1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 179 By 1\Ir. HAMILTON of Iowa: -Petition of citizens of Blakes­ SENATE. burg, Iowa, favoring legislation to provide pension for the United States Military Telegraph Corps of the United States MoNDAY, Deoernber 14, 1fJ08. Army during civil war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. By Mr. HAMMOND : Petition of M. Leatherman and others, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale. against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District. of Colum­ Mr. BENJAMIN R. TILLMAN, a Senator from the State of bia)-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. South Carolina, appeared in his seat to-day. · By Mr. HARDWICK : Papers to accompany bills for relief of The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ sureties of E. J. O'Connor and J. B. Schweers-to the Commit­ ings of Thursday last, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by tee on Claims. unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. By Mr. HAYES : Petition of C. H. Parker, for legislation to The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands approved. effectively exclude inassimilable Asiatics-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. ELECTORAL VOTES. Also, petition of Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, for The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica~ legislation appropriating $500,000 for a new marine hospital at tion from ·the Secretary of State, transmitting certified copies San Francisco-to the Committee on Public Buildings and of the final ascertainment of electors for President and Vice­ Groundi · President fo.r the States of North Carolina, Vermont, Illinois, By 1\Ir. HEPBURN: Petition of citizens of Clarinda, Page West Virginia, South Dakota, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, County, Iowa, against Senate bill 3940, entitled "An act for Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, Missouri, and Maryland, which, proper observance of Sunday as a day of rest in the District of with the accompanying papers, was ordered to be filed. Columbia "-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. HOWARD : Papers to accompany bill for the relief POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND. of Elizabeth C. Galloway, deceased-to the Committee on War The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Claims. tion from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, trans­ By Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey·: Petition of Asiatic Exclu­ mitting, in response to a resolution of 1\Iarch 27, 1908, a complete sion League, for more stringent laws for exclusion of Asiatics­ report upon the policemen and firemen's relief fund, together to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. with a draft of proposed legislation for the reorganization of By 1\Ir. HULL of Iowa: Petition against enactment of S. the entire system for pension and relief for the police and fire 3940-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. departments of the District of Columbia, which, with the accom­ By Mr. LANDIS: Petition of citizens of Onaway, Mich., panying paper, was referred to the Committee on the District against Johnston bill ( S. 3940), providing for religious legisla­ of Columbia and ordered to be printed. tion in the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the Dis­ trict of Columbia. CLAIMS OF POSTMASTERS. By Mr. MADDEN: Petition of citizens of Chicago, Ill., favor­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ ing the pensioning of members of the Military Telegraphers' tion from the Postmaster-General, stating that, pursuant to law, Corps in civil war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. he had transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representa­ By l\Ir. MANN: Petition of Commercial Club of Chicago, ti•es a report of the action taken during the year ended June 30, favoring increase of salaries of federal judges-to the Com­ 1908, upon claims of postmasters for credit or reimbursement, mittee on the Judiciary. or on account of losses resulting from burglary, fire, or other Also, petition of Veteran Army of Philippines, for legislation unavoidable casualties, etc., which was referred to the Commit­ making August 13 a legal holiday, to be known as " Occupation tee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads and ordered to be printed. Day "-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MARSHALL: Petition of citizens of North Dakota, CADMUS B. CRABILL. against any parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Office and Post-Roads. tion from the Postmaster-General, stating that he had trans­ By l\fr. MAYNARD: Paper to accompany bill for relief of mitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives the claim heirs of Samuel Tucker-to the Committee on War Claims. of Cadmus B. Crabill, postmaster at South Bend, Ind., for the By Mr. NICHOLLS : Petitions of Sanker & Williams, J. A. credit of $18,653.50 on account of postage stamps lost by burglary Eberts & Co., and J. 0. Ackerman, of Scranton, Pa., for removal November 15, 1908, which was referred to the Committee on of duty on raw and refined sugars-to the Commitee on Ways Post-Offices and Post-Roads and ordered to be printed. and Means. By Mr. NYE: Petition of citizens of Minneapolis, Minn., CHAMBERLAIN ( S. DAK.) INDIAN SCHOOL. against enactment of the Johnston Sunday bill (S. 3940)-to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Committee on the District of Columbia. tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a supple­ By Mr. PATTERSON: Paper to accompany bill for relief of mental report as to the disposition of nonreservation Indian heirs of William Carley-to the Committee on War Claims. schools, particularly with reference to the Indian school at By Mr. RYAN: Petition of Plimpton, Cowan & Co., of Buffalo, Chamberlain, S. Dak., etc., which, with the accompanying paper, N.Y., for the removal of duty from raw and refined sugars-to was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered the Committee on Ways and Means. to be printed. - By Mr. SHERl\IAN: Petition of A. Ethridge Company, of REPORT OF BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. Rome, N. Y., favoring removal of duty from raw and refined sugars-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The VICE-PRESIDEN'..r laid before the. Senate a communica­ By Mr. STURGISS: Petition of Elkins Board of Trade, favor­ tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting the eighteenth ing Senate bill 4825, providing for Appalachian and White annual report of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification for Mountain National Forest Reserves-to the Committee on Agri­ the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, which was referred to the culture. Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed. By l\fr. VREELAND: Petition of residents of Delevan, N. Y., DANIEL K. PONDER V. UNITED STATES. against Senate bill 3940, entitled "An act for proper observance The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ of Sunday as a day of rest in the District of Columbia "-to the tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmit­ Committee on the District of Columbia. ting a certified copy of the findings of fact found by the court in Also, petition of residents of Jamestown, N. Y., favoring the the cause of Daniel K. Ponder v. United States, which, with the enactment of the Bacon original-package bill, the Tirrell bill, accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims etc.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. and ordered to be printed. By Mr. WASHBURN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Charles W. Clark-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of Colum­ Browning, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed bia)-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the bill (S. 5473) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy in By 1\lr. WILSON of Pennsylvania: Petition of Rear-Admiral certain cases to mitigate or remit the loss of rights of citizen­ H. F. Pickering Naval Garrison, No.4, of Erie, Pa., favoring re­ ship imposed by law upon deserters from the naval service, tirement of petty officers and enlisted men of the navy after with an amendment, in which it requested the concurrence of twenty-five years of actual service-to the Committee on Naval the Senate. Affairs. The message also announced that the House had passed the Also, petition of John A. German and 24 others, of Williams­ joint resolution (S. R. 78) establishing the boundary line port, Pa., against S. 3940 (religious legislation in the District between the States of Colorado and Oklahoma and the Terri­ of Columbia)-to the Committee on the District of Colu~bia. tory of New Mexico. 180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DEOEl\fBER 14, The message further announced that the House had passed praying for the enactment of legislation providing for an appli­ the following bills, in which it requested the concurrence of the cation of the illiteracy test for immigrants and remonstrating Senate: · against any modification of the present immigration law, H. R. 6145 . .An act to refund to the Territory of Hawaii the which was referred to the Committee on Immigration. amount expended in maintaining light-house service on its coast He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Washing­ from the time of the organization of the Territory until said ton, D. C., praying for the enactment of legislation providing light-house service was taken over by the Federal Government; for a high-pressure water system for the District of Columbia, H.
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