Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization edited by GRAHAM SHIPLEY JOHN VANDERSPOEL DAVID MATTINGLY LIN FOXHALL Advisory Editors SUSANNA BRAUND AVERIL CAMERON HELENE FOLEY DAVID FURLEY NATALIE BOYMEL KAMPEN BERYL RAWSON DAVID SEDLEY RICHARD SORABJI ROGER WILSON © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, NewYork, Melbourne, Madrid, CapeTown, Singapore, Sa‹ oPaulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, NewYork www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521483131 ß Cambridge University Press 2006 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2006 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-13 978-0-521-48313-1 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-48313-1 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contents List of contributors page vi Editors’preface xv Acknowledgements xvii How to use this book xviii Classified list of headwords xxi Headwords not covered in the Oxford Classical Dictionary xxxii Some technical terms xxxv List of abbreviations xliii Dictionary entries A^Z 1 Sources and acknowledgements for figures 963 v © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors To enable the reader to identify authors fromthe initials appended to entries, names are here ordered, first by final initial, then by first initial, second initial, and so on. Authors with hyphenated surnames are therefore ordered by final initial, not by the first letter of their surname. CA C ATHERINE A THERTON University of California Los Angeles CEPA C OLIN E. P. ADAMS University of Liverpool GSA G REGORY S. ALDRETE University of Wisconsin, Green Bay JJA J EAN-JACQUES A UBERT Universite¤de Neucha“ tel JKA J. K. AITKEN University of Reading KWA K.W.ARAFAT King’s College London SEA S USAN E. ALCOCK Brown University TJA T ANA J. ALLEN Memorial University of Newfoundland AB A NDREW B ARKER University of Birmingham AJLB A LASTAIR J. L. BLANSHARD University of Sydney CGB C HRISTOPHER G. BROWN University of Western Ontario CK-B C LARE F. K ELLY-BLAZEBY University of Leicester DJB D. J. BLACKMAN Oxford HB H UGH B OWDEN King’s College London KB K AI B RODERSEN Universita«t Mannheim MB M ARIA B ROSIUS University of Newcastle uponTyne PA B PATRICIA A. BAKER University of Kent at Canterbury PMB P HILIP B EAGON Hulme Grammar School for Girls, Manchester vi © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors RSB R OGER S. BAGNALL Columbia University SB S USANNA B RAUND Stanford University SMB S TANLEY M. BURSTEIN California State University, Los Angeles ASEC S IMON E SMONDE C LEARY University of Birmingham CC C RAIG C OOPER University of Winnipeg GC G ILLIAN C LARK University of Bristol GLC G ORDON C AMPBELL National University of Ireland, Maynooth JBC B RIAN C AMPBELL The Queen’s University of Belfast JCNC J ON C OULSTON University of St Andrews JDC D UNCAN C LOUD University of Leicester JRCC R OBERT C OUSLAND University of British Columbia KMC K ATHLEEN C OLEMAN Harvard University MJC M ICHAEL J. CARTER Brock University NJC N EIL C HRISTIE University of Leicester PAC PAUL C ARTLEDGE University of Cambridge RBC R. BERTOLI¤N C EBRIA¤N University of Calgary RIC R OBERT I. CURTIS University of Georgia SC S ARAH C URRIE Ashtead, UK AD A NDREW D ALBY St.Coutant,Deux-Se'vres, France DD D AV I D D UNGWORTH English Heritage ED E MMA D ENCH Birkbeck College, University of London HD H AZEL D ODGE Trinity College Dublin JDD J OHN D ILLERY University of Virginia JKD J OHN K. DAV I ES University of Liverpool vii © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors SD S UZANNE D IXON Brisbane, Australia SLD S TEPHEN D YSON State University of NewYork at Buffalo HE H ELLA E CKARDT University of Reading HWE H UGH E LTON British Institute at Ankara MJE M ICHAEL J. EDWARDS Queen Mary, University of London BWF B RUCE W. F RIER University of Michigan CMF C OLIN F ORCEY Portsmouth DJF D AV I D F URLEY Princeton University GF G EORGE F ERZOCO University of Leicester HAF H AMISH F ORBES University of Nottingham HPF H ELENE P. FOLEY Barnard College, Columbia University LF L IN F OXHALL University of Leicester PWF P EDAR W. F OSS DePauw University REF R EBECCA F LEMMING King’s College London AG A LAN M. GREAVES University of Liverpool DWJG D AV I D G ILL University of Wales Swansea KG K EVIN G REENE University of Newcastle uponTyne MDG M ARTIN G OODMAN University of Oxford MG M ONICA G ALE Trinity College Dublin MJG M ARTIN G OALEN Academy Projects LLP,London PMG P ETER G REEN University of Texas at Austin AMH A NGELA M. HEAP Cambridge CH C HRISTOPHER H OWGEGO Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford JH J ANET H USKINSON The Open University viii © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors JRH J. R. HUME University of Calgary KH K ENNETH W. H ARL Tulane University LAH L ISA A. HUGHES University of Calgary MDH M ARK H UMPHRIES National University of Ireland, Maynooth MEH M ARY H ARLOW University of Birmingham MHH M OGENS H ERMAN H ANSEN Copenhagen Polis Centre PRH P HILIP H ARDIE Corpus Christi College, Oxford RBH R. BRUCE H ITCHNER Tufts University, Medford, Mass. RJH J IM H ANKINSON University of Texas at Austin TH T AMAR H ODOS University of Bristol TNH T HOMAS H ABINEK University of Southern California VDH V ICTOR D AV I S H ANSON The Hoover Institute, Stanford University WH WALDEMAR H ECKEL University of Calgary AJ A NTON G. JANSEN Brock University LL- J L LOYD L LEWELLYN-JONES University of Edinburgh MHJ yM. H. JAMESON Stanford University MJ M ARK J OYAL University of Manitoba RLJ R. L. JUDSON Christ Church, Oxford RPD- J R. P.DUNCAN-JONES Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge CSK C. S. KRAUS Yale University DLK D AV I D K ENNEDY University of Western Australia DPK D ENNIS K EHOE Tulane University HK H ELEN K ING University of Reading IK I OANNA K RALLI Hellenic Open University ix © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors LK L AW R E N C E K EPPIE Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow MK M ARC K LEIJWEGT University of Wisconsin ^Madison NBK N ATALIE B OYMEL K AMPEN Barnard College, Columbia University BML B. M. LEVICK St Hilda’s College, Oxford JDeL J ANET D E L AINE University of Reading KL K ATHRYN L OMAS Institute of Archaeology, University College London RJL R OGER L ING University of Manchester RL R AY L AURENCE University of Birmingham DJM D AV I D J. MATTINGLY University of Leicester EACM E IREANN M ARSHALL Open University FMM F IONA M C H ARDY University of Roehampton HBM H AROLD M ATTINGLY Cambridge IM I AN M ORRIS Stanford University JDM J. D. MUHLY University of Pennsylvania JM J USTIN J. MEGGITT University of Cambridge KM K IERAN M C G ROARTY National University of Ireland, Maynooth LGM LYNETTE G. MITCHELL University of Exeter MDM M ARK M ONAGHAN Glasgow MLM M ICHELLE L. MANN University of Leicester MM M ARK M UNN Pennsylvania State University PJEM P HILIP J. E. MILLS University of Leicester WHM W. H . M ANNING Cardiff University WMM W ILLIAM M. MURRAY University of South Florida HSN H ANNE S IGISMUND N IELSEN University of Calgary x © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521483131 - The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization Edited by Graham Shipley, John Vanderspoel, David Mattingly and Lin Foxhall Frontmatter More information Contributors LCN L ISA C.
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