INIS-CA—0064 THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTAINMENT DESIGN AND OPERATION CA98A0157- CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Volume 2 October 19-21, 1994 Toronto Hilton Hotel Toronto, Ontario Sponsored by The Canadian Nuclear Society Canadian Nuclear Society Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Containment and Design Toronto, Ontario, October 19 - 21,1994 VOLUME 1 SESSION 1: Performance and Regulatory Requirements for Containment SESSION 2: Radionuclide Behaviour in Containment - Experiments and Analysis SESSION 3: Severe Accident Design and Analysis SESSION 4: Operation, Maintenance, Leakage and Aging of Containment Systems SESSION 5: Thermal Hydraulic Behaviour of Containment Systems SESSION 6: Hydrogen Mixing and Mitigation SESSION 7: Design Methods and Concepts SESSION 8: Separate Effect Verification and Global Validation of Containment Thermal Hydraulic and Radionuclide Behaviour Codes VOLUME 2 SESSION 9: Structural Analysis and Response Tests SESSION 10: Containment Passive Safety Systems Design and Operation SESSION 11: Aerosol Behaviour in Containment SESSION 12: Containment Reliability, Integrity, and Risk Assessment SESSION 13: Hydrogen Deflagration and Detonation POSTER SESSION PAPERS * Plenary Session Papers will be published in a post-conference edition of the CNS Bulletin. October 20,1994, CNS Session 9 Structural Analysis and Response Tests Co-chairpersons: R. Judge (United Kingdom) and C. Seni (Canada) Instrumentation and Assessment of Structural Behaviour of NAPP-I Containment During Pressure Tests - INDIA (Abstract Only) B.K Goyal, M.M. Tilak, U.S.P. Verma Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Analysis of Indian PHWR Reinforced Concrete Containments Under Aircraft Impact Loading - INDIA (Abstract Only) CM. Madasamy, R.K. Singh, H.S. Kushwaha, S.C. Mahajan, A. Kakodkar Plan on Test to Failure of a Steel, a Pre-stressed Concrete and a Reinforced Concrete Containment Vessel Model -JAPAN Y. Kobayashi, K. Takumi, M. Fujii, S. Nakajima, K. Saito, K. Karaki, M. Goto, J.F. Costello, W.A. von Riesemann, M.B. Parks, M.F. Hessheimer, V.K. Luk Plan for the Seismic Proving Test of Concrete Containment Vessels - JAPAN H. Akiyama, K. Terada, S. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, M. Tabuchi, Y. Yamaura, K. Satoh, M. Soejima, T. Suzuki, H. Eto, M. Yamamoto A Study on the Nonlinear Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to External Load and High Temperature - JAPAN A. Mutoh, N. Yamazaki, T. Hasegawa, Y. Takeuchi, R. Kikuchi, M. Goto, K. Saito Seismic Isolation of Containment - CANADA (Abstract Only) J.K. Biswas, D.R. Pendergast CA9800157 INSTRUMENTATION AND ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF NAPP-I CONTAINMENT DURING PRESSURE TESTS * *# ** B.K. GOYAL M.M. TILAK U.S.P. VERMA Nuclear Power Corporation (NPC), Bombay proposed a Nuclear 'Reac- tor Plant of 235 MW capacity at Narora. The containment as shown in Fig. 1 has two concrete walls. The primary containment wall (ICW) is in prestressed concrete and is 610 mm thick, and the secondary containment wall (OCW) is in reinforced concrete of 610 mm thickness. The annular space between the two walls is 2000 mm. The containment slab which supports the boilers spans across the ICW. The dome which forms the secondary containment boundary is spanning across QCW. The Reactor has been designed for Design Based Accident (DBA) pressure of 1.25 kg/cm2. Since this was the first Reactor of its kind, it was decided to instrument it extensively to measure the deflections and strains at critical points. Radial deflections of the containment were measured at four azimuths and five eleva- tions, and vertical deflection was measured at one elevation. Vertical movement of the slab was measured by optical technique at five locations. Strains were measured at the junction of ICW and base raft, at the junction of ICW and containment slab, at the centre of the containment slab and at locations nearer to the Main Air Lock Barrel. * Structural Engineering Research Centre, Ghaziabad (INDIA) »• Nuclear Power Corporation, Bombay (INDIA) 120 mm long Electric Strain Gauges were used to measure the strains and deflection transducers (Strain Gauges type) were used to measure the deflections. The reactor was pressurized by injecting air under pressure till the desired pressure was obtained. This pressure was held for half an hour and then the deflection and strain readings were recorded. Typical deflection and strain results are showin in Fig. (2 & 3). Fig (2) shows the vertical deflection/pressure at elevations 117.6. Fig (3) shows the strains/pressure at the junction of ICW and base raft. The structure was also analysed £1} for uniform loading by discreetising the structure into clyn- drical and circular plate elements. The Paper Reports the details of the instrumentation and experi- mental results obtained during pressure tests. Experimental values have been compared against the theoretical investigations. References : 1. Sharma SP, Goyal BK, and Ahmed J. "Elastic analysis of thin walled rotationally symmetric structures " World Congress on Space enclosures, CANADA 1976. EL* 1S4I1S OPENING FOR EMERGENCY . .CLOSURE PANEL BLOCK BARREL .OPENING FOR MAIN AIR LOCK BARREL FI6.1 CONTAINMENT DETAILS 1 71 i 1- 00 fc E 0' 70 PRESSUR 0* 42 " // 0- 30 'ft 0« U It 1 2 ) 1 2 3 OEFLECTION mm DEFLECTION mm NORTH(CHANNEL 13) •OUTH (CHANNEL FIG.2 VERTICAL DEFLECTION AT EL- 117-6 _L 80 100 120 uo STRAINS OMANNEL 11. FIG.3 STRAINS AT EL-88-6 ON ICW ( INSIDE) SOUTH CA9800158 NONLINEAR TRANSIENT DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF INDIAN PHWR REINFORCED CONCRETE CONTAINMENTS UNDER AIRCRAFT IMPACT LOADING C.M.Madasamy, R.K.Singh, H.S.Kushwaha, S.C.Mahajan A.Kakodkar Reactor Engineering Division Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India ABSTRACT In Indian PHWRs, containment has been designed to protect the reactor system and environment for loss of coolant accident, main steam-line break and earthquake induced loads. However the containment design has to be demonstrative in terms of safety to the public for severe beyond the design basis accidents such as blast load on account of hydrogen detonation and aircraft impact to prove that even in such severe accident load cases the con- tainment is able to exhibit desired performance. In addition to this, as a result of steadily expanding nuclear power plant safety standards and licensing requirements as well as rapid developments in the field of computer technology and computer codes, nonlinear dynamic analysis soon moved away from the use of simple models to that of detailed two- and three-dimensional ones. Therefore, in this work, a computer software is developed for the nonlinear transient dynamic analysis of reinforced con- crete containments in order to study behavior of Indian PHWRs under aircraft impact. The Indian PHWRs have double containment system with inner pre- stressed concrete containment and outer reinforced concrete containment. Contrast to seismic loadings, the aircraft impact is a unidirectional, high magnitude, short duration impulsive load- ing with frequencies extending into the higher frequency range. In addition, in the local impacted area the response is highly nonlinear due to the high amplitude of aircraft loading function, while the remainder of the overall structure may remain in the linear rangeCGupta.et.al(1978 ) 3. A survey of aircraft impact loading functions proposed by various investigators presented by Kamil.et.al(1979) are studied. In this work, the 8- and 20-noded isoparametric solid elements are used with standard interpolation functions. The use of a standard three dimensional approach for the analysis avoids the complexities associated with shell formulations, allows for a wider range of applications, and is free from the simplifying assumptions. In the idealization of the reinforcement concrete structures, the steel reinforcement is incorporated in the con- crete brick element by assuming perfect bond. Reinforcement bars are modeled as a smeared layer having equivalent thickness. A strain-rate sensitive elasto/viscoplastic constitutive model is adopted for concrete with a variable strength limit surface to monitor the damage caused by viscoplastic flow. Tensile cracking is considered using the smeared crack approach and constant fracture energy release conceptCHinton(19B8)3 which has been used for most structural engineering applications. A classical elas- to-viscoplastic model is adopted for reinforcing steel which is assumed to have uniaxial properties in the direction of bars. The solution of the semi-discrete equilibrium equations uses the predictor-corrector form of implicit Newmark method CHuQhes.et.al(1979)D which is most suitable for nonlinear tran- sient analysis. The nonlinear dynamic responses at critical locations under aircraft impact are studied. Crack patterns at different times for concrete are observed. The influence of material non1inearitles is found to be more important in the vicinity of the impact zone. The studies presented are capable to prove the effectiveness of containment design and are demonstra- tive to public in a convincing manner for such low probable severe accidents. REFERENCES 1.Y.M.Gupta, L.Seaman(1978), 'Local behavior of reinforced con- crete to missile impacts', Nuclear Engng. and Des., Vol.45, pp 507-514. 2.Kamil, H., Kost, G., Sharpe, R.L., Krutzik, N., and Shankar, S. (1979), 'Analysis of critical structures and contained equipment for aircraft impact loading' SMiRT 5, J9/1, Berlin. 3.Rebora, B., and Zimmermann, T.(1976), 'Dynamic rupture analysis of reinforced concrete shells', Nuc1. Engng. & Des., 37, 269-297.
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