1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2691 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 2,100 ot her railroad employees of the Third hurt almost beyond endurance by the Congressional District of Michigan, opposing dark inscrutable mysteries of life. So Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private St. Lawrence seaway project; to the Commit­ shall we be men in the highest and bills and resolutions were introduced and tee on Foreign Affairs. noblest sense, and grow stronger e8,ch severally referred as follows: 603 . Bv the SPEAKER: Petition of the Board o{ Supervisors of Erie County, Buffalo, day in the strength of God's spirit. By Mr. O'HARA: N. Y., petitioning consideration of their reso­ Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. H. R. 4219. A bill for the relief of Nora lution with reference to the Townsend na­ NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER Snow; to the Committee on Claims. tional-recovery plan; to the Committee on H. R. 4220. A bill for the relief of Earl H. Ways and Means. The Secretary (Edwin A. Halsey) read Snow; to the Committee on Claims. 604. Also, petition of the city of Minne­ the following letter: By Mr. RANDOLPH: apolis, Minn., petitioning consideration of UNITED STATES SENATE, H. R. 4221. A bill for the relief of Charlotte their resolution with reference to the Upper E. Hunter; to the Committee on the District President pr o tempore, Mississippi River harbor; to the Committee Washington, D. C., March 31, 1941. of Columbia. on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. ROLPH: To the Senate: 605. Also, petition of the city of Minneapo­ Being temporarily absent from the Senate, H. R. 4222. A bill for the relief of Jose M. lis, Minn., petitioning consideration of their Arrias, also known rs Joseph P. Arrias; to the I appoint Hon. LISTER HILL, a Senator from resolution with reference to extending the the State of Alabama, to perform the duties Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ Guffey-Vincent Act for 2 years; to the Com­ tion. of the Chair during my absence. mittee on Ways and Means. PAT HARRISON, 606. Also, petition of the Painting and Dec· President pro tempore. orating Contractors of America, Philadelphia, PETITIONS, ETC. Pa., petitioning consideration of their reso­ Thereupon, Mr. HILL took the chair as Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions lution with reference to national-defense acting Pre-sident pro tempore. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk work; to the Committee on the Judiciary. THE .· JOURNAL 607. Also, petition of the Associated Gen­ and referred as follows: eral Contractors of America, Inc., washing­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by 594. By 1\lr. CULLEN: Petition of the Legis­ ton, D. C., petitioning consideration of their unanimous consent, the reading of the lature of the State of New York, urging the resolution with reference to defense con­ Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ Federal Government of the United States to struction; to the Committee on Ways and dar day of Thursday, March 27, 1941, make available from funds appropriated, or Means. to be appropriated, for defense purposes a 608. Also, petition of the Forward Trinity was dispensed with, and the Journal was sum adequate to carry out a program of mili­ Valley Association, Romayor, Tex., petitioning approved. tary highway construction to the extent con­ consideration of their resolution with refer­ CALL OF THE ROLL sidered imperative for the safety and security ence to flood control; to the Committee on of the State and Nation; to the Committee on Flood Control. Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence Military Affairs. 609. Also, petition of the National Federa­ of a quorum. 595. By Mr. FORAND: Resolution of Eugene tion of Post Office Clerks, Local No. 81, Pitts­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Perry Post, No. 332, Veterans of Foreign Wars burgh, Pa:, petitioning consideration of their pore. The clerk will call the roll. of the United·States, of Providence, R.I., for resolution with reference to Senate bill 220 The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the establishment of officers' traininG school and House bill 1057, with reference to estab­ the following Senators answered to their for Negro candidates; to the Committee on lishing the principle of longevity pay in the names: Military Affairs. Postal Service; to the Committee on the Post Adams Gerry Radcliffe 596. By Mr. GERLACH: Resolution adopted Office and Post Roads. Aiken Gillette Reed by the Senate of the State of Pennsylvania, 610. By Mr. MOSE-R.: Petition of the Sen­ Andrews Glass Reynolds voicing their opposition to the proposed St. ate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Austin Green Russell Lawrence Waterway power project; to the memorializing the Congress of the United Bailey Guffey Sheppard Committee on Foreign Affairs. States not to approve or authorize the con­ Ball Gurney Shipstead 597. By Mr. JOHNSON of California: Pe­ Bankhead Hatch Smathers struction of the proposed St. Lawrence sea­ Barbour Hayden Smith tition of Alice M. Ebright and 93 others, all way project; to the Committee on Foreign Barkley Hill Stewart residents of Long Beach, Calif., making an Affairs. Bone Holman Taft appeal to the President and the Congress of Brooks Hughes Thomas, Idaho the United States, that legislation be adopted Bulow Kilgore Thomas, Okla. forthwith designed to make more effeciive the Burton La Follette Thomas, Utah laws t hat will stop the shipment of any Butler Langer Tobey SENATE Byrd Lee Truman supplies to Japan which will in any way aid Byrnes McCarran Tunnell her in waging her war against China; to the MoNDAY, MARCH 31, 1941 Capper McNary Tydings Committee on Foreign Affairs. Caraway Maloney Vandenberg 598. By Mr. JONES: Petition of the Piqua Clark, Idaho Murdock Van Nuys Townsend Club, No. 4, of Piqua, Ohio, A. L. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ Connally Murray Wallgren Brooks, president, and Ed Stengel, secretary, lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: Danaher Norris Wheeler favoring the enactment of the Townsend Davis O'Mahoney White o Thou, whose going forth is prepared Ellender Overton Wiley bill (H. R. 1036); to the Committee on Ways George Pepper Willis and Means. as the morning, whose judgments are as 599. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Res­ clear as the light: Draw near unto us, we Mr. ADAMS. I announce that my col­ olut ion adopted by the Legislature of the beseech Thee, and keep us faithful to league the junior Senator from Colorado State of New York, petitioning the Federal the trust Thou hast imposed on us, lest [Mr. JOHNSON] is absent from the Senate Government for funds to carry out a pro­ our goodness be as the morning cloud because of a death in his family. gram of military highway construction to and as the early dew that goeth away. Mr. BARKLEY. I announce that the the extent considered imperative for the Let the blessings of Thy wisdom and safety and security of the State and Nation; Senator from Mississippi [Mr. BILBO], to the Committee on Military Affairs. guidance be upon our President, Vice the Senator from Michigan [Mr. BROWN], 600. By Mr. KEOGH: Memorial of the Leg­ Pre-sident, the Congress, the judiciary, the Se:...ator from Nevada [Mr. BuNKER], islature of the State of New York, favoring and every servant of the Republic; give the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. CHAN­ Federal funds from funds appropriated, or to us grace sufficient not only to confess our DLER], the Senator from New Mexico be appropriated, for defense purposes, a sum sins but to forsake them; make us strong [Mr. CHAVEZ], the Sanator from Missouri adequate to carry out a program of military enough to overcome whatever difficul­ [Mr. CLARK], the Senator from California h ighway construction to the extent con­ ties may confront us; grant that our side·red imperative for the safety and security [Mr. DowNEY], the Senator from Iowa of the State of New York and Nation; to the cheerfulness may gladden others; give [Mr. HERRING], the Senator from Illi­ Committee on Military Affairs. to us faith that will make real the things nois [Mr. LucAs], tqe Senator from Ari­ 601. By Mr. LYNCH: Resolution of the of God, hope that will remove all anx­ zona [Mr. McFARLAND], and the Senator Legislature of the State of New York, me­ ious fears, and love that will conquer from Wyoming [Mr. SCHWARTZ] are de-· morializing Congress to provide funds for eve:·y form of hate. tained on important public business. defense purposes, a sum adequate to carry out a program of military highway con­ Help each one of us to realize that life The Senator from Mississippi [Mr. struction to the extent considered imperative is made blessed, not in doing the things HARRISON], the Senator from Virginia for the safety and security of the Nation: we like to do but in liking the things we [Mr. GLAss], the Senator from Tennessee to the Committee on Military Affairs. have to do if we would help to heal the [Mr. McKELLAR], the Senators from New 602. By Mr. SHAFER of Michigan: Peti­ breaking hearts of those about us and York [Mr. MEAD and Mr. WAGNER], the tion of Hugh Durham and approxilnatelf bring courage to those who have been Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. 2692· CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 31 WALSH], and the Senator from Arkansas first hand, the affairs and conditions here, AWARDS OF CONTRACTS FOR THE ARMY [Mr. MILLER] are necessarily absent. and advocating the passing of legislation beneficial to the Territory, and showing in A letter from the Secretary of War, re­ Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the every possible manner, his love and "aloha" porting, pursuant to law, relative to divisions Senator from California [Mr.
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