Following this cover page are scanned images of no-opposition summary judgment motions and orders filed on the selected date. The documents are displayed in no particular order. However, all of these documents are searchable. To find a specific order, please use the Search/Find function within a PDF viewer. 1) Select Edit > Find in the main menu or press Ctrl-f (Command-f or Apple-f on a Mac); 2) Enter the index number, a word, or a phrase in the form field provided and press Enter or Return. In most applications, the first appearance of the index number, the word, or the phrase in the document will be highlighted. Tip: Ctrl-f opens the Find function in most applications, including browsers and PDF viewers. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ;©iii¥ED) INRE: NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION MAY 0S 2015 -x This Document Relates To: PART 50 NYi SUPREME COURT - CIVIL WALLACE S. HANKIN and HELEN NYCAL HANKIN I.A.S. Part 30'Sh (Hon. Peter H. Moulton) Plaintiff(s), Index No.: 190054/2015 -against- NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONAND ORDER A.O. SMITH WATER PRODUCTS CO., et al„ Defendants. WHEREFORE, defendant CRANE CO. hereby requests summary judgment in the above-entitled case, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3212, dismissing plaintiffs' complaint against defendant CRANE CO. with prejudice, and there being no opposition thereto, ORDERED, that upon notice to all co-defendants, all claims and cross claims against defendant CRANE CO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs. Dated: NewbAZ/'SYork, New York AAI. "khuu4 Suzanne Ratcliffe, Esq. Kirsfen Alford Kneis, Esq. WElir/ & LUXENBERG, P.C. KSLL GATES LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) (ttorneys for Defendant 700 Broadway CRANE CO. New York, NY 10003 599 Lexington Avenue (212) 558-5500 New York, NY (212) 536-390' MAY 19 W5 SO ORDERED duj/5 ' ' Hon.UJ~ Peter H. Moulton COUHÿr,CE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK IN RE: NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION - > This Document Relates To: STEPHEN ANZALONE JR. and LORETTA NYCAL ANZALONE, I.A.S. Part yS SO (Hon. Peter H. Moulton) Plaintiff(s), Index No.: 190090/2015 -against- NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONAND ORDER A.O. SMITH WATER PRODUCTS CO., et al., Defendants. WHEREFORE, defendant CRANE CO., with respect to named defendants CRANE CO. and CRANE CO. individually and as successor to PACIFIC VALVES (an unincorporated product line of MCC Holdings, Inc. identified incorrectly as a subsidiary of Crane Co.)("CRANE CO.") hereby requests summary judgment in the above-entitled case, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3212, dismissing plaintiffs' complaint against defendant CRANE CO. with prejudice, and there being no opposition thereto, ORDERED, that upon notice to all co-defendants, all claims and cross claims against defendant CRANE CO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs. Dated: ÿY,Lo/S New York, New York jM Mfcnaef'MÿJaeTiÿoberts,"Roberts, Esq. Kirsten Alford Kneis, Esq. WEITZ & LUXENBERG, P.C. K&KGATES LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) torneys for Defendant 700 Broadway CRANE CO. New York, NY 10003 599 Lexington Avenue (212) 558-5500 New York, NY 10022-6030 (212) 536-3900 SO ORDERED s? filed Hon. Peter H. MouTton fa/is MM \9 ZOfi I SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK , COUNTY OF NEW YORK -x INRE:NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION ---x This Document Relates To: - ANN MARIE SEDITA, Plairitiff(sj, NYCAL I.A.S. PartÿKf 5~0 (Hon. Sheny KleinIleitlciT"" ÿagainsL, MGN.PETERH.MOULTON IndexjNcf(S).: :ii6£i;6-p . / AIR & LIQUID SYSTEMS CORPORATION, : NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY eiat, : JUDGMENT MOTIONAND ORDER Defendants. ..s— „ ——-—•—... x. --------WHEREFORE,-------defendant CRANE CO. hereby requests summary judgment in the above-entitled case, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules ÿSection 3212, dismissing plaintiffs complaint against, defendant CRANE CO. with, prejudice, and there being no opposition thereto, ORDERED, th'at upon notice to all co-defendants,, all claimsandcross claims against ' ' I defendant CRANE CO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs. Dated New York, New York Erik Karst, Esq. KimenAlford Kneis, Esq. KARST & VON OlSTE LLP "" cL-GATES;LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) attorneys for Defendant 19500 State Hwy 249 CRANE CO. Suite.420 599 LexingtonAvenue Houston, TX 77070 New York, NY 10022-6030 (281-970-9988) (212) 536-3900 F is SO ORDERED, . 5fl3ps m cueBK'SOFFKe liiN.petjerh.moulton---- HGT.JUOM.H SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK -x m INRE: NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION May D x THOMAS H. DAVIS, NYCAL I.A.S. Plaintiffs, Parted S"0 (Hon. Peter H. Moulton) -against- Index No.: 190525-2012 3M CO. (f/k/a MinnesotaMining & Manufacturing NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY Co.), et al., JUDGMENT MOTIONAND ORDER Defendants. WHEREFORE, defendant CRANE CO., hereby requests summary judgment in the above-entitled case, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3212, dismissing Plaintiffs complaint against ''defendant CRANE CO. with prejudice, and there being no opposition thereto, ORDERED, that upon notice to all co-defendants, all .claims and cross claims against defendant CRANE CO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs. Dated: //I / 15" . N. Cotilletta, Esq. Kirsten Alford Kneis, Esq. THE LANIER LAW FIRM, PLLC K&£ GATES LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) torneys for Defendant 126 East 56th Street, 6th Floor :raneCO. New York, NY 10022 599 Lexington Avenue (212) 421-2878 New York, NY 10022-6030 (212) 536-3900 r SO ORDERED, Sl's/l6" Hon.Peter H.-Moulton OFFICE ••••*• cTÿv • . U' -Vy *-**"" ÿ -v .••'• \*» -' t:'-' * ;\ i? %> . i *», til r,' ÿ ÿ i. f /F'i f **4. j) ÿ 2p ÿm 2 0 2015- lif'lK' t * */ YAM a ÿTiQ (;'w,3 , "«oYwiÿoa SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK may m INRE: NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION -.....- — > This Document Relates To: CLIVE K. TAYLOR and CLARICE TAYLOR, NYCAL I.A.S, Partner 50 Plaintiff(s), (Hon. Peter H. Moulton) Index No.: 190113/2015 -against- NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONAND A.O. SMITH WATER PRODUCTS CO., et al„ ORDER Defendants. WHEREFORE, defendant CRANE CO. hereby requests summary judgment in the above-entitled case, pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3212, dismissing plaintiffs' complaint against defendant CRANE CO. with prejudice, and there being no opposition thereto, ORDERED, that upon notice to all co-defendants, all claims and cross claims against defendant CRANE CO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with prejudice and without costs. Dated: /T W New York, New York 7M/L* Tarmen St. Gforge, Esq. Kirstei/Alford Kneis, Esq, WEITZ & LUXENBERG, P.C KM/GATES LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) Attorneys for Defendant 700 Broadway IRANE CO. New York, NY 10003 599 LexingtonAvenue (212) 558-5500 New York, NY 10022-6030 (212) 536-3900 SO ORDERED, j'3)/s 0 ffonfPetÿPeter H. Moulton p \ LE m 2015 < . couÿcÿorncE ÿ r; r. .W f*'-»u I J ÿ w • vÿ,'y - fU;or*ÿ ÿOYWyÿ ..«* " SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ' ' COUNTY OF NEW YORK „. V * IN RE: NEW YORK CITY ASBESTOS LITIGATION m n - .!•_ ;-i—-.......-1 ----- -X This--------Document------------Relates To: ÿ ----- - MINARD S. FOSTER and THALIA FOSTER, • T. NYCAL Plaintiff(s), I.A.S. PartjerS"- <> (Hun. 3hcuy Klein HcMse.) PBTERH.MOULTON -against- , Index No.:T90308/14 NO-OPPOSITION SUMMARY AIR & LIQUID SYSTEMS CORPORATION, JUDGMENT MOTIONAND as successor-by-merger to BUFFALO'PUMPS, ORDER INC., et'al., " .i Defendants. WHEREFORE, defendant CRANE CO. hereby.. requests' summary judgment in the above-entitled case, .pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3212, dismissing plaintiffs' complaint 'against defendant CRANE CO. with prejudice, and there being no-- . opposition thereto, t. ' s> •> ' i- .- • : ORDERED, that upon notice to all' co-defendants, ; all -claims and cross claims against defendant CRANBCO. be, and the same are hereby, dismissed with-prejudice ahd without costs. ÿ Dated: IV I •• W New YorkÿNew York • Patti Bur'shtyn,:Esq. , ' • • . -: Kirsten Alforti Kneis, Esq: WEITZ & LUXENBERG, PiC. K&IVGATES LLP ? Attorneys for Plaintiff(s), Attorneys for Defendant " : 700;Broadway ÿ V NE CO, " New Yorkÿ NY 10003 ; Y 599 Lexington;Avenue (212) 558-5500 New York, NY 10022-6030p, ; (2.12) 536-3900 SO ORDERED, ~ W3/ ----OFFICE PETERH.MOULTON , . ÿ - -,4. ÿ , w -'A 4- ÿyH. : 0 ÿ';ÿ•>' -ÿr' '•% "• : .3 • '<) 4 ' .'' 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P.04' SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW/YORK ' SALVATOR MURABITO and'GIOVANNA MURABITO, .v.
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