Eighth Series, No.89 Wednesday, March 5,1986 Phalguna,14,1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fifth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs., 50,00 CONTENTS No.9 Wednesday, March 5, 1986{l'hal,un.14, 1901 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers. to Questions : ·Starrod Questions Nos. 144. 146 to 148 and 151 to 154 1-29 Written Answers to Questions: 4tStarred Questions Nos. 143, 145, 149, 150 29-40 and 155 to 163 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1416 to 1417, 1419 to 40.. 183 1455, 1457 to 1517 and 1519 to 1547 Papers Jaid on the Table 192·199 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions Twelfth Report 199 Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Schedu- led Tribes- Reports of Study Tours 199·200 Statement under Rule 199 Shri K.P. Singh Deo 201·205 Personal Explanations under rule 357- (i) Shri D. P. J adeja 208 (ii) Shri Arvind Netam ... 208-209 Business Advisory Committee Twentieth Report ... 2Ie Watters under rule 377 (i) Need to improve working of telecommun~tion system in Kota and Jhalawar distric(s of Rajasthan Shri Juajhar Singh 210-211 (ii) Demand for setting up a chemical-based fertiliser factory in Tikamgarh district of Madhya PradesA Shrimati Vidyavati Chaturvedi ... 211-212 ·The Sian marked above the name td' a Y..... indicatft that the question was actually asked on the floor or the House by that Member. ( ii ) colulIIWs (iii) Demand for lifting ban on filling up existing vacancies and creation of new posts in the P &, T Department Prof. Narain Chand Parashar 212 (iv) Demand for making registration of marriages obligatory Shri Shanti Dhari"'al 212-213 (v) Need to provide more financial assistance to the State Government of Maharashtra for solv- ing drinking water problem in the State Shrimati Usha Choudhari 213-214 (vi) Demand for taking necessary measures to pro- vide facilities to fishermen at Kasaragod Harbour in Kerala. Shri I. Rama Rai 214 (vii) Demand for intervention of Umon Government for lifting lock-out in all on-ioing projects by NBCC management. Sbri Basudeb Acharia 214-215 (viii) Demand for achieving the objectives laid down in the Sixth Five-Year Plan for removal of poverty and un-employment in Bihar Sbri Ramashray Prasad Singh 215·216 (ix) Demand for providing financial assistance for construction of dam across Subansiri river in Assam Shri M.R. Saikia ... 216 Railway Budget, 1986a 87-General Discussion Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 217 ... 219 . Shri Dal Chander Jain 219... 2'21 Shrimati Jayatlti Patnaik ••• 222-224 Shri Dinesh Goswami ... 2l4-129 Shri Vakkom Purushothaman ••• 229·231 Sqri Sharad Diahe ... 231·234 Shrimati Kishori Sinha ... 234 .. 238 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 238.. 241 Shri Kamla Prasad Singh 241-24~ $hri AsJam Sher Khan ••• 245-247 ( iii ) COLUMNS Shri Kailash Yadav 247 .. 248 S hri G. L. Dogra 24&.253 Shri' George Joseph MundackaJ 253·255 Shri Y ogeshwar Prasad Yogesh 255.268 Shri Manvendra Sinzh 258.261 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia 261.264 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 264.267 Shri Sarfaraz Ahmad 267 .. 269 Shri Bapulal Malvlya 269-270 Shri Narayan Choubey 229. 271-274 Shri M ullappally Ramachandran 275·278 Shri Janak Raj Gupta 278·280 Shri Santosh Kumar Singh 280-282 Shri R.S. Khirhar ... 282·283 Shri Mohd. Mahfooz Ali Khan ... 283-286 Shri Mahendra Singh ... 286-290 Shri G .S. Basavaraju 290-292 Shri Uttam Rathod 292·294 Bsgum Akbar Jahan Abdullah ..... 295·296 Shri R.P. Suman 296·299 Shri S.G. Gholap 299·301 Shri Mohd. Ayub Khan 301.303 Dr. A. Kalanidhi 303·307 Ch. Sunder Singh 307-308 Shri KammodilaJ Jatav 309·310 Shri 1. Rama Rai 31()'312 Dr. Datta Samant 312-315 Shri N. Dennis 315-317 Shri Ram pyare Panika 317-321 Shri Gopal Krishna Thota -... 321-323 Shri C.P. Thakur 323-32S Shri Manoj Pandey ... 325-321 Shri Kadambur Janarthanan ... 328-330 5hri Lal Vijay Pratap Singb 33()"332 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. However, to meet functional requirements, the pro- cess of needed organisational restructuring, establishment of appropriate project teams Wednesday, MaTch 5. 1986/ and consolidation of R&D activitie s to Phalguna 14, 1907 (SAKA) meet the programme requirements, will continue. SHRI T. BASHEER : I am very much The Lok S abha me t lit disappointed by the answer given by the Eleven of the Clock hon. Minister that there is no proposal to develop new units under the Vikram [MR. SPEAKER in tire Chair} Sarabhai Space Centre. VSSC is a national ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS centre for research and development in launcher development and related areas of [Elfglish] space technology. It IS a well-known fact that our country is very much in an ad- MR. SPEAKER: Shri H. M. Patel. vanced stage regarding the space science and space technology. So there should be SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: That is development in the space units of our a good ques tion. country. MR. SPEAKER: I thlllk that is why To my information, ISRO Authority he is absent ! has proposed to set up some new Units in Kerala namely Geo-Stationary Launch PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: If Vehicle Station and Liquid Fuel Devlop- you can replace one Chief Minister by ment Unit at Valiyamala near Trivandrum another ChIef Mmister, can put the I where Pollar Satellite Launching Vehicle is question! now working. It is in my Constituency. It is a part of VSSC Unit. MR. SPEAKER: You dId not gh,e me that power. Now recently I carne to underst and that ISRO Authority has changed the De,elopmeot of new units uDder VSSC location of this new Unit proposed at Vahyamala to some other State in the ·144.SHRI T. BASHEER: WIll the country and it is reported in the press PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: also. (a) whether there is any propo sal to I v.ould like to know fronl the hone develop new units under the l\1inister whether the ISR 0 Authorities Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre have taken any decision in this regard. I.· (VSSC) in Kerala; and they wanted to change the location, what is the reason therefor? (b) if so, the details thereof? SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: The THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE hon. Member need not be sorry. We are MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECH- strengthening t he existing units. NOLOGY AND IN THE DEPART- MENTS, OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. MR. SPEAKER: He is only WOf- ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRO- ried! NICS AND SPACE (SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL): (a) and (b) There is no pro- SHRI SHIVRAl V. PATIL: And not posal to develop new units under the establishin& Units. J MAlteR 5, 1116 S.~oDdJy, the statement made by a As far as launchina facility is CODcer- Minister on the Boor of the House is morc ned we are launchina some rockets from reliable than the statement that appears in the Trivandrum Jaunching pad also. But the newspaper. as far as other launching facilities are con- cerned, there are other sites also like In view of the fact that we are streng- Sri Harikota and other places and we are thening our Units, it has not been neces- launching the satellites from there. sary for us to establish new Units. Gover nment does not think that Kerala is not a suitable place for space technoloay As far as the Liquid Propellant System development. is concerned, we are trying to do it at Valiyamalai, by strengthening that Unit MR. SPEAKER; It is one of tbe and other Units also are being strongtbe- suitable places. ned for other purposes. SHRI SURESH KURUP: It is one SHRI T. BASHEER: My second 01 the most suitable places. supplementary is, to my information, the ISRO Authorities have prepared a project DR. CHINTA MOHAN: Is it a report for the development of the ISR 0 fact that the HISTRAC unit of the Spac. Units in the count ry and submitted it to Research Centre at Sriharikota of Andhra the Government. Pradesh is being shifted to Karnataka and if so, what are the reasons for that ? I would like to know from the hone Minister whether Government have appro- SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL; We are ved it and. if so. whft are the details re- not shifting. This is the problem. Res- garding that ? tructuring of the Department is treated as shifting. No facilities which are available SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: I am at Sriharikota are shifted to Bangalore or talking about the decision taken by the any other place. On the contrary we are Government. If some study is instituted strengthening the faci1ities which are alrea- and if some reports are received, that is a dy available there. We have launched different matter. But, as things stand to- the SLV from there and other vehicles also day, we have not taken any decision to are going to be launched from there. establish any new unit in Kerala nor are Diyerslon of Pands Allocated for Speclftc we shifting any unit from Kerala to any Scheme. other State. On the contrary, we are strengthening the existing units o\-er ·146. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY : there. Will the Minister of PLANNING be ple- ased to state: SHRI SURESH KURUP: I want to know and I want to get a specific answer. (a) the names of States which haye I want to know whether the ISRO does diverted trc funds allocated for hill deve- consider Kerala as not at all a suitable lopment, agriculture and rural development place for establishing further satellite and anti-poverty programmes and jf so, for launching stations and if so, the reasons what purpose these funds are being uti- therefor.
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