CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING Physics of Engineering Curriculum Guide Pacing Guide Chapter 1: What is Engineering?, 2 weeks Physics of Engineering is a full Chapter 2: Engineering Design, 2 weeks year course that meets on a rotating basis for three (3) 55- Chapter 3: Defining Problems and Brainstorming, 2 weeks minute blocks and one (1) 40- minute block for every five (5) Chapter 4: Researching Designs, 2 weeks day cycle. Chapter 5: Communicating Solutions, 2 weeks Chapter 6: Modeling, Testing, and Final Outputs, 2 weeks Chapter 7: Materials Engineering, 2-3 weeks Chapter 8: Electrical Engineering Chapter 9: Civil Engineering, 2 weeks Chapter 10: Mechanical Engineering, 3 weeks Chapter 11: Bioengineering, 2 weeks Chapter 12: Computer Engineering, 2 weeks Chapter 13: Aerospace Engineering, 2 weeks Chapter 14: Manufacturing Engineering, 2 weeks Chapter 15: Chemical Engineering, 2 weeks Chapter 16: Engineering as a Profession, 2 weeks Henry P. Becton Regional High School July 2018 Page 1 of 21 CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING 21st Century Skills Standards: 9.1 Personal Finance Literacy 9.1.12.A.3: Analyze the relationship between various careers and personal earning goals. 9.1.12.A.4: Identify a career goal and develop a plan and timetable for achieving it, including educational/training requirements, costs, and possible debt 9.1.12.B.1: Prioritize financial decisions by systematically considering alternatives and possible consequences. 9.1.12.C.4: Determine the relationships among income, expenses, and interest. 9.1.12.E.4: Evaluate how media, bias, purpose, and validity affect the prioritization of consumer decisions and spending. 9.1.12.E.5: Evaluate business practices and their impact on individuals, families, and societies. 9.1.12.F.2: Assess the impact of emerging global economic events on financial planning. 9.2 Career Awareness 9.2.12.C.1: Review career goals and determine steps necessary for attainment. 9.2.12.C.5: Research career opportunities in the United States and abroad that require knowledge of world languages and diverse cultures. Technology Standards 8.1.12.A.2: Produce and edit a multi-page digital document for a commercial or professional audience and present it to peers and/or professionals in that related area for review. 8.1.12.A.4: Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, and use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results. Henry P. Becton Regional High School July 2018 Page 2 of 21 CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING Interdisciplinary Connections Sciences: Forming hypothesis, states of matter, scientific observations and experiments, the periodic table, magnetism, chemical compounds, mass, weigh, and gravity. Math: Converting fractions to decimals, triangles, Pythagorean theorem, calculations with circles, scientific notation, trigonometric functions, matrices, ratios and scale. History: Engineering design in history, history of drafting, history of reverse engineering, history of batteries, history of biological engineering, electrical engineering in history, municipal water system engineering, computer engineering in history, aerospace engineering in history. NJSLS Career Ready Practices – These practices are CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. demonstrated throughout the CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. curriculum CRP5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. CRP6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. CRP7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CRP9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. CRP10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals. CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. Henry P. Becton Regional High School July 2018 Page 3 of 21 CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications Gifted and Talented English Language Learners Students with Disabilities Students at Risk of School Failure (content, process, product and Modifications for Classroom: (appropriate accommodations, Modifications for Classroom: learning environment) Modifications for instructional adaptations, and/or Ask students to restate Extension Activities: Homework/Assignments modifications as determined by the information, directions, and Conduct research and provide Modified assignments. IEP or 504 team) assignments. presentation of mathematical Modifications for Classroom: Repetition and practice. topics. Extended time for assignment Ask students to restate Model skills / techniques to be Design surveys to generate and completion as needed. information, directions, and mastered. analyze data to be used in assignments. Extended time to complete class discussion. Use graphing calculator. Repetition and practice. work. Use of higher level questioning Model skills / techniques to be Provide copy of class notes. techniques. Highlight formulas. mastered. Preferential seating to be Provide assessments at a higher Extended time to complete class mutually determined by the level of thinking. work. student and teacher. Provide copy of class notes. Students may request books Preferential seating to be online, on tape/CD, as available mutually determined by the and appropriate. student and teacher. Assign peer helper in the class Students may request books setting. online, on tape/CD, as available Provide oral reminders and check and appropriate. student work during independent Assign peer helper in the class work time. setting. Assist student with long and short Provide regular parent / school term planning of assignments communication Provide regular parent / school Provide oral reminders and check communication. student work during independent Assign peer helper in the class work time. setting. Assist student with long and short Provide oral reminders and check term planning of assignments student work during independent Modifications for Homework work time. Henry P. Becton Regional High School July 2018 Page 4 of 21 CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING Extended time to complete Assist student with long and short assignments. term planning of assignments Student requires more complex Modifications for Homework assignments to be broken up and Extended time to complete explained in smaller units, with assignments. work to be submitted in phases. Student requires more complex Provide the student with clearly assignments to be broken up and stated (written) expectations and explained in smaller units, with grading criteria for assignments. work to be submitted in phases. Modification for Assessments Provide the student with clearly stated (written) expectations and Extended time on classroom tests grading criteria for assignments. and quizzes. Modification for Assessments Student may take / complete tests Extended time on classroom tests in an alternate setting as needed. and quizzes. Restate, reread, and clarify Student may take / complete tests directions/questions. in an alternate setting as needed. Distribute study guide for Restate, reread, and clarify classroom tests. directions/questions. Distribute study guide for Establish procedures for classroom tests. accommodations / modifications for assessments. Establish procedures for accommodations / modifications for assessments. Henry P. Becton Regional High School July 2018 Page 5 of 21 CARLSTADT-EAST RUTHERFORD REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PHYSICS OF ENGINEERING CONTENT: Chapter 1 Theme: What is Engineering? Essential Questions: What is engineering? What is the role of engineers? What are the different disciplines of engineering? What is the history of engineering? How is Engineering related to the study of Physics? Content (As a result of this learning Skills (As a result of this learning Assessments (The above Essential Standards: segment, students will know…) segment, students will be able to…) Questions will be assessed with the HS-ETS1-1 A,B, and C following formative and summative HS-ETS1-2 What is engineering and the role Students will be able to define measures:) HS-ETS1-3 of engineers engineering. HS-ETS1-4 Types of knowledge Identify and describe the types of Homework Time Frame: Different disciplines of knowledge used by engineers. Warm up exercises 2 weeks engineering List the roles that make an Exit Tickets Materials: History of engineering engineering team. Group activities Textbooks: 2014 Ryan A. Brown, How is Engineering related to the List several engineering Section quizzes Engineering Fundamentals Design, study of Physics? disciplines. Chapter tests Principles, and Careers by G-W Summarize the historical Cumulative tests Publisher ISBN: 978-1-61960-220-5 developments in engineering. Projects / Presentations 2005 Zitzewitz, Physics, Principles Connect Physics to Engineering Labs and Problems by Glenco Publisher Midterm exam ISBN: 978-0-07845813-7 Final Exam Workbook Activity 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 Workbook ISBN: 978-1-61960-227-4
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