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Please do not forget that the date for the usual April convention has changed for this year only to 2nd May 2009. The Editor Dates for your Diary Plans are already in hand for future Club Meetings. Members may like to note the following dates:- Saturday 2nd May 2009 - Shell Convention and Auction at Theydon Bois Community Centre Saturday 13th June 2009 - The Whichers’ Shell Day at Deighton, York Saturday 8th August 2009 - Editor’s Get-together at Yateley, Hampshire Saturday 31st October 2009 - Annual Shell Show at Theydon Bois Community Centre 2010 TO BE CONFIRMED - Scottish Shell Show in Edinburgh ! SECRETARY’S NOTES The BSCC Committee met for its annual meeting in January, and one of the items discussed was the Club’s policy concerning protected species. It was agreed that no action was needed concerning species on the CITES lists, as this document is concerned purely with international trade. However, it is now an offence to possess molluscs on the European Protected Species Annex IVa list. Most of the shells on this latter list are rare European land shells, and the only species likely to affect members are Gibbula nivosa, Anisus vorticulus, Lithophaga lithophaga and Pinna nobilis. It was agreed that Club policy would be that no listed species will be permitted in the auctions, and that all table hirers be informed that listed shells would not be allowed on their tables, even if those shells had been obtained either prior to the cut-off date in the regulations or from territories outside Europe. An appropriate article would be prepared by John Whicher and Tom Walker for publication in the October edition of Pallidula. I will have a full list of species available for anyone to see at the meeting on 2nd May. Please don’t forget to log onto THE BRITISH SHELL COLLECTORS’ CLUB website and check out our regular updates and articles. http://www.britishshellclub.org.uk !"##$%&#" Page 6 TTHHEE 22000099 BBSSCCCC CCOONNVVEENNTTIIOONN As should already have been drawn to your attention, this year the Club’s spring Convention will take place on Saturday 2nd May. As usual it will be at Theydon Bois Village Hall, starting with doors opening at 7:30am for dealers and 9am for everybody else, and going on until 5pm with the Hall vacated by 6pm. Unfortunately the Hall was double-booked for the last Saturday in April this year, but we understand this should not happen again, so everything ought to be as normal again in April next year. The usual wide array of dealers will be present and the day will feature the Club’s notoriously short and (generally) uneventful AGM followed by what promises to be an excellent auction, with lots already being amassed by the Club’s Auction Manager John Fisher. If you have any lots for this or future auctions then do get in touch with John. Donations are always welcome for the ‘Bring & Buy’ box which proved very popular at the 2008 Show; it’s always worth a look too, even if you don’t bring a donation for it. Lastly, if you are interested in bringing along an informal exhibit and would like some table space reserved then please let the Show Secretary know in plenty of time as space is limited. I look forward to seeing you there. Simon Taylor, Show Secretary. Auctioneer’s Report I think you will all agree that the 2008 auction was one of the best in the history of the BSCC. The overall takings amounted to £2,528.50 of which £386.85 went into club funds. I hope that this will encourage members to contribute items for future auctions. The auction plays an important part in raising funds to offset the ever increasing expenses of printing Pallidula amongst other things. The cost of the 2 issues now exceeds the membership fee and if we are to keep the latter at its current level we need to raise money elsewhere and the auction helps towards achieving this goal. Once again advance bidding via Email proved a huge success and about one third of the lots had bids placed on them in advance of the Show. In future, if you are making a bid in advance of the show, would you please state your bid together with your maximum bid. You will then be notified if your maximum bid has been exceeded prior to the show. The 2009 auction has once again been well supported and on behalf of the club I should like to thank all those who have generously donated items for the auction. Special thanks are due to the following: John Batt, Fernand de Donder, Koen Fraussen, Graham Gorrod, Alistair Moncur, Hugh Morrison, Rosemary O’Driscoll, Yves Terryn, and Alex Thompson. John Fisher !"##$%&#" Page 7 SSHHEELLLL SSHHOOWW 22000099 Following the success of the new Photographic category in the last Show and the excellent exhibits it prompted, this has now been added as a permanent section of the Show, in addition to the usual 9 categories. It will also remain as the part of the show decided by a member ballot. Individual photographic exhibits will be limited to a total area of 15” x 12” including all frames, captions, etc. The classes for the 2009 Show, to be held as usual at Theydon Bois Village Hall on 31st October are: 1. One Species. 2. One Genus or Family. 3. British – includes marine, land or freshwater. 4. Foreign – includes marine, land or freshwater. 5. ‘Spots & Dots’ 6. Geographic: Caribbean 7. Shell Photography 8. Shellomania – any entry that does not fit into any of the above classes. 9. Junior: 16 & under 10. Junior: 11 & under The geographic category makes an overdue return with an area which includes a wide variety of attractive and rare shells, many of which it is hoped will make an appearance. ‘Spots & Dots’ is very much open to interpretation by members, so feel free to get creative. And for the really creative types, don’t worry, ‘shell art’ categories will be making regular appearance in future Shows. Please also remember that if you have an exhibit in mind which does not fit easily into any of the specified categories, whatever it may be, the Shellomania section is there just for that purpose. Members may be interested to note that the ‘Foreign’ category has been very under-represented in recent years, not because there have been no foreign shells on show, but because those shells have been in other categories such as ‘One Species’ or ‘One Genus’. Some exhibits can fall under 2 or 3 of the category headings and it is the choice of the exhibitor as to which they enter. The judges last year did an excellent job, but it is desirable to rotate the judging amongst a number of people, to avoid any personal preferences for particular mollusc families becoming apparent, for example. If any club member who has not judged before would like to give it a try, do please contact the Show Secretary. Finally, as noted elsewhere in this magazine, it was very encouraging to see multiple junior entries in the 2008 Show and it is hoped that this will continue into 2009. It would be particularly nice to see some teenage entries this year, although we all appreciate the time constraints imposed by secondary education and the numerous other distractions present at that age. As is now customary, the entry form will be included with the next issue of Pallidula. Can exhibitors please let the Show Secretary have full details of their entries in advance of the Show, as it makes the job on the day much easier and avoids unnecessary confusion. As ever, if any potential exhibitor has any questions at all about the Show, please feel free to get in touch. Simon Taylor, Show Secretary !"##$%&#" Page 8 ttthh TThhee 22000088 BBSSCCCC SShhooww--2255 OOccttoobbeerr 22000088 The Club enjoyed another successful visit to Theydon Bois Village Hall for the annual Show last October. Following a relatively panic free start (no dealers queuing to get in the Hall before it was opened – almost unheard of!) by mid morning the hall was full of the usual hustle and bustle of a Club day in full flow. The Show itself had the largest number of entries for some years, particularly with the introduction of a photographic category, and dominated the centre of the main hall. The exhibits were expertly judged by Terry Wimbleton, John Fisher and Derek Howlett, to whom the Club extends its thanks. The outcome was: One Species 1st Angela Marsland: Chicoreus dunni 2nd Brian Hammond: Siratus alabaster 3rd Koen Fraussen: Stavelia subdistorta 4th Kevin Brown: Cancellaria cooperi 5th Graham Saunders: Mimachlamys varia One Genus/Family 1st Selina Wilkins: Fusinus 2nd Graham Saunders: Flexopecten 3rd John Fray: ‘Unconchous’ British 1st Koen Fraussen: Palliolum tigerinum 2nd Tom Walker: British Conchophilately 3rd Graham Saunders:
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