JAMES O. EASTLAND. MISS.. CHAIRMAN OLIN D. JOHNSTON, S.C. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, ILL. JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. SAM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C. KENNETH B. KEATING, N.Y. THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. HIRAM L. FONG, HAWAII PHILIP A. HART, MICH. HUGH SCOTT, PA. EDWARD V. LONG, MO. EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. United States Senate BIRCH BAYH, IND. QUENTIN N. BURDICK, N. DAK. COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY February 19, 1964 Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Speakers Bureau Room 130, Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Dan: I have given your letter of February 3rd some thought and consideration and unfortunately I will not be able to provide you with the information you re­ quested for some four or five weeks. I have had only a preliminary meeting about my campaign and until such time as we sit down and come to grips with a schedule, I will not be able to pass the information on to you. Sincerely Quentin N. Burdick QNB/its CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ. CHAIRMAN RISGARD B. RUSSELL, GA. STYLES BRIDGES, N.H. DENNIS CHAVEZ, N. MEX. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, MASS. ALLEN J. ELLENDER, LA. MILTON R. YOUNG, N. DAK. LISTER HILL, ALA. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE A. WILLIS ROBERTSON, VA. HENRY DWORSHAK, IDAHO WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH. THOMAS H. KUCHEL, CALIF. United States Senate SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. JOHN STENNIS, MISS. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS JOHN O. PASTORE, R.I. ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL, KANS. ESTES KEFAUVER, TENN. A. S. MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA. ALAN BIBLE, NEV. ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. February 13, 1964 GALE W. MC GEE, WYO. HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN. EVERARD H. SMITH, CLERK THOMAS J. SCOTT, ASST. CLERK The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Speakers Bureau Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Room 130, Senate Office Building Washington 25, D. C. Dear Dan: I have received your letter with regard to the forthcoming campaign, and I am responding to your request for certain information as follows: 1. Preference in speakers. Alan Bible Frank Church E. L. Bartlett Hubert H. Humphrey Lister Hill Herman E. Talmadge 2. Name of person in my office to be contacted Perry W. Woofter Administrative Assistant 3. Dates on which speakers are desired In the main, after Congress adjourns. 4. Participation of speakers in local press conferences In some instances, my speakers should participate in local press conferences, depending upon the area of the State in which the appearance is being made. WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH., CHAIRMAN JOHN O. PASTORE, R.I. NORRIS COTTON, N.H. A. S. MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA. THRUSTON B. MORTON, KY. STROM THURMOND, S.C. HUGH SCOTT, PA. FRANK J. LAUSCHE, OHIO WINSTON L. PROUTY, VT. RALPH YARBOROUGH,TEX. J. GLENN BEALL, MD. CLAIR ENGLE, CALIF. United States Senate E. L. BARTLETT, ALASKA VANCE HARTKE, IND. GALE W. MCGEE, WYO. COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE PHILIP A. HART, MICH. HOWARD W. CANNON, NEV. EDWARD JARRETT, CHIEF CLERK January 3, 1964 Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Room 442 Old Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Senator Inouye: Please accept my belated ac­ knowledgement of your kind and comprehen­ sive letter of December 18 apprising me of the availability of speakers who might be helpful to Democratic Senators contem­ plating re-election in 1964. I am sure that I shall give careful study to the list of possible speakers from the Senate and the President's Cabinet and hope to have the opportunity to discuss this matter with you further at the earliest possible convenience. By the time you receive this letter 1 will be on duty in the Air Force Reserve but shall be available after January 12 for any consultations that could prove advantageous. HWC:Sda CLINTON P. ANDERSON, N. MEX., CHAIRMAN RICHARD B. RUSSELL, GA. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH. CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. STUART SYMINGTON, MO. BOURKE B. HICKENLOOPER, IOWA JOHN STENNIS, MISS. CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR. STEPHEN M. YOUNG, OHIO KENNETH B. KEATING, N.Y. THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. HOWARD W. CANNON, NEV. SenateUnited States SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. J. HOWARD EDMONDSON, OKLA. COMMITTEE ON AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES EVERARD H. SMITH, JR., CHIEF COUNSEL Honorable Daniel K. Inouye United States Senate Washington 25, D. C. Dear Dan : Many thanks for your recent letter inviting me to pay tribute to Congressman Joe Montoya, my good friend and able and dedicated American, whose place in the Senate will be a positive asset. As much as I would like to be present at Joe’s testimonial, I have already made a commitment to be in Salt Lake for Ted Moss on that night and, therefore, will have to content myself with a message of congratulations. With best personal wishes, I am HWC:Sbv The Honorable Thomas J. Dodd United States Senate Washington, D. G. Dear Tom: Thank you for your letter of March 11, 1964 replying to my inquiries relating to planning and coordination activities for the coming campaign. Aloha, DANIEL. K. INOUYE United States Senator DKI:Kii MAR 14 1964 J. W. FULBRIGHT. ARK;. CHAIRMAN JOHN SPARKMAN, ALA. BOURKE B. HICKENLOOPER, IOWA HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, MINN; GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. FRANK CARLSON, KANS. WAYNE MORSE, OREG. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, DEL; RUSSELL B. LONG, LA. KARL E. MUNDT. S. DAK; ALBERT GORE, TENN. FRANK J. LAUSCHE, OHIO United States Senate FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO STUART SYMINGTON, MO. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. GEORGE A. SMATHERS, FLA; CARL MARCY, CHIEF OF STAFF DARRELL ST; CLAIRE, CLERK March 11, 1964 Honorable Daniel K. Inouye United States Senate Suite 442 - Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Dan: Please forgive my delay in answering your important letter relating to planning and coordination of activities for the coming campaign. It is my belief the following Senators would prove advantageous to a candidate running in Connecticut. Senator Douglas Senator Humphrey Senator Kennedy Senator McCarthy Senator Muskie Senator Pastore I feel Secretary Anthony J. Celebrezze and Postmaster General John A. Gounouski would be important because of a large seg­ ment of Italian and Polish voters in our state. The speakers should have a press conference as it will give them an opportunity to advance the Democratic candidates to the press by actual question and answer process. Following our State Convention on the fifth and sixth of June, I will be in a better position to furnish the time and place for speaking engagements for these individuals. I would suggest your Committee contact Jim Gartland, my Ad­ ministrative Assistant, regarding the plans. C -2- Honorable Daniel K. Inouye If there is anything further you want me to do in this matter do not hesitate to call on me. My best wishes. Sincerely yours, Thomas J. Dodd *Access to articles restricted to University of Hawai'i affiliates only. Items in eVols are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Request for Speakers. (n.d.). Confidential Request for Speakers. U.S. *Access to articles restricted to University of Hawai'i affiliates only. Items in eVols are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Request for Speakers. (n.d.). Confidential Request for Speakers. U.S. *Access to articles restricted to University of Hawai'i affiliates only. Items in eVols are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Request for Speakers. (n.d.). Confidential Request for Speakers. U.S. April 26, 1964 The Honorable Vance Hartke United States Senate Washington, D.C. Dear Senator Hartke: As requested in your letter of April 22, 1964, I am happy to state that Senator Thomas McIntyre of New Hampshire has graciously agreed to address the Northern Indiana Area of the Boy Scouts of America Annual Dinner on June 11, 1964. I shall contact you again regarding further arrangements for the above. With warmest regards. Sincerely, DANIEL K. INOUYE United States Senator DKI:sb HARRY FLOOD BYRD, VA. CHAIRMAN RUSSELL B. LONG, LA. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, DEL. GEORGE A. SMATHERS, FLA. FRANK CARLSON, KANS. CLINTON P. ANDERSON, N. MEX. WALLACE F. BENNETT, UTAH PAUL H. DOUGLAS, ILL. CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR. ALBERT GORE, TENN. THRUSTON B. MORTON, KY. HERMAN E. TALMADGE, GA. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, ILL. EUGENE J. MCCARTHY, MINN. United States Senate VANCE HARTKE, IND. J. W. FULBRIGHT, ARK; COMMITTEE ON FINANCE ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. ELIZABETH B. SPRINGER, CHIEF CLERK April 22, 1964 The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye United States Senate Washington, D. C. Dear Dan: Enclosed is a letter I have received from W. P. Coliton, of Michigan City, Indiana, requesting a speaker for the Northern Indiana Area of the Boy Scouts of America Annual Dinner on June 11. In view of Mr. Coliton’s statement about assuming expenses, I am sure that he will be glad to make the required guarantee. I have written him about the requirements, and have told him that in view of his statement, we are proceeding on the assumption that the guarantee will be made. I shall appreciate your arranging for a speaker for this dinner on June 11 in Michigan City. Many thanks and warm personal regards. Sincerely, ance Hartke, U. S. S. Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad GENERAL OFFICE MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46360 W. P. COLITON President and General Manager April 15, 1964 Honorable R. Vance Hartke Senator from Indiana Senate Office Building Washington, 25, D.C. Dear Senator: I am sorry that I missed you when I stopped by your office on Monday afternoon. I talked to your appointment secretary and told her that I would very much appreciate if your office could assist me in securing a prominent personality as a speaker for the Northern Indiana area of the Boy Scouts of America Annual Dinner on Thursday, June 11, 1964.
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