Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-25-1972 The iH lltop 2-25-1972 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-25-1972" (1972). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 43. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/43 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' ... • " Brother reveals facts behind Malcolm's dea.th .411gP.l<1 f rPf> /lOlf'P r .~tr11 ( ·t11rP lllfl,,. l1<ll'P /J(>(>/l JJ<lrl o.f (I l'OllSJ>ir<I<',\' 011 'fo'''' by Dabu (Nairobi) Gizcnga assassinall,rs carrying gu11s run I It was ahout three o'clock -on I ll \\ a rd th c hack of th c A. P. Pr~;,s Release ,1 cold windy Sunday afternoon auditorium still shooting inti' An g1.' IJ Davis. s;r mbol ot v:hcn Malcolm X rose ti) ad­ the er')" d - a man is shl1t in th1..· rl.'sbtancc for thts 1.:ountry's dress a crowd nf four hundred fn11t - pandemonium breaks out - chair~ and tables arc turned Black political prisoners. has Black people gathered to hear been frcc:d on $102.500 bJil. him. "As-Salaam Alaikum." he 11vcr - evcry,,hcrc: pcopk arc running and screaming. T h1.• 28-y1.·a r-o I J Commun IS t said to which the crowd respon­ and for1111.•r UC' LA philosoph) hkcding and cr~ing, . ded ''Walaikum Salaam" just ·instructor smiled' and gavl' a then two men stood up in the Such came Malcolm's dc:ath - t-'d1ruary 21. 1965 at the cltnchl·d fist salute: .1~ ~Ill' audience creating a disturbance. cmc:rg1..•d front till' county 1a1l in ()nc accuses the other of trying Audoban Ballroom. Harkm . Ne\\ York City . Tnday seven Pulo Alto Wcdnl'Sday 111ght. Shl' to pick his pocket. w.1s a I lowed to li:avc: aftl' r Tension rises. Just rhen a man years after his a:-.sassinar inn African people still can nor $2.500 in 1:ash anu $ 100.000 with a shotgun rushes near ·stage surety bond wt:re posted. truthfully answer the question and begins firing point blank at About 75 s11pport1..•rs. Sl)ml· Malcolm. Two other men with ··Wh11 killeJ Malc11l111 X"" \.Va~ it. .ts the: press led many to 1.·lwc:nng. -;01111.·. we1.·r111i;. gn:t'tl'l: pio;tol ru!>h up and unload their 111..·r 111 J drrltling rain ou1s1d1..· till'· heliC'-'1.". agents of the: Nation of gun!> into Malcolm's chest prison_ S lw made: no 1m111cd1:1t: Islam or was it indc:1.•d agents uf Malcolm raises his hand as if to statement. and 1.•nkrcd J c~ir the FBI '' What role did the Ne'' prnrcct himself !>tumbles. and which shortly sped oft. But la ter York Police play in the plot'' tall<. backward onto the stage . that day in San Jose site called :1 \.\'omen scream - people head What forces dcspc:ratcly frlt Co111i11ucd 011 page /] <'OllTi1111ed 011 page - tor the doors. The three • THE DEDICATED TO THE BLACK FACTS ' FOR ONCE AFRICAN PEOPLE KNOW THE TRUTH THEY WILL FIND THEIR WAY TO FREEDOM. · HOWAR.D UNIVERSITY • STUDENT NEWSPAPER • ' THE LARG~ST AND BEST KNOWN BLACK STUDENT PUBLICATION IN THE WORLD Volumn 54, Nu rnber 18 HOWARD UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Febr uary 25, 19'12 • ) " • Cheek issues s ta .ten1e11t~ • Owusu Sadaukai views Malcolm. de11ies tuiton e by lheola (Miller) Do11gla~ Sadaukai said. · I hopL' that one ,\1 the req uest of a g.ro11p of Jay we will be :-.o hu'iy fighting -;tudcnts who met with th1: U1l1 Ov. ti--u S.1dauka1 that we can only givl' honor in f>rc:'>1dc:nt 10 discu_,._,. th'-' question 1 llt1\\J1d Fulkr lro111 \takotm ~ ow light'' he add1.·d. Sadaukai of enrollment and tuition I 1b1.·r;it1on Llnl\'L'ro;11y) caut1on1.-d also mentioned that ti wa., not in ch.1rgl'~ tor foreign '>lUdcnh. the 1 l1l':trl) full •1uu1c111.·l· 111 Rankin • thl' 1ntcre~t of Bln ch. unity to following statement is hc:ing ( 'll.tpL·I WcdnL'!>day nt!!ht to he give honor to Malcolm X at the issued to clarify the Universi ty's . ka1 on the tiling~ Maknlm X c.:x..:lusi.011 of till' llonora bk policy on thcSl' two matters: d llod tor 1n lit\. h111 lh' war) ul ~·li.1ah Muhammad. Il e :.ugg,L"!.tcd There i~ no en10 !111w n1 •JUOla 111.· 1111c' "ho would 1n 1,·rpr... · 1 that it be renwmbt'rl'd that for foreign studl'llh or Jny \1.1kol111 lo 1,1..,trl) th1.·11 own MuhJmmad have: contributed a '>pcc1.11ly identified group of llll'.llb' great tkttl to the black struggle studl.!nts at Howurd University. ThL' L'Vcn1ng ot and was responsible for the There is no differential in L'Ollt inc morn ti on heg:irt wrth thL' awareness of Malcol,1n . tuition costs for lloward ..,howing of two films t•ntitlcd st udents. All students, foreign ''Malcolm X Strugµk for The greatl'T portion of and doml.!stic, pay the tuition Fret•dom" anJ "Malcolm X." cl1a11J!t' in our p<!o/>le .... " Sadaukai's lecture was devoted and fee s established hy the l'he event was sponsored by the Nava 1 battlcslup would be to discussing the manipulation Board ol Trustees for the various of Black people by the "white schools and college.,. Malcolm X Cornm!ltcc whkh is named after Dr. Marlin Luther Dr. Chee/.. ..:om priscd of rcprcsc:ntatives of King. He questioned the logic of hoy." He also discu1iscd the Howard, likt· all universities . .;ampus organization such as wanting to nan11.• an object of di rection that Black people must is experiencing many problems teaching cnvironmenls lor our take. "There must be a because of' its limited financial LAS(', SOBU. MUS A. and W'1r aflL'r a 1nan who took a students and teachers. UJA MMA in conjunction with stand against wars. "The ship resources and physical facilities · Since the turn of thl! ce ntury . · • fu ndaml'ntal change 111 our and constantly rising costs. The various community will undoubtedly be sent to the llowaru University has been people wluch will not occur orga n11at1ons such as the D.C. Indian Ocean to kill Black Board of f rustee., has directed providrrig an education tor without Revolution" he ~aid. H (• Malcolm X Committee and the: people," hc said . that all our programs and Blacl-..s from throughout till' At ncan Nationulist Pl'oplc Party. later addl·d that "the two basic operating procedures be under worlll. When John Gordon Sada u kai con11..·nd1..•d that "The fact that we arc holding thini;c; Black people struggled constant analytical and critical be1.:a me the eighth presidcn I of whites interprett·d Makolm as a a meeting to honor Malco!Jn is a against arc the twin evils of review so that we cun provide the university, he observed in 111:.in who had changed from a co mmcntJry of our times'' racism and impt.!ralism. the best nossible learning and his inau~ural address in 1904 thut narrow minded Black nationalist the U11iversity was "drawing to bd1eving that not all whites young tnen from Cuba, Puerto arc evil. This type: of thinking, Rico, Barbados, T nn1dad ... South Sadaukai felt, Jed to the concept Charter Day to be held next \\'eek America. and Asia and Africa." of "We shall overcome, Black l:arlier. General Oliver Q_ and white together." "We IIOV{ard, one of the University's cannot allow white peok or Press Release Medical Director of l·reedm..:n \, founders and its third prcsidcnl. Gary, Indiana : Dr. R. Frank negroes to use a Black man who Hos pi la I. he i:-, Professor had noilcd 1n his report in 187~ stood for Bla ck people to Howard University will honor Jones of Washin gton . D.C.: and I· merit us of Urology in the that "we have hoped to prcscrvc promote the interest of white thrc:e of its outstanding alumni Hon. James A. \Va<>lungton. Jr., Un1vcrs1ty's College ot Medicine. the cosmopolitan, d1ara ctcr ol peopk ... he said. at the University's annual judge: of the Superior Court •Jf Dr. Jones had taught al Howard the University. drawing out ''hart er Day A wards Dinner the l)i<;trict of Colu111bia , cont1nuouslv since Julv 1930. pupils from al l classes. ('omn1enting on the weakness co m rnc mora ting I he 105th Harvey, who graduated frorn' condition•,, and nationalities." of Black people, SadaukJi anniversary or its founcling. lloward at the top of his cbss In Judge Washin gton, a 1939 lloward University continues suggcsu:ct__rhaL Blacks should .Jesse 0. De dmon. Jr., 1960. is specia l assistant lo the graduate of lloward's Lav. in this tradition today. It is have the guts to take: upon chairman of the 197~ Charter Ma yor. and director. Division of School, served a!> Dean of the cogni1ant of the contributions th1.111scl vcs to honor Ma lcolm Day ( 01nm1uec. announced that Housing and Co111mu ni1) S..:hool of La\\ fro111 \larch 1969 of students from other land:.
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