WORLD JOURNALS AND LAW REVIEWS A WEALTH OF LEGAL KNOWLEDGE 0980211B World Journals.indd 1 28/02/2013 12:55 CUSTOMER SUPPORT Westlaw International is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your subscription. Our legally qualified customer support and account management teams are here to help. Whether it’s integrating Westlaw International into your organisation, providing demonstrations or full training, we have the people to deliver the solutions you need. And should you require technical help, subscription information or if you feel you would benefit from faster, more targeted searches, we provide help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, simply call the relevant number listed below. 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World Journals and Law Reviews is a multi-base subscription to a huge resource of journals and law reviews from numerous jurisdictions around the world. Featuring over 1000 leading international journals and law reviews from across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Canada plus US journals and law reviews, this subscription gives you access to a wealth of legal content. All content is conveniently indexed and summarised to save you time. ABOUT THIS GUIDE To help you navigate the service easily and find the information you need quickly, this guide details the content available in alphabetical order together with CONTINUALLY the identifier code. UPDATED 0980211B World Journals.indd 3 28/02/2013 12:55 WORLD JOURNALS AND LAW REVIEWS B continued BERKBLJ Berkeley Business Law Journal BERKJAA Berkeley Journal of African-American Law and Policy A BERKJCL Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law Sign On Database BERKJELL Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law ACTEC ACTEC Law Journal BERKJGLJ Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice ADMLJAMU Administrative Law Journal of the American University BERKJIL Berkeley Journal of International Law ADVOC Advocate BERKLARLJ Berkeley La Raza Law Journal ADVOCTX Advocate (Texas) BERKTLJ Berkeley Technology Law Journal AFJICL African Journal of International and Comparative Law BEVHBAJ Beverly Hills Bar Association Journal AFLR Air Force Law Review BFELJ Buffalo Environmental Law Journal AFRPTR Reporter-Air Force JAG Journal BFHRLR Buffalo Human Rights Law Review AHTHL Annals of Health Law BFIPLJ Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal AHTHLAD Annals of Health Law Advance Directive BFJGLSP 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Canadian Legal Education Annual Review BCICLR Boston College International and Comparative Law Review CLFORUM Criminal Law Forum BCIPTF Boston College Intellectual Property and Technology Forum CLINICLR Clinical Law Review BCLR Boston College Law Review CLLPJ Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal BCLRESUP Boston College of Law Review E-Supplement CLMBLR Columbia Business Law Review BCTWLJ Boston Journal of Law and Social Justice CLMHRLR Columbia Human Rights Law Review CLMJAL Columbia Journal of Asian Law 0980211B World Journals.indd 4 28/02/2013 12:55 C continued DRAKELR Drake Law Review CLMJEEL Columbia Journal of East European Law D continued CLMJEL Columbia Journal of Environmental Law DREXLR Drexel Law Review CLMJEURL Columbia Journal of European Law DRJ Dispute Resolution Journal CLMJLA Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts DUKCLPPS Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy Sidebar CLMJLSP Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems DUKECLPP Duke Journal of 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