253 Index a c acaroid resin 114 C4 92–97 acoustic sensors 145–146 calibre projectiles 64 afterburning 33, 34 cannon ammunition 22, 23 aftermath–residues 2 carbon reduction 171 air entrainment 33, 34 characterization factors (CF) 184, 186, 2‐amino‐4,6‐dinitrotoluene 219, 220, 224 (2‐A‐DNT) 51 Chemical Munitions Search and 4‐amino‐2,6‐dinitrotoluene Assessment (CHEMSEA) 150, (4‐A‐DNT) 51 157 ammonium dinitramide (ADN) 5, 80 Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) 215 ammonium perchlorate (AP) Chemical Safety Report (CSR) 216 oxidizer 51, 70, 199 chemical warfare agents (CWA) 139, ammunition demilitarization 13–45, 176 156, 160 anti‐tank ‘Barmines’ 36 Chemring Nobel Company 96 antitank ranges 60, 68 chlorobenzenes 108 aqueous solubility (Sw) 58 chlorophenols 108 artillery guns 66, 79 circular economy 171 autonomous underwater vehicles civil authorities 1 (AUVs) 146 civilian pyrotechnic systems 107 clean‐up strategy 105 b CO2 estimates 38 bathymetry 146 Cold Regions Research and Engineering B4C/KNO3/KCl/Ca stearate/PVAc 125 Laboratory (CRREL) 47 beeswax 114 commercial demilitarization contract 15 Best Available Techniques Not Entailing commercially viable materials 19 Excessive Costs (BATNEEC) Composition B (Comp B) 51, 69, 77, 82 principle 43–44 contaminated water 58, 227 binders 26, 51, 96, 103, 104, 114, 117, contamination management 7 120, 124 corrosion 63, 64, 140–145, 151, 155– bioaccumulation factor (BCF) 218 158, 233, 246 bioturbation 143, 154 cost‐efficiency analysis (CEA) 83 5,5’‐bis(1‐hydroxytetrazole) 122 costs and associated logistics 15 blow‐in‐place (BIP) detonations 59, 78 Council Directive 67/548/EEC 214 bulk propellants 32, 33 CX‐85 83–85, 89 Energetic Materials and Munitions: Life Cycle Management, Environmental Impact and Demilitarization, First Edition. Edited by Adam S. Cumming and Mark S. Johnson. © 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2019 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. bindex.indd 253 05-02-2019 15:12:59 254 Index d dioxin/dibenzofuran cocktail of data quality objective (DQO) process 53 pollutants 108 Decision aid for marine munitions dioxins 108 (DAIMON) 141 Directive 76/769/EEC 214 decision units (DUs) 53 Directive 79/831/EEC 214 deep sea dumping 13, 17 Director Land Environment (DLE) 47 Defence Research and Development disposal and waste burning 126–127 Canada (DRDC) 47 disposed military munitions (DMM) 139 demilitarization 235 DM12 detonation and deposition rate basic stages of 17–20 measurement 94 examples of cost and CO2 36 2,4‐DNT 51, 52, 58, 59, 64–66, 78, 80, facilities 20 81, 88, 89, 152 factors influencing 15–17 Doppler velocity log (DVL) 148 maturity and use of 21–26 DRDC Valcartier 48, 61, 90 munition manager’s perspective 44–45 e NATO AOP 4518 40–44 ecodesign 171, 173, 174, 194 open burning (OB) 29–33 Ecodesign Directive 173 open detonation (OD) 29–31, 33–36 ecoinvent database 179, 187 scale of issue 14–15 ecoinvent website 179 technical and environmental ecolabel 171 issues 27–29 ecotoxicity 186, 187, 190, 192, 204, 220, techniques and processes 20–21 224, 237 Department of National Defence Director ecotoxicology 8 General Environment (DGE) 47 effect factor 186 design for demilitarization (DFD) 235 embedded electronics 41 munition manager’s EM sensors 146 perspective 44–45 end‐of‐life (EOL) disposal 41 NATO AOP 4518 40–44 end‐of‐mission (EOM) disposal 41 design for disposal 173 end‐of‐operational‐life (EOOL) 41 detonation 2, 33–34 Engineer Research and Development residues 90–91, 233 Center (ERDC) 47 detonators 32, 33, 94, 132, 243 environmental and safety legislation 213 3,3’‐diamino‐4,4’‐dinitramino‐5,5’‐ environmental assessment 2, 16, 28, 38, bi‐1,2,4‐triazolate 121 39, 64, 180, 200 1,1‐diamino‐2,2‐dinitroethylene environmental hazard assessment 1 (FOX‐7) 80 environmental impact of munitions 2, diazodinitrophenol (DDNP) 181 247 dibutyl phthalate 105, 213, 220–223 environmental life‐cycle impacts 188, 191 diisononylphthalate 220 Environmentally Sustainable 2,4‐dinitotoluene 231 Manufacturing for Energetic 2,6‐dinitroanisole 231 Formulations 243 dinitroanisole (DNAN) 69, 80 environmentally sustainable RTAs 58 4,5‐dinitro‐1,3‐imidazole 121 environmental management 1, 20, 68, 2,4‐dinitrotoluene (2,4‐DNT) 51 176, 194, 225, 243 2,6‐dinitrotoluene (2,6‐DNT) 51 Environmental Management System dinitrotriazalone (NTO) 80 (EMS) ISO 14001 27 dioctylsebacate 220 Environmental Occupational Health and dioctyl terephthalate 220–224 Safety Assessment in Canada 63 bindex.indd 254 05-02-2019 15:12:59 Index 255 Environmental Protection for Heavy explosive footprints 61–64 Weapons Ranges (EPHW) 47 explosive hazard 18, 20, 27 environmental releases 200, 204, 227, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) 15, 231, 237, 249 53, 92, 235 environmental safety and occupational explosive waste incinerator (EWI) 22, health (ESOH) 23, 28 acquisition 233–234 exposure factor 186, 203 conception 228–232 cost and time 208–210 f current and evolving regulatory fate factor 186 interests 207 Finnish Defence Administration 48 data requirements 201–207 firing positions (FP) 51, 54, 59, 64–66, decision‐making 238 68, 75, 78, 79, 91 demilitarization 235 fluffy layer of suspended matter disposal 237 (FLSM) 144 ecotoxicity 237 four‐power programme 5 engineering and Free From Explosive Hazard 27 manufacturing 234–235 freshwater ecotoxicity 185 evolving science and new tools 203 fuze 18, 82, 83, 92, 139 fate and transport 235–237 fuzeheads 117 field monitoring 237 industrial hygiene 237–238 g integration of flow charts 204 GIM 83–85, 89–91 life cycle environmental explosive residues 91 assessment 200 Global Navigation Satellite System material synthesis 231 (GNSS) 148 M116, 117, 118 simulators 207–208 GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya munition compounds and aetiology Sputnikovaya Sistema of 199–200 (GLONASS) 148 M‐18 violet smoke 208 global warming 170, 183, 186, 189 phased approach 201–203 greener munitions Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, definition 79, 242–243 and Restriction of Chemicals development approach 79–82 (REACH) 238 green plastic explosive 92 reproduction/developmental hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine effects 204–206 (RDX) 77 research and acquisition 200–201 IM 60‐mm mortar based on research vs. testing 203–204 PAX‐21 77 testing/demonstration 232–233 M115A2 ground burst projectile toxicology data requirement 228 simulator 77 Toxic Substances Control Act 238 M116A1 hand grenade simulator Environmental Security Technology 77 Certification Program M274 2.75” rocket simulator 77 (ESTCP) 104, 159 munitions constituents of EPA 8330b method 56, 68 concern 77–78 European Chemical Agency RIGHTTRAC 82–92 (ECHA) 215, 238 source of munitions European Conference on Defence and the constituents 78–79 Environment (ECDE) 48 unexploded ordnances (UXO) 75 bindex.indd 255 05-02-2019 15:12:59 256 Index green plastic explosive inertial navigation systems (INS) 148 HMX option 95–96 input–output analysis 171 PETN option 93–95 insensitive high explosive (IHE) 41, 69, green procurement 171, 173 70 green pyrotechnic systems 104 insensitive munitions (IM) 6, 70, 77, 82, groundwater plume contamination 49 169 gun propellant 51, 64, 79, 82, 83, 86, 88, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 213, 220, 243 Change (IPCC) 185 gun testing 89–90 in vitro–in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) 207 h ISO 9001 27 Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions isocyanates 6, 117 Assessment (HUMMA) 142, 143, 157 j hazardous wastes 14, 18, 20, 28, 33, 56, just‐in time manufacturing 111 127, 199, 234 industrial demilitarisation 19 l Health and Safety Executive (HSE) L320 86–90 Explosives Industry Group 35 land management 246–247 heavy metals 18, 49, 77, 104, 105, 108, 109, large munitions 44 115, 118–122, 155, 169, 170, 184 large‐scale explosive waste hexachloroethane (HCE) smoke incinerator 23 systems 116 laser line scanners (LLS) 146 1,3,5‐hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitrate lead azide 105, 106 (RDX) 199 lead‐free bullets/primers 76 hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine lead styphnate (TNR‐Pb) 106, 181 (RDX) 77, 152 legislative impact 2–4 2,4,6,8,10,12‐hexanitro‐2,4,6,8,10,12‐ life cycle analysis 7, 91–92, 199 hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL‐20) 80 life cycle assessment (LCA) hexavalent chromium compounds 115 methodology 171–172 HK416 76 environmental and toxicological human health and ecosystems 169, 184, impacts 170 185, 187, 213–215, 218–220, 225 four interrelated phases 172 human health (CTUh) and ecosystems functional unit 175–176 (CTUe) 186 goal and scope phase 174–178 human‐occupied vehicles (HOVs) 142 ISO standards 14040 and 14044 human toxicity 186, 187, 189, 192, 193, 172 220, 224 life‐cycle impact assessment hydrolysis 58, 141, 144, 153, 229, 232 (LCIA) 182–194 life‐cycle inventory 178–182 i life‐cycle thinking 170–171 IM 60‐mm mortar based on PAX‐21 77 limitations of 194 individual disposal/demilitarisation purpose of 173–174 action 13 simplified representation 171 industrial demilitarization 13, 17, 19, 21, life‐cycle costing 171 22, 27, 30, 31, 36, 39, 44 life cycle environmental assessment 200 Industrial Emissions Directive 28 life‐cycle impact assessment (LCIA) industrial hygiene 208, 227, 234, case study 188–194 237–238 characterization 183 bindex.indd 256 05-02-2019 15:12:59 Index 257 classification 183 M116, 117, 118 simulators 207–208 methods 185–187 multicriteria analysis 171 normalization and weighting Multiple Launch Rocket Systems 183 (MLRS) 38 software 187–188 munition constituents (MC) 52, 225 life‐cycle inventory (LCI) 172, 178–182 munition manager’s perspective local exhaust ventilation (LEV) 44–45 systems 117 munition‐related contaminants 51–52 long
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