Baltimore Blue Book

Baltimore Blue Book

^.^^A- HilJ^ls PIANO FORTES Uneflnalleii in Tone, Toncli, WortmanstiiD M DnraMlity. SECOND-HAND PIANOS, A large stock at all prices constantly on hand, comprising some of our own make, but slightly used. Sole Agents for the Celebrated SMITH AMERICAN ORGANS. WILLIAM KNABE & CO. Baltimore, 22 and 24 East Baltimore Street. New York, 148 Fifth Ave. Washington, 817 Market Space. G. H. MUMM & CO. Q^fra ©ry. x + O Great Vintage of 1884. Pronounced by connoisseurs the Champagne par excellence and the finest in years. P. A. MUMM, Frankfort-on-Main, Rhine Moselle Wines, Part owner of the Johannisberg. J. CALVERT & CO., Bordeaux. Clarets ^ Burgundies, ' Holders of large and carefully selectedelected stock of Red and White Bordeaux and Burgundyidy Wines in Bulk and Cases. FRED'K de BARY & CO., New York, Sole Agents in the United States and Canada. 1 16 Commerce STREET, BALTIMORE, MB. Have constantly in stock Champagnss, of all the papular brands. ClarBts, SautBTnes, Hocks and EurgundiBs. ShBTTiBS, Ports and Madeiras. English Mies, Brnwn Stout, and GingEr RIb, Minsral UlatBrs, Salad Oils, Etc. Etc. Moet ^ ©ftan4on ©^ampagnexi) g^TTIue DIAMONDS. WATCHES, Silver and Plated Ware Fine China. ARTISTIC JEWELRY, Set with Diamonds and other Precious Gems. : WEDDING PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. WELSH <Sc BRO. 5 East Baltimore Street, near Charles, Baltimore, Md. Branch of A. Meyer's Sons, New York. ROBERT MEYER, Manufacturing Optician, 215 N. Charles St. Baltimore, Md. Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all peculiarities of sight. The filling of Oculist's Prescriptions a specialty. U/amsley |^(^du/(^ll, ^ Importers and Dealers in COSTUMES, WRMPS, CLOi^KS VELVETS, SILKS, FINE DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, LACES, RIBBONS, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, ETC. No. 325 NORTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. HRTON, S^oSe/'ef-Mar^teaug, 823 A^orih Hofpard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. FRENCH. IMPORTERS. %. (i« -BmmmmmwM % o@« Importers and Retailers of SILKS, DRESS GOODS, LACES, SHAWLS, LINENS AND DOMESTICS, No, 16 NORTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. - %%.%o^maii&^.^ ^ ^- -^-^^ ' i:^ »— "l/^hmmmhk AND DEALERS IN 67> is: re. £• T'C. )V W. COR. CHARLES & READ STS., BAL TIMORE, Ch Ci a^/ec S^ ^URiroN's jy sgv y^ -^=^6?^ li^a/i^i-'HaC'U, — K& CHARLES AND MOUNT ROYAL AVENUE, BALTIMORE. : ELOCUTIO NIST.^ Private and Class Lessons in DEEP BREATHING, VOICE CULTURE^^GESTURE, DRAMATIC EXPRESSION, -^XH-X-J- HouRS : 9 to 12.30 A. M. 2 to 4 p. m. ROOMS 311 Korth Charles Streetf Baltimore, First-class References and Testimonials. 1865, Telephone No. 132. THE ELEVATOR COAL. FANCY WOOD )/^AT->.y;-p. r^ r^ i LUMP (.1 A U Y AV I (] J AND Office, No. 2 N. Charles St., Cor. Baltimore St. ALL KINDS OF EMBROIDERY. Wlcir)ir)(2r ^f0s, C>f0:rr)pers)pers • crr)^0:r)(2l • ](§)esiqr)ei®s^](§)esi( 11® W. ISexirj^for) Sfpcef. (NEE HALLIDAY) yo. 329 JfT. Charles Street, 2d I>oor South of Pleasant, ^BALTIMORE, MD.-^^^ Novelties in Choice Cut Flowers, Decorative Plants. FLORAL DESIGNS FURNISHED PROMPTLY. 318 N. CHARLES STREET. Novelties in Klioice Gut Flowers, Decorative Plauts. lAMES PENTLAND, JV^s No. 326 N. CHARLES STREET. BOUQU ETS, X CUTxFLOWERSx AN Dx DESIGNS. Decorations a Specialty. Systematized JVIassage I'reatirient. -^ ^ -=dr- Methodical Muscle Exercise, Swedish Movement, Health Gymnastics, the Whole Range of Masso- Therapeutics Covered. The system of Massage administered by many European practitioners has drawn crowds to them and afforded relief to great numbers of sufferers, while in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other cities Massage as a remedial and curative agent has become, during the last few years, to be recognized. Baltimore, therefore, should support an institution which has for its object Massage given in a scientific, thorough and interesting manner. H. W. ROWLAND, Masso-Therapeutist. 216 N, Charles St, M YERS & HE DIAN, No- 2 14- North Charles Street, ^AIMHIINGS, eilGHINGS, Sl^AHlUAI^Y, Bl^I6-A-Bl^A6 AND OTHER ARTICLES OF VALUE. ^^~Vou are invited to visit our grand and spacious Galleries. ""©ft * * Manufacturer and Designer of ETCHINGS, ENQEAVINGS AND WATEE COLOES, FINE PICTURE FRAMES. 206 N. (Sharks Street, BALTIMOilE. (i)cftrieiiLer ^ iJucftA, E/nporiu/n of pipe f\r\:, ^ No. 1 7 E. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. B. e. measBAO}. * * In Classes or Separately, 341 ;N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. JAMES FUGLE & CO. :k^ Cloaks, Costumes, Riding Habits, Fars, Dress Goods, Trimmings, 224 Sc 226 N. Charles Street. BALTIMOUE, MD. ^^"Prompt attention to Wedding Outfits and Mourning Orders. •^ * imPORTGRSOHSPGCIALTIGS EVENING, VISITING AND STREET COSTUMES. 212 N. Charles St., Six Doors Above Lexington, J. Needles & Son, ^ -^ ^ Linen, Lace, White Eoois and Embroiiery Store, _:^'E>RY Goods Retailers. >^ BALTIMORE, MD. ^ ^ GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, LACES, TASSELS. ^^SISCO BROS.:k^ 2i8 N. Charles Street - - Baltimore, Md. -«<IM. FRMNKLIN,t>«- MILLINERY^AND<>FANCY^EDDDS, No. 20 Lexington Street, BALTIMORE:, MD. # M. 9. MerrifF, fODISfPE, No. 341 N. CHARLES ST., BALTItvIORB;, MD. ME. LOUISE GRANGER, JY^ "^""^^"wo-nt or HUMAN HAIR GOODS, ^WIGS, BEAID3, CUELS, ETC.-J* No. S42 JV, Howard Street, near JLehnian's Hall, Baltimore, Md. J^^ Ladies' and children's hair cut and dressed in the most becoming and latest styles. fealiody Symphony Orchestra. Fifth Regiinent Bani . ^^ADAIVl itzel,:j^^ CONDUCTOR AND MANAGER. Parlor * Drchestra * for * Sncial * EntBrtainniBnts, No. 605 North Calvert Street. Baltimore, Md. Academy of Music, Holliday-Street Theatre, Lyceum Theatre Orchestras. : ©QiefeY WisitiiHg Liisti 1 889 AND 1890 BALTIMORE, MD. Miss REMINGTON PRICE, $2.00 BALTIMORE THOS. E. LYCETT & CO. 311 N. Charles Street, F ^ PREFACE. It is hoped that an indulgent pubHc will pardon all errors and omissions, and by calling attention to them through Mr. Lycett, Publisher, corrections will be made in next edition. Society Visiting List. A Abell, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F Woodburn Av. Abell, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W 1225 Madison Av. Abell, Mr. & Mrs. Walter R Baltimore & South Sts. Abell Abell Acklen, Mr. William 107 Chase St. East. Acosta, Mrs. Mary C 516 Cathedral St. Acosta, Miss " " " Adair, Mr. Harry H 23 Mt. Vernon PI. East. Adams, Dr. Herbert B 1025 Cathedral St. Adams, Miss Elizabeth Chase & Calvert Sts. Adkins, Mr. William H 417 Charles St. North. Adler, Prof. C 203 Franklin St. West. Adreon, Mr. & Mrs. Harrison 223 North Av. East. Agnus, Mr. & Mrs. Felix 1616 Eutavv PI. Agnus, Miss " " " Albaugh, Mr. & Mrs. John W 2023 Madison Av. Albaugh, Mr. John W., Jr " " « Albert, Mrs. William J 702 Cathedral St. Albert, Mr " «' «< Albert, Mr. Augustus A. J 887 Park Av. SOCIETY VISITING 1 1ST. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mt. Vernon Hotel. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. J. Taylor Albert, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob (Mt. Vernon Hotel), res. Govanstown. Albert, Mr, & Mrs. Richard S Mt. Vernon Hotel. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. Talbot J 702 Cathedral St. Albert, Mr " Albert, Mr. & Mrs. James 7 W. Chase St. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. Lowery Mt. Vernon Hotel. Albert, Miss 1 109 Charles St. North. Albert, Miss Fannie 887 Park Av. Albert, Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Lanvale St. Allen, Miss Susan W 24 Biddle St. West. Allmand, Mr. John O'G 7 Franklin St. West. Allnutt, Mrs. Margaret 141 2 Bolton St. Allnutt, Misses " " " Allnutt Alricks, Mrs. Francis W 10 Chase St. East. Alricks, Miss 209 Madison St. West. Ambler, Mr. & Mrs. James M 211 Madison St. West. Ames, Mr. & Mrs. Minor T Anderson, Mrs. C. M 612 Hoffman St. West. Anderson, Mr *' " " Anderson, Miss " " " Anderson, Mr. James M 723 Calvert St. North. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert " " " Anderson, Mrs. Jane Altamont Hotel. Anderson, Mrs. C. M 612 Howard St. North. Anderson, Mrs. S. C 1214 Eutaw PI. SOCIETY VISITING LIST. y Anderson, Miss Meta 1214 Eutaw PI. Andrews, Gen'l & Mrs. R. Snowden 107 North Av, West. Andrews, Miss Louisa " " •.' Andrews, Mr. Charles Lee " " " Andrews, Misses Mt. Vernon Hotel. Andrews, Mr. Olivera 621 St. Paul St. Andrews, Miss S. Page 871 Park Av. Andrews, Miss Hannah B 823 Eutaw St. North. Andrews, Mr. & Mrs Appold, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. J 1026 Charles St. North. Appold, Misses " " " Appold, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. N 1607 Linden Av. Appold, Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel 904 Calvert St. North. Appold, Mr. Samuel " " " Archer, Mrs 1830 St. Paul St. Archer, Misses " " «' Archer, Mr. George 716 Charles St. North. Archer, Mr. Henry W 6 Centre St. East. Archer, Misses Belair, Harford Co. Archibald, Mrs 21 12 Oak St. Armistead, Mr. George 519 Charles St. North. Armistead, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Mt. Vernon Hotel. Armistead, Mr. & Mrs. John 1 11 Preston St. West. Armistead, Mr. & Mrs. Ryan 1219 Calvert St. North. Armistead, Miss (absent) 1227 Park Av. Armour, Mrs. Deborah 615 St. Paul St. Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. M 1 107 St. Paul St. Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. H. G 21 15 Oak St. 8 SOCIETY VISITING LIST Armstrong, Miss 21 15 Oak St. Armstrong, Mrs. J. N 926 Calvert St. North. Armstrxjng, Mrs. Agnes L 1214 Eutaw PI. Atkinson, Dr. & Mrs. Archibald 2101 Maryland A v. Atkinson, Dr. & Mrs. I. E 605 Cathedral St. Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. .(Europe), Mt. Vernon Hotel. Atkinson, Miss " " «< Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Mathew S 1023 Calvert St. North. Atkinson, Dr. & Mrs. Robert 1021 Cathedral St. Atkinson, Mrs. James 817 Park Av. Atkinson, Mrs. A 2101 Maryland Av. Atkinson, Miss Maggie 13 Franklin St. East. Atkinson, Miss Louisa D 1214 Eutaw PI. Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. G 621 St. Paul St. Atkinson, Miss *' " •' Atkinson, Miss Loulie '• Tivertonia," Druid Hill Park. Austen, Mrs 406 Cathedral St. Austen, Miss M. L « *« '• 3 SOCIETY VISITING LIST. 1 Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. David L 16 Mt. Vernon PI. West. Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. E. L 161 5 Eutaw PI. Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. B 16 Read St. West. Bartlett, Miss 1615 Eutaw PI. Barton, Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Pikesville. Barton, Dr. Boiling " Basshor, Mrs. Thos. C 1 329 Linden Av. " Basshor, Miss May " " Basshor, Mr. Hazel " " " Baugher, Mrs. (Europe) Baugher, Misses *' Baughman, Mrs.

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