MY,LITARY. WE FOUND JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN ALL THREE OF MESE AREAS AS WELL AS IN AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING ANDIN MOMS 2,121 GOVERNMENT. MAW 27$3 NM PRAM KW 5 2 6 Walter: SO COME ALONG WITH US WHILE WE VISITTHE
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