NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART 2011 ANNUAL REPORT ART & EDUCATION Diana Bracco BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEE W. Russell G. Byers Jr. (as of 30 September 2011) Victoria P. Sant Calvin Cafritz Chairman Leo A. Daly III Earl A. Powell III Robert W. Duemling Frederick W. Beinecke Barney A. Ebsworth Mitchell P. Rales Gregory W. Fazakerley Sharon P. Rockefeller Doris Fisher John Wilmerding Aaron I. Fleischman Juliet C. Folger FINANCE COMMITTEE Marina K. French Mitchell P. Rales Lenore Greenberg Chairman Rose Ellen Greene Timothy F. Geithner Richard C. Hedreen Secretary of the Treasury Helen Henderson Frederick W. Beinecke John Wilmerding Victoria P. Sant Benjamin R. Jacobs Chairman President Sharon P. Rockefeller Sheila C. Johnson Victoria P. Sant Betsy K. Karel John Wilmerding Linda H. Kaufman Mark J. Kington AUDIT COMMITTEE Robert L. Kirk Frederick W. Beinecke Jo Carole Lauder Chairman Leonard A. Lauder Timothy F. Geithner Secretary of the Treasury LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. Mitchell P. Rales Robert B. Menschel Harvey S. Shipley Miller Sharon P. Rockefeller Frederick W. Beinecke Mitchell P. Rales Victoria P. Sant Diane A. Nixon John Wilmerding John G. Pappajohn Sally E. Pingree TRUSTEES EMERITI Diana C. Prince Roger W. Sant Robert F. Erburu B. Francis Saul II John C. Fontaine Thomas A. Saunders III Julian Ganz, Jr. Fern M. Schad Alexander M. Laughlin Albert H. Small David O. Maxwell Michelle Smith Ruth Carter Stevenson Benjamin F. Stapleton Sharon P. Rockefeller John G. Roberts Jr. Luther M. Stovall Chief Justice of the EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Ladislaus von Hoffmann United States Victoria P. Sant President Alice L. Walton William L. Walton Earl A. Powell III Director Walter L. Weisman Franklin Kelly John R. West Deputy Director and Chief Curator Andrea Woodner Elizabeth Cropper Dean, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts HONORARY TRUSTEES’ Darrell R. Willson COUNCIL Administrator (as of 30 September 2011) William W. McClure Edwin L. Cox Hillary Rodham Clinton Timothy F. Geithner Treasurer Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Robert F. Erburu Elizabeth A. Croog Secretary and General Counsel John C. Fontaine Joseph J. Krakora Julian Ganz, Jr. Executive Officer, Development and Alexander M. Laughlin External Affairs David O. Maxwell Ruth Carter Stevenson TRUSTEES’ COUNCIL John C. Whitehead (as of 30 September 2011) James T. Dyke Chairman William H. Ahmanson G. Wayne Clough Max N. Berry Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Washington, D.C. 4 PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD Fiscal year 2011 marked the beginning of con- the Patrons’ Permanent Fund to the exhibi- struction for major repairs to the marble façade tion The Pre-Raphaelite Lens: British of the National Gallery of Art’s East Building. Photography and Painting, 1848–1875. The This project represents the best of what the Gallery’s photography program especially Gallery can achieve with vital support from flourished thanks in no small part to Mel’s the federal government: an enduring commit- enthusiastic support. We also were saddened ment to providing the American people with by the death of Stephen A. Hahn, who will access to great artistic achievements. long be remembered for his numerous con- Open during construction, the Gallery tributions to the visual arts and to the welcomed more than 4.6 million visitors to its museum community in particular. He made East and West Buildings and Sculpture an enormous difference at the Gallery in Garden, where they had the opportunity to enhancing the nation’s collection of modern engage with and deepen their understanding art with his superb Dubuffet collection. of great works of art. Our special exhibitions The trustees and staff also mourned the loss in particular offered visitors insight into some of two staff members: Ross Merrill, the of the world’s most renowned artists, includ- Gallery’s chief of conservation from 1983 to ing Paul Gauguin in the exhibition Gauguin: 2009, and David E. Rust, curator of French, Maker of Myth and Andy Warhol with Warhol: British, and Spanish painting from 1961 to Headlines. Other exhibitions, like Venice: 1983, who also gave the Gallery several Canaletto and His Rivals; Lewis Baltz: Prototypes/ important works on paper to expand the Ronde de Nuit; Gabriel Metsu, 1629–1667; and nation’s holdings of graphic art. The Gothic Spirit of John Taylor Arms, exposed My fellow trustees and I are grateful for visitors to lesser-known artists. The success of the critical support received from private these special exhibitions complemented donors this year. We would especially like achievements in crucial behind-the-scenes to thank Juliet and Lee Folger for their gener- activities such as conservation, educational ous gift for the acquisition of Amsterdam Harbor programming, and scholarly research. Scene by Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman, The Gallery continues to rely on the strong through the Lee and Juliet Folger Fund. public-private partnership that has sustained it We are also grateful to those individuals who since its founding. On behalf of the trustees made significant commitments for the special and staff, I extend our appreciation to the exhibitions and art acquisition programs this President and the Congress for their commit- year: Estate of Mrs. Charles (Florian) Carr, ment to provide the annual funding needed to Helen Porter and James T. Dyke, Greg and keep the Gallery open to the public free of Candy Fazakerley, Ladislaus and Beatrix von charge 363 days a year. Their unfailing sup- Hoffmann, and The Honorable Alfred H. port continues to be matched by the generous Moses and Ms. Fern M. Schad. We also would individuals, foundations, and corporations like to thank The Getty Foundation, who underwrite the museum’s privately the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, and funded programmatic needs. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for The Trustees’ Council plays a critical role as their enduring support of the Gallery’s schol- a national advisory body to the Board of arly mission. Their grants for areas such as Trustees. We were pleased to welcome a new conservation, provenance research, and the member to the Council in 2011, Diana Bracco Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts of Milan, Italy, as well as several returning have promoted serious art scholarship, members: Calvin Cafritz, Greg Fazakerley, and we are grateful to these foundations Linda Kaufman, LaSalle Leffall, Diane for their generosity. Nixon, and Roger Sant. We are grateful to The Gallery has received support from cor- all of our Trustees’ Council members for porations for special exhibitions since the their dedicated service to this institution. 1940s. The Gallery is grateful to two generous The Gallery lost a close friend this past year and loyal sponsors of its special exhibition in Melvin Cohen, the late and longtime mem- program. Bank of America and its Bank of ber of the Trustees’ Council. His generosity America Foundation continued its support touched this institution in many ways, from with its sponsorship of Gauguin: Maker of 5 Myth. In the past five years, Bank of America Collectors Committee members for their has sponsored three major global exhibitions ongoing generosity. and will continue its dedication to the Gallery This year also marked the twenty-fifth with sponsorship of the 2012 exhibition Roy anniversary of The Circle, during which Lichtenstein. The Fondazione Bracco and time the annual giving program has Bracco SpA, an international leader in diag- raised more than $46 million, providing nostic imaging, sponsored Venice: Canaletto unrestricted support for Gallery programs and His Rivals. Bracco was also the supporter including acquisitions, exhibitions, scholarly of the exhibition Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and research, and educational programs. Starting the Renaissance of Venetian Painting in 2006. We with Paul Mellon as its first member, The are grateful to these companies for their con- Circle now counts close to 1,100 members, tinuing support. some of whom have been involved for more The trustees also extend their gratitude than twenty years. What began with initial to the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen giving levels set at $1,000; $2,000; and $4,000 Foundation and the Terra Foundation has grown into levels of $1,000; $2,500; for American Art for their extraordinary $5,000; $10,000; and $20,000. Our newest commitment to the Gallery’s international level of participation, the Tower Project, pro- exhibition program. We are also appreciative vides support for modern and contemporary of the following donors’ dedication to our exhibitions in the East Building’s Tower special exhibition programs: the Ryna and Gallery. The trustees extend their gratitude Melvin Cohen Family Foundation and to our Circle co-chairs, Greg Fazakerley and Marcella and Neil Cohen; the Marshall B. Diana Prince, for their dedication to this Coyne Foundation; Sally Engelhard Pingree important constituency and to all Circle and The Charles Engelhard Foundation; members for their generous support. the Aaron I. Fleischman Foundation; Numerous donors helped to secure the Hata Stichting; STIFTUNG RATJEN, Gallery’s future by including the museum in Liechtenstein; and the Trellis Fund. We are their testamentary plans this year. We were also grateful to the governments of Portugal, delighted to recognize them as members of Belgium, and Spain for their generous The Legacy Circle, which honors those who support for the exhibition The Invention of have made bequests, charitable gift annuities, Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries. charitable lead and remainder trusts, and other This year we were delighted to celebrate planned gifts to benefit the Gallery in the the fifth anniversary of The Exhibition longterm. The trustees are grateful for our Circle, the newest and highest membership Legacy Circle members’ enduring support. category of The Circle, which was created to The Gallery presents great works of art for provide support for the Gallery’s exhibition all to learn from and enjoy.
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